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96 95 Column1 Column1
94 86
93 91 Mean 92.8 Mean
90 90 Standard Error 0.3143620992 Standard Error
93 91 Median 93 Median
93 89 Mode 93 Mode
92 90 Standard Deviation 1.8597912596 Standard Deviation
93 91 Sample Variance 3.4588235294 Sample Variance
91 88 Kurtosis -0.1999403658 Kurtosis
92 89 Skewness 0.5132540814 Skewness
93 91 Range 7 Range
95 97 Minimum 90 Minimum
96 96 Maximum 97 Maximum
90 92 Sum 3248 Sum
92 93 Count 35 Count
90 95
92 96 The Standard Deviation of the Column X is smaller than the Column Y signifying that the data u
91 90 meanwhile the data under the Column Y resulted to having larger SD signiying that the data ar
91 93
92 93
90 92
91 92
92 92
96 92
97 93
93 95
93 96
92 90
93 92
92 93
93 95
96 96
93 90
94 96
94 90


e Column Y signifying that the data under the Column X are closer thus homoegenous,
ng larger SD signiying that the data are heterogenous
Pre Post
96 95
t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means
94 86
93 91 Variable 1 Variable 2
90 90 Mean 92.8 92.2857142857
93 91 Variance 3.4588235294 7.0924369748
93 89 Observations 35 35
92 90 Pearson Correlation 0.3087894697
93 91 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
91 88 df 34
92 89 t Stat 1.1115447038
93 91 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.1370662303
95 97 t Critical one-tail 1.6909242552
96 96 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.2741324606
90 92 t Critical two-tail 2.0322445093
92 93
90 95 Alpha 0.05
92 96
91 90
91 93
92 93
90 92
91 92
92 92
96 92
97 93
93 95
93 96
92 90
93 92
92 93
93 95
96 96
93 90
94 96
94 90
There is no significant difference between the pre test and the post test.


There is a significant difference between the pre test and the post test.

P val less than alpha there is significant

Null is rejected in favor of the alternative

Bigger than tabular value reject null

to reject null t stat should be bigger than t critic two tail

Tc>Tt= Reject the Ho

P- Value if the P<a= Reject Null
One factor ANOVA

Mean n Std. Dev

4.50 4 0.294 R1
4.45 4 0.191 R2
4.35 4 0.208 R3
4.43 12 0.223 Total

ANOVA table
Source SS df MS F p-value
Treatment 0.047 2 0.0233 0.42 .6693
Error 0.500 9 0.0556
Total 0.547 11

Comparison of Groups









R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 R3 alpha 0.05
T1 (leaves) 4.5 4.3 4.3
T2 (stem) 4.6 4.5 4.1
T3 (root) 4.1 4.3 4.4
co (comm) 4.8 4.7 4.6

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 4 18 4.5 0.086667
Column 2 4 17.8 4.45 0.036667
Column 3 4 17.4 4.35 0.043333

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.046667 2 0.023333 0.42 0.669288 4.256495
Within Groups 0.5 9 0.055556

Total 0.546667 11
R1 R2 R3 Column1 Column1
T1 (leaves) 4.5 4.3 4.3
T2 (stem) 4.6 4.5 4.1 Mean 4.5 Mean
T3 (root) 4.1 4.3 4.4 Standard Error 0.147196 Standard E
co (comm) 4.8 4.7 4.6 Median 4.55 Median
Mode #N/A Mode
Standard Deviation 0.294392 Standard D
Sample Variance 0.086667 Sample Var
Kurtosis 1.5 Kurtosis
Skewness -0.94066 Skewness
Range 0.7 Range
Minimum 4.1 Minimum
Maximum 4.8 Maximum
Sum 18 Sum
Count 4 Count
Column1 Column1

4.45 Mean 4.35

0.095743 Standard E 0.104083
4.4 Median 4.35
4.3 Mode #N/A
0.191485 Standard D 0.208167
0.036667 Sample Var0.043333
-1.28926 Kurtosis 0.390533
0.854563 Skewness 5.92E-16
0.4 Range 0.5
4.3 Minimum 4.1
4.7 Maximum 4.6
17.8 Sum 17.4
4 Count 4

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