The Benefits Derived by The English 002 Students From Reading Books and Materials

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A research paper presented to

Ms. Coleen C. Sual
English Department

In partial fulfillment of require English002

(Communication Arts and Skills)

September __ , 2010

Reading has many benefits that continue to enhance their

lives. Their lives are bettered in some the following ways: mentally,
spiritually and sociality. Also, if we develop a habit reading will we
become more confident and self assured in abilities to comprehend and
understand all types of information.
One of the other main benefits of reading is that it exercises
your mind. Your mind begins to bend and flex mentally, It stays lose and
limber so to you can flow easier through the course of the day. The
regular routine ensures that the reading muscle stays in good shape as
well as the mind. Just like physical exercise, there has to be a
determination to make reading part of your life. If you understand the
many benefits of reading, you will have no trouble adopting a regular
habit of reading. Reading has other benefits to the regular reader which
is the ability to focus. When the mind is trained and channeled, it begins
to pay attention more thoroughly.
There is perhaps no greater avenue to learning then through
reading. All people, great and small, have learned more things by
reading then practically anywhere other way. When we continue to read,
we have the ability to expand our minds tremendously. The regular
routine reading has positively chanced the course many peoples' lives.
Finally, when we develop a practice a habit of reading, we are building
solid foundation on which to build. This foundation of reading will
allow us to accomplish many goals and ambitions we have for our lives.
Our habit of continuing to read helps to ensure we will continue to
succeed. Reading has a long and distinguish track record for establishing
positive and lasting benefits to humanity.
Statement of the Problem

1. How does it affects English 002 students by reading book and
other materials?
- It will develop the source of word of student in both mother
language and householder language and it will provide a base or
background for the grammatical efficiency of the students in
both languages. It contribute the thinking in both language and
will raise the communication in both language, it also help the
student to learn the rules of behaviors and lifestyle of
householder country.
2. Are they applying to their daily life?
- For techniques and materials (DVD’s, audio tapes, books and
computer programs) help English 002 students with language
and reading development. The internet is a great learning source
for students but a good reading ability should come first and
foremost. Without a strong reading capability a student is
unable to use the internet to its full potential. Any positive
interaction between parent and the teenage or student is helpful,
reading is always a sure fire way to gain a positive foothold into
a student life. Books open doors to new ideas, cultures and
3. How important is reading books and other materials?
- Reading book and other materials are important for many
reasons. Some of these reason are very practical, while other
less tangible, and not so obvious. Not only reading is required
skill to complete school and then university it is also a needed
skill in adulthood. The ability to read and learn new things
throughout your life keeps your brain young and healthy. With
the ability to read comes the ability to understand and
comprehend new subject matter that you have not previously
been expose to do. Perhaps you have a health problem you wish
to research. If you can read well you can learn plenty about your
health issue.
4. What is the best way to have a study habits in reading books
and other materials?
- Every reader has his/her own way to improve this habit. Make
yourself comfortable, reading improves concentration
whenever we are reading any books we should make ourselves
comfortable in a chair or on our bed so that we can concentrate
on the book we are reading. Read regularly like any other habit,
it is important that you read regularly to improve your reading
skill. If you are very disciplined then you can make a routine
and allot one hour of time every day for reading books.
5. How to encourage students to start reading books?
- Reading books is a popular habit taken up by some students, yet
others do not seem to engage in reading books because they find
it boring. That is why you need to encourage those students to
begin reading books, since reading improves their knowledge
and vocabulary to a large extent, helps them to relax and makes
them to be confident in communicating with other people.
Definition of terms

Benefit - the positive contribution to national product or measure of value.

Book - is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made

of paper,parchment, or other various material, usually fastened together to hinge at
one side.

Communication - a process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is

channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. 

Comprehend -  To take in the meaning, nature, or importance of; grasp.

Confident -  having or showing assurance and self-reliance.

Enhanced - to make greater, as in value, beauty, or effectiveness

Information -  most restricted technical sense, is an ordered sequence of symbols.

Habit - n acquired pattern of behavior that often occurs automatically.

Learning -  is acquiring

new knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, preferences or understanding, and may
involve synthesizing different types of information.

Mentally -  relating to the mind; specifically : of or relating to the total emotional

and intellectual response of an individual to external reality.

Mind -  is the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations

of thought, perception, memory,emotion, will and imagination, including all
unconscious cognitive processes. 

Reading – a cognitive process of decoding symbols to derived meaning from text..

Sociality - quality of being sociable; sociability

Spiritually - can refer to an ultimate or immaterial reality; an inner path enabling a

person to discover the essence of their being; or the “deepest values and meanings
by which people live.

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