MASSIVE Defense Built in A SMALL Tablet

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“MASSIVE defense built in a SMALL tablet”

By Marvin D. Bautista

As time passes by, most of us living in a modernized world, most of the things that
surround us are instant, particularly in fast foods that can be found everywhere, let us admit that
we don’t know how they cook what we eat. Speaking of instant food, such us street foods have a
risk of having a dirty substances, it can be contaminated with bacteria, or else, probably it is the
source of having worms inside of our body. Worms are everywhere; on rotten fruits and
vegetables, dead animals, and even inside the human body, worms are parasites and they include
hook, pin, and round worms. United Nations Children’s Fund estimated that globally 1.5 billion
people have roundworms, making it the third most common human infection in the world.

The Philippines is encountering Soil-Transmitted Disease (STH), and the common

intestinal parasites among Filipinos are hookworm, ascaris, whip worm and trichuris, and
approximately 25 million Filipinos are at risk. The most common effect of having parasitic
worms inside the body is suffering from Schistosomiasis also known as snail fever and bilharzia
caused by parasitic flat worms called schistosomes.

Every problem has a solution that’s why The Department of Health continue to carry out
nationwide drive in order to solve one of the most biggest problem encountered by our country
Philippines; STH. The DOH together with their partners consistently having initiative of
conducting the National Deworming Month in order to reduce or else eliminate the prevalence of

That’s why San Pedro National High School also held a program on July 24, 2017 with
the help of DOH, from grade 7 to 11 students to eliminate the intestinal worms inside their body
which is one of the causes why students have low productivity and lack of energy. Students and
children have more risks in this problem, because of the convenient foods that can be found
outside the school, students get infected by eating undercooked meats, dairy products, raw salads
and eggs, or if they get in contact with infected animals such us cats that can cause Diarrhea, loss
of appetite, and abdominal cramps.

According to Mary Grace Asuncion Grade 11 student, “Mabuti sa katawan ang

deworming kasi nakakatulong ito sa pagbawas ng bulate sa katawan which is good kasi na-
eeliminate nito ‘yung pag-invade ng bulate sa katawan natin na walang ginawa kundi agawan
tayo ng nutrients.”

We all know that having a worm inside our body cannot be prevented, but there’s a way
on how to eliminate or reduce it by taking medicines provided by DOH; the abendazole and
mobendaszole, medicines that helps to get the worm out to our body.
Maria Justa B. Dadural that “maganda itong project na ito para sa mga bata, at lahat ng
mga gamut na binigay ng DOH ay distributed, actually kulang pa nga ‘yung binigay nila sa dami
ng mga nag-purga.”

As we live in this computer-generated world where most of the things are instant,
sometimes we also neglecting on our health issues that made us sick, and also sometimes we are
the one making our body unhealthy because of eating lots of fast foods that can give us diseases.
In order to keep our body healthy, balanced diet and exercise are the ways in achieving healthy
lifestyle; eating right food, and having proper exercise. As a student, the word instant is defining
our lifestyle as we live in this millennium, that’s why we doesn’t know if we have disease
because we are neglecting our body in times of rushing project, activities and eating unhealthy
foods, students like us are one of the target of the epidemic parasites; the parasitic worms. We all
know that we can’t prevent of having parasitic worms inside of our body BUT a MASSIVE
DEFENSE in a SMALL tablet can do eliminate or reduce.

“Prevention is better than cure.”

It is better to prevent illnesses that is life-threatening because nowadays illnesses are also
instant as the weather also change instantly, have a mindset that it is better to have a healthier
and stronger body and in order to achieve that is to have a healthy lifestyle.

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