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A Passion For Creation
A Passion For Creation

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."— Mahatma Gandhi

 Disclaimer

 Editorial Board, Teacher Coordinators

& Student Coordinators

 Chairman‟s Message

 Director‟s Message

 Editorial

 Articles

 Poems

The information contained in this e- magazine is compiled with
utmost care. The views expressed in the articles contained in this e-
magazine are author‟s own. All possible efforts have been made to
keep the material free from errors. However, Kurukshetra Institute of
Technology and Management make no representation or warranty,
expressed or implied, as to the originality, accuracy or completeness of
any such information. The institute shall not be liable for any action
arising out of allegations of infringement of copyright of material used
by any contributor.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief – Dr. Amita Garg

Co-Editors – Ms. Rashmi Garg

Ms. Meenakshi Mohla

Technical Editor- Er. Swati Garg

Student Editor – K. Jijo George (CSE)

Teacher Coordinators Student Coordinators

Dr. Madhu Goel, Ms. Anju Aggarwal Surbhi, Mekhla, Karan Arora (CSE)
Er. Poonam Yadav, Er. Veenu Sharma Amrender, Ankur, Nitish, Rohit Tyagi (ECE)
Er. Deepshikha, Er. Rachit Garg Shubham, Rashmi, Anil (IT)
Er. Rohit sharma, Er. Pankaj sharma Hitesh, Akshay, Mayank (ME)

Message from Chairman’s Desk


It is a matter of great happiness to me to know that the students and

the faculty of KITM are bringing out the Institute magazine, Kriti, in the
electronic format. As I understand, this magazine is intended to bring out
the hidden literary talents in the students and the teachers and also to
inculcate leadership skills among them. The outside world will come to
know about the caliber of the students and the faculty through this
medium. Keeping this in mind, I expect the contributions to this magazine
to be of very high standard and quality.
I wish all the success for this venture.


Message from Director’s Desk


I am very pleased to note that the effort to bring out an Institute

magazine has finally come to fruition. Heartily congratulations to you as you
are taking another step forward. The magazine, Kriti, in its electronic format
invites a wider readership in the Institute website. The name and fame of an
institute depends on the caliber and achievements of the students and
teachers. The role of the teacher is to nurture the skills and talents of the
students as a facilitator. This e-magazine is going to showcase the strength
of this Institute. Let this be a forum to exhibit the potential of teachers and
students with their literary skills and innovative ideas.
I extend best wishes for the success of this endeavour


Dear Readers,
I feel privileged in presenting the inaugural issue of our college magazine titled KRITI which
means creation. Our present is the result of our past and it is the foundation of our future also.
Our life is the creation of our mind as it has also been said we become what we think. Students
are always taught to read books and to acquire knowledge from the works of great authors. But
mere reading of books is not sufficient for education. So the students are also taught how to
write and express their own ideas in a good form and in different languages. Ideas are the root
of creation. This magazine provides a platform to expose the young talent by encouraging them
to think and write. This also develops their power of thinking and strengthens their imagination
& self confidence. In this way, the knowledge of the students increases and they acquire the
habit of reading and writing. It also teaches the students the value of sharing and encourages
healthy competition.
Telecom sector has been accompanied by a simultaneous significant technology change.
The perception about telecom has changed to a preferred good of mass consumption with
increasing usage of telecom and IT services. E-governance, E-commerce, E-communications,
Internet and Broadband services are some of the new words added to the dictionary of common
user. In view of this, it was felt that our effort should also, with the trend, be in the electronic
form i.e. an E-magazine. This would enable rapid transmission of ideas and feedback. I would
like to place on record my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to
make this effort a success. My special thanks are to Dr. P.J. George, Director-Principal for
guidance to me from time to time, which enabled me to bring out this issue in a short period of
time. It is my moral duty to thank him for giving memorial support and encouragement and a
free hand in this endeavor. Dr. Amita Garg



1 Quality Issues For Improvement Of Technical Education In India Dr. Rajesh Verma
2. The Importance Of Leadership In Managing Change Er. Deepshikha
3. Nutraceuticals- The Link Between Nutrition And Medicine Dr. R.K. Pundir & Pranay Jain
4. Education System In India: The Wrong System Er. Sandeep Jindal
5. How To Be Successful? Dr. Amita Garg
6. A Letter To God Er. Gagandeep Chawla
7. Being A Teacher Ms. Rashmi Garg
8 How To Save India From Corruption By Using RTI Act? Sandeep Kumar
9. Our Efforts & Luck Deepak Chauhan
10. Digital ‘Ants’ Take On Computer Worms Amrender Singh
11. Some Encouraging Tips Kuldeep Dhiman
12. Some Facts About Iris & Gladiolus Banpreet Singh
13. Assignment – A Burden Or A Tonic To Excellence Srikant Mohnan
14. What Is Recession? Kanika Verma
15. Bomb Blast On Moon….!!!! Ishan Misri
16. Test Your Iq Shubham Gupta
17. Spintronics – An Emerging Technology Manmohan & Rahul
18. Economic Effects Of Climate Change Sandeep Kumar
19. College Via Hostel Life Karan Arora
20. Dark Energy Parveen Nayak
21. Alien Monolith Found On Saturn’s Moon Iapetus? Amandeep Singh
22. Meanings Of Life Jitin Kumar
23. Year 2012- Seven Reasons Amandeep Singh
24. Something About Life Shaifali Chauhan
25. New Guy In College Rakesh Roshan
28. The Road-Runner Ishan Misri
29. Three Inspiring Stories Hitesh Ghelawat
30. Letter From Physics To Mathematics Manoj



1 A Home Away From Home Navchandra

2 Key To Success Renu

3 Time Kanika Verma
4 Live The Life You Love Priyanka Arora
5 Darkness Chandni Aggarwal

6 Friendship Pooja, Manju, Monika

7 Your Adventure Shubham
8 Abyss Called Life Manpreet Singh
9 Everything Gonna Be Alright Chandni Aggarwal

10 That One Day Gaurav Dhingra

11 Friends Till The End Kanika Verma
12 Me, Myself And I Priyanka Arora
13 Memories Kanika Verma

14 Me Kanika Verma

15 Why not a Girl Chetan Dixit

16 INDIA- A paradise on earth Sumit Kumar

Quality Issues for improvement of Technical Education in INDIA

Past and Current Scenario of Technical Education System

Since Independence in 1947, the Technical Education System has grown into a reasonably
large-sized system, offering opportunities for education and training in a wide variety of trades
and disciplines at certificate, diploma, degree, postgraduate degree and doctoral levels in
institutions located throughout the country. In the year 1947-48, the country had 38-degree level
institutions with intake capacity of 2500; and 53 diploma level institutions with intake capacity
of 3670. The intake for postgraduates was 70.
In the year 2000, the total size of the system had increased to 4146 institutions with approved
intake capacity of 544,660. These include 838 engineering degree institutions with admission
capacity of 232,000 students; and 1224 engineering diploma institutions with admission
capacity of 188,000.Approximately, two-thirds of these institutions were in the private sector.
Postgraduate education was being offered in 246 institutions with admission capacity of
21,460.In present scenario, the system has near about 8000 institutions with the capacity about
1,000,000. These include more than 1000 engineering degree institutions and more than 1700
engineering diploma institutions.

Major Issues in Technical Education

Despite the efforts of the MHRD in implementing the National Policy on Education and of the
AICTE in regulating the Technical Education System and ensuring quality, several weaknesses
have occurred in the system. Some of these are:
a) Multiple control mechanisms and controlling regulations have silent innovative initiatives
in recruitment of faculty, admission of students, curricula revision and up gradation.
b) Resource constraints, low efficiency of utilization of existing resources and lack of
mechanism for sharing physical and human resources of sister institutions have led to
large scale obsolescence of physical resources, deterioration of quality of
teaching/learning processes and lowering of competence of teachers.
c) Low internal efficiency of most institutions due to large drop outs and failure rates
d) Rapid obsolescence of curricula and course contents due to
infrequent revision and much delayed response to
technological advances and consequent market demands.
e) Failure to attract and retain high quality faculty due to
outdated recruitment and promotion procedures, absence of
incentives for quality performance, and nonexistent staff
development policies in most institutions.

The informal sector forms an important component of Indian economy. Selected polytechnics
are being provided with central assistance to develop trained manpower in the informal sector
of the economy and the local community. However, the ongoing efforts are not adequate to
meet the requirements of the informal sector and the community.
During 1980s, Government of India (GOI) and the State Governments felt an urgent need for
restoring the Technician Education System in the country to make it demand driven, with
relevant courses in new and emerging technologies, with adequate infrastructure resources,
competent faculty and effective teaching-learning processes. The GOI supported the State
Governments through two Technician Education Projects financed by World Bank, which
helped to upgrade the system and benefited 531 polytechnics in 18 States and the UT of
The success of these Projects has encouraged the GOI and the State Governments to seek
similar financial assistance from the World Bank for systemic transformation of the Technical
Education System as a whole with primary focus on engineering education. The quality of
education and training being imparted in the technical education institutions varies from
excellent to poor, with some institutions comparing favorably with the best in the world and
others suffering from different degrees of faculty shortages; infrastructure deficiencies;
curricula obsolescence; lack of autonomy in academic, financial, administrative, and managerial
matters; poor involvement in knowledge creation and dissemination, and poor interaction with
community and economy.
It has been recognized that the skilled manpower of high quality can play a major role in
economic development and in export of technology and services. Observing the growing
demand for Indian professionals particularly in the area of software engineering in all parts of
the globe, the GOI has decided to give very high priority to human resource development in
engineering and technology.
The Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme of Government of India (TEQIP)
aims to upscale and support ongoing efforts of GOI to improve quality of technical education
and enhance existing capacities of the institutions to become dynamic, demand-driven, quality
conscious, efficient and forward looking, responsive to rapid economic and technological
developments occurring both at national and international levels.

The broad objectives of the Programme as given below have been derived from the National
Policy on Education.
a) To create an environment in which engineering institutions, selected under the Programme,
can achieve their own set targets for excellence and sustain the same with autonomy and
b) To support development plans including synergistic networking and services to community
and economy of competitively selected institutions for achieving higher standards.
c) To improve efficiency and effectiveness of the technical education management system in the
States and institutions selected under the Programme.

Dr. Rajesh Verma

HOD, CSE Dept.

The Importance of Leadership in Managing Change

Leadership - Crucial To Managing Change

When change is imposed, the most important determinant of "getting through the swamp", is
the ability of leadership- to lead well. The literature on the subject indicates that the nature of
the change is secondary to the perceptions that employees have regarding the ability,
competence, and credibility of senior and middle management.

If you are to manage change effectively, you need to be aware that there are three distinct times
zones where leadership is important. These time zones can be indicated as: Preparing For the
Journey, Slogging Through The Swamp, and After Arrival respectively. We will look more
carefully at each of these.

The Role of Leadership

In an organization, where there is faith in the abilities of formal leaders, employees will look
towards the leaders for a number of things. During drastic change times, employees will expect
effective and sensible planning, confident and effective decision-making, and regular, complete
communication, i.e. timely. Also during these times of change, employees will perceive
leadership as supportive, concerned and committed to their welfare, while at the same time
recognizing that tough decisions need to be made. The best way to summarize is that there is a
climate of trust between leader and the rest of the team. The existence of this trust brings hope
for better times in the future, and that makes coping with drastic change much easier.
In organizations characterized by poor leadership,
employees expect nothing positive. In a climate of
distrust, employees learn that leaders will act in
indecipherable ways and in ways that do not seem to be
in anyone's best interests. Poor leadership means an
absence of hope, which, if allowed to go on for too
long, results in an organization becoming completely
nonfunctioning. The organization must deal with the
practical impact of unpleasant change, but more importantly, must labor under the weight of
employees who have given up, have no faith in the system or in the ability of leaders to turn the
organization around.
Leadership before, during and after change implementation is the key to Getting Trough The
Swamp. Unfortunately, if you haven't established a track record of effective leadership, by the
time you have to deal with difficult changes, it may be too late.

Preparing for the Journey

It would be a mistake to assume that preparing for the
journey takes place only after the destination has been
defined or chosen. When we talk about preparing for the
journey, we are talking about leading in a way that lays the
foundation or groundwork for any changes that may occur
in the future. Preparing is about building resources, by
building healthy organizations in the first place. Much like healthy people, who are better able
to cope with infection or disease than unhealthy people, organizations that are healthy in the
first place are better able to deal with change.

As a leader you need to establish credibility and a track record of effective decision making, so
that there is trust in your ability to figure out what is necessary to bring the organization
Slogging through the Swamp
Leaders play a critical role during change
implementation, the period from the announcement of
change through the installation of the change. During
this middle period, the organization is the most
unstable, characterized by confusion, fear, loss of
direction, reduced productivity, and lack of clarity
about direction and mandate. It can be a period of
emotionalism, with employees grieving for what is lost, and initially unable to look to the

During this period, effective leaders need to focus on two things. First, the feelings and
confusion of employees must be acknowledged and validated. Second, the leader must work
with employees to begin creating a new vision of the altered workplace, and helping employees
to understand the direction of the future. Focusing only on feelings, may result in wallowing.
That is why it is necessary to begin the movement into the new ways or situations. Focusing
only on the new vision may result in the perception that the leader is out of touch, cold and
uncaring. A key part of leadership in this phase is knowing when to focus on the pain, and when
to focus on building and moving into the future.

After Arrival
In a sense, you never completely arrive, but here we are talking about the period where the
initial instability of massive change has been reduced. People have become less emotional, and
more stable, and with effective leadership during the previous phases, are now more open to
locking into the new directions, and ways of doing things.

This is an ideal time for leaders to introduce positive new change, such as examination of
unwieldy procedures or Total Quality Management. The critical thing here is that leaders must
now offer hope that the organization is working towards being better, by solving problems and
improving the quality of work life. While the new vision of the organization may have begun
while people were slogging through the swamp, this is the time to complete the process, and
make sure that people enter it, and understand their roles in this new organization.

Playing a leadership role in the three phases is not easy. Not
only do you have a responsibility to lead, but as an
employee yourself, you have to deal with your own
reactions to the change, and your role in it. However, if you
are ineffective in leading change, you will bear a very heavy
personal load. Since you are accountable for the
performance of your unit, you will have to deal with the
ongoing loss of productivity that can result from poorly
managed change, not to mention the potential impact on
your own enjoyment of your job.
Er. Deepshikha
CSE Dept.

NUTRACEUTICALS- The Link between Nutrition & Medicine

Recent scientific research has focused on food components

that have possible health benefits beyond traditional
nutritional value. Nutraceuticals as an amalgamation of the
terms nutritional and pharmaceutical refers to foods or parts
of foods that provide medical or health benefits, including the
prevention and/or treatment of disease.

There is growing recognition of the potential role for

nutraceuticals in helping to reduce health risks and improve
health quality. In the global marketplace nutraceuticals have
become a multi-billion dollar industry. Nutraceuticals may range from isolated nutrients, herbal
products, dietary supplements and diets to genetically engineered ''designer'' foods and
processed products such as cereals, soups and beverages.

Major chemical groups now recognized as having potential health promoting effects are the
phenolics, flavonoids, alkaloids, carotenoids, pre- and probiotics, phytosterols, tannins, fatty
acids, terpenoids, saponins, and soluble and insoluble dietary fibres. Some examples of
relationships between nutraceuticals and health benefits include the importance of calcium in
preventing osteoporosis, foliate in the prevention of neural tube defects in infants and the role of
decreasing dietary fat and increasing fiber in the prevention of colon cancer.

Advances in the areas of food technology, food biochemistry and the nutritional sciences
(including nutritional genomics) are providing consumers with access to fresh and often
supplemented produce with recognizable health benefits that previously were not available.
New methods being used by the functional food industry to isolate, characterize, extract and

purify nutraceuticals from bacterial, plant and animal sources are resulting in decreased costs to
the industry as well as providing new options for use of nutraceuticals.

The health promoting effects of nutraceuticals likely are due to a complex mix of biochemical
and cellular interactions which together promote overall health of the individual. Nutraceuticals
may function: as substrates in metabolic reactions or cofactors of key metabolic enzymes; as
ligands that promote or compete with biochemical interactions at the cell surface or with
intercellular receptors which can enhance absorption and assimilation of important macro- and
micronutrients; and as agents which selectively promote the growth of bacteria with health
benefits in the gastrointestinal system and compete with or partially eliminate the growth of
harmful bacteria.
In addition these agents may act as enzyme inhibitors, absorbents or toxicant scavengers that
can associate with and help remove damaging substances or toxins from the body. Application
of modern approaches in genomics, proteomics and metabolomics to the study of genetics and
the biochemistry of functional foods derived from plants and animals has potential to
characterize these products in a better way. Moreover, these approaches will enable us to
modify product characteristics with precision. Using marker assisted breeding and the
application of genetic engineering new products with potentially better characterized and
optimized benefits to human and animal health can be developed over relatively short periods of
Considerable attention now is being paid to characterization of the natural biodiversity found
throughout the planet. Natural diversity in growth and biochemical makeup of organisms
presents unique opportunities to expand the nutraceutical research. Plants in particular, present
opportunities to alter their biochemical makeup to adapt to new applications and challenges, as
well as providing a diverse array of growth responses that can be exploited to allow their use
under many different regional ecological conditions.
R. K. Pundir1 and Pranay Jain2
Lecturer in Biotechnology, KITM, KKR
Lecturer in Biotechnology, UIET, K.U.K
Education System in India: The Wrong System

Education plays a great role in shaping our destiny. We are all aware of its importance .but our
policymakers are, apparently, not aware of this great fact. Perhaps they do not believe in waking
from deep slumber. Due to this it has become a mere trade-off against money. The quantity has
gained momentum whereas the quality has deteriorated. Despite being an area of great concern,
education sector has suffered heavily at the hands of our policymakers. Half hearted attempts to
renovate it have further tarnished its image.

Of late, the HRD Minister Kapil Sibal, declared UGC to be one of

the most corrupt governing bodies in the country. Soon after that,
there arose an ambiguity concerning the title of „Deemed
University‟. These days, there is a flood of Institutions in the
country, who claim to be the best among all. However, they are mere
tuition centres, who charge huge amounts of fees and provide such
degrees validation of which is under question. Most of them don‟t even follow the norms setup
by the Governing bodies to attain some minimum standards.Moving from the prevalent scenario
of higher education to that of the School level education, the decision that cannot be ignored is
that of „Scrapping of Class tenth Board examinations‟. The students of class tenth don‟t need to
give Board Examinations. Rather, they would be marked through a yearlong process of Grades.
Reason behind such an action is to make the education system more practical and interesting for
the students

The number of students enrolled has increased from 17.9 million in 1961 to 72.4 million in
1991. The enrollments have shot up and the school system expanded substantially but there still
exist huge number of children who have never visited school. Above all, the drop outs are also
major source of worry. On the top of it, poor standard of teaching in government run schools is
not allowing the students to be at par with education offered in foreign countries. How many
institutions of ours can claim a place among top institutions of world? I am sure that there will
only be one or two such institutions. Against this backdrop, it‟s not hard to understand the fate
of child who wants to make a career in foreign country. The enrollment rate is below desired
rate, especially of the girl students. We are also far behind in “universalization” of elementary
standards of education .It has become some sort of challenge for educationists of our times.
Like all other areas, the education system has also fallen prey to political whims and fancies.
Interestingly, budgetary allocations have been constantly increasing. However, there is urgent
need for optimizing the utilization of these funds. Till now they have been used on activities
hardly concerned with education. Ironically, teachers in villages are busier in ensuring success
of mid-day meal program rather than concentrating on teaching.

True education is three dimensional and should cater to needs of body, mind and spirit. It is the
third dimension “the culture of soul” which is missing in our education system .The third
component is value based, which is assimilated by exposure to the humanistic discipline,
literature, philosophy and religion etc. Such an exposure will humanize the students, raise them
to higher level and make them alive to deeper values .The moral and spiritual components
constitute the true cornerstone of education. Sadly, instead of generating a sense of national
pride and self-respect the educational policies lay emphasis on intellectual efficiency. The
pursuits of intellectual goals never allow students to get attached to finer aspects of life-search
of true knowledge and cultivation of character and discipline. The critical scientific attitude,
which should have been blended with spiritual attitude for development of better personality,
has produced only one dimensional growth.

„We split the nucleus and now nucleus is splitting our lives‟ is a view that highlights the futility
of vain pursuits having nothing to do with growth of human beings and human society in proper
way. We have failed to develop a vision that could enable one to witness the universe as one
single entity. It‟s time to reshape our education system and bring it at par with divine attributes
which in turn is going to make such vision a reality.The youth of the country, that is already so
active and performing so well, can work to the best of their maximum possible potential and do
even better than what they are already doing. Only if a better system is put in place then one can
envisage a bright future for this nation.
Er. Sandeep Jindal
How to be Successful?

Success is everybody‟s dream. In the past, people learned how to be successful according to the
Darwinian principle, known to most by the phrase “survival of the fittest.” In other words, to be
successful, one had to be stronger, smarter, faster, or more cunning than others, and achieve
their success at others‟ expense. Today, successful people are those who work together with
others.” working together” requires people to add consideration and mutuality in their
relationships, in which everyone is equal and no one
surpasses anyone else. The greatest tool capable of
making the change for success is education.
Education means teaching mutual dependency,
consideration and cooperation as the greatest values
of society. As people begin cooperating, nature will
provide its support.The key to success is making
yourself as useful as possible to others.

1. Be observant of needs : Be aware of even the slightest clues of needs. The more sensitive
you are to the needs of others, the more appreciating people will eventually become.

2.Find solutions to the needs : The next step is finding solutions to the problems.The solutions
you offer should be as useful as possible.

3. Be proactive to help : Do not wait for the other person to ask for your help. Be proactive.
Give your help even before they ask.

4. Be sincere : What matters is not only the solution you offer, but also the way you deliver it.
Being sincere means being glad to help others without expecting anything in return. You should
feel pleasurer in giving.

5. Go the extra mile : Try to give more than expected. First, give what is expected, and then
add a little more. If you follow the above four steps people will be appreciative, but if you add
this one step they will be impressed.

"The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: "I did not

have time." Franklin Field. We need time management to be successful. The importance of
time is expressed by this poem from “Bible”

Take Time
Take time to think-It is the source of all power.

Take time to read-It is the fountain of wisdom.

Take time to play-It is the source of perpetual youth.

Take time to be quiet-It is the opportunity to seek God.

Take time to be aware-It is the opportunity to help others.

Take time to love and be loved-It is God‟s greatest gift.

Take time to laugh-It is the music of the soul.

Take time to be friendly-It is the road to happiness.

Take time to dream-It is what the future is made of.

Take time to pray-It is the greatest power on earth.

Take time to give-It is too short a day to be selfish.

Take time to work-It is the price of success.

There is a time for everything. . . .[Ecclesiastes 3:1-8]Bible

Dr. Amita Garg

HOD, AS&H Dept.

A Letter to God

Oh God, where are you? Where have you hidden yourself?

Come out and do something for the crying mob.
Don‟t you see the poor man? Bare- bodied shivering in the severe cold?
He- who has nothing to eat, He-who starves in hunger,
Do you look at his fragile, weak wife?
She who has nothing to wear but rags,
She who cannot sleep because of worries and tensions?
Don‟t you see his poor trembling parents?
Those who lay on the floor with tears in eyes,
Those who would die of malady and poverty?
Do you look at his innocent children‟s faces?
Those who have lost their natural grace,
Those who have to work in scorching heat and cold nights?
Don‟t you see the poor being tortured by the so-called high class?
You do, or you don‟t –is not the matter
Do throw a glance on them,
Do feel the curse of poverty and hunger
And then definitely-You would set all the things right.
After all you have made them all,Big, small, beautiful, dull or bright.

Er. Gagandeep Chawla

Being a Teacher

Every morning I wake up with a zeal

To teach my students with more appeal
And more enthusiasm
At the end of each day
I find some chasms
Every next day
I try to fill
Using in my teaching
Some more appeal and
All of my skills
And putting in it
All of my heart
The practice goes on and on and on………….
Making me each day more smart.

Rashmi Garg
AS&H Dept.

How to save INDIA from corruption by using RTI Act?

If you think that the RTI Act does not affect you,


If you are a citizen of India, the RTI Act has given you a lot of Power that you can and must
use. For example, next time you ask for a “phone line” or a “water connection”, if you use the
RTI Act, you can get your work done quickly. You will not have to make 15 trips to the Govt.
offices and bribe and beg the officials to get your work done. RTI has changed all that.

Are the roads outside your house terrible, RTI will help you solve the problems. Is there a
problem of un-hygiene in your area, RTI will help you to solve your problem.If you are young
and cannot appreciate all the above points, then believe us that sooner or later you will have to
go and get some of your work done though Govt. offices. When you do, you will appreciate the
power RTI. But, by then it will be too late.

Right to Information Act 2005

It is an initiative taken by Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public

Grievances and Pensions to provide a– RTI Portal Gateway to the citizens for quick search of
information on the details of first Appellate Authorities, PIOs etc. amongst others, besides
access to RTI related information / disclosures published on the web by various Public
Authorities under the government of India as well as the State Governments. It is mandatory for
them to response timely to citizens‟ request for information.
Sandeep Kumar

Our Efforts & Luck

We commonly speak of good luck and bad luck, lucky or unlucky and of the things happening
by share chance. According to the law of cause and effect, every happening has a cause. A leaf
falls, a breeze blows, and a flower blooms without no reason. But we still use the word luck to
describe reason behind any happening of which we do not know the reason. When such
apparently causeless happenings are favorable to us, we say we
are lucky, when unfavorable, we call ourselves unlucky. This is
all gambling – a game of chance. When we toss a coin it is
sometimes heads and sometimes tails. We can not control the
fall of the coin if we are playing fairly. And as we can‟t
discover the reason we simply say that it‟s turning up heads or
tails is simply a matter of chance or luck.

When people do not know why things happen in a certain way, they attribute its happening to
good or bad luck. There is really no such thing as luck or chance, and only foolish people waste
their time in waiting for a miracle of good luck to bring themselves fortune and success.
“Ignorance is the Mother of Superstition”.
The wise men try to attain it by hard work, wise efforts and enterprise and leave nothing to
chance. Most of the people who are called lucky have good fortune because they worked for it
and the so-called unlucky men miss it because they are lazy or dull. Their efforts were not well
directed. They need a better approach to attain success. A great thinker said: “There is no such
thing as luck. It’s a name for being always at our duty and so sure as to be ready when good
time comes”. Hope nothing from luck and the consequence will be that you will be so prepared,
forewarned and forearmed that all shallow observers will call you lucky.
Aim for the moon. Even if you miss
You’ll land amongst the stars.
Deepak Chauhan
Digital 'Ants' Take on Computer Worms

Digital ants could soon be crawling through your computer's hard drive, but don't worry, they
are there to help. Scientists from Wake Forest University and the Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory have created an army of digital ants and their superior officers, digital sergeants
and sentinels, to search out viruses, worms and other malware. The new antivirus software
could provide better protection while freeing up valuable hardware.” We are using the ants to
sense something very basic, like a connection rate," said Errin Fulp, a professor of computer
science at Wake Forest University who helped develop the digital ants.” Then we collect that
evidence which points us to a particular infection or security threat," said Fulp.

Like their biological counterparts, each individual ant is not very bright. A connection rate,
CPU utilization or one of about 60 other technical details is all they can sense. When an ant
detects something unusual, it leaves a digital pheromone, a tiny digital sense that says
something unusual is going on here, and that other ants should check it out. The digital ants
report any suspicious activity to a digital sentinel, a programme designed to watch over a set of
computers in a network. The sentinel sorts through all the information the ants gather, and if it‟s
suspicious, passes the information on to a digital sergeant. The sergeant then alerts the human
supervisor, who cans the deal with the problem. The sentinels and sergeants reward the ants for
finding problems. If an ant doesn't find enough problems it "dies" off, although a minimum
number is always maintained. If a particular kind of ant finds lots of problems then more of
them are created to monitor the problem. The entire system is modeled off of a normal ant
colony and uses "swarm intelligence" to find and diagnose problems.

The beauty of using digital ants, instead of a traditional anti-virus programme, is their
flexibility. Traditional anti-virus software usually scans constantly or on a set time schedule.
Constantly scanning for threats is effective, but uses a lot of computer resources, resources that
could be better spent doing something else.

Scanning at certain times, usually at night, optimizes computer usage,

but it leaves a computer more vulnerable. Since the number of ants rises
and falls with number of problems being detected, it can free up
computer hardware to perform calculations when an attack isn't
happening. If at attack is happening, more ants can quickly be created
to help deal with it.
The researchers created four digital ants of the 64 types then eventually want. To test their
effectiveness, they set up a bank of computers and released three worms into the ant-infested
Linux-based computers. The four digital ants in the computers had never seen the viruses
before, yet identified the virus by only monitoring four very specific aspects of the computers
Amrender Singh

Some Encouraging Tips

Don‟t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use
the word balanced before successful. Balanced means you ensure that your health, relationships
and mental peace all are in good order. There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of
your breakup. There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts. Shopping is not enjoyable if
your mind is full of tensions.
"Life is one of those races in nursery school where you have to run with a marble in a spoon
kept in your mouth. If the marble falls, there is no point coming first.” Same is with life where
health and relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in
your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but this spark, this feeling of being excited and
alive, will start to die.

"Don't be serious, be sincere."!!

One thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously. Life is not meant to be taken
seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If
we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends. Do we really
need to get so worked up? It's ok, bunk a few classes, scoring low in couple of papers, goof up a
few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, little fights with your spouse. We are people,
not programmed devices. Yes! We all are running for money in present world as money is
much more important than oxygen. And for getting engaged into the money matters, what we
can do is unthinkable. Let‟s take an instance:

Son: I want 2 marry a girl of my choice.
Dad: No!
Son: The girl is bill gate‟s daughter.
Dad: Then ok!
Dad goes to bill gates
Dad to Bill: I want your daughter to marry my son.
Bill: No!
Dad: My son is the CEO of the World Bank.
Bill: Then ok!
Dad goes to the President of the World Bank.
Dad: Appoint my son as the CEO of your bank.
President: No!
Dad: He is the son in law of Bill gates.
President: Then ok!

You must be laughing at that but that‟s true. We all want to earn money, money and money.
Even the love in the present day world is being sold in the name of money. Attention boys! If
you are going to propose a girl, make sure your bank balance has enough money to fulfill her
needs. Don‟t be like machines working day and night for the job as per the orders and system
calls in computers. Sit quiet and ask yourself: Is this what you wanted to do in your life? Is this
what humanity is called? Shouldn‟t you give some of your time to yourself also? Think about
your life as you were the creator of your life so what amazing you have created yet and if not,
don‟t be depressed as there is no end until the player reaches the checkpoint, take reverse gear,
and try to compensate your mistakes. Learn just a single sentence that can be like sanjivani
booti in every worse situation of your life.

“Never Say No” Be a Yes Man!

Kuldeep Dhiman
Some Facts about Iris & Gladiolus

“Iris means a rainbow”

Iris is the flower of a Greek Goddess, who is the messenger of Love. In the language of flowers
Iris symbolizes eloquence. Irises are wonderful garden plants. The word Iris means rainbow.
Irises is found in many colors: blue and purple, white and yellow, pink and orange, brown and
red, and even black. Iris is hardy herbaceous perennials. The genus Iris has about 200 species
and is native of North Temperate regions of the world. The habitat of iris also varies a lot. Some
irises grow in deserts, some in swamps, some in the cold far North, and many in temperate
climates. Bearded Iris and Siberian Iris are two of the most common types of iris grown.

Since Iris is the Greek Goddess, the Messenger of Love, her sacred flower is considered the
symbol of communication and messages. Therefore, the flower iris, in the language of flowers
symbolizes eloquence. Based on their colour, iris convey varied messages. Purple iris is
symbolic of wisdom and compliments. Blue iris symbolizes faith and hope. Yellow iris
symbolizes passion while white iris symbolizes purity. A gift of iris can be used to convey
many emotions. Iris flower's characteristic feature is having three petals often called the
"standards", and three outer petal-like sepals called the "falls".

Types of Irises

Irises are classified into two major groups: Rhizome Irises and Bulbous Irises.

Rhizome Irises are thickened stems that grow horizontally, either underground or partially
underground. After planting, iris Rhizomes produce sword like leaves that overlap, forming flat

fans of green foliage. Three popular irises in this group are Bearded, Beardless and Crested

Bulbous Irises grow from bulbs that require a period of dormancy after they have bloomed. The
bulbous irises are typically smaller than rhizome irises and usually produce smaller blossoms.

Growing Iris

Before planting Iris, improve the soil conditions, use a slow release fertilizer. To increase the
organic matter content use compost, peat moss or well rotted manure. Fertilizer and organic
matter should be worked thoroughly into the top 4 to 6 inches of soil. Irises are grown from
both seed and root separation. When transplanting, separate the Rhizome. Make sure to have
some root and a leaf or two in each section.

Other Uses of Iris

The juice of the fresh roots of Iris, bruised with wine, has been employed as a strong purge of
great efficiency in dropsy. The juice of Iris is also sometimes used as a cosmetic for the removal
of freckles from the skin. The fresh root of Iris germanica is a powerful cathartic, and for this
reason its juice has been employed in dropsy. It is chiefly used in the dry state, being said to be
good for complaints of the lungs, for coughs and hoarseness, but is now more valued for the
pleasantness of its violet-like perfume than for any other use.


Gladiolus is also commonly referred to by the name of its genus - Gladiolus, the plural form of
which can be Gladiole, Gladioluses or Gladioli. Gladiolus is also known as the Sword Lily, due
to its sword shaped leaves, or Corn Lily. The genus Gladiolus comprises 260 species, 250 of
which are native to sub-Saharan Africa, mostly South Africa. About 10 species are native to
Eurasia. The impressive flower spikes of Gladioli come in a wide array of beautiful colours.
The Gladiolus flower signifies remembrance. It also expresses infatuation, telling the receiver
that he or she pierces the heart. It also stands for strength of character, faithfulness and honour.

An ancient name for the gladiolus was xiphium, from the Greek word xiphos, also
meaning sword.

The Gladiolus flower is the birth flower for August.

Gladiolus represented the Roman Gladiators, before the African Gladioli became popular
in the West.

African Gladioli were imported in large quantities to Europe from South Africa during
the 18th century.

Most of the more than 10,000 named Gladioli cultivars probably were derived from just
seven species native to South Africa and first brought to European gardens in the late 17 th

The Mediterranean and British Gladiolus flowers were used to treat physical ailments.

Some parts of Gladiolus plant are poisonous, if ingested, and handling some species may
cause skin irritation or allergic reactions.
The English used the gladiolus flower's stem base (corms) as a poultice and for drawing
out thorns and splinters; powdered corms mixed with goat's milk was commonly used to
soothe the symptoms of colic.

Scab, Fusarium Rot and Yellows, Penicillium Storage Rot, Leaf Spots and Blights,
Stromatinia Corm Dry Rot, Virus and Phytoplasma Disease are the Common Gladioli
Banpreet Singh Saini

ASSIGNMENT-A Burden or a Tonic to Excellence?

What Is The Motto Behind Giving Endless Assignment?

For an average student, it is a sort of terror and punishment. He takes

it as a burden and become frustrated. He adopts false methods like
cheating from assignment of other students or bunking classes due to
extreme pressure from teachers, but there is ultimately no yield and
gain .whereas, for a brilliant student, it is a tonic to excellence .

Friends, assignment is given by teachers to provide the layout of the

topic and important questions which are frequently asked in the
examinations. So it is our prime most duty to firstly, understand the
topic and then write on our own so that all the concepts are clear as it
is a source to fetch more and more in examination, but to waste time in
preparing fake notes is useless.

At last, in my view, assignments are given for our benefit so we should fully and whole heartily
utilize the chance of writing assignment.


Srikant Mohnan

What is Recession?

This story is about a man who once upon a time was selling
Hotdogs by the roadside. He was illiterate, so he never read
newspapers. He was hard of hearing, so he never listened to
the radio. His eyes were weak, so he never watched television.
But enthusiastically, he sold lots of hotdogs. He was smart
enough to offer some attractive schemes to increase his sales.
His sales and profit went up. He ordered more and more raw
material and buns and sold more. He recruited more
supporting staff to serve more customers. He started offering
home deliveries. Eventually he got himself a bigger and better stove.

As his business was growing, the son, who had recently graduated from college, joined his
father. Then something strange happened.

The son asked, "Dad, aren't you aware of the great recession that is coming our way?"
The father replied, "No, but tell me about it."
The son said, "The international situation is terrible. The domestic situation is even worse. We
should be prepared for the coming bad times."
The man thought that since his son had been to college, read the papers, listened to the radio
and watched TV, he ought to know and his advice should not be taken lightly. So from the next
day onwards, the father cut down his raw material order and buns, took down the colorful
signboard, removed all the special schemes he was offering to the customers and was no longer
as enthusiastic. He reduced his staff strength by giving layoffs.

Very soon, fewer and fewer people bothered to stop at his Hotdog stand and his sales started
coming down rapidly and so did the profit. The father said to his son, "Son, you were right”.

“We are in the middle of a recession and crisis. I am glad
you warned me ahead of time."

It’s all in your MIND! And we actually FUEL this

recession much more than we think.

Kanika Verma
2908357 (IT)

Bomb Blast on Moon….!!!!

A powerful bomb rocked the surface of moon on 9 th of October, 2009. The result of the
explosion was a crater and a lot of dust. This bombardment has led to a great discovery. The
recent moon bombing mission was conducted by NASA. Actually this mission started in June
2009 when NASA fired into space two robotic space probes, the lunar reconnaissance orbiter
(LRO) and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS).
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is going to go into orbit around the
Moon and it‟s going to map the Moon in finer detail than ever done
before and in addition to mapping the Moon with this beautiful
photographic camera LRO is also going to look at the temperature
environment on the Moon and the radiation environment on the Moon.
These are all things that we'll really want to know before we have people living on the surface
of the Moon. So the plan for LRO is that it will use its own propulsion system to enter into a
circular orbit around the Moon, a polar orbit going around the north and south poles at about 50
kilometers high. From this, for one year, it will map the surface of the Moon for what we call
the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate. After that one-year mission, it will be turned over
to the Science Mission Directorate at NASA who will use it to do lunar science and study the
history of the Moon's surface and how it came to be the way it is.
Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS)
LCROSS is a very different concept. The LCROSS system consists of two main components.
You have the centaur upper stage of our Moon rocket, which has the motor that takes us out of
Earth orbit and propels us toward the Moon. And then later on we'll use that empty upper stage
as our impactor. Then we also have the shepherding spacecraft. This guides and targets that
upper stage toward its target crater and also carries the scientific instrumentation on board that
will measure and analyze the plume we create. There is a range of instrumentation on board.
We have cameras and spectrometers, both working in the visible and infrared wavelengths.

New Inventions

It‟s true that our generation has witnessed some of the most astonishing inventions of mankind.
Besides, it is also true that the list is an ever-growing one as long as our pulse sustains us. Let
me take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the latest exemplary proofs of our prowess
as humans.
1) Draganflyer X6 helicopter - It is a miniature
helicopter, remotely operated unmanned device that
has the ability to carry with it wireless video cameras
and still cameras. Also it has an excellent feature that
whatever the helicopter will view through the video
glasses, we will be able to observe the same on a
screen in our hands connected in a wireless manner.
Besides, using 6-rotor designed motors, it also uses 11 sensors to be precise and ample
number of lines of code to stabilise itself during its flight. It can be used in our police
force, armed forces and detective agencies

2) Organic light emitting devices: A thin film

of plastic able to conduct electricity and
create solar power. The concept is of OLED
(organic light emitting devices) is that a piece
of cloth would be able to display information
electronically. This is an awesome invention
in the field of light emitting devices and it
possesses the potential of changing the way
we light up their homes.

Ishan Misri
Test your IQ

1. You are given two candles of equal size, which can burn 1 hour
each. You have to measure 90 minutes with these candles. (There
is no scale or clock). Also u r given a lighter.

2. How will you recognize the magnet & magnetic material & non-
magnetic material?

3. How will you measure height of building when you are at the top of the building?
And if you have stone with you.

4. There are three people A, B, C. Liars are of same type and Truth speaking people
are of same type. Find out who is speaking truth and who is speaking false from the
following statements:

a) A says: B is a liar.

b) B says: A and C are of same type.

5. Can u make 120 with 5 zeros?

6. What is the height of room if after entering the room with a watch your head
strikes a hanging bulb?

7. If one tire of a car suddenly gets stolen.... and after sometime you find the tire
without the screws how will you make your journey complete?
Shubham Gupta

So what’s your IQ???

Ans 1: First light-up the two ends of the 1st candle and one end of the 2nd candle.
When the 1st candle will burn out, then light up the both ends of the 2nd candle

Ans 2: Drag one piece of material over another. There is no attractive force in the
middle portion of the magnet. Or Get a piece of thread and tie up with the one bar and check
for poles. If it is iron barthen it will move freely and if it is magnetic bar then it will fix in
one direction according to poles.

Ans 3: Drop the stone and find the time taken for the stone to reach the ground. Find
height using the formula . s = a + gt (s = height, a= initial velocity=0, g=9.8m/s, t = time

Ans 4: let‟s assume A is speaking truth. It means B is a liar then it means A and C are
not of same type.

Ans 5: Factorial (factorial (0) +factorial (0) +factorial (0) +factorial (0) +factorial (0)) =

Ans 6: Oscillate the hanging bulb. Calculate the time period for one complete
oscillation by Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) of the handing bulb. Put it in the
formula T=2 * 3.14 * (L/G) ^1/2 L will be the length of the hanging thread.
Add the L with your height to get the height of the room.

Ans 7: Open 3 screws, 1 from each tire and fix the tire.

Spintronics - An emerging technology

Spintronics is an emerging technology in present scenario that exploits the intrinsic spin of
electron and its associated magnetic moment. It is basically a technology which is under test for
data storage & processing purposes. It is based on spin of electron rather than its charge. By
using spin we can retrieve our data. It can be used in read heads, magnetic sensors. Spintronics
also known as magnetoelectronics, is an emerging technology that exploits the intrinsic spin of
the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic
charge, in solid-state devices.


The research field of Spintronics emerged from

experiments on spin-dependent electron transport
phenomena in solid-state devices done in the 1980s,
including the observation of spin-polarized electron
injection from a ferromagnetic metal to a normal metal by
Jiveshwar Sharma, Johnson and Silsbee (1985).

Spintronics is based on the spin of the electron rather than its charge. Every electron exists in
one of two states, namely, spin-up and spin-down, with spins either positive half or negative
half it is a part of move of electronics down to the quantum level. Where the behavior of
individual atoms and electrons get to be more important rather than their behavior of masses
Thus by exploiting the `spin` of the electron rather than its charge, physicists are trying to create
a remarkable new generation of `spintronic` devices which will be smaller, more versatile and
more robust than those currently making up silicon chips and circuit element.If we can detect
when an electron is up or down, we are on our way to using that information. Computing, after
all, builds on the ability to detect binary on/off states to store and manipulate all those 0s and 1s.

Working of spintronics devices

(1):- Information will be stored (written) into spins as a particular spin orientation (up or down).
(2):- The spins, being attached to mobile electrons, will carry the information along a wire.
(3):- The information will be read at a terminal.


Avoid Energy Loss

So far,only superconductors were known to carry current without any dissipation, which was
possible only at extremely low temperatures, typically -150 degree Celsius. And due to this
characteristic they could not be used in commercial devices. But by modifying electrons spin
property with a sensitive spin detector, dissipation less spin current could be made to flow even
at room temperature.

Require less Energy

Spintronics devices would consume less power compared to conventional electronics, because
the energy needed to change spin is a easy compared to energy needed to push charge around.

Non volatile memory

Since Spins don`t change when power is turned off, the memory remains non-volatile.

Man Mohan & Rahul

Economic Effects of Climate Change

Extensive scientific evidence suggests that the worldwide climate has been warming in recent
decades and is likely to continue doing so. The researchers predicts that global surface air
temperatures will increase by 1.1 to 6.4°C between the years 1990 to 2100, accompanied by
various changes in precipitation patterns as well. The possible contribution of human activity
has produced considerable debate about appropriate responses by governments, businesses, and
individuals to “mitigate” the extent of global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, a
primary source of which is fossil fuels.

A key element in this debate is the magnitude of the net economic

costs associated with potential climate change. One area of
considerable uncertainty in regard to the economic effects of climate
change is the likely differential impact of global warming across
geographic regions. In this Economic Letter, we provide a partial
overview of recent research that examines such geographic variation in
the economic impact of climate warming in North America.

The research discussed here suggests that the potential economic impact of climate change will
vary in important ways at the sub continental level. In the United States, it is possible that some
states will see significant net economic benefits from warming, while others may see substantial
losses. For winter sports activities such as skiing, there appears to be less ambiguity, although,
even for this industry, some locations may see benefits through shifts toward warm weather
activities, reductions in the incidence of weather that is too cold for comfortable enjoyment of
the slopes, and shifts in existing demand to areas where conditions remain favorable. The
geographic variability discussed here suggests the need for state and local policies in some
areas, rather than purely national polices, to prepare for the potential effects of climate change.
Sandeep Kumar
ME (2909453)
College via Hostel Life

Friends are an integral part of anyone's life. Everyone wants a companion in his/her life. The
most convenient and easiest method is Hostel Life. Students from various regions/ parts come
together in a hostel for doing a course or to earn a degree in fields namely B-Tech, MBA, Hotel
Management and other innumerable fields. But it's not only earning a degree, it is degree
accompanied by fun, drama, sport, passion, emotions. Overall the life becomes spicy. Hence,
undoubtedly one can say that hostel life may be regarded as one of the most wonderful, exotic
part of anybody's life.

Innumerable friends are made in the process which goes on a long way in life. Many get in
touch with their life partners. Wow! The life just blossoms all and over. It can be regarded as
one of the most beautiful phases in one‟s life. One of the advantages of hostel life is that one
gets independent. It teaches a student or it prepares a student for his/her future life. It makes a
student self-reliant. It just helps a student in developing an overall personality. It gives a proper
shape to their life.

But all these factors lies in a student's hand itself because there are always bad elements too in
the process. A student's future lies in his own hands, whether he takes it to boon or a bane. But
my dear Friends, it has to be the universal truth that HOSTEL LIFE ROCKS!!!!!

Karan Arora
Dark Energy

The discovery in 1998 that the Universe is actually speeding up

its expansion was a total shock to astronomers. It just seems
counter-intuitive or against common sense. But the evidence
has become convincing. The evidence came from studying
distant Type I supernovae. This type of supernovae results from
having a white dwarf star in a binary system. Matter transfers
from the normal star to the white dwarf until the white dwarf
attains a critical mass (the Chandrasekhar limit) and undergoes a thermonuclear explosion.
Because all white dwarfs achieve the same mass before exploding, they all achieve the same
luminosity and can be used by astronomers as "standard candles."
By knowing the distance to these supernovae, we know how long ago they occurred. In
addition, the light from the supernova has been red-shifted by the expansion of the Universe. By
measuring this redshift from the spectrum of the supernova, astronomers can determine how
much the Universe has expanded since the explosion. By studying many supernovae at different
distances, astronomers can piece together a history of the expansion of the Universe.
In the 1990's two teams of astronomers, the Supernova Cosmology Project (Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory) and the High-Z Supernova Search (international), were looking for distant
Type Ia supernovae in order to measure the expansion rate of the Universe with time. They
expected that the expansion would be slowing, which would be indicated by the supernovae
being brighter than their redshifts would indicate. Instead, they found the supernovae to be
fainter than expected. Hence, the expansion of the Universe was accelerating!
In addition, measurements of the cosmic microwave background indicate that the Universe has
a flat geometry on large scales. Because there is not enough matter in the Universe -- either
ordinary or dark matter -- to produce this flatness, the difference must be attributed to a "dark
energy". This same dark energy causes the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. In

addition, the effect of dark energy seems to vary, with the expansion of the Universe slowing
down and speeding up over different times.
Astronomers know dark matter is there by its gravitational effect on the matter that we see, and
there are ideas about the kinds of particles it must be made of. By contrast, dark energy remains
a complete mystery. The name "dark energy" refers to the fact that some kind of "stuff" must
fill the vast reaches of mostly empty space in the Universe in order to be able to make space
accelerate in its expansion. In this sense, it is a "field" just like an electric field or a magnetic
field, both of which are produced by electromagnetic energy. But this analogy can only be taken
so far, because we can readily observe electromagnetic energy via the particle that carries it, the
Some astronomers identify dark energy with Einstein's Cosmological Constant. Einstein
introduced this constant into his general relativity when he saw that his theory was predicting an
expanding universe, which was contrary to the evidence for a static universe that he and other
physicists had in the early 20th century. This constant balanced the expansion and made the
Universe static. With Edwin Hubble's discovery of the expansion of the Universe, Einstein
dismissed his constant. It later became identified with what quantum theory calls the energy of
the vacuum.
In the context of dark energy, the cosmological constant is a reservoir which stores energy. Its
energy scales as the Universe expands. Applied to the supernova data, it would distinguish
effects due to the matter in the Universe from those due to the dark energy. Unfortunately, the
amount of this stored energy required is far more than observed and would result in very rapid
acceleration -- so much so that the stars and galaxies would not form. Physicists have suggested
a new type of matter, "quintessence," which would fill the Universe like a fluid which has a
negative gravitational mass. However, new constraints imposed on cosmological parameters by
Hubble Space Telescope data rule out at least simple models of quintessence.
Other possibilities being explored are topological defects, time-varying forms of dark energy, or
a dark energy that does not scale uniformly with the expansion of the Universe.
Parveen Nayak
Alien Monolith Found on Saturn's Moon Iapetus?

Aliens and UFO's seem to have been around since the dawn of time and
very little mainstream research has been done to help prove or even
disapprove the existence of extraterrestrials visiting our planet. With the
staggering amount of abductions, testimonies, UFO pictures and even
Alien pictures you would think the Governments of the world would be
looking into the matter with a more serious approach. Unfortunately, any
information they do have seems to have been dubbed Classified and will
never be viewed by the general public.

Research and Understanding is the only way man ever evolves as a

species. Since we know that Aliens and UFO's exist and since our
leaders, either aren't trying to understand our not so far off friends ,or
are hiding something very important; it seems that it's up to us as the
people of Earth to conduct research of our own. Without the help of
you- the reader we simply will never find the truth. If you have had any
type of experience with Aliens or UFO's it's very important that you
report that data Here so we can archive and investigate it and make it readily available to
anyone who wishes to know the truth. The ancient traditions and scriptures from different
continents talk about a race of serpent beings endowed with superhuman powers. The scriptural
and folkloric resources are used to present more complete picture of them and their ancient and
recent interaction .

Amandeep singh

Insignificant mortals, who are as leaves are,
and now flourish and grow warm with life,
and feed on what the ground gives,
but then again fade away and are dead.
What's the significance of life? Who are we? Is human life just a dream, from which we never
really awake, as some great thinkers claim? Are we submerged by our feelings, by our loves
and hates, by our ideas of good, bad, beautiful, and awful? Are we incapable of knowing
beyond those ideas and feelings? Is the reality we know a reality imposed upon us by nature?
Is the reality and the meaning of life a creation of men, such as music, or love or colours
(science tells us that there aren't such things as music, harmony or colours in the physical world.
Just travelling molecules, “There is not, external to us, hot or cold, but only different velocities
of molecules; there aren‟t sounds, callings, harmonics, but just variation in the pressure of air;
there aren‟t colours, or light, just electro-magnetic waves,” said H. Von Foerster
Are we - and all living beings - just “survival machines, blindly programmed to preserve the
selfish molecules known as genes”, as Richard Dawkins states? Are we incapable of knowing
beyond the frames imposed upon us by nature?We do not know. We will never know. Why?
For what purpose is it?
We do not know whether there is some purpose or not. But if it is true that nothing is born of
nothing, the existence of something – the world, the universe – would seem to imply that there
has always been something: that being is eternal, uncreated, perhaps creator, and this is what
some people call God.
Therefore don't be anxious for tomorrow, tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day's own
evil is sufficient.Sarcastic and well humoured thoughts, I see the better, and approve. But I
follow the worst.
Jitin Kumar
YEAR 2012- Seven Reasons

Reason one: Mayan calendar

The first to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were
good at two things - building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and sacrificing
virgins. Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as
329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the earth will end on
December 21, 2012.

Reason two: Sun storms

Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery. Our
sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic and it
is supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms
have been bombarding the earth with lots of radiation energy. It‟s been knocking out power
grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse and calculations suggest
it‟ll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.

Reason three: Earth’s magnetic field
We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that shields us from most of the sun‟s
radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call North and South have a
nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so -- and right now we‟re about 30,000
years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30 kms each
year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner.
While the pole shift is under way, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear,
sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds,
killing everything it touches.

Reason four: Super volcano

Yellowstone National Park in United States is famous for its thermal springs and old faithful
geyser. The reason for this is simple -- it‟s sitting on top of the world‟s biggest volcano and
geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern
of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we‟re many years overdue for an explosion that will
fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the earth into a frozen winter that
could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and
geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.

Reason five: The physicists

Physicists at Berkely University have determined that the earth is well overdue for a major
catastrophic event. Even worse, they‟re claiming that their calculations prove that we‟re all
going to die, very soon. They are also saying that their prediction comes with a certainty of 99
per cent; and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it is going to occur.

Reason six: The Bible says it

Not only the scientists are warning us about the end of the world but also the religious folks are
saying the same thing as well. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for
Armageddon, the final battle between good an evil, has been set for 2012. The I Ching, also
known as the Chinese Book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the
Hindu teachings.

Reason seven: The atom smasher

Scientists in Europe have been building the world‟s largest particle accelerator. Basically, it is a
27 km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the universe tick.
However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it‟s
properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They‟re predicting all manner of deadly
results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious
experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob of the size of a

Amandeep Singh
ME ( 2909454)

Something about Life

Do you believe me? There is something about life I want to tell you.

 Be strong enough to face the world each day

 Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything alone.
 Be generous to those who need your help.
 Be wise enough to know that you don‟t know everything.
 Be willing enough to share your joys.
 Be willing enough to share the sorrows of others.
 Be a leader to someone who has missed a path.
 Be a follower when you are shrouded in the midst of uncertainty
 Be the first one to congratulate an opponent who succeeds
 Be the last to criticize a colleague who fails.
 Be sure where your next step will fall so that you don‟t stumble.
 Be sure of your final destination in case you are going on the wrong way.
 Be loving to those who love you.
Shefali Chauhan

New Guy in College

When we pass from school life and enter college life, we live in dorm life. We have to learn
experience. We are going to live in community with new friends with new goals; new aims and
we have many seniors and super seniors. They know every thing about college and rules
regulations. They give directions and we follow them. The first week becomes very interesting..
You have crossed your school campus and now you have entered college so your world has
become bigger, larger, tougher and much more difficult. You will have a completely different
community of friend circle and for some adjusting to college life is tougher as compared to
others. In college there are many more friends around us. Some students will have the same
goal. Be prepared to adjust in college life. You are about to face some struggles in your life.

Rakesh Roshan

The Road-Runner

So friends, what do you get clicked in your minds when you come across the word Road
Runner. Well let me guess…!!!! A place..?? A thing..?? An animal..?? naaahhh!!! A
cartoon…!! yeaahhh… How can you forget the famous beep-beep created by Chuck Jones??
Yes it is the animated film directed by Chuck Jones and co-directed by Maurice Noble and
Tom Ray. Do you know what was the quality of the road-runner?? These lines may help you

"If you're on a highway and Road Runner goes beep-beep!

Just step aside, or you might end up in heap!
Road Runner, Road Runner runs on the road all day…….
Okay now let us talk about supercomputers.

A supercomputer is a computer that is at the frontline of current processing capacity,

particularly speed of calculation. Supercomputers introduced in the 1960s were designed
primarily by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC), and led the market into the
1970s. Supercomputers are used for highly calculation-intensive tasks such as problems
involving quantum mechanical physics, weather forecasting, climate research, molecular
modeling (computing the structures and properties of chemical compounds, biological
macromolecules, polymers, and crystals), physical simulations (such as simulation of airplanes
in wind tunnels, simulation of the detonation of nuclear weapons, and research into nuclear
Halt..!! halt..!! halt..!! why are we talking about the cartoon and supercomputer at the same
time…!!!are they linked to each other..??? come on whack your brains and scratch your head
guys… no..!! ok I‟ll tell you.. you must have heard about IBM…well well all here are
computer buffs…International Business Machines Corporation, abbreviated IBM, is a

multinational computer technology and IT consulting corporation headquartered in Armonk,
New York, United States. Now this IBM is the creator of the fastest computer on earth!!! And
do you know what‟s its name-THE ROAD-RUNNER. Wow now its making sense, isn‟t it..??
Yes Roadrunner is a supercomputer built by IBM at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in
New Mexico, USA. Currently the world's fastest computer, the US$133-million Roadrunner is
designed for a peak performance of 1.7 petaflops, achieving 1.026 on May 25, 2008, and to be
the world's first TOP500 Linpack sustained 1.0 petaflops system. It is a one-of-a-kind
supercomputer, built from off the shelf parts, with many novel design features.In November
2008, it reached a top performance of 1.456 petaflops, retaining its top spot in the TOP500 list.
It is also the fourth-most energy-efficient supercomputer in the world on the Supermicro
Green500 list, with an operational rate of 444.94 megaflops per watt of power used.

IBM built the computer for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Nuclear Security
Administration. It is a hybrid design with 12,960 IBM PowerXCell 8i and 6,480 AMD Opteron
dual-core processors in specially designed blade servers connected by Infiniband. The
Roadrunner uses Red Hat Enterprise Linux along with Fedora as its operating systems and is
managed with xCAT distributed computing software. It also uses the Open MPI Message
Passing Interface implementation. Roadrunner occupies approximately 560 square metres
(6,000 sq ft) and became operational in 2008.


Roadrunner has been in development since 2002, and went online in 2006. Due to its novel
design and complexity it was constructed in three phases and became fully operational in 2008.

Phase 1

The first phase of the Roadrunner was building a standard (albeit quite large) Opteron based
cluster, while evaluating the feasibility to further construct and program the future hybrid
version. This Phase 1 Roadrunner reached 71 teraflops and has been in full operation at Los
Alamos National Laboratory doing advanced weapons simulations since 2006. .
Phase 2

Phase 2 known as “AAIS” (Advanced Architecture Initial System) included building a small
hybrid version of the finished system using an older version of the Cell processor. This phase
was used to build prototype applications for the hybrid architecture. It went online in January

Phase 3

The goal of Phase 3 was to reach sustained performance in excess of 1 petaflops. Additional
Opteron nodes and new PowerXCell processors were added to the design. These PowerXCell
processors are five times as powerful as the Cell processors used in Phase 2. It was built to full
scale at IBM‟s Poughkeepsie, New York facility, where it broke the 1 petaflops barrier during
its fourth attempt on May 25, 2008. The complete system was moved to its permanent location
in New Mexico in the summer of 2008, where fine tuning of the applications will continue until
final completion in the latter stages of 2009.

Technical specifications


Roadrunner is unique for its hybrid design using two different models of processors. It is using
AMD Opteron 2210, running at 1.8 GHz. Opterons are used both in the computational nodes
feeding the Cells with useful data and in the system operations and communication nodes
passing data between computing nodes and helping the operators running the system.
Roadrunner has a total of 6912 Opteron processors (6480 computation, 432 operation), for a
total of (12960+864) 13824 cores.

Another processor which roadrunner I using is IBM PowerXCell 8i, running at 3.2 GHz.
These processors have one general purpose core (PPE), and eight special performance cores
(SPE) for floating point operations. Roadrunner has a total of 12,960 PowerXCell processors,
with 12,960 PPE cores and 103,680 SPE cores, for a total of 116,640 cores. Hebce total number
of cores being used are 13,824 Opteron cores + 116,640 Cell cores = 130,464 cores.


The DOE plans to use the computer for predicting safety and reliability of nuclear weapons.
Other uses for the Roadrunner include the sciences, financial, automotive and aerospace
industries. Roadrunner differs from many contemporary supercomputers in that it is a hybrid
system, using two different processor architectures.

Ishan Misri

Three Inspiring Stories
First Story - Flight Of Swans
Whenever you see a group of swans flying in the sky in “V” shape, you might think why they
fly in a particular shape? Earlier no body knew the reason for this shape. Now Science has
solved this mystery.
Whenever any swan opens and moves its wings to take a flight, this helps
the other swan to take up the flight. Like this when the entire group flies
in a “V” shape the efficiency of the speed goes up by 71% as compared
to the speed of one single swan. This is why the intelligent swans fly in
“V” shape. If any swan tries to get away from that shape, he starts feeling
the stress and resistance, so he doesn‟t fly alone. Hence, this swan sets
back to his own group to take the benefit of group synergy.

When the leader of the group gets tired, he comes back by folding his
wings and another swan takes the place of the leader. They also make
a particular sound while flying as to motivate the swans flying in the
front. When some one gets hurt or is not well, he starts falling out
from the group; and to help him immediately other two swans also
leave the group and come down with him. They stay with him till he
recovers back or he dies; then go back to their group or join some
other group in the sky.

We should learn the team work, power of union and oneness from them.

Second Story - Choice of Life
There lived an old wise man in the heights if Himalayas. Time -to -time he used to travel down
to a village and used to entertain the people with his talent. Out of many talents he had one
amazing power to tell anything that a person may be carrying in his pocket, bag, box and heart.
Once, few young boys planned to make fun of this elderly gentleman by proving his amazing
power not true.
One boy caught hold of a bird in his hands. He knew that the old wise man would definitely tell
what he was holding in his hands. He thought of a plan. Since the boy knew that the old man
would tell what he had in his hands, he would ask whether the bird was alive or dead. If the old
man would say it‟s alive, the boy would kill the bird in his hand so that on opening his hands
the bird was found dead. If the old man would say that the bird was dead, the boy would open
his hands and let the bird fly. In this way, the boy would prove him wrong. Next time when the
old man came down to the town, the boy caught hold of a bird and hide it in his hands at the
He went to the old man and asked, “Tell me what I have in my hands?”
The old man said, “You have a bird”. He was right.
Then boy asked, “Tell me whether it‟s alive or dead?‟
The old wise man looked at the boy and said, “The bird is in the same state the way you want”.
The old man further said while the boy looked at him in amazement, “The same thing applies in
your life too”.

We ourselves decide the direction of our life.

Third Story-What Will People Say
Once upon a time there was a man in this world, who believed in all that has been said above,
and who became a “lighthouse” for millions of people living under stress. His name was
Abraham Lincoln. His resume is as follows:
Age.22, failed in business.
Age.23, ran for legislature and was defeated
Age 24, failed again in business.
Age.25, elected to legislature
Age 26, sweetheart died.
Age 27, had a nervous breakdown.
Age 29, defeated for speaker
Age 31, defeated for elector
Age 34, defeated for Congress.
Age 37, elected to Congress
Age 39, defeated for Congress
Age 46, defeated for Senate
Age 47, defeated for Vice president
Age 49, defeated for Senate
Age 51, elected President of the United States of America

Abraham Lincoln did not bother what people said about him when he failed. Even when he
became the President, people still criticized him but instead of getting stressed, he expressed
this deathless line: “No man is good enough to be President but someone has to be.”

Hitesh Gahlawat

Letter from Physics to Mathematics

Mr. Mathematics,
11/4 tan-30x Integral, Sin road, Calculus-II

Dear Mathematics

I am quite well in full charged capacitor. And I hope that you are also in trigonometry. First we
met at an electric spark. Then my heart started beating with a frequency of 50 c.p.s. Now you
are sitting at the axial line of my heart. We are perpendicular to each other. Your algebraic
activity is very handsome because it doesn‟t depend upon your sine and cosine angles. The
mechanics of my heart depends upon you. If you do not allow me to apply Cos and Sin angles,
then my mechanics will fail.
There are many similarities between you and me. The real image of your love is in my heart
mirror which is made up of flint glass. This image falls upon my focal point. When I feel mho,
my heart begins to vibrate alternatively and a current of 5 Ampere passes through the whole
irregular body. And at last I request you to meet at I, Newton Road, Near Wheat Stone Bridge.
If you don‟t come, the circuit of my heart will break and after that I will be a dead body.
At last all is good.
With lots of ohms.
My New address:
Miss Physics,
5.0 Volt, Henry Road,
Electro Magnetic Induction,
H.No. 8.314*10-6

A Home Away From Home

It's the thought of home,

Something that's our own,
It‟s the place where we are taught
How to sit? how to walk?

All the joys and love stored at a place,

where we find ourselves with lots of grace,

It's the love, it‟s the relation,

Where gets sprouted our creation.
it's the caring, it‟s the sharing,
that gives genre of glaring.
it's the laugh, it‟s the cry
that makes our life fly.

But the time has come,

to leave it for some.
To achieve something great,
while studying at higher rate.
for the dreams to come true,
buzzing at greater place.

So, we arrive at a stage,

for a new cool place.
New students, new friends

joining to form new relation.

Now, where to live?

it's the hostel place.
It doesn't seem to be our own,
as it is bounded by limitations.
But, nothing matters,
it's only other home away from home.

Nav Chandra

Key to Success

Read less and Write more

Talk less and Listen more
Play less and Study more
Think less and Work more
Success will be yours, be sure.

Eat less and Chew more

Weep less and Laugh more
Worry less and Enjoy more
Health will be yours, be sure

Hate less and love more

Order less and Obey more
Quarrel less and Agree more
People‟s love will be yours, be sure.

Punish less and Forgive more

Waste less and Produce more
Spend less and Save more
Receive less and Give more
People‟s respect will be yours, be sure!!!



Time wins and no one else,

You and me are mere puppets.

For once you feel you can have fun,

He makes you repent
With His twists and turns.

Even for the slightest impudence you show,

He has His ways of punitive throw.

A glimpse of times that we forgot,

Brings in light, the cause of all thwart.

For me now there is no ambit for atheism,

As in everything I find only Him.

Kanika Verma

Live the Life You Love

Live the life you love

Love the life you live
The life you live matters
The life you love beckons
Life needs to be loved to live

Priyanka Arora


One night, sitting in one corner of my room,

I peeped out of my window,
Do you know what I saw there?
Darkness----calm and quiet Darkness!!
Today all are working hard,
Why? To achieve their goal in life,
But do you know what they went through?
Darkness----struggling and fighting Darkness!!
We‟re eighteen,
We can vote for elections,
But what has our government given us?
Darkness---partial and mean Darkness!!
Life has its ups and downs,
But before we enter into the phase of happiness,
We‟ve to go through a process called
Darkness----which makes us bolder and confident!!
One who survives in this game of life
Be the winner of one‟s own soul,
No more tears or fears for him and he comes out of-
Darkness---calm and quiet Darkness!!!!

Chandni Aggarwal


Do u know what frndship is??

“frndship is lyke a china cup,
Costly rich and rare,
Once broken can b mended,
Bt d crack is always there”

The real meaning of “FRIEND”

F: Is 4 „FAITH‟ v have in each other.
R: Is 4 „RESPECT‟ v have 4 others.
I: Is 4 „INSTICT‟ binding us together.
E: Is 4 „ENCOURAGEMENT‟ v give 2 each other.
N: Is 4 „NUMEROUS‟ secrets v share
D: Is 4 „DELIGHT‟ which keeps us happy always

Friendship is the sweetest fruit in d garden of life.

Friends are an other source of life.
The bore dull life, they make it bright.
Increase the joy & lessen d sorrow:
“Make a new friend but don‟t 4get old,
If new is silver then old is gold”

“Friendship is always a responsibility,

Never an opportunity”

Pooja, Manju, Monika,

(I.T. 3rd yr)

Your Adventure

Now that you're going to be graduated,

Your adventure has begun.
Your schooling has prepared you
For the race of life you have to run.
We praise you for your efforts,
And send good wishes, too,
For a future filled with happiness,
And may your fondest dreams come true.

Bright Future
As you're going to be graduated
Nothing can stop you now.
You‟ve worked hard to get your diploma;
It‟s time to take a vow.
Congratulations would be graduate!
Your future looks strong and bright.
May you achieve the things you hope for
And have a life of sheer delight.

Awesome Achievement
Your college graduation
Fills us with love and pride.
We always knew that you could do
Whatever you really tried.
It's a long and challenging journey
To get a college degree,

But you didn‟t quit it, you just went and did it,
And we're beaming affectionately.
Your achievement is awesome,
You've worked hard and you've passed the test.
We love you so, and we want you to know,
We think you're the very best!

Always Be A Student
Keep on learning,
Though your graduation's done;
Your whole life's an education
That has only just begun.
Your degree is the first big step,
For knowledge is the special key
To winning what you want in life
And being who you want to be.
If you'll always be a student,
You'll find the secrets to success
And travel on the golden road
To peace and happiness.

Graduation Friendship
We‟ve graduated, and we know
Our lives will be different and new;
We‟re going out into the world,
Our goals and dreams to pursue.
But one thing will never, ever change,
As we go our separate ways;

The friends we‟ve made in school will be
Our friends throughout all our days.
The special ties and attachments we‟ve made,
These bonds will never be broken;
We‟ll continue to feel that special bond,
Though words may not be spoken.
So it‟s not "goodbye," but rather "farewell;"
I‟ll see you again, my friend.
Your friendship means a lot to me,
And it will never end.

Graduation Thank You

Thank you for the gift you gave
For my college graduation;
Thank you for acknowledging
This special celebration.
I‟m grateful for your
I appreciate your present;
Thanks for making this eventful time
More joyful and more pleasant!


Abyss Called Life

In the abyss called life,

I‟m left behind,
With lots of burden on my mind..

Plz!! God help me out,

For what‟s good or bad,
My mind can‟t figure out.

I‟m frustrated and tired,

For the whole night I just cried.
My past is haunted and future unknown,
I need help,
To protect the dreams that I have sown.

I need love and devotion,

And someone to share my crying heart‟s emotions.

My every effort seems to be in vain,

With every thought mingled, my mind cries in pain.

Pain dances through every pore

And gloom seems to seep in more and more.

My life is so tough and seems impossible,

All pain and sorrows on the double.

I‟m feeling alone and everything unknown,

Darkness engulfing and fear so prone.

It is also a part of life,,
Really horrible but not so rife.

Plz!! God help me out,

Otherwise loneliness will kill me..

I too wanna enjoy life,

As this is God‟s lovely gift in disguise......
Manpreet Singh

Everything Gonna Be Alright

Whatever has happened

Don‟t recall that,
Whatever has gone,
Don‟t cry for that,
Just remember one thing Wright,
That Everything gonna be alright!!

Whatever has been lost,

We lost it to get the new one,
Whatever we get-
Be happy in that as the sufficient one,
Just remember one thing Wright,
That Everything gonna be alright!!

Whatever mishappening occurs,

Is for betterment of our life,
Whatever good thing happens to us,
Prepares for the next to take place in life,
Just remember one thing Wright,
That Everything gonna be alright!!

Whatever we do-
Is being watched by someone,
Whatever we don‟t do,
Is being waited by someone,
Just remember one thing Wright,
That Everything gonna be alright!!

Whatever trust we have inGod,

Keep it strong and healthy,
Never loose hope-
Is the mantra of life so don‟t be filthy,
Just remember one thing Wright,
That Everything gonna be alright!!!!!

Chandni Aggarwal

That One Day!

One day will come when I can walk in the sunshine freely,
The day when I can smile from the bottom of my heart,
The day when everyone will listen when I speak,
The day when I will not have to fight to take a breathe,
The day when someone will say "I can't live without you",
The day when a kid will say "I want to be like you",
I don't know if That Day actually exists in my destiny,
But I do know, with my determination, hard work and honesty,
I will myself write my destiny,
Because I don't want my life to have just 'That One Day',
Rather I want my life to be full of 'That One Day'.

Gaurav Dhingra

Friends till the End

Friends till the end,

That‟s what we always said,
Even when all hopes were dead.

Friends till the end,

We will always be,
Nothing can ever come between you and me.

Friends till the end,

Even when nothing will bend,
Our friendship we will always mend.

Friends till the end,

There‟s nothing we can‟t overcome,
I know you‟ll be there when I need someone.

Friends till the end,

We will never part,
As long as we have each other in our hearts.

Friends till the end,

Lies never told,
Standing together so strong and so bold.

Friends till the end,

With nowhere to begin,
I know I‟ll never be without you as a friend.

Friends till the end,
You can cry on my shoulder,
That‟s what I‟ve always told her.

Friends till the end,

Through sun and snow,
While others still come and go.

Friends till the end,

When my light fades away,
She brings back the sunlight into my day.

Kanika Verma

Me, Myself and I

Coming out of the shadows of the past and reaching

to the light that is now shining in its glory
I realized I am standing all alone,
with the whole world at my disposal;

I searched, I needed somebody

to continue the exploration,
or so I thought; how naive and so dumb one can become;

Wasting precious time doing nothing

but wandering through life
I became more confused than before;

Unable to run anymore, I sat down to take

and I realized I got me, myself and I;

Learned a lot along the way,

and now my very own best friend
exploring uncharted territories me myself and I
that‟s all I got in the end that‟s what I found out
me, myself and I

Priyanka Arora
2908360 (IT)

Memories are…
Old photographs captured in an ancient album conveying,
love, family, friendship in Past happy occasions.
Previous flashbacks recalling: dreadful, frightening moments.
A loved ones treasure that brings,
such pleasure to the one who inherits them.

Memories are…
An old burnt down house, that reveals some startling secret,
which now has Become a new hermitage.

Memories are…
child hood friendship, which is broken apart.
Unforgotten letters which remind others that they are loved and their

Memories are…
happy and sad, moments captured by people, of their life.
The key important events that you like
and happened like the first Word ever spoken,
or a baby‟s first foot steps for the first time being taken.

Memories are…
never washed away,
They remain engraved on the sands of time,
And work as the key, to open every closed tie.

Kanika Verma


Time wins and no one else,

You and me are mere puppets.

For once you feel you can have fun,

He makes you repent
With His twists and turns.

Even the slightest impudence you show,

He has His ways of punitive throw.

A glimpse of times that we forgot,

Brings in light, the cause of all thwart.

For me now there is no ambit for atheism.

As in everything I find only Him.

Kanika Verma

Why not a girl?

People pray for a boy,

Not for a girl,
They want a man,
Not a woman,
In need of education ,
They go to goddess, Saraswati,
In need of money,
They go to goddess, Lakshmi.
In need of courage,
They go to goddess, Durga.
Now ......................
Why do they hesitate?
To have a devi in the family!

Chetan Dixit

INDIA – A paradise on earth

Kashmir for beauty, Delhi for duty,

Gujarat for milk, Mysore for silk.
Bengal for poetry, Punjab for bravery,
Tamil Nadu for coconuts, Maharashtra for groundnuts.
U.P. for sugarcane, Meghalaya for rain,
Goa for beaches, Shimla for peaches.
Bihar for coal, Assam for petrol,
M.P. for jungles, Madhurai for temples.
Rajasthan for sand, Haryana for fertile land,
Mumbai for filmdom, Bangalore for garden.
This is my India, varied, wonderful and enchanting.
Sumit Kumar

I'm not an environmentalist. I'm an Earth warrior." - Darryl Cherney"


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