Language Level Grade Date Day in Unit Minutes: Which Modes of Communication Will Be Addressed?

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Appendix M.

Lesson Plan TRAN

Vietnamese - Level 1 Novice 9, 10, 11 1/7/2019 Day in 1 53

Language Level Grade Date Minutes
Holidays and Celebration
What holidays do your culture and Vietnamese culture celebrate?
Unit Theme and Question What are the similarities and differences between your culture new year and Vietnamese new year?
How do Vietnamese around the world celebrate new year?
Exploring the Holidays
Daily topic:


Which modes of Students can:
communication will be  Identify the culture holidays that are celebrated
 Talk with a classmate about the holidays in their culture and the
 Interpersonal
holidays that they see in the presentation
What are the communicative Communication  Identify at least one similar or one different way of holiday
and cultural objectives for the and  Interpretive celebration between the two cultures
Cultures Presentational

Impact and importance of holiday celebration in everyone's culture

Activities during the celebration between cultures
If applicable, indicate how Identify places that have cultural festival and make recommendation for friends
Connections  Comparisons  Communities
Communities  Common Core Speaking and Listening:
will be part of your lesson. Common Core 1. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse
partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively
2. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually,
quantitatively, and orally

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M. Lesson Plan TRAN
Materials  Resources 
Activity/Activities Technology
How many
Lesson Sequence What will learners do? Be specific. What materials will
minutes will this
What does the teacher do? you develop? What materials will
segment take?
you bring in from other sources?
Provide a slide show of holidays around the world and have students 5 minutes A slideshow with pictures relating
identify those holidays to different culture holiday
Gain Attention / Activate Have students take turn name a holiday that they know that wasn't celebration
Prior Knowledge mention earlier
Students identify an activity or a thing that is associated with a particular
Learners will write and repeat the names of the holidays 10 minutes Papers, color pencil, crayon
Learners will identify the dates that are associated with each holiday
Learner will draw pictures associated with each holiday
Provide Input Teacher will list and describe briefly some of the Vietnamese holidays

Students, in a group of 4, exchange their drawings to find new 10 minutes

information about the holidays that they might have missed.
Elicit Performance / Provide The teacher asks learners to share words or phrases that describe their
Feedback pictures
Learners within in each group, show thumb up or thumb down to indicate
whether or not they agree with the words/phrases that are used.
In a group of 2, students will select at least 3 holidays in the TL 15 minutes Create a two column chart, one for
culture and their culture. Then, they will talk and write the similarities and one for differences
similaritites and differences between the holidays.
Provide Input The teacher will select some of the holidays and write each of
them on the board. In a two column chart, students will volunteer
to write down one similarity or one difference on the chart. When
there is no more volunteers, the teacher will randomly call on other
Learners work individually to write 3 complete sentences to 10 minutes
describe each of the 3 holidays that they pick.
Elicit Performance / Provide

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M. Lesson Plan TRAN
The teacher will display one holiday picture at a time. Students will take 3 minutes Additional pictures of holiday
turn to describe in a complete sentence about that picture. celebrations (different from the
earlier but similar content)

Have students select one of the Vietnamese holidays. They will make a Homework, PowerPoint
PowerPoint with pictures related to those holidays.
Enhance Retention &

Reflection – Notes to Self Lesson has not been taught.

 What worked well? Why?
 What didn’t work? Why?
 What changes would you
make if you taught this
lesson again?
 ????

* Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain
attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle
(provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

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