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‘ US00571135OA

Unlted States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,711,350

Eisinger [45] Date of Patent: Jan. 27, 1998


ACOUSTICALLY'INDUCED STRUCTURAL Technical Paper 82-WA/PVP-8; American Society of
“BR-“TONS AND FATIGUE Mechanical Engineers; Acoustically Induced Piping Vibra
tion in High Capacity Pressure Reducing Systems; VA.
[75] Inventor: Frantisek L. Eisinger, Demarest, NJ. Camccii et all _
Technical Paper by EL. Eisinger-Designing Piping Sys
[73] Assignee: Foster Wheeler Energy International terns Against Aocoustically-Induced Structural Failure
Inc., Clinton, N]. PVP-vol. 328, Flow-Induced Vibration ASME 1996 p. 397
[21] Appl' NO’: 690’043 Primary Examiner-Patrick F. Brinson
[22] Filed: Jul, 31, 1996 Attorney Agent, or Firm-Martin Smolowitz
Related US. Application Data
Piping systems adapted for handling ?uids such as steam
[63] Continuatim-in-part of Ser. No. 526,613, Sep. 11, 1995, and various process and hydrocarbon gases through a
abandoned. pressure-reducing device at high pressure and velocity con
[51] Int. Cl.6 ....................................................
.. F15D

55/00 $223:
e sys s e e ermin
[52] US. Cl. .............................. .. 138/45, 138/40, 251/118 vibrations andfatigue are minimized by relating the acoustic
of Search ................................ .. 40, 37, power lcvel gcncrajed in thc systcm to
138/45; 251/113, 127' a function of the ratio of downstream pipe inside diameter
D2 to its wall thickness t2. Additionally, such vibration and
R - metal fatigue can be further minimized by relating the ?uid
[56] eremnces cued pressure drop Ap and downstream Mach number M2 to
STENT D 0cm [ENT being a function of the ratio of downstream piping inside
us‘ P S diameter D2 to the pipe wall thickness t2, as expressed by
797,027 8/1905 Tildan ................................. .. 138/44 X M2Ap=f (Dz/t2). Pressure-reducing piping systems designed
3,877,895 4/1975 Wonde?and et a]. -. 138144 X according to these criteria exhibit minimal vibrations and
4,422,339 12/1983 Gall et a1. ........ .. 138/44 X metal fatigue failures and have long operating life.
5,085,058 2/1992 Aaron et al. 138/44 X
5,315,859 5/1994 Schomma' .......................... .. 138/44 X 10 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

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3, \ 12 3s 31 2
340 35
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US. Patent Jan. 27, 1998 Sheet 1 of 5 5,711,350

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US. Patent Jan. 27, 1998 Sheet 2 of 5 5,711,350

FIG. 2
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US. Patent Jan. 27, 1998 Sheet 3 of 5 5,711,350


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US. Patent Jan. 27, 1998 Sheet 4 of 5 5,711,350






US. Patent Jan. 27, 1998 Sheet 5 of 5 5,711,350


3\ /95


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1 2
PIPING SYSTEMS PROVIDING MINMAL This Carucci and Muella' method is presently being used
ACOUSTICALLY-INDUCED STRUCTURAL in design of piping systems because no other method is
VIBRATIONS AND FATIGUE available for such design at the present time. Accordingly,
although some procedures and parameters for the design and
The present invention is a Continuation-In~Part of appli construction of such acoustically loaded piping systems
cation Ser. No. 08/526,613 ?led Sep. 11, 1995 now aban against acoustic vibration and metal fatigue failures are
doned. known and have been used, improved piping system designs
and constructions which are economic and more reliable
This invention pertains to piping systems which have
pressure-reducing stations and are subjected to acoustically SUMMARY OF INVENTION
induced vilu'ations. It pertains particularly to such piping This invention provides a piping system including a
systems arranged for providing minimal acoustically pressure-reducing device or means specially adapted for
induced high frequency vibrations and resulting metal handling ?uids at high pressure and high velocity
fatigue for the system conditions, and for which acoustically-induced high fre
Piping systems having high capacity pressure-reducing quency vibrations and resulting metal fatigue may occur. For
stations, such as safety valve let-down systems or compres such a piping system constructed and operated according to
sor recycle systems and the like, are typically exposed to this invention, high frequency acoustically-induced vibra
large internal acoustic loadings which cause piping vibra tions and resulting metal fatigue are reduced below an
tions and vibratory stresses in the piping system. If the acceptable level or magnitude, thereby assuring safe and
piping system is not properly designed and constructed so as long operating life for the piping system.
to minimize the e?ect of such acoustic excitation
It has been determined that for piping systems having a
phenomenon, excessive vibration and consequently undes
pressure-reducing means such as an ori?ce or valve, an
ired fatigue failures of the piping system can result. In
extreme cases, such piping system failures can occur in a 25
improved relationship between the acoustic power level
matter of days or even hours.
(PWL) generated in the piping section downstream from the
pressure-reducing means and a downstream pipe parameter
Structural vibrations of piping systems have usually been is expressed by the acoustic power level (PWL) being a
treated as a low frequency (20-200 Hz) phenomenon asso function of the ratio between the downstream pipe diameter
ciated primarily with pipe beam bending modes and pipe and its wall thickness, and not a function of the downstream
ovalizing modes. High frequency (1,000-20,000 Hz) vibra pipe diameter alone. This relationship is expressed by the
tions caused by internal acoustic waves has been recognized following equation:
only recently as being responsible for structural fatigue
problems in piping systems. The present known method of
designing piping systems having pressure-reducing stations
such as that generally shown in FIG. 1, against such acous 35
tically induced vibration and metal fatigue is based on a for which
publication by V. Carucci and R. Mueller, entitled “Acous D2=inner diameter of downstream piping,
tically Induced Piping-Vibration In High Capacity Pressure t2=wall thickness of downstream piping
Reducing Systems” ASME-82-wP/PVP-8, 1982. Based on This improved relationship for analysis of piping systems is
in-service experience with 36 cases of acoustically loaded shown graphically by FIG. 3.
piping systems (9 with failures and 27 with no failures), the It has been found that acoustically-loaded piping systems
authors developed a general relationship between acoustic designed and constructed according to this improved criteria
power input to a piping system and pipe inside diameter as provide improved reliability and further safety compared to
a basis for design of piping systems. The acoustic power presently known design procedures and criteria described by
level (PWL) occurring immediately downstream from the 45
Carucci and Mueller, as shown by FIG. 2.
pressure-reducing device used by Carucci and Mueller is It has been further determined that a stronger and even
given by the expression: more predictable relationship for determining piping system
3.6 1.2 vibration and metal fatigue boundary conditions for systems
i 50 subjected to acoustically-induced high frequency vibration
) w‘ (11-)
III and metal fatigue is provided by a relationship between the
?owing ?uid di?erential pressure and downstream ?uid
where PwL is the acoustic power level in decibles dB (with Mach number being a function of the downstream pipe
reference power of 10‘12 watts). See Table 1 below for the diameter and its wall thickness, expressed as follows:
units of ?ow parameters. 55
FIG. 2 shows the Carucci and Mueller data plotted on the
MQAp=FumtiOn of (Dz/t2)
basis of acoustic power level (PWL) given by the above
equation versus the downstream pipe inside diameter D2. A Where:
recommended fatigue design limit line enveloping the no
failures piping cases is also shown. Piping system cases M2=downstream Mach number for ?owing ?uid
located above the design limit line shown would be in the Ap=pressure drop au'oss restriction in piping system
expected piping system failure region. and cases below the D2=inner diameter of downstream pipe
design limit line would be predicted to have no vibration and t2=wall thickness of downstream pipe
fatigue failures. It can be seen that the recommended design vThis further improved relationship for analysis of piping
limit is not pa'fect and reliable, because three no failure 65 systems is shown graphically by FIG. 4.
cases are present in the region of the piping system fatigue Acoustically-loaded piping systems designed and oper
failures. ated according to this second improved or alternative rela
3 4
tionship per FIG. 4 provide further increased reliability and level PWL for a piping system to the downstream pipe
safety for the system. geometry parameter D215, instead of relating it to down
This invention advantageously discloses important rela stream diameter D2 alone, as was done by the Carucci and
tionships between acoustic power generated in a piping Mueller method This improved piping system is shown by
system and basic structural parameters of the improved FIG. 5, in which the piping system 30 includes an upstream
system as shown schematically by FIG. 5. The invention pipe section 31 suitably supported at 32 and having ?ange 33
also provides piping systems for handling ?uids at high connected pressure-tightly to a pressure-reducing valve 34.
pressure and velocity conditions which produce minimal The upstream pipe section 31 has internal diameter D1 and
acoustically-induced structural vibration and metal fatigue, wall thickness t1. The valve 34 contains a vertically-movable
and which assure greater reliability and safety in the opera plug 34a which can be seated onto a seating surface 341;
tion of such piping systems. having a ?ow diameter and area less than that of the
upstream pipe section 31. Downstream pipe section 35 is
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS suitably supported at 36 and has ?ange 37 connected
pressure-tightly to the valve 34. The downstream pipe
This invention will be fluther described with reference to section 35 has internal diameter D2 and wall thickness t2.
the following drawings, in which: The piping system 30 carries a ?uid ?ow rate of W expressed
FIG. 1 is a schematic drawing of a known basic piping as kg/sec. which ?ow has su?icient high velocity to produce
system including an upstream portion and a downstream acoustically-induced high frequency vibrations and metal
portion separated by a pressure-reducing device; fatigue in the downstream pipe section 35. This improved
FIG. 2 is a graph showing a known relationship between 20 piping system has a design parameter, which re?ects the
acoustic power loading (PWL) and downstream pipe inner ratio of the downstream piping suction acoustical and domi
diameter for a piping system; nant ?exural structural natural vibration frequencies and
FIG. 3 is a modi?ed graph showing an improved rela better represents the physical phenomena of coincidences of
tionship between acoustic power level loading (PWL) for a acoustical and structural frequencies which are the under
piping system and its downstream geometry parameter 25 lying cause of the pipe failures. FIG. 3 shows the piping
system data of Carucci and Mueller replotted in a graph of
D2/t2; PVVL vs Dzltz. It is seen that a straight line fatigue failure
FIG. 4 is a graph showing a further improved relationship limit boundary separates the two suitable and unsuitable
for input acoustic ena'gy parameter MzAp for a piping
system related to its downstream pipe geometry parameter system regions quite well.
This fatigue limit boundary line shown in FIG. 3 can be
D215; and expressed by the equation:
FIG. 5 is a schematic drawing of an improved piping
system including an upstream section and a downstream
section separated by a pressure-reducing valve means, all (PWL),.=176.6—0.125 (02/1,)
constructed and operated according to the present invention. 35 where (PWL)F is the acoustic power level causing vibration
and fatigue failures and D._,/t2 is the downstream pipe section
DESCRIPTION OF INVENTION geometry parameter. Using a safety factor of 2 based on
FIG. 1 shows schematically a basic piping system 10 allowable metal stress values consistent with ASME design
containing an upstream section 12 and a downstream section procedures, one would obtain an allowable fatigue limit
14 separated by a pressure-reducing device 16 such as a given by
valve. an ori?ce plate, or the like. The upstream piping
section 12 is supported by a suitable support means 22, and
the downstream piping section 14 is supported by suitable
support means 24. When such a piping system 10 is operated where (PWLLUOMMC is the design allowable acoustic power
at high downstream velocity conditions, acoustically 45 level for a particular piping section geometry. The D2/t2 ratio
induced vibrations of the pipe wall occur in both axial and is related to the sti?ness and also natural vibration frequency
circumferential ?exural modes. The principal ?uid ?ow and of the pipe wall, re?ecting both the ovalization and out-of
structural parameters which exist in the system upstream and plane wave-like vibratory motion of the pipe wall.
downstream of the pressure reducing device 16 are given in Although the downstream piping ratio D2/t2 has some
Table 1. 50 effect on the unsupported length and the axial or beam
bending stiffness of the piping as shown by FIG. 5, it does
TABLE 1 not govern the piping vibratory behavior in this bending
mode. The spacing of the pipe structural supports 32 and 36
Piping System Fluid Flow Parameters does govern this behavior, but this is a separate consider
mp2: upstreamanddownstreampresmrePa 55 ation. The described method of properly designing and
Ap=prpz = pressure drop across valve, Pa constructing piping system against structural vibration and
T1T2 = upstream and downstream temperature, 0K. fatigue failures considers vibrations at high frequencies,
W= ?owrateofgasamlliquiikg/s generally in the range of 1,000—20.000 cycles per second
DID2 = pipe inside diameters upstream and The external piping support system determines the piping
k= cylcv ratio of speci?c heats of ?owing ?uid vibratory characteristics in the low frequency range, say
m= molecular weight of ?owing ?uid 10-200 Hz, depending on the pipe size and spacing of
tlTz = piping ?r'rckuels and cbwmtream, in supports. The type and number of external piping supports
M1: Mach number of ?owing ?uid 32 and 36 have only a minor (if any) effect on the
acoustically-induced fatigue caused by internal high fre
According to this invention, the known Carucci and 65 quency acoustic loading for a piping system.
Mueller design guideline for piping systems as shown by Although the external supports for a piping system will
FIG. 2 has been improved by relating the acoustic power have a small effect, it is very important to provide a piping
5 6
design with a minimum number of attachments, welded
connections. rapid changes in diameter, sudden changes in - TABLE 2
wall thickness, etc. The attachments (welded connections) Comparison of Piping Sysumr Design Methods
should be placed symmetrically around the circumference of Based on Acoustic Power Level (FIG. 3)
the pipe, smooth transitions and full penetration welds and Acoustic Ene G. 4
should be used Surface smoothness and symmetry are Acoustic Power Level Acoustic Input Erergy
necessary feattn'es to vibratory stresses from inter w ML
nal acoustic loading.
Required Required
Further according to this invention, it has been deter 10 Increase in Increase in
Original New Wall New Wall
mined that the acoustic energy driving the acoustic waves D202 Dz/‘Q Thickness t1 Dzltz 'Ihickness t1
downstream of a pressure-reducing means 34, such as an Case ‘ Required % Required %
ori?ce plate or valve, in a piping system 30 can be measured A 96 68 41 68 41
more accurately and reliably by the acoustic input energy 15 B1 45.6 20 128 25 82
parameter MzAp, where M2 is the downstream ?uid Mach B2 89.7 66 36 82 9
C 64 No -— 39 64
number and Ap is the pressure drop across the ?ow restric Sohrtion
tion or valve. This input energy approach has been used very D 96 43 123 72 33
successfully in predicting resonant acoustic vibration and E 72 4O 67 69 4.5
G 72 No — 42 71
metal fatigue in tube bundles. 20 Solution
H 80 No — 65 23
FIG. 4 shows all the Carucci and Mueller system data Sohition
from FIG. 2 plotted on the basis of the input acoustic energy
parameter MzAp vasus a function of Dzltz. A fatigue
boundary limit de?ned by speci?c data points B1, C, E and It can be seen that the ?rst improved design method based
on acoustic power level method per FIG. 3, although
B2 is shown to exist, which separates all the failure cases
improved relative to the original Carucci and Mueller FIG.
from those with no failures (except for data point F which 2 method, is inferior to the second improved design method
had a severely undercut weld and consistently shows up in based on the acoustic input energy parameter M2Ap per FIG.
the no-failure region). As can be seen, the vibration and 4. All the piping design cases evaluated have a simple
fatigue limit boundary is not a smooth line, but includes a solution when the design is based on the input energy
“hump” enveloping the no failure piping system cases. The method per FIG. 4. The solution is straight forward and the
rapid decrease in the input energy parameter MzAp which is choice may be in increasing the wall thickness of the pipe
needed to cause piping system fatigue failures in the range downstream of the pressure reducing device. As can be seen,
of Dzlt2 greata than about 65 appears to be consistent with 35
wall thickness increases in the range of 4.5% to 82% would
a signi?cant increase of the number of acoustic and struc be necessary for a correct design based on the acoustic input
ena'gy method.
tural frequency coincidences (or resonances) in the region.
At larger pipe diameters above Dzlt2 of 65, the number of In contrast, the acoustic power level method pa- FIG. 3
would not lead to a solution in three out of the listed eight
such coincidences increases exponentially and with it the cases, while in the remaining cases a very substantial
likelihood of pipe system failures due to acoustic vibrations increase in wall thickness would be needed. The original
also increases signi?cantly. acoustic power level method of Carucci and Mueller, which
Based on the fatigue limit boundary (M2Ap),,-, an allow does not include the wall thickness t2 does not offer any
able fatigue boundary (H2Ap),uaw,bk can be obtained by direct solutions, except for directing a piping system
again using a safety factor of 2. as follows: 45 designer to either change the pressure reducing devices
(valves) to specially designed multi-stage devices, or sub
stantially re-design the piping system into a multi-parallel
pass system with reduced ?ows and pressure drops, an
WPWWP)! expensive and undesired alternative. It thus can be seen that
the new design method and piping system based on acoustic
which then can be used directly for piping system design
input energy M2Ap=f (Dz/t2) o?rn's direct and economical
design solutions.
PmP°$cs~ This invention is useful for improved piping systems as
From FIG. 3 it can be seen that the liruit acoustic power shown by FIG. 5, which are operated at pressures of
level (PWL) is not a strong function of D2/t2. However, this 55 10-5000 psia (0.07—34.5 MPa) and 65°—1000° F. (18°-540°
is in contrast with the improved relationship shogun in FIG. C.) temperature, for which ?uid ?ow velocities downstream
4, where the limiting acoustic input energy parametm' from a ?ow restriction are in the range of 5-5,.000 ft/sec
(M2Ap)F is a strong function of Dzlta. This steep relationship (LS-1,500 m/s). The invention is also useful for down
of (M2Ap)F vs D2/t2 appears to be much more consistent stream pipe inside diameters D2 of 4-48 inch (0.10—1.2 m)
with the physical nature of the acoustically-induced resonant and for wall thickness t2 of 025-30 inch (0006-0076 in)
downstream from a ?ow restriction, with Dzlt2 ratio being in
pipe vibration process. the range of 16-160 and preferably 25 to 125. Such piping
The cases of piping system fatigue failures reported for systems are suitably constructed using alloy steel materials.
the brown Carucci and Mueller method were evaluated Although this invention has been described broadly and in
using (a) the improved method based on acoustic power terms of prefcnred embodiments, it is understood that modi
levels per FIG. 3, and (b) the new input energy method per ?cations and variations can be made within the scope as
FIG. 4. The comparison results are given below in Table 2. de?ned by the following claims.
7 . 8

I claim: 6. A piping system adapted for handling ?owing ?uids

1. A piping system adapted for handling ?owing ?uids under high pressure and ?ow velocity conditions, with
undu' high pressure and ?ow velocity conditions, with minimal acoustically-inducted vibrations said system oom
minimal acoustically-induced vibrations, said system com pnsmg:
prising: ' 5 (a) an elongated upstream pipe section having inner
diameter D1 and wall thickness t1;
(a) an elongated upstream pipe section having inner (b) a pressure-reducing device connected pressure-tightly
diameter D1 and wall thickness t1; to the upstream pipe section outlet end, said device
(b) a pressure-reducing device connected pressure-tightly including an ori?ce having diameter less than the inner
to the upstream pipe section outlet end, said device diameter of said upstream pipe section; wherein said
including an ori?ce having diameter less than the inner pressure-reducing device provides a ?uid pressure drop
diameter of said upstream pipe section; and Ap; and
(c) an elongated downstream pipe section connected (c) an elongated downstream pip section connected
pressure-tightly to said pressure-reducing device and pressure-tightly to said pressure-reducing device and
having inner diameter D2, and wall thickness t1; 15
having inner diameter D2 and wall thickness t2 the
whereby the piping system has an operational acoustic ?owing ?uid in said downstream pipe section having a
power level PWL which for said downstream pipe Math number M2; whereby the piping system has an
section during ?uid ?owing operation does not exceed operational acoustic power level which for said down
that determined by the relationship PWL allowable: stream pipe section during ?uid ?owing operation does
l73.6—0.125 D2,‘: so as to minimize acoustically not exceed that de?ned by the relationship M2Ap=
induced structural vibrations in the piping system. Function of Dzltg, and the downstream pipe section
2. The piping system according to claim 1. wherein said geometry parameter ratio Dzlt2 is within a range of
pressure-reducing device provides a ?uid pressure drop Ap 16-160, so as to minimize acoustically-induced struc
and the ?owing ?uid in said downstream pipe section has a tural vibrations and metal fatigue in the piping system.
Mach number M2, and the operation acoustic power level 7. The piping system according to claim 6, wherein said
PWL does not exceed that de?ned by the relationship downstream pipe section has an inside diameter D2 between
M2Ap=Function D215. about 4 and 48 inch (010-12 In) and a wall thickness t2
3. The piping system according to claim 1. wherein said between about 0.25 and 3.0 inch (0.006-0.76 m).
downstream pipe section has an inside diameter D2 between 8. The piping system according to claim 1, wherein said
about 4 and 48 inch (0.l0—l.2 m) and a wall thickness t2 pressure-reducing device is a valve.
between about 0.25 and 3.0 inch (0.00t’»0.076 m). 9. The piping system according to claim 2, wherein the
4. The piping system according to claim 1, wherein said downstream pipe ratio of D2/t2 is in a range of about 65-100.
downstream pipe section geometry parameter ratio D2/t2 is 10. The piping system according to claim 6, wherein the
within a range of 16-160. downstream pipe section geometry parameter ratio Dzlta is
5. The piping system according to claim 1. wherein the 35
in a range of about 65-100.
downstream pipe section geometry parameter ratio D2/t2 is
within a range of 25-125.

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