FMG Africa Fund - Presentation

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The Fund

FMG Africa Fund

The last virgin territory

Disclaimer: This summary is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy. Citizens or residents of the
United States may not invest in this Fund. Opinions and estimates constitute the manager’s judgment and are subject to change without notice. Past
performance is not indicative of future results. Investments in emerging markets should be considered high risk where a portion or total loss of capital is
conceivable. No assurance can be given that the investment objective will be achieved or that an investor will receive a return of all or part of his/her
initial capital, and investment results can fluctuate substantially over any given time period. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectus which contains brief
descriptions of certain risks associated with investing in the fund. Questions should be directed to your local representative or financial advisor. This
document may not be reproduced, distributed, or published for any purpose without the prior written consent of the manager.
FMG Africa Fund

 The world‘s first and only Africa focused multi-

manager fund. Launched on April 1st, 2007
 A diversified Africa fund with exposure to around
20 African stock markets. Focus on sub-Saharan
Africa stock markets
 Investing with a range of managers using different
investment strategies
 The majority of the exposure will be long-only over
 In contact with more than 80 Africa focused fund
managers and visited over 60 managers since
inception of the Fund

A Huge Continent

United States


Square miles
Percentage of global resources

China 3,705,390 Land mass 20%

United States 3,618,770 Diamonds 90%

Gold 50%
India 1,266,595 Europe
Phosphate 90%
Europe 1,905,000
Platinum 40%
Argentina 1,065,189
Petroleum 8%
Total 11,560,944
Natural Gas 12%

Source: Academic Centre for Education Development

Africa 11,707,000 Source: Ayittey, George B.N. Africa Betrayed, 1993,
Palgrave Macmillan , ISBN: 0312104006

Declining Political Risk

 After the African nations gained independence in the 50’s and 60’s the continent suffered from political instability.
Botswana was one of the few countries that at an early stage managed to create a stable democracy and since
its independence in 1966, real GDP growth has averaged almost 10% annually.
 Political risk in Africa has dramatically declined and set the stage for long term growth
 Number of armed conflicts dropped from more than 20 in 1999 to 5 in 2009
 Long run civil wars in Angola, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Liberia have come to an end

Elected governments in 1986 and in 2008

Source: Electoral Institute of Southern Africa 4

The Opportunity

 Africa has huge unlocked potentials with an abundance of commodities, a young population of 1 billon,
increasing political stability and better managed economies

 Africa accounts for less than 2% to global GDP despite being 13% of the World’s population and one fifth of the
world’s landmass

 Debt/GDP has come down from 70% in the ‘90s to 20% recently, FX reserves have risen from virtually nothing
to more than $50bn in a few years, has outpaced world GDP growth since 2001, FDI have increased from around
$10bn in the ‘90s to $60bn in 2008

 The International Energy Agency (IAE) predicts that sub-Saharan oil revenues will rise from the current $80bn a
year to $250bn a year by 2030. They estimate total revenues over the period at $4.1 trillion

 IEA predicts that Africa will overtake Russia in terms of gas exports to EU by 2030

 BRIC-African trade has increased from $16bn in 2000 to a staggering $157bn in 2008, a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 33%

 Stock markets have historically low correlation both intra Africa and Africa versus emerging markets

 Africa is the last sizeable and investable virgin territory left for investors. Today only 1% of world market
Source: African Development Bank, IMF, Bloomberg
25 African Stock Markets = 1x Exxon Mobil?!

 There are 25 stock markets in Africa ranging from start ups like Rwanda and Libya to the more established likes
of Egypt (1888) and Johannesburg Securities Exchange (1887)
 Africa’s total stock market capitalization is around $400bn which equals approx. 1x Exxon Mobil, or half of
Zurich’s SXE. So that’s 53 countries, 1bn population, land mass 3x the size of US, 1500+ listed stocks valued as
one US stock
 South Africa is by far the largest market and accounts for around 60% of stock market capitalization. Turnover in
African markets (ex. SA) increased from $7bn in 2004 to $70bn in 2007

Source: Bloomberg
Growing Connectivity

 A study by the UN shows that at the end of 2008 there where 4.1bn mobile subscribers in the world, up from
1bn in 2002. Africa’s user rate is up from 2% in 2000 to 28% in 2009 which equals 280 million subscribers
 Africa's Internet user rate increased 1,031% between 2000-2008 compared to a world growth rate of 306%. The
continent's Internet users reached 51 million in 2008 which equals a penetration rate of 5% today, compared to
a global penetration rate of 22%
 African Development Bank and the International Telecommunication Union have partnered together and pledged
to connect all African capitals and major cities through broadband infrastructure by 2012
 The mobile phone is creating virtual infrastructures:

 Prepaid mobile phones double as ‘bank accounts’ for those without banking affiliations
 Kenya Power & Light can bring electricity to shanty towns thanks to the possibility of
charging customers through their mobile phones
 Commerce is fostered through rapid dissemination of information
 Studies show that 20% of a population has the ability to exchange news and ideas through
access to cell phones and text messaging

Source: Internet World Stats,

Did You Know…

 China has signed bi-lateral trade agreements with 48 Africa countries (out of a total of 53) and loan agreements
with 22 countries

 The first region in the world to offer free, mobile roaming services across several countries

 Only 8 out of 53 countries have a more than 40% commodity distribution to GDP

 The cost of land in Argentina, Brazil and in USA is approximately 7x the cost of land in southern Africa

 Sub-Saharan Africa has a total arable area is 167m hectares (5x the size of Germany), of which only 28m
hectares are currently in agricultural production. Of this less than 3% of the farmed area is irrigated, despite a
total of 53m hectares of available inland water

 Around 70% of the population have an income of less than $2 a day

 After the Nigerian military handover took place in 1999 the Nigerian All Share Index jumped from 5000 points to
50,000 points in 2007. Annual turnover grew from virtually nothing to $17bn in 2007

 Almost 59 million Africans participated in the Presidential Elections held in 10 countries in 2006. This equals a
67% turn out rate which can be compared to 60% in the US

Source: African Economic Outlook, Africa Invest Fund Management, IMF, Bloomberg
FMG - Marketing Contacts

Asia Europe
Charles Cantlie & Jeffrey Shen Johan Kahm & Fredrik Edensvärd Lis Wilson & Erik Nelson
Tel: +44 20 7581 3149 Tel: +46 8 545 06 180 Tel: +1 203 968 0101
Fax: +44 20 7584 5484 Fax: +46 8 545 06 189 Fax: +1 203 322 1464
e-mail: e-mail: e-mail:
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UK Scandinavia Middle East

Charles Cantlie & Avon Cayzer Fredrik Edensvärd & Karl Grewin Erik Hultsberg
Tel: +44 20 7581 3149 Tel: +46 8 545 06 180 Tel: +46 8 545 06 180
Fax: +44 20 7584 5484 Fax: +46 8 545 06 189 Fax: +46 8 545 06 189
e-mail: e-mail: e-mail:
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Fund Administrator
Apex Fund Services (Malta) Ltd., Floor 6, Airways House, Gaiety Lane, Sliema, SLM 1549, Malta
Tel: 356 2131 1330 - Fax: 356 2131 2880 - e-mail: 9

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