Design and Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Using Renewable Bioasphalt Binder

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International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 176 (2017) 012028 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/176/1/012028

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Design and Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Using

Renewable Bioasphalt Binder

A Setyawan1, Djumari, P A Irfansyah, A M Shidiq,I S Wibisono, M N Fauzy,F

N Hadi
Roadmate Research Group, Civil Engineering Department, Sebelas Maret University,
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A Solo 57126, Indonesia


Abstract. The needs of petroleum asphalt as materials for pavement is very large, while the
petroleum classified as natural resources that cannot be renewable. As a result of petroleum
dwindling and prices tend to be more expensive. So that requiring other alternative materials as
a substitute for conventional asphalt derived from biomass or often called bioasphalt. This
study aims to know the volumetric and Marshall characteristics on Asphalt Cement ( AC )
using the Damar asphalt modification to substitute 60/70 penetration asphalt as a binder. The
volumetric and Marshall characteristic are porosity, density, flow, stability, and Marshall
quotient. The characteristic of asphalt concrete at optimum bitumen content are compared to
the conditions from highway agency 1987 and the general specification of asphalt concrete
Bina Marga 2010 the third revision. The research uses experimental method in the laboratory
with the samples made using the dasphalt modification as binder and incorporating the
aggregate gradation no. VII SNI 03-1737-1989. The research is using 15 samples divided into
5 contents of damar asphalt, they are 5%, 5,5%, 6%, 6,5%, dan 7%. Tests carried out using
Marshall test equipment to get the value of flow and stability and then be searched the value of
optimum damar asphalt content. The result of asphalt concrete analysis using dasphalt
modification as binder gives the value of optimum dasphalt content at 5,242%. The most
characteristics already met the requirements and specifications.

1. Introduction
Demand for asphalt as pavement construction, whether for maintenance, improvement, or
development of accessibility of road transport continues to increase along with the growth of the
construction. The needs of asphalt as materials for road pavement are very huge. Concerns rise with
the increasing price of petroleum in this decade. Thus requiring other alternative materials as a
substitute for conventional asphalt, there is asphalt derived from biomass or often called bioasphalt.
Previous studies have been conducted on a substitute for asphalt modification of dasphalt in terms of
the nature of the properties with a mixture of resin, oil, latex, and fly-ash [1,2]. Through the results of
the examination conducted at the Highway Laboratory, Sebelas Maret University, the data generated
are demanded to carry out for further research on the application of bioasphalt into asphalt mixture,
such as asphalt concrete which is the most applied in Indonesian pavement. Asphalt concrete is a
mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and filler with a binder in high temperature conditions
with the composition examined and regulated by the technical specifications. Hot mix asphalt
To whom any correspondence should be addressed.

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 176 (2017) 012028 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/176/1/012028

pavement is a mixture of bending comprising a coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler, and binder with
a specific composition and mixed in hot conditions [4].

2. Experimental
2.1 Materials
2.1.1 Aggregates for Asphalt Concrete
Examination of the coarse and fine aggregate is guided by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI)
1969: 2008 (Testing Methods Density and Water Absorption Coarse Aggregates) [3] and Indonesian
National Standard (SNI) 1970: 2008 (Testing Methods Density and Water Absorption Fine Aggregate)
[4]. The test results of the coarse aggregate and fine aggregate are presented in Table 1 and Table 2,

Table 1. The properties of coarse aggregates

Properties Unit Average
1 2
Dry weight g 1488.7 1479.6 1484.15
SSD g 1507.7 1515.5 1511.6
Weight in water g 951.3 944.7 948
Bulk Density g/cm 2.676 2.592 2.634
SSD Density g/cm3 2.710 2.655 2.682
Apparent Density g/cm3 2.770 2.766 2.768
Water adsorption % 1.276 2.426 1.851

Table 2. The properties of fine aggregates

Properties Unit Average
1 2
SSD g 500 500 500
Dry weight g 487.7 488.4 487.95
Weight of picnometer g 738 729.4 733.7
Weight of picnometer+ g 1048.5 1042.8 1045.65
Bulk Density g/cm3 2.574 2.616 2.595
SSD Density g/cm3 2.639 2.680 2.659
Apparent Density g/cm3 2.52 2.793 2.773
Water adsorption % 2.522 2.417 2.470

2.1.2 Bioasphalt Binder

Bioasphalt binder for asphalt mixture pavement is made from materials that are sustainable as an
alternative to conventional asphalt pavement layer. In this study the bioasphalt binder made from
Damar resin combined with a latex polymer, waste cooked oil, and fly-ash as a filter.
Damar is a natural resin produced by plants Dipterocarpaceae (genus Shorea, Hopea,
Balanocarpus and Vateria) and Burseraceae (clan canarium) [5]. Damar also contain various
compounds of the chemical element that has an important role in its function. Types of compounds
found in damar are like resin acid content, complex alcohols and balm. Damar has the form of a hard,
clear as plastic, easily melted and sticky.
Latex is a viscous sap, often milky, produced lots of herbs and freeze when exposed to air. Natural
latex will naturally clumping or becoming solid within a few hours after collection. Natural or
spontaneous clots can be caused by the onset of acids due to the disintegration of the material instead
of rubber contained in the latex due to the activity of microorganisms. It was also the reason why lump
natural clotting results stink. Clots terms lump has not littered with shavings tapping, wood, leaves,
sand, and foreign bodies. The addition of latex is expected to improve stability.

International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 176 (2017) 012028 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/176/1/012028

Oil is the part of traditional damar asphalt production called jabung. Jabung often used by
silversmiths to engrave silver bearing. Jabung can be created using the new cooking oil or used
without significant difference. A striking difference is only on a smell of jabung produced. From
previous studies it was concluded that the addition of oil may affect the content of ductility and
elasticity in dasphalt [1].
Fly ash is a material which is derived from the burning of coal in power generation, so that all its
properties are also determined by the composition and properties of the minerals and impurities in the
coal combustion process. In this coal combustion process coal ash melting point higher than the
combustion temperature. And these conditions produce ash has a very fine granular texture. Coal fly
ash consists of fine grains are generally spherical solid or hollow. The particle size of the fly ash
bituminous coal combustion products of less than 0,075mm. The grain size of the fly ash is very fine,
ranging up to 88%.
Examination of dasphalt properties aims to determine whether it meets the criteria or similarity
with bitumen based RSNI S-01-2003 (Requirements for Hard Asphalt Penetration) [6]. The properties
examined are dasphalt penetration, softening point, flash point, ductility, solubility in Trichlor
Ethylene, weight, and density. In this study the nature of the inspection results data modification
dasphalt properties are secondary data obtained from the results of previous research conducted [1,2].

Table 3. The properties of bioasphalt binder

Condition Properties of Dasphalt at Latex content
The properties
Pen 40 Pen 60 Pen 80 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10%
Penetration 25oC,
100g, 5sec 40 - 59 60 - 79 80 - 99 68.2 62 43 36.4 31 28.5
Softening point 51 - 63 50 - 58 46 - 54 55.5 55.5 57.5 65.5 68.5 69.5
Min. Min. Min.
Flash point 200 200 225 240 258 260 250 250 245
Min. Min. Min.
Ductility, 25oC 100 100 100 63.5 76.5 119.5 78.5 11 6.5
Solubility in
Trichlor Ethylene Min 99 Min 99 Min 99 - - 99.95 - - -
Weight loss(TFOT) Max 0.8 Max 0.8 Max 1.0 - - 0.385 - - -
Specific Gravity Min 1.0 Min 1.0 Min 1.0 1.011 1 0.97 0.981 0.971 0.956

2.2 Methods
In this study, the test is generally done consists of five stages, stage I which is the analysis of
aggregates to determine the physical properties such as density and water absorption of the aggregates
used in the asphalt concrete mixture, the results have been presented in Table 1 and Table 2 for coarse
and fine aggregate, respectively. Second stage was producing a bioasphalt binder from damar asphalt
modified with some ingredients [1,2] called damar asphalt. In the production of dasphalt, the
manufacturing process is done by simple heating, while the composition is applied is a composition
referring to the results of previous studies. Third stage is the job mix design using no VII aggregate
gradation from SNI 03-1737-1989 (Modalities Laston Concrete Coatings for Highway) [7]. Fourth
phase IV is the Marshall Test, the purpose of this test is to determine the value of Marshall stability
and Marshall flow of the asphalt concrete mixture with dasphalt binder based on RSNI M-01-2003
(Test Method Asphalt Mixture heat with Marshall Tool) [8]. Phase V is the data processing of the
results of volumetric properties, namely density, voids in the mixture (VIM), and Marshall properties
namely stability, flow and Marshall quotien.
In this study, after the data obtained from the test results and Marshall volumetric data analysis
using regression analysis in which the regression equation can describe the behavior of the test results.
Regression is a line that forms a function that connects the dots with the proximity as possible.
Correlation is a measure of the suitability of a regression model were used as data. The magnitude of

International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 176 (2017) 012028 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/176/1/012028

the correlation is denoted by the letter r, where r = 0 means no correlation at all between the two
variables analyzed. Conversely, if r = ± 1 then there is a strong relationship between the variables. The
dasphalt optimum content was calculated from the regression equation to determine the content at the
optimum Marshall stability. The asphalt concrete mixture at optimum dasphalt content were then
produced to find the Volumetric and Marshall and compared to the requirements and specifications.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Volumetric and Marshall Properties
The series of test have been carried out to observe the volumetric and Marshall properties of 5
variables bitumen content, the average value of the properties are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. The Volumetric and Marshall properties at various dasphalt content

Dasphalt Marshall Marshall Marshall
Density Porosity
content Stability Flow Quotient
(%) (gr/cm3) (%) (kg) (mm) (kg/mm)
5 2.410 2.460 1118.520 5.033 224.250
5.5 2.389 2.510 1309.307 4.013 364.650
6 2.376 2.272 990.834 5.683 177.201
6.5 2.366 1.910 908.789 7.140 128.955
7 2.348 1.867 691.691 7.980 89.178

3.2 Density
Based on a linear regression analysis on the value of density, linear equations with coefficients
obtained negative x. This proves that the increasing dasphalt contents in the composition of the
mixture will decrease the density values. The value of the density at optimum dasphalt content is
2.401 gr/cm3. Based on the test requirements of Highways 1987 Marshall density value was 2 g/cm3 -
3 gr/cm3, so for the value of density at optimum dasphalt content already meet the requirements.
Addition of dasphalt contents can cause the value of density in the test specimen more decreases. This
is due to the reduced weight of the aggregate in the mix along with increasing the contents of dasphalt.
The conditions set by the density value of Highways (1987) is 2-3 g/cm3. Thus, the density values of
all specimens are qualified specification of asphalt concrete.

3.3 Porosity
Based on linear regression analysis of the voids in the mixture, obtained with a coefficient of linear
equations x is negative. This proves that the increasing dasphalt contents in the composition of the
mixture will decrease the value of voids in the mixture (porosity). The value of porosity at optimum
dasphalt contents is 2.474%. Based on Marshall Test Requirements and Specifications Highways 1987
General of Highways, 2010 (Revision 3) porosity value was 3% - 5%, so for the porosity at optimum
dasphalt contents not meet the requirements and specifications. However, it could be improved by
changing the aggregate gradation.

3.4 Marshall Stability

Based on regression analysis coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.8506 This shows the influence of the
independent variables (dasphalt contents) greatly affect the dependent variable (stability) with the
effect of 85.06%. The value of stability at optimum dasphalt contents is 1181.564 kg. Based on the
test requirements of Highways 1987 Marshall stability value is at least 550 kg and based on Highways
2010 General Specification (Revision 3) the value of stability is at least 800 kg, so for the value of
stability during dasphalt optimum contents already meet the requirements and specifications. Addition
dasphalt contents (%) can raise the value of stability and can also reduce the value stability. Thus, the

International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 176 (2017) 012028 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/176/1/012028

value of Marshall stability for all specimens has been qualified to the specification of asphalt concrete

3.5 Marshall Flow

The Marshall flow at optimum dasphalt contents is 4,603 mm. Based on Marshall Test Requirements
and Specifications Highways 1987 General of Highways, 2010 (Revision 3) the value of flow is equal
to 2 mm - 4 mm, so for the value of the current flow at optimum dasphalt contents has not met the
requirements and specifications. Addition dasphalt contents can cause the value of flow getting bigger,
this is due by increasing the contents of dasphalt in the mixture, so that the test object is able to follow
changes in shape until the test object is destroyed because the load. It could be improved by changing
the aggregate grading.

3.6 Marshall Quotien

The value of Marshall quotient at optimum contents is 268.847 kg/mm. Based on the test requirements
of Highways 1987 the Marshall quotient value is 200 kg/mm - 350 kg/mm. The Marshall quotient
value at the optimum dasphalt contents already met the requirements. The influence of the
independent variables (Dasphalt content) greatly affects the dependent variable (Marshall quotient)
with the effect of 63.92%. The Marshall quotient value of the specimen with default dasphalt contents
of 5% and 5.5% had qualified for road pavement made for the specimen while the dasphalt content of
6%, 6.5%, and 7% are not yet qualified.

3.7 Optimum Dasphalt Content

Based on the optimum stability calculation can be made a relationship to get optimum dasphalt
contents. Optimum dasphalt contents is the dasphalt content that will produce the best characteristics
in asphalt concrete mixture. Optimum dasphalt contents will be used as a reference on the field
implementation as a full scale trial. Optimum dasphalt contents obtained from the value of the
graphics stability relationship with dasphalt contents in the form of polynomial regression equation.
From the relationships with high contents of stability dasphalt quadratic equation:

y = -165,53x2 + 1735,5x - 3367.4

Thus the quadratic equation, to find the extreme points on the axis x is

x- max = -b / 2a
= -1735.5 / (2 (-165.53))
= 5.24

Thus obtained optimum dasphalt content is 5.24%

3.8 Asphalt Concrete Properties at Optimum Dasphalt Content

After getting the value of optimum dasphalt content, then be searched size of voids in the mixture
(porosity), density, stability, flow, and Marshall quotient at optimum dasphalt content of 5.24%, which
are then compared to the Marshall test Requirements and Specifications of Highways 1987 General of
Highways, 2010 as presented in Table 5.
Based on Highways 2010 General Specification [9] for density, porosity and stability values meet
the requirements. But for porosity and Marshall flow is still not eligible. While based on the Marshall
test requirements of Highways 1987, the properties of mixture already meet all the characteristics
except porosity and flow values.

International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 176 (2017) 012028 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/176/1/012028

Table 5. The Volumetric and Marshall Properties at Optimum Dasphalt Content

Equation Value
Properties Specification
Porosity y = -0.3571x + 4.3465 2.474 3.0 - 5.0 3.0 - 5.0
Density y = -0.0294x + 2.5547 2.401 - 2-3
Stability y = -165.53x2 + 1735.5x -3367.4 1181.564 Min. 800 Min. 550
Flow y = 1.804x - 4.854 4.603 2-4 2-4
MQ y = -63.186x2 + 657.06 - 1439.2 268.847 - 200 - 350

4. Conclusion
Based on an analysis of the content of dasphalt optimum values obtained contents dasphalt optimum
contents of 5.242%, with the volumetric characters and Marshall properties as follow:
The value dasphalt porosity at optimum contents is 2.474%. Based on Marshall Test Requirements
and Specifications Highways 1987 General of Highways, 2010, porosity value was 3% - 5%, so for
the porosity at optimum dasphalt contents has not met the requirements and specifications. The value
of density at a content of optimum dasphalt is 2.401 gr/cm3. Based on the test requirements of
Highways 1987 Marshall density value (density) was 2 g/cm3 - 3 g/cm3, so for the value of density
during dasphalt optimum contents already meet the requirements.
The value of Marshall stability at optimum dasphalt contents is at s 1181.564 kg. Based on the test
requirements of Highways 1987 Marshall stability value is at least 550 kg and based on Highways
2010 General Specification, the value of stability is at least 800 kg, so for the value of stability during
dasphalt optimum contents already meet the requirements and specifications. The value flow at
optimum dasphalt contents is 4,603 mm. Based on Marshall Test Requirements and Specifications
Highways 1987 General of Highways, 2010, the value of flow is equal to 2 mm - 4mm, so for the
value of the current flow at optimum contents dasphalt not meet the requirements and specifications.
The value Marshall quotient at optimum dasphalt contents is 268.847 kg/mm. Based on the test
requirements of Highways 1987 Marshall quotient value is 200 kg/mm - 350 kg/mm so to Marshall
quotient value at the time of dasphalt optimum contents already meets the requirements.

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penetrasi. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan PU
[7] SNI 03-1737-1989, Asphalt Concrete Coatings for Highway
[8] RSNI M-01-2003, Test Method Asphalt Mixture heat with Marshall Tool
[9] Departemen Pekerjaan Umum. 2010. Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2010 Divisi 6 Revisi 3. Badan
Penelitian dan Pengembangan PU

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