Lin Et Al-2010-Journal of Periodontology

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J Periodontol • January 2010

Evaluation of Stress Induced by Implant

Type, Number of Splinted Teeth, and
Variations in Periodontal Support in
Tooth-Implant–Supported Fixed
Partial Dentures: A Non-Linear
Finite Element Analysis
Chun-Li Lin,* Jen-Chyan Wang,† Shih-Hao Chang,‡ and Shiang-Ting Chen§

Background: This study investigated the biomechanical interac-

tions in tooth-implant–supported fixed partial dentures (FPDs) with
variations in periodontal support, implant system, number of splinted
teeth, and load type using the non-linear finite element (FE) approach.
Methods: The section contours of the alveolar bone, abutment teeth,
and prosthesis were acquired using computed tomography (CT) and
micro-CT to construct the FE models with normal periodontal support

he high success rate
(NPS) and compromised periodontal support (CPS) containing one- achieved by osseointe-
and two-piece implants splinted to the first and second premolars. Re- grated dental implants is
alistic interface conditions within the implant system were simulated an accepted clinical reality.1,2
using frictional contact elements. The main effects for each level of in- However, a controversy emerged
vestigated factors in terms of stress values and dissimilar mobility of regarding whether implants should
natural teeth and the implant were computed for all models. be connected to natural teeth in
Results: Analytic results indicated that the load condition was the anatomically limited areas or
predominant factor affecting stress developed in the implant, bone, whether implants should be self-
and prosthesis. Additionally, the oblique occlusal forces increased the supporting.3-5 A biomechanical
stress values relative to that of axial analogs. A splinted system with dilemma for a tooth-implant–
a two-piece implant increased stress on the bone and decreased stress supported fixed partial denture
on the prosthesis compared to that of the one-piece implant. The (FPD) results from the dissimilar
splinted system with a CPS only slightly increased implant stress on mobility between an osseointe-
the bone compared to that of the splint system with NPS. Splinting an grated implant and natural teeth.
additional tooth did not significantly impact stress values for the When there is excessive occlusal
tooth-implant–supported FPD. force on an FPD, a movement dis-
Conclusions: A one-piece structure implant may be better than that parity can cause a higher bend-
of a two-piece structure implant in decreasing bone stress when a ing moment at the implant site,
natural tooth is planned to connect with an implant. The factors of peri- loss of osseointegration, and
odontal support and number of splinted teeth only slightly influenced increased marginal bone loss
stress in tooth-implant–supported FPDs. J Periodontol 2010;81:121- around the implant.6-9 Engi-
130. neering complications, such as
an abutment screw loosening
(screw-retained) or implant or
Alveolar bone loss; biomechanics; dental implants; dental stress prosthesis fracture, can also oc-
analysis; dentures; finite element analysis. cur under long-term loading.4,5
Non-rigid connectors have
been used to compensate for
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Tao-yuan, Taiwan.
† Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung Medical the variance in mobility; however
University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
‡ Department of Periodontics, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Tao-yuan, Taiwan.
§ Graduate Institute of Medical Mechatronics, Chang Gung University.
doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.090331

Stress Induced by Tooth-Implant–Supported Fixed Partial Dentures Volume 81 • Number 1

non-rigid implants are associated with intrusion in MATERIALS AND METHODS

20% of cases.10 There have been minimal differences FE Model of the Tooth-Implant
found between the two connection systems.10-13 In Connection System
finite element (FE) analysis, non-rigid connectors A four-unit, 3D normal periodontal support (NPS)
perform well when the load is on the natural teeth, model comprising an implant, natural teeth (first
but unfavorable stress values remain in the prosthe- and second premolars), periodontal ligament, alveo-
sis.14,15 Therefore, tooth-implant prostheses used lar bone (cortical and cancellous), and an FPD was
with a rigid connection were advocated by certain constructed for computer simulations.
authors,3,16-18 as the prosthesis and implant have Figure 1 shows the schematic procedure for the
an inherent flexibility that accommodates dissimilar solid-model generation. For teeth and prosthesis
mobilities. However, several studies3-5,14 showed that (FPD) construction, two freshly extracted intact first
a rigid connector could avoid abutment-teeth intru- and second premolars were embedded in an epoxy
sion but significantly increased bone loss can occur resini block up to 1 mm below the cemento-enamel
around connected implants. These results suggest junction. After tooth preparation, wax-up, and casting
that other factors such as occlusal loading, implant procedures, a type II gold-alloy, four-unit FPD from
type, number of splinted teeth, and periodontal sup- the first premolar to the second molar was fabricated
port may be related to biomechanical complications and fixed onto natural teeth with adhesive. The teeth
in implant-teeth (splinting) systems. cemented with the FPD system were scanned using
Lang et al.5 and Pjetursson et al.19 conducted sys- high-resolution micro-CT¶ with a voxel dimension of
tematic reviews that indicated survival rates for both 38 mm. In total, 1,055 slices were obtained, and only
implants, and reconstructions in combined tooth- 211 slices (one of every five slices) were used during
implant–supported FPDs were lower than those reported modeling. For alveolar bone generation, a series of CT
for solely implant-supported FPDs. Intrusion was de- images# with a 1-mm interval of the posterior edentu-
tected in 5.2% of abutment teeth among non-rigid con- lous mandibular model with NPS by a dry human skull
nections after a 5-year period.5,19 It was suggested that were obtained from the first premolar to the second
solely implant-supported FPDs are preferable; however, molar. All cross-sections of the micro-CT and CT im-
there may be anatomic or patient-centered reasons age images were processed on a personal computer
that prevent this from being feasible. The authors’ rec- using commercially available image-processing soft-
ommendation would be to use the common method of ware** that allowed for identification of the contours
combining tooth-implant–supported FPDs in a rigid of different hard tissues (dentin, pulp, prosthesis, NS
connection with two abutments to decrease stress cortical, and cancellous bone), which were extracted
and reduce mobility.13,20-22 However, the effects of and converted into mathematic entities. The coordi-
the number of splinted teeth and compromised peri- nates of each point on the contours were input into
odontal support (CPS) levels in implant-teeth splint the FE program†† to generate solid models. Based
systems have not been adequately investigated. on the root-form geometry of premolars, simplified
Despite the advantages of FE technology, am- 0.3-mm periodontal ligaments were created accord-
biguous simulation results may occur as a result ing to the literature (Fig. 1).23
of inaccurate three-dimensional (3D) FE model A two-piece implant with a taper integrated screwed-
geometry.10,20-22 Integrating advanced engineering in (TIS) connection‡‡ and a one-piece implant§§ were
techniques, such as microcomputed tomography selected as the implant systems for investigation.
(micro-CT) images and computer-aided design Solid models of the implant systems were constructed
(CAD) systems to construct accurate FE models using a CAD systemii and imported into the FE
are needed to calculate the detailed mechanical char- program and placed in the second molar position
acteristics. Given the paucity of information evaluat- to complete the splint system solid model (Fig. 1).
ing the relative influence of loading, periodontal Two mesh models were generated with a quadratic
condition, and implant macrostructure contributing 10-node tetrahedral structural solid element¶¶ after
to the optimal stress distribution in rigidly connected the mesh convergence test while controlling the strain
tooth-implant–supported FPDs, identification of the
i Truetime Industrial, Taipei, Taiwan.
important factors will certainly extend existing knowl- ¶ Skyscan 1072, Skyscan, Aartselaar, Belgium.
edge in the decision-making and reconstruction de- # LightSpeed Plus, GE Medical System, Midland, TX.
** Amira, v4.1, Mercury Computer Systems, Chelmsford, MA.
sign for patients and dental practitioners. Therefore, †† ANSYS, v11.0, Swanson Analysis, Houston, PA.
the objectives of this study are to investigate the ‡‡ 4.1 mm in diameter and 12 mm in sand-blasted large grift acid-etched
length, ITI, Institute Straumann, Waldenburg, Switzerland.
mechanical interactions in an implant-teeth splint §§ 4.1 mm in diameter and 13 mm in length, PrimaSolo, Lifecore,
system with different periodontal supports and con- Biomedical, Chaska, MN.
ii Pro/Engineer, Parametric Technology, Boston, MA.
sider the number of teeth splinted with two implant ¶¶ Solid 92 (10 node quadratic tehrahedral structural solid element
systems using non-linear FE analysis. provided in ANSYS).

J Periodontol • January 2010 Lin, Wang, Chang, Chen

Figure 1.
Schematic procedure for solid-model generation for tooth-implant–supported FPDs.

energy and displacement variations of <5% for models two teeth-implant–connected FE models (NPS and
with different element sizes. Non-linear frictional con- CPS) were modified and extended to match the num-
tact elements (defined as surface to surface) were ber of splinting teeth in parametric analyses. One or
used to simulate the adaptation between the abut- two natural teeth were splinted to examine their inter-
ment and fixture within the two-piece (TIS) implant. actions by deleting connector elements between the
A friction coefficient of 0.5 was assumed for all first and second premolar in the two FE models. Uni-
contact surfaces.14,24 The tooth-implant–supported form multiple axial (load type 1) and oblique contacts
FPD FE models with NPS consisted of 219,938 (load type 2) on premolars (200 N), pontic (200 N),
tetrahedral elements, 2,651 contact elements, and and molar (200 N) were applied on the models as
303,482 nodes for the two-piece implant and the load conditions (Figs. 2C and 2D). The mesial
236,734 tetrahedral elements and 327,169 nodes and distal exterior nodes of the bony segment were
for the one-piece implant (Figs. 2A through 2C). fixed in all directions as boundary conditions. We as-
sumed linear elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic
Periodontal Supports, Teeth Splinting, and
material properties of the dental tissue, periodontal
Loading Conditions
ligament, prosthesis, and implant system in simula-
To generate the alveolar bone solid model with CPS,
tions, as adopted from relevant literature14,25-27
the previous alveolar bone surface model with NPS
(Table 1). Therefore, 16 FE models in total were an-
was modified by image-processing software## to fit alyzed with two periodontal supports, two implant
the condition of a 1:1 crown/root ratio. Then, the solid
systems, two splinting scenarios, and two load
model of the alveolar bone with CPS was constructed
conditions for determining mechanical interactions
by the FE package*** and assembled with teeth
(Table 2). The maximum von Mises stress values
(first and second premolars), the prosthesis, and im-
and distributions in the implant system, alveolar
plants to generate the CPS FPDs. After the mesh
bone, and prosthesis were recorded for all models.
convergence test, the CPS FE models consisted
The multifactor analysis of variance (ANOVA) test
of 202,672 tetrahedral elements, 2,134 contact
was applied to determine the relative importance
elements, and 281,053 nodes for the two-piece im- of investigated factors and their interactions.
plant and 185,593 tetrahedral elements and 257,903
The main effect of each level of the four factors
nodes for the one-piece implant (Fig. 2D).
To determine the influence of the number of ## Amira, v4.1, Mercury Computer Systems.
splinted teeth used in splint systems, the previous *** ANSYS, v11.0, Swanson Analysis.

Stress Induced by Tooth-Implant–Supported Fixed Partial Dentures Volume 81 • Number 1

The simulated results showed that load
condition significantly (P <0.05) influ-
enced the magnitude of stress values;
the percentage contributions were 52%
for the implant, 79% for bone, and
55% for the prosthesis (Table 3). Gen-
erally, oblique occlusal forces (load
type 2) increased the stress relative
to that of axial analogs (load type 1)
(Fig. 3A). The implant system was
the second factor influencing stress
values of the splint system. The per-
centage contributions were 12%, 10%,
and 26% for the implant, bone, and
prosthesis, respectively (Table 3).
The main effect plot showed that the
implant system did not affect average
implant stress; however, using a two-
piece implant (TIS connection) in-
creased stress on the bone more than
1.7-fold (218.41 versus 127.06 MPa)
and decreased stress on the prosthesis
relative to that by the one-piece im-
plant (Fig. 3B). The percentage contri-
butions indicate that the periodontal
support significantly (P <0.05) affected
stress values for the bone and implant;
Figure 2. the percentage contributions were 2%
A) FE mesh model for two-piece (TIS connection) and one-piece implant systems. B) Teeth and 11% for the bone and implant, re-
connected to the two-piece implant with a prosthesis. C) Teeth-implant–supported FPD with spectively (Table 3). The splint system
NPS and load conditions. D) Teeth-implant–supported FPD with NPS and load conditions. with CPS substantially increased im-
plant stress but only slightly increased
Table 1. bone stress when compared to that
with NPS (Fig. 3C). The ANOVA results
Material Properties Assigned to Alveolar showed that the number of splinted teeth did not sig-
Bone, Dental Tissues, Implant Material, nificantly impact stress on the implant, bone, and
and Prosthesis prosthesis (Table 3; Fig. 3D).
The sI, max (maximum stress in the implant) posi-
Young Poisson tions for the two- and one-piece implants were located
Materials Modulus (MPa) Ratio References at the mesial neck collar region of the implant and
Cortical bone 15,000 0.30 14
mesial prosthesis–abutment junction area of the im-
plant, respectively (Fig. 4A). The value of sI, max
Cancellous bone 1,500 0.30 14 in the two-piece implant exceeded 1,000 MPa when
Dentin 18,600 0.31 25 uniform multiple oblique forces (load type 2) acted
on the splint system when two teeth were splinted
Titanium (implant system) 110,000 0.35 26 (the model sequence was 10). The sAB, max (maxi-
Gold alloy (prosthesis) 90,000 0.30 26 mum stress in the alveolar bone) positions were at
the lingual cervical areas in the cortical bone on
Periodontal ligament 69 0.45 27 the implant side regardless of the load type acting
on the splint system (Fig. 4B). Depending on the
(implant system, periodontal support, number of implant used, the sP, max (maximum stress on the
splinted teeth, and load condition) on mechanical re- prosthesis excluding the load area) positions were
sponse (stress) was also computed using statistical located at the mesial prosthesis–abutment con-
methods.28 nected region of the two-piece implant and the

J Periodontol • January 2010 Lin, Wang, Chang, Chen

Table 2.
Detailed Periodontal Support, Splinting Situation, Implant System, Load Condition,
Sequence of Simulated FE Models, and Simulated Results of sI, max, sAB, max, and sP, max

Model Sequence Periodontal Support Splinting Situation Implant System Load Type sI, max (MPa) sAB, max (MPa) sP, max (MPa)

1 Crown/root ratio 1:2 (NPS) Two teeth Two-piece Axial 109.27 50.73 74.64
2 Crown/root ratio 1:2 (NPS) Two teeth Two-piece Oblique 417.02 318.02 238.79
3 Crown/root ratio 1:2 (NPS) Two teeth One-piece Axial 105.98 33.01 178.24

4 Crown/root ratio 1:2 (NPS) Two teeth One-piece Oblique 350.42 191.61 346.46
5 Crown/root ratio 1:2 (NPS) One tooth Two-piece Axial 117.28 53.39 88.27
6 Crown/root ratio 1:2 (NPS) One tooth Two-piece Oblique 431.92 324.21 242.01
7 Crown/root ratio 1:2 (NPS) One tooth One-piece Axial 101.33 33.83 168.22

8 Crown/root ratio 1:2 (NPS) One tooth One-piece Oblique 365.64 195.38 387.78
9 Crown/root ratio 1:1 (CPS) Two teeth Two-piece Axial 204.02 56.62 89.77
10 Crown/root ratio 1:1 (CPS) Two teeth Two-piece Oblique 1,077 437.64 198.74

11 Crown/root ratio 1:1 (CPS) Two teeth One-piece Axial 76.29 30.60 137.72
12 Crown/root ratio 1:1 (CPS) Two teeth One-piece Oblique 436.63 250.12 544.47
13 Crown/root ratio 1:1(CPS) One tooth Two-piece Axial 219.45 60.38 90.22

14 Crown/root ratio 1:1 (CPS) One tooth Two-piece Oblique 1,134 446.31 218.97
15 Crown/root ratio 1:1 (CPS) One tooth One-piece Axial 443.97 248.91 575.67
16 Crown/root ratio 1:1 (CPS) One tooth One-piece Oblique 74.94 33.00 133.99

mesial prosthesis–abutment junction of the one- supraocclusal contacts, predominately in a non-axial

piece implant (Figs. 4C and 4D). direction, for 18 implants placed in the mandible of
four monkeys, demonstrating that an excessive oc-
DISCUSSION clusal load may lead to a loss of osseointegration,
This study investigated the impact of loading stress which is characterized by a fibrous connective tissue
around two implant systems (one- and two-piece sys- capsule around implants, whereas ligature-induced
tems) that connected teeth with different periodon- peri-implantitis caused marginal bone loss.7 To our
tal statuses using 3D FE analysis. Numeric results knowledge, no experimental study has analyzed the
showed that occlusal loading and the implant macro- direct relationship among changes in stress and strain
structure (one-piece) were the principal factors im- in a loaded implant and/or tooth-implant–supported
pacting bone stress, and the periodontal condition system or analyzed the reactions of the surrounding
had a less significant influence in rigid-connected bone. However, with the help of accurate 3D FE ana-
tooth-implant–supported FPD models. lyses and computerized occlusal analysis systems, the
Bone, as a living tissue, adapts to applied forces by change in stress and stain in implants and surrounding
modeling and remodeling. However, instead of in- bone can be estimated. Therefore, the danger zones
creasing bone density under physiologic loading, for bone with resulting strain exceeding physiologic
forces exceeding physiologic limits may result in bone limits can be identified.
loss around dental implants.7-9,29 A number of au- Although FE analysis is generally accepted as
thors29-32 advocated in their early clinical studies that a complementary tool that enhances the understand-
implant loss can be attributed to overloading. Animal ing of detailed mechanical responses in dental bio-
studies2,3 demonstrated that excessive occlusal load- mechanics, constructing an accurate FE model with
ing may cause a loss of osseointegration along the detailed tooth/bone anatomy and realistic material
entire implant length, resulting in implant mobility. properties is necessary to ensure that simulation
Excessive occlusal loading was achieved by heavy results are clinically convincing.16,33,34 A previous

Stress Induced by Tooth-Implant–Supported Fixed Partial Dentures Volume 81 • Number 1

Table 3.
Summary of the ANOVA Showing the Statistical Results of Maximum Stress With
Respect to the Implant, Alveolar Bone, and Prosthesis

Implant Alveolar Bone Prosthesis

Source % TSS P Value % TSS P Value % TSS P Value

Periodontal support 11 0.011 2 0.001 2 0.329

Splinting situation 0 0.802 0 0.620 0 0.711

Implant system 12 0.009 10 0.000 26 0.004
Load type 52 0.000 79 0.000 55 0.001

Periodontal support · splinting situation 0 0.920 0 0.998 0 1.000

Periodontal support · implant system 8 0.019 1 0.036 2 0.205
Periodontal support · load type 8 0.022 2 0.001 2 0.182

Splinting situation · implant system 0 0.860 0 0.774 0 0.934

Splinting situation · load type 0 0.863 0 0.885 0 0.713
Implant system · load type 5 0.040 6 0.000 8 0.039
Error 4 0 5

Total 100 100 100

% TSS = total of sum square.

FE-analysis study15 attempted to generate 3D lateral forces acting on a tooth-implant–supported

tooth-implant–supported FPD models to understand prosthesis adjusted to contact the maximal intercus-
the biomechanical behavior of different connectors. pation and lateral working positions, respectively.
However, a coarse tooth geometry and simple bone Simulation results indicated that load type had the
geometry (block) were limitations of the geometric greatest contribution to implant stresses and alveolar
acquisition method (manual tracing of actual tooth bone and prosthesis stresses (Table 3). Oblique oc-
sections) and cannot be used to simulate the effects clusal forces generated a lateral bending moment
of different periodontal supports.14 In this study, that significantly increased stress when compared to
micro-CT and CT images were collected to acquire that generated by axial occlusal forces. The largest
detailed tooth and bone anatomy and generate a stresses on the alveolar bone occurred on the lingual
realistic computational process. The precise ge- side around the implant neck due to the primary bend-
ometry of the 3D model provided accurate anatomic ing moment acting on these areas when occlusal
volumetrics for generating a fine meshing process. forces distorted the entire splint system (load types
Otherwise, non-linear contact analysis was validated 1 and 2).
as a more realistic interfacial condition than linear From a mechanical perspective, stress concen-
bonded for simulating compensative mechanisms trated on the implant side caused by a bending mo-
within an implant system.14 Consequently, accurate ment can induce a series of engineering problems
tooth-implant–supported FPD FE models with appro- such as implant–abutment interface failure and
priate interfacial conditions were used to simulate the fracture. The present study selected two implant sys-
mechanical interactions in splint systems involving tems (one- and two-piece systems) to analyze their
multifactorial parameters. characteristics in a splint system. Many different
Contact locations and the magnitude of load forces connection methods are commonly used for two-
may alter the mechanical responses in an implant- piece implants to secure an abutment to an implant,
tooth splint system. The two load types modeled in such as a retaining screw, TIS, and a tapered inter-
the present study were simplified and could only sim- ference fit. The TIS connection was selected for the
ulate some possible axial and oblique occlusal con- two-piece implant such that no microgap existed be-
tacts encountered in clinical situations. Load types tween the implant and abutment. This system was
1 and 2 represented uniform multiple vertical and used to determine the mechanical behaviors and

J Periodontol • January 2010 Lin, Wang, Chang, Chen

Figure 3.
Main effects of load type (A), implant system (B), periodontal support (C), and splinting situation (D) at each level for the maximum von Mises stress on the
implant, alveolar bone, and prosthesis.

compared to those of the one-piece implant in the scheme minimized oblique contacts in eccentric
tooth-splinting system. Simulation results indicated movements and could have better stress distri-
that the implant system used was the second most bution. However, the benefits of this prosthetic design
important factor in the splint system. The stress must be confirmed in well-controlled, long-term
values of concentrated areas in the implant, bone, clinical trials.
and prosthesis depend on the implant type used. Analytic results indicated that the periodontal sup-
The sI, max positions are usually near the branch point port primarily influenced the stress in the alveolar
of the bending moment in a splint system. The stress bone and implant; the corresponding percentage
concentrated at the mesial neck region of the two- contributions were only 2% and 11%, respectively
piece (TIS connection) implant created the most (Table 3). To compensate for instability in the splint
stress, which was transferred to the surrounding bone system, additional teeth were splinted to determine
and thereby increased stress values (Fig. 4C). With the basic mechanism for different bony levels. How-
the one-piece implant, the corresponding concentra- ever, adding an extra tooth did not significantly alter
tions of stress were located at the mesial prosthesis– the stress values in the tooth-implant–supported
abutment junction area of the implant, causing the FPD. These findings suggest that a periodontal com-
most stress, which was transferred from the implant promised tooth with a crown/root ratio of 1:1 is still
to the prosthesis (Fig. 4D). These analytic results ex- valid as an abutment for connecting an implant. In
plain why the two-piece implant increased stress some clinical situations, extracting the abutment
on the bone and decreased stress on the prosthesis tooth and replacing it with an implant may be a better
relative to those of the one-piece implant. This also option than splinting with a second tooth.
implies that using the one-piece implant may be a Although accurate 3D tooth-implant–supported
better option when a natural tooth is connected with FPD FE models were constructed to investigate
an implant for patients with less than ideal implant the basic mechanical interactions under NPS and
sites. This study indicates that combining a tooth with CPS using two implant systems for different splint-
one-piece implant-supported FPDs with an occlusal ing situations, this investigation was limited by

Stress Induced by Tooth-Implant–Supported Fixed Partial Dentures Volume 81 • Number 1

erties in the literature,35,36 especially

those of periodontal ligament char-
acterization. Therefore, FE-analysis
modeling results only provided a
general insight into the biomechani-
cal aspects of the splint system
under average conditions. Because
some parameters that may influence
a clinical situation were excluded,
further long-term clinical studies
examining the correlation between
stress analysis and clinical outcome
of these tooth-implant–supported re-
constructions are warranted.

Based on the results of extensive 3D
non-linear numeric analyses, we con-
clude the following:
1) The loading condition and im-
plant macrostructure were the main
factors affecting the stress distribution
in the implant, alveolar bone, and pros-
thesis of a tooth-implant–supported
FPD compared to the periodontal sta-
tus of abutment teeth.
2) From a biomechanical perspec-
tive, using the one-piece implant may
be a better option to decrease bone
stress when a natural tooth is con-
nected with an implant.
3) A compromised periodontal sup-
port with a crown/root ratio of 1:1 only
Figure 4. slightly influenced the stress in the
A) von Mises stress distribution of the two-piece (left) and one-piece (right) implants in the splint bone and implant by simulation re-
system under load type 1 with a two-teeth splint under the NPS condition (models 1 and 3,
sults. Splinting an additional tooth had
respectively). Positions of sI, max were at the mesial neck region of the implant and mesial
prosthesis–abutment junction area of the implant. B) von Mises stress distribution of the alveolar no effect on the stress values in the
bone in the splint system under load type 2 with the NPS condition and splinting two teeth (model tooth-implant–supported FPD, at least
2). sAB, max positions at the lingual cervical areas in the cortical bone of the implant side. C) von in this FE model.
Mises stress distribution of the prosthesis in the splint system used a two-piece implant under load
type 1 with two teeth splinted and the NPS condition (model 1). sP, max was at the mesial
prosthesis–abutment connected region. D) von Mises stress distribution of the prosthesis in the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
splint system using a one-piece implant under load type 1 with two teeth splinted and the NPS
condition (model 3). sP, max was at the mesial prosthesis–implant connected area. The authors report no conflicts of
interest related to this study.

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Stress Induced by Tooth-Implant–Supported Fixed Partial Dentures Volume 81 • Number 1

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