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“In advertising, not to be different is virtually suicidal.

-Bill Bernbach
<Insert another random legendary quote about ‘Advertising’ here>

- <Duh! The quote’s writer’s name here>

You may have no idea who the above-mentioned person is, or for that matter David Ogilvy or
Howard Gossage. Don’t stretch your grey cells or your search engines. Oh no, please do. Now
your bright b-school brains might have figured out all this rambling is about Advertising. Pardon
our capital A for a common noun, grammar Nazis. Let’s get to the real challenge now.

What you all have to do is, do one of the below given tasks about any one topic that follows:
(For normal folks: Do any one of the following. For adventurous ones: This is no place to have
adventures. Get Leh’d on a Royal Enfield for that)
1. Record a promotional video (short advertisement) on the topic of your choice --– 2 minutes
2. Prepare a presentation on the topic (Please don’t make this boring, We beg you) ---- Max. 5
3. Combo of the above two (Presentation video) ---- Max 5 slides within 2 minutes. Simple!!
4. Make a Chocolate cake for us. (JK)

1. NITIE’s gender diversity
2. Samsung’s IPhone
3. Patanjali beer
4. LIC India’s Sky diving
5. GobarGas Deo
6. HardBoy Soap
7. Ghatiya Shoes
8. Fu-King Noodles

And remember, we DEFINITELY don’t want you to choose the easiest topic among the above 8.
So guys, get ready and be as crazy with your ideas as you can. We are waiting
for your responses.

And lastly,

**Something Legendary, cannot be random*

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