Seishun 18 (Juhachi) Kippu: 青春18きっぷ (JR Seasonal Discount Ticket for Local and Rapid Local Trains)

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Seishun 18 (Juhachi) Kippu 青春18きっぷ

(JR Seasonal Discount Ticket for Local and Rapid Local Trains)

Price \11,500 (a ticket for 5 days or 5 people)

(Same price for adults and children 大人・子供同額)

Spring 春用 発売期間 Term of sale Feb. 20-----------Mar. 31
有効期間 Term of validity Mar.1------------ Apr. 10
Summer 夏用 発売期間 Term of sale July 1------------Aug. 31
有効期間 Term of validity July 20-----------Sep. 10
Winter 冬用 発売期間 Term of sale Dec.1------------ Dec. 31
有効期間 Term of validity Dec.10----------- Jan. 10

All over Japan
The Seishun 18 Kippu can be used only for travel on JR local trains, JR rapid local trains (‘Kaisoku’
and ‘Shin-kaisoku’, in Japanese), the JR ferryboat between Miyajimaguchi and Miyajima Island. It
can also be used for JR limited express trains (non-reserved seats) between Kanita in Aomori and
Kikonai in Hokkaido, and between Shin-Yubari and Shintoku in Hokkaido.
JR の普通列車、快速列車、新快速列車、JR が運行する宮島航路に限り乗り放題。 北海道方面へ行く場合、

☆ This ticket may be used by one person for any five days of travel (consecutive or non-consecutive) or
by a group traveling together on the same route (e.g. five people for one-day travel). Each ticket is
valid for one calendar day (from 00:00 to 23:59), and must be used within the designated term of validity.
有効期間内の連続・不連続 5 日間、又は、グループの同一行程旅行時に使用可。(例えば、5 名の 1 日分)24 時間
とは、00:00~23:59 でカレンダー1日分を示す。
☆ Ticket holders can get on and off the train at any JR station and at the JR ferry terminal as many times
as they wish. However, travel is restricted to the marked “day of use”. The “day of use” will be
marked on the ticket by a JR staff the first time the ticket holder presents the ticket when going
through a ticket gate at any JR station.
切符には JR 駅社員による有効日(乗車日)の記入が必要。有効日中 1 日何回でも乗り降り可。
☆ This ticket is NOT valid for express trains, limited express trains, overnight sleeper trains, Green Cars,
and JR buses. This means that the Seishun 18 Kippu does NOT cover long-distance express or limited
express trains including the Shinkansen ‘bullet trains’. The ticket does cover long-distance travel by
local trains and rapid trains (‘Kaisoku’ and ‘Shin-kaisoku’). But travelers with time constraints
should note that this usually requires several changes of trains.
☆ Rapid trains (‘Kaisoku’ and ‘Shin-kaisoku’) are short or medium-distance local trains that are faster
with fewer stops on the way than ordinary local trains. Please be careful to note that they are not
long-distance express trains.
☆ Additional charges apply when riding a train which requires a seat reservation and for surcharges, such
as Green Car (this ticket holders can only take non-reserved seats) and a priority seat reservation on
a local / rapid local train (‘Kaisoku’ and ‘Shin-kaisoku’).


☆ When traveling with this ticket, it is important to think in terms of calendar days. For one use - for
one person using the ticket one time – the travel has to be within one calendar day (from 00:00 to
23:59). When traveling overnight on one use of the ticket, it is valid until the first stop the train makes
after midnight. An exception is made for travel in designated Tokyo and Osaka areas, where one use
of the ticket allows you to ride the last trains of the day even after midnight.
効。 また、東京・大阪の電車特定区間内では終電まで有効。

Where to buy the ticket

☆ You can buy this ticket at JR station ticket offices, View Plazas (JR Travel Service Centers) and
major travel agencies throughout Japan.

Refunding an unused ticket

☆ Ticket cannot be refunded if a part of it has been used or after the designated term of validity. It
costs \210 as handling charge for refunding an unused ticket within the validity days.

Useful Information
☞ Traveling 140 kilometers (87 miles) by JR local or rapid local train - for example, from Tokyo Station to
Fuji Station – costs \2.520. The cost on one use of the Seishun 18 Kippu is just \2.300.

☞ For further information call the JR East Infoline : 050-2016-1603

(10:00 am – 6:00 pm., closed during year-end & New Year’s holidays)

Hotel Discount
The JR Hotel Group members give special discount rates to the Seishun 18 Kippu holders.
Reservations can be made with the JR Hotel Group Tokyo Reservation Center at 03-3216-0489
(9:30 am - 6:00 pm, Mon. - Fri. except national holidays)

All information is based on data as of March 2011 and is subject to change without notice.
Ⓒ 2011 Japan National Tourism Organization. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written
permission is prohibited.

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