Early Christian Church

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-The Christian Church(Roman Catholic) rose to power because of the force of its high moral and ethical
doctrines and the intensity of faith of its adherents

(regeneration---rebirth,coming back)

-CE confined itself to the training of converts, clergy and children (because the church realized that
reform of society could only come about through the transformation of the individuals that make up
-Christian reform was directed especially at the decay of Roman society. Christian taught new sets of
virtues and training.

•Emperor Constantine- recognized Christianity as the official state religion

•Pope- the bishop of Rome that was considered as the successor of Christ

•Content of Early Christian education

-Church doctrine, church rituals and moral virtues


•Catechumenal Schools
-were organized for those who desired to become a members of the church but lacked of requisite
knowledge of church doctrine

-Gave rise to (an institution) CATECHUMENAL SCHOOLS

Organized for the instruction of those who desired to become members of church but lacked the
necessary knowledge of church doctrine. These PROBATIONERS (under supervision persons) were
CATHECUMENS –they met at regular intervals to receive instruction in religious discipline, moral values
and doctrine.

They gave adequate introductory lessons on basic doctrines and dogmas of church. They have to pass t

-The organization was INFORMAL. (which comes into existence when people in an organization, meet,
interact and associate with each other; as a network of interpersonal relationship, when people interact
with each other unlike in formal organization which there is an authority; is known as informal
communication; Purpose: To satisfy their social and psychological needs; All members are equal. control:
Norms, values and beliefs)

-Teachers were the more able members; Boys and Girls were admitted to instruction and given the
sacrament of baptism and communion after several years of training.

•Catechetical Schools- used answer and question method

Question-Answer teaching strategy is an old strategy also known as “Socratic Method of teaching”. It was
developed by the famous philosopher Socrates.
•Cathedral schools- higher school of Christian learning under direct instruction of the bishop.

METHODS Spreading the gospel

Impromptu Exposition

Exhortation- is the communicated by urging and encouraging of a local church body which is designed to
lead them to conduct worthy of the Lord Jesus Christ. Exhortation plays an important part in church life,
and many examples are found in the New Testament in the ministries of the apostles.

Catechetical method-

Rote Recitation
9. Church Officials:
1. Pope – “Papa”, means father, the head
2. Vicarius Filii Dei – Latin: Vicar or Representative of the Son of God, named the universal head of Roman
Catholic Church.
3. Archbishops – supervised provinces or archdioceses.
4. Bishops – oversaw dioceses and nearby areas.
5. Priests – took care of parishes in towns and cities.
10. Aims:
O Moral regeneration and salvation of an individual
O Reform of the society
11. Types of Education
O Moral and religious training. (given to prepare the child or convert for baptism. Believed to be necessary to
save individual souls and to convert their fellowmen)
O No physical or aesthetic training, only musical training in relation to church services.
O Intellectual education. (none at first but converts on the educated class were trained later on to meet
opponents and heretics.)
12. Content:
O Basic instruction to fit candidates for baptism, basic elements of church doctrine, church rituals and moral
virtues of Christ like living.
O Eliminated were: physical training, art, science, literature, and rhetoric because their origins were Pagan and,
therefore, full of vices and corruption.)
13. Methods
O As sole agency for education: impromptu exposition and exhortation
O In home: method of example
O In schools established: catechetical (pertaining to teaching by question and answer.) method and rote
recitation (pupils memorized to answer questions)
14. Early Christian Schools
1. Catechumenal Schools - new converts, or probationers -give adequate introductory lessons on the basic
doctrine and dogmas of the church. - catechumens were prepared for baptism (required by the probationers and
trial for Christian life before they could be accepted as full-fledge members of the church.)
2. Catechetical Schools
- new converts progressed in learning the doctrines of the church and were given in-depth training
- helped in becoming steadfast in their faith and strong against attacks of other beliefs and mysticisms.
- established by catechists to prepare adults for baptism in early Christian church
3. Episcopal Schools - organized by the Bishops to train the clergy in the Churches under their supervision.
-it is housed in cathedrals/ cathedral schools

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