Student Reader Empowerment Technologies

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Student Reader for Senior High School
Online version can be accessed via or the QR Code below
2D2C of Social Software by Joel Yuvienco, Image Source:

This Student’s Reader and its corresponding Teacher’s Guide consider the instructional design based on
Section 5 of RA 10533: Pedagogical approaches in Curriculum Development | Thus Learning activities are
designed to be:
inquiry-based, reflective, constructive, collaborative and integrative

UNIT 1 : A connected world needs more than a network of computers and gadgets. It needs
technology enabled, confidently mindful and compassionate digitally aware community of
lifelong learners.

Weeks 1-2

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LESSON 1: What is Information and Communications Technology (ICT)?

GOAL: At the end of the 2-week period, you will be able to independently compose an
insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of your lives, society, and chosen
professional (i.e. Arts, Technical Vocational , Sports, and Academic Tracks)

Take a quick look at the page containing the Glossary of Terms to get a glimpse of what ICT and
related concepts are.

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What do these mean to you?

So do you think you are ready for the Networked World? Or better yet, is your community
ready for the Networked World?
Search anything about Information and Communications Technology (ICT) or digital tools that
interest you. Find out the latest about them or something similar to them that you have you
used so far. Be ready to share them in class using traditional learning tools, e.g. pen and paper,
or via ICT tools, e.g. online.

Your search, ideally done online, should take you on an exploration about:
1. The current state of ICT tools (i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent technologies, social,
mobile, and assistive media).
2. Online systems, functions, and platforms

CHALLENGE QUESTION: A survey called “Networked World Readiness” contains 5 categories,

namely: Access, Learning, Society, Economy, Policy. Which category is most important to you?

As you continue your work using this Student Reader, you may realize that digital tools, such as
those appearing in the following image would give you an idea of the range of possibilities to
discover, disclose, connect, and co-create, in a Networked World.

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Image source:

How many of the items or icons in the image above are you familiar with? Which ones are you
unfamiliar with?
Whatever your answer, take a closer look at the Trivia/Glossary of Terms. The list contains
some key phrases that characterize the ICT tools that, when used properly, can empower users
to make positive social change.

1. Assistive Media - a component under Assistive technology (AT), which is a generic
term used to refer to a group of software or hardware devices by which people with
disabilities can access computers. Assistive Media is also a name of a company: “the
Internet's first audio solution for persons with print reading/access barriers. The audio
recordings of the literary works produced by Assistive Media are now easily accessible,
on-demand, to the ever growing number of persons with disabilities who now use the

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2. Collaborative platforms - “is a category of business software that adds broad social
networking capabilities to work processes.”
3. Convergent Technologies - an extension of the term convergence which means a
“coming together of two or more disparate disciplines or technologies. For example, the
so-called fax revolution was produced by a convergence of telecommunications
technology, optical scanning technology, and printing technology.” Convergent
Technologies also refers to an American computer company formed by a small group of
people who left Intel Corporation and Xerox PARC in 1979
4. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) - ICT (information and
communications technology - or technologies) is an umbrella term that includes any
communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones,
computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as
the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing
and distance learning. ICTs are often spoken of in a particular context, such as ICTs in
education, health care, or libraries. The term is somewhat more common outside of the
United States. It may also be defined as Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT or ICTs) are digital forms of communication including tools available on the
Internet, such as blogging and email, as well as computer software, such as Microsoft
PowerPoint and Word1
5. Mobile Media - This refers to “media devices such as mobile phones and PDA’s were the
primary source of portable media from which we could obtain information and
communicate with one another. More recently, the smartphone (which has combined
many features of the cell phone with the PDA) has rendered the PDA next to obsolete. [3]
The growth of new mobile media as a true force in society was marked by smartphone
sales outpacing personal computer sales in 2011.”
6. Online systems - Are online versions of information systems which is “ the process of
and tools for storing, managing, using and gathering of data and communications in an
organization. An example of information systems are tools for sending out
communications and storing files in a business.”
7. Social Media - “are computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies to create,
share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual
communities and networks.”
8. Web 2.0 - “describes World Wide Web sites that emphasize user-generated content,
usability, and interoperability. The term was popularized by Tim O'Reilly and Dale

Connecting in and Out-of-School Writing Through Digital Tools by Emily Howell and David
Reinking in Handbook of Research on Digital Tools for Writing Instruction in K-12 Settings,
edited by Rebecca S. Anderson, 2014)

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Dougherty at the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference in late 2004, though it was coined
by Darcy DiNucci in 1999.”
9. Web 3.0 - “a phrase coined by John Markoff of the New York Times in 2006, refers to a
supposed third generation of Internet-based services that collectively comprise what
might be called ‘the intelligent Web’ — such as those using semantic web,
microformats, natural language search, data-mining, machine learning,
recommendation agents, and artificial intelligence technologies — which emphasize
machine-facilitated understanding of information in order to provide a more productive
and intuitive user experience.”

1. Explore the content of the Networked World Readiness2 assessment via this link: or whenever available, its printed
2. Compare and contrast the implications of varied online platforms, sites and content; to best
achieve specific needs, objectives; or to best address the challenges in the classroom or that of
your community. On a piece of paper or in whatever suitable digital tool is available, write
down your insight in 300 words3.

This can also be available online via the Supplement containing additional resources,
A word counting online tool can be used via this link,

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LESSON 2: Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette4

GOAL: At the end of the lesson, you will be able to understand better the 24/7, social nature
of digital media. In particular, you will be able to:
● explore your digital life, and
● learn that it is important to act responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital

CHALLENGE QUESTION: How is your digital media life like? Hint: You have to think figuratively.

Think about your life with media.5 First consider the questions below. Use your responses to
help you finish the statement, “My media life is like a ...” This statement is a simile, a literary
device for comparing two unlike things. For instance, someone who does not use much media
might say that her media life is like a desert, because there is little life there. Someone might
say that his media life is like a track meet, because he is exhausted at the end of the day.
Finally, make a picture or drawing of the simile you created. The drawing can include text.
Questions to consider:
● Are digital media a big part of your life?
● What kind of impact do digital media have on you (a little, some, a lot)?
● What are your favorite and least-favorite things to do with digital media?
● Do you connect with others or create things with digital media? Finish this statement:
My media life is like ___________________________________________ because

From the perspective of government, [ Republic Act No. 10175 ] AN ACT DEFINING CYBERCRIME, PROVIDING FOR
PURPOSES, , is a useful reference for determining what
is legal or illegal activity in the online context. The law has been in force since 2012 and the Supreme Court in a
decision in 2014, SC ruled that imposition of cyber libel on the “original author of the post” (on Facebook) is
constitutional, but clarified the same is unconstitutional insofar as it penalizes those who simply receive the post
and react to it.

From a personal and community perspective, this link on could serve as a visual and textual guide, Another visual reference presented online as a student group work can be accessed via here:
8/digResp/Unit1-6/HO-Media%20Life.pdf and

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Illustrate your simile in the box below (or on a separate piece of paper):

You might be interested to know that digital media can be interchanged with more popular
terms such as social media or social networking sites. At the same time, you might wonder:
“What is social media’s role in your life?”

Now, consider the following statement.

“Instead of promoting social behavior, social media promotes disengagement,

self-absorption, loneliness and sadness.” Do you agree?

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Image credit: Jason A. Howie

Now think about this: Social media or media enabled by digital tools are 24/7 and socially
connected as demonstrated by popular ICT.
The following image is a screenshot from a video from Common Sense Media Education:

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“Watch the video “Digital Life 101,”
( to better appreciate the 24/7
and social nature of digital media — a major change from the media consumption culture of the

Check the Glossary of Terms (under this lesson) to get a list of digital media and related
concepts which you can use to survey how much members of your household or friends know
about these media that are enabled by digital tools.

Do you know more than most of them do?

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1. Aggregator is a website or Web application where headlines and other content are
collected for easy viewing. Aggregators such as Google News compile news articles and
posts. An avatar is a two- or three-dimensional icon that represents a computer user or
a gamer.
2. Avatar can be a cartoonish graphic, a photograph, a screen name, or a fully-developed
3. Blog, from the term “weblog, ” is a type of website usually updated by an individual or a
group of bloggers. Some blogs provide news or opinions on a specific subject, while
others are more like online journals. Most blogs allow readers to leave comments on
blog posts.
4. Flaming is the act of saying mean things online, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in a public
forum with the intention to humiliate. Flame wars can occur easily online, as it can be
difficult to figure out people’s intentions or emotions online.
5. Mash-up is a remix or blend of multiple songs, videos, or other media content into one
product. Fan fiction writing is one form of a mash-up, as writers take characters from a
well-known video game, movie, or book, and rewrite their actions or relationships.
6. Massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) is usually an online virtual world that
multiple players navigate and play in together. While in this virtual world, their avatars
chat, cooperate, and quest together, oftentimes towards a goal.
7. P2P, or Peer-to-Peer, network allows for sharing of mp3s, videos, and other digital files
by transferring information directly between two computers rather than by going
through a central server. P2P technology is also behind the popular Internet phone
service Skype.
8. Phishing is the illegal act of sending emails or messages that appear to come from
authentic sources, but really come from spammers. Phishers often try to get people to
send them their personal information, everything from account numbers to passwords.
9. Podcast is a downloadable video or audio file. Podcasts can be verbal, based on a certain
topic, or can include music, video, and commentary. Most podcasts are updated
regularly through the addition of new episodes.
10. Short Message Service (SMS), or text message, is a short message of fewer than 160
characters sent from a cell phone. A Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a text
message that contains an attached multimedia file, such as a picture or song.


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First, take the quiz on your own. When you are done, trade with your partner. Together, use
the answer key to calculate each other’s score. Discuss what surprised you the most and which
answers were the closest to or farthest from your own experiences.6

1. 82% of teens say that they own which of the following?

a) cell phone
b) smartphone
c) iPod Touch or similar device
d) iPad or similar device

2. What percent of teens describe themselves as “addicted” to their cell phones?

a) 11%

b) 27%

c) 41%

d) 63%

3. 68% of teens say they do which of the following at least once a day?
a) text
b) visit a social network
c) instant message (IM)
d) use email

4. How many characters (letters, punctuation marks, symbols, and spaces) can you send in a
regular text message?
a) 110
b) 140
c) 200
d) 250

Adapted from Commons Sense Media, Answer Key is in the Supplement of
Additional Resources.

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5. How often do 34% of teens visit social networking sites?
a) at least once a day
b) several times a day
c) once a week or less
d) never

6. What percent of teens say that they don’t understand their social networking site’s privacy
a) 24%
b) 35%
c) 46%
d) 61%

7. What percent of teens still prefer face-to-face communication with their friends over
communication online or via texting?
a) 22%
b) 36%
c) 49%
d) 61%

8. What percent of teens say they have said something bad about someone online that they
wouldn’t have said in person?
a) 33%
b) 67%
c) 49%
d) 25%

9. What percent of teens say that social networking helps them connect with people who share
a common interest?
a) 35%
b) 42%
c) 57%

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d) 66%

10. What percent of teens agreed they wish they could “unplug” for a while?
a) 13%
b) 27%
c) 29%
d) 43%

LESSON 3: Contextualized online search and research skills

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GOAL: At the end of the lesson, you will be a better user of search engines. In particular, you
can be more deeply aware of search techniques that will give results that are useful for your
academic and chosen career.

CHALLENGE QUESTION: Are you a smarter user of search engines? Do you always rely on the
first search results online?
Have you “Googled” yourself lately? Are you happy with the results?

How do you find answers to questions from the simple to the complex?

Google might naturally come to mind. Did you know that you could also use Wolfram as an
alternative search engine?

Indeed, Google might be our “friend” but using search engines for the sake of plain information
could actually lead you misinformed. In order to stay meaningfully informed, you should start
appreciating the use of the right combination of words or key phrases.
The following is a set of tips to help you build smart search skills, as adapted from Common
Sense Media.

“A wealth of built-in -- but sometimes hidden -- features can help you find the information you
need much more efficiently than your usual shot-in-the-dark searches. A little Google
technique can open up a world of trusted facts, homework boosters, and cool tricks to impress
your friends (or your parents).

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Image source:

A. Find the Hidden Calculator

If number crunching just isn't your thing -- and you need a fast answer -- Google's hidden
calculator is a lifesaver. Head straight to the search bar and type in the problem or equation
you're looking to solve. You'll know you've gotten to the right place when a gray, calculator-like
tool pops up as the search result.

Bonus tip: How many teaspoons equal a tablespoon? When the homework is put away and you
need an extra hand at the Chemistry lab, this tool converts measurements, too.

B. Definitions and More

Browsing the Merriam-Webster dictionary for hours might be a lost art, but broadening kids'
vocabulary doesn't have to be. Simply add the word "define" before a search term (for
example, “define onomatopoeia”) to bring up the proper spelling, definition, origin, and even
fun tools like voice and translation options.

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Bonus tip: If you struggle with spelling, don't worry. Google will suggest and search based on
the appropriate spelling of most words, just as it does for regular searches.

C. Age-Appropriate Results

● Tools like Google SafeSearch7 and YouTube's Safety Mode8 can help filter out mature
content that's beyond what those below 18 are ready to see or read. This can also be
taken a step further with search results filter by reading level so you or your younger
siblings or friends feel comfortable with what's in front of them. Let Google annotate
the results with reading levels labeled, or choose to only show basic, intermediate, or
advanced level content.
● If you are looking for credible information -- or your first taste of scholarly research --
can check out Google's academic offshoot, Google Scholar.9
● Bonus tip: Explore with confidence10 by viewing content critically. Just because you see
it online doesn't mean it's true.
D. Time-Zone Challenged

If you have far-flung family and don’t want to wake them up in the middle of the night, you can
find the local time anywhere in the world by typing "time" and a city's name into the search

E. The Perfect Search

● Let’s say the homework assignment requires you to use only one source of information.


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Enter your query, followed by the url for the website (i.e., weaving )
and hit enter. You'll see only results from that website.
● Need help with weaving homework but getting search results for weaving for sale? Add
a minus sign before "sale" to eliminate sale-related results.
F. Photo Magic

Learning how to attribute photos is a critical research skill. With Google Reverse Image
Search11, you can upload any photo to Google Images and hit "search" to find the name of it,
and a whole lot more.

Bonus tip: In Google's Chrome browser, you can just right-click on any image and select "search
Google for this image." There's a Firefox add-on12, too.

G. Just for Fun

If all you really need is a little distraction, go to Google and type in "tilt," browse the Google
Doodle archives13, or just tell Google to do a barrel roll.14 You won't be disappointed.” 15

And if you want some more keyword tricks, check out the search techniques below.


1. Define. When your query includes the define: operator, Google displays all the
definitions it finds on the web.

2. Site. “If you really like a web site (e.g. but its search tool isn’t very
good, fret not—Google almost always does a better job ”. Example: [
3. Reverse Image search.Instead of typing the keywords, you upload an image of an
unknown product or point to its URL in the search box or bar. Useful to find product

Adapted from

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names, recipes, and more
4. Autocomplete. Google's autocomplete is a handy tool for both saving time and getting
a feel for what people are searching. See the image below.
5. More advanced search operators:


On the next opportunity that you have an Internet connection, do the following “What Matters
in a Query” search tips. To validate the results of your search, get a screenshot 16 of the
resulting scenarios. Be ready to present the results in class.

How to get a screenshot:

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Source: Google Search Education

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LESSON 4: Developing ICT content for specific purposes

The use of advanced tools and techniques found in common productivity and application
software in developing ICT content for specific professional tracks.

GOAL: At the end of the 2-week period, you will be able to independently apply advanced
productivity tools to create or develop ICT content for use in specific professional tracks. These
may be in the form of, but not limited to:
1. Calculating spreadsheet of athletic statistics (Sports)
2. Layout the catalogue of creative works (Arts)
3. Materials/ ingredients projections for batches of baked goods (Tech Voc)
4. Letterhead/ business card design (Business/ Academic) that are useful for your
academic and chosen career.

CHALLENGE QUESTION: What was your earliest memory of productivity tools? Hint: They
usually come as a suite of computer applications that serve reporting requirements containing
textual, numerical, and presentation functions.

Three basic functions of digital tools are generally combined to support decisions in business or
management, and in communication contexts. These 3 basic tools support writing, numeracy
and presentation skills.
In earlier ICT-related courses or academic subjects, these tools find expression in essays, book
reports, newsletters, as well as in presentation of ideas contained in a deck of digital slides.
To help you build on your prior skills using those productivity tools, you shall explore them
separately and work towards combining them in a given technology-enabled scenario.
Below is a screenshot of LibreOffice, a Free and Open Source Productivity Suite, which matches
and perhaps could even exceed the overall features, advantages, and benefits of their paid

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The prescribed tools and techniques are listed below in the context of situational use-cases
along with the respective resources:

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Tools/Techniques Use Case Related Reference (Note: The
Internet links below will be printed
as part of a Supplement containing
additional learning resources which
can be viewed online via this short

1. Mail merge and label generation Mass email or printed letters17 ● https://wiki.documentfoundati

2. Custom animations and timing Enhances viewer experience18 ●


3. Hyperlinking in presentations Optimizes use of related content ●

and references. Applies to Writer/Inserting_a_Calc_Cha
Word/Write documents too. rt_into_a_Text_Document

4. Integrating images and external Enriches textual content. Also ●

material in word processors useful in presentation slides and Writer/Inserting_Graphics_Fr
sometimes in spreadsheets om_Draw_or_Impress

5. Embedded files and data Seamlessly integrates related files ●


6. Advanced and complex formulas; Simplifies and automates common ●

and computations tasks alc/Functions_by_Category

The following are key glossary of terms and links to related tools and techniques for advanced

Advantages of Mail Merging “The advantages of using mail merge are:
● Only one document needs to be composed for communicating to an extensive list of interested
people, clients or customers.
● Each document can be personalised i.e. it appears to be have been written specifically to each
recipient. It contains details only relevant to the receiver.
● Many document formats can be developed to use with one database.
● Errors in transcribing details from one document to another are eliminated. This advantage, of
course, depends upon the accuracy of data entry into individual records in the first place! ”

Whenever used appropriately, “slide animations are similar to transitions, but they are applied to
individual elements on a single slide—a title, chart, image, or individual bullet point. Animations can make
a presentation more lively and memorable. Just as with transitions, heavy use of animations can be fun,
but distracting and even annoying for an audience expecting a professional presentation.”

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users of productivity applications.


1. Mail merging means to plug data from an address table into form letters, e-mail
messages, envelopes, address labels, or a directory (Example: a parent list or product
catalog, for example).
2. Hyperlinks - “Hyperlinks are objects inside an electronic document that include the
location of another object. Hyperlinks use the hypertext transfer protocol, the same
protocol that drives connections on the World Wide Web, to electronically point users
to documents and files stored in another location. When a user clicks on a hyperlink, the
computer uses the information in the link to locate and load the external resource.”
3. Free and Proprietary Software | Feature Comparison: LibreOffice - Microsoft Office,
available here:
_Microsoft_Office and here:


1. Your teacher/instructor will give you activities that will allow you to use common
productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques in the given
context of your professional track.
2. To build on that, you will also be guided by your teacher/instructor to create an original or
derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or present data or information related to
your track.


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LESSON 5: Manipulating text, graphics, and images to create ICT content intended for an
online environment

GOAL: At the end of the 2-week period, you will be able to independently apply the
techniques of image manipulation and graphic design to create original or derivative ICT
content from existing images, text and graphic elements for use in specific professional tracks.
These may be in the form of, but not limited to:
1. Team/ athlete/ league recruitment posters (Sports).
2. Logo or crest for a community, school organization or “barkada” (Arts).
3. Labeling and manual of operation for tools and equipment (Tech-Voc).
4. Presentation of cafeteria patronage data (Business/ Academic).

CHALLENGE QUESTION: You may have heard a word that sounds like “pabmat”. Can you guess
what it is? OK, it is spelled as pubmat and is understood to mean a collection of visual content
that is used to promote an idea, concept, event, product or service. One application software
that is proprietary -- which means you need to buy the software to use it because it is owned by
an individual or company who developed it.

In this part of the course you will be expected to demonstrate your ability to use digital tools to
produce materials for printing, posting, and at some later point in the course, uploading
images to online.

As a matter of practice, you will be using the GIMP (see the Glossary of Terms, under this
Lesson, for the long name) as a free application software to build publication-related
Below is a screenshot of the GIMP:

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Image source:

While the GIMP is the tool of choice in this course, certain principles, techniques, and skills can
be demonstrated with similar tools (online or offline) using the corresponding references

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Topic Related Reference (Note: The internet links below will
be used as part of supplementary references
containing additional learning resources which can be
viewed online via this short link:

Basic principles of graphics and layout


Principles of visual message design using infographics


Online file formats for images and text


Principles and basic techniques of image manipulation


Basic image manipulation using offline or open source


Combining text, graphics, and images

Uploading, sharing, and image hosting platforms


The following are sample publicity materials, the corresponding use-cases, and related
resources. They will be used as part of your course activities for this section of the course:

28 of 63
Publicity Materials Use Case Related Reference (Note: The
Internet links below will be printed
as part of a Supplement containing
additional learning resources which
can be viewed online via this short

1. Poster Announcements or flyers

rials/GIMP_Quickies/ 19

2. Logo For design of stationery, e.g.

business card Business-Cards-with-GIMP

3. Labels To help organize office supplies or

collection of materials or for return
address in envelopes

4. Infographic Visualizing combination of data and

narratives he-orangutan-infographic-project

The following are graphic design tools that are either free to download and use as a stand-alone
application or to use online with prior registration:


1. - An online tool that allows users to create designs for Web or print: blog
graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations, etc.
2. GIMP (/ɡɪmp/; an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free and open-
source raster graphics editor used for image retouching and editing, free-form drawing,
resizing, cropping, photo-montages, converting between different image formats, and
more specialized tasks.
3. Piktochart - infographic design application “that requires very little effort to produce
beautiful, high quality graphics.”

GIMP user manual is available here, You may also follow on Twitter for updates.

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1. Your teacher will give you activities that will allow you to evaluate existing websites and
online resources based on the principles of layout, graphic, and visual message design.
2. You will be given an opportunity to practice image manipulation techniques on existing
images to change or enhance their current state to communicate a message for a specific
3. To extend your skill, you will be guided by your teacher/instructor to create an original or
derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a visual message in an online environment
related to your specific professional track.

UNIT 2: ICT and related tools reach a higher level of engagement when used in a more social

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online context.


LESSON 6: The principles and techniques of design using online creation tools, platforms, and
applications to develop ICT content for specific professional tracks

GOAL: At the end of the 2-week period, you will independently apply the principles and
techniques of design using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to create original
or derivative ICT content for use in your professional tracks.

These may be in the form of, but not limited to:

1. Survey instruments using Google forms (Business Academic)
2. Athletic match-ups and league standings using Mindmeister (Sports)
3. Catalogues/Swatches/ options for products and services using Prezi (Tech Voc)
4. Online photo album of artistic works or photographs using Picasa (Arts)
5. Online music production using Sibelius (Music)

CHALLENGE QUESTION: What is the use of a Website? Did you know that you can use a
Website for a number of purposes? And did you know that Websites can be considered as
platforms for productivity?

This portion of the module introduces you to online platforms as tools for ICT content
development and covers the topics of:
1. The nature and purposes of online platforms and applications
2. Basic web design principles and elements
3. Web page design using templates and online WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)

Topics Related Reference Related Reference (Note: The

Internet links below will be printed

31 of 63
as part of a Supplement containing
additional learning resources which
can be viewed online via this short

1. The nature and purposes of Social Software and Community

online platforms and applications Learning: Leveling the Playing Field 3/Social_Software_and_Communit

2. Basic web design principles and Design Elements & Principles
elements /multimedia/PDFfolder/DESIGN~1.

3. Web page design using 50 of The Easiest Website Builder

templates and online WYSIWYG Collection in 2016 -website-builder/

Below is a screenshot of a Website:

Image source:

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In the earlier years, or sometime in the 1990s, creating a web page or a website was a skill that
requires a mind of a computer programmer, working on standard lines of computer code that
need to be memorized to produce a basically flat but colorful document. Nowadays it is so
much easier that a high school student with enough creativity could assemble textual and visual
parts that are already interactive and fun to the user. Moreover, websites have evolved into
tools and platforms for discovery, sharing, connection, co-creation.

These online social platforms currently include, but are not limited to:
1. Presentation/ visualization (Prezi, Soho, Slideshare, mindmeister)
2. Cloud computing (Google Drive, Evernote, Dropbox)
3. Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr)
4. Web Page Creation (Wix, Weebly)
5. File Management and Filetype conversion (zamzar, word2pdf)
6. Mapping (Google Maps, Wikimapia)

ACTIVITY: With your teacher’s guidance, you can start exploring online platforms for
expression of mission statements of social impact organizations. On deeper reflection, you
should be better skilled by now in online search using relevant keywords in this activity.
Likewise, from a technical and skills perspective you should be able to do the following:

1. Evaluate existing online creation tools, platforms and applications in developing ICT content
for specific professional tracks
2. Apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools, platforms, and
applications to communicate a message for a specific purpose in your professional track.
3. Create an original or derivative ICT content using online creation tools, platforms, and
applications to effectively communicate messages related to your professional track.

To get ideas about creating smart and powerful statement, go over this link and read through
the “Top 50 Mission Statements of Non-Profits or Social Impact Organizations:
WEEKS 9-10

33 of 63
LESSON 7: Integrating ICT content through collaboration with classmate and teacher as both
peer and partner

GOAL: At the end of the 2-week period and quarter you will collaborate with your classmates
to develop an online portal or website to showcase and share existing and previously
developed content.

CHALLENGE QUESTION: What is one gift you’d like to share to the world?

From a reading of the links/resources below, think about how far sharing your gift can go.


If you have a reliable access to the Internet, challenge yourself by enrolling in this Free Online
Course, How to Help Your Local Community,

Also take a look at a model learning community that aims to create a safe and adventurous
place for its members to discover and chase their individual passions. Follow the link below:

34 of 63
Image source:

35 of 63
Below are topical competencies that you will be able to build with guidance from your Teacher
through Collaborative development of ICT and relevant content:

Topics Related Reference Related Reference (Note: The

Internet links below will be printed
as part of a supplement containing
additional learning resources which
can be viewed online via this short

Team structure and dynamics for Reflection, Understanding, http://mechanicaldesign.asmedigit

ICT content Expression, Sharing Flow (Image) 20

Online collaborative tools and The 20 best tools for online
processes collaboration gn/online-collaboration-tools-

Project management for ICT 7 Tips for Effective Project

content Collaboration (Using Evernote21) 15/05/12/7-tips-for-effective-

Curating existing content for use on Content Curation Primer

the web t-curation-101/

Online collaborative tools that may be used currently include, but are not limited to:
1. Google Docs/ MS Office 365
2. Prezi
3. Google Chat/ Hangouts
4. Skype/ Viber/ Kakao Talk/ WeChat/ Line

Platforms that may be currently used to host newsletters and similar ICT content include but
are not limited to:
1. Presentation/ visualization - Prezi (, Zoho
(, Slideshare (,
Mindmeister (
2. Cloud computing, e.g. Google Apps ( )
3. Social Media - Facebook Pages (,
Role of communication in shared understanding among teams using wiki

36 of 63
Tumblr (, Instagram (, Pinterest
4. Web Page Creation - Wix (, Weebly ( ,
Google Sites, e.g.
5. Blog or Publisher sites - Blogger (, Wordpress (,
Livejournal (, Issuu

Google Sites,

Below is a sample screenshot of a collaborative tool:

Sample Screenshot of Collaborative tool, Source:

37 of 63
With the guidance of your teacher, you will:
1. Create a Google Site. Use the steps below to build the basics:

To help you start the thematic content of a website, fill in the following blanks to serve as key
points to build reader’s interest towards your work:

● The issue that matters to me is _________________ [CAUSE or ADVOCACY]

● I could use my talent ____________________ [GIFT]
● To make a difference by ___________________ [ACTION]22

2. Share and showcase existing or previously developed content in the form of a designed
newsletter or blog site, or website that is intended for a specific audience or viewer within a
given cause or advocacy.

3. Evaluate the quality, value, and appropriateness of classmate/peer’s existing or previously

developed ICT content or media (from previous Lessons) in relation to a given theme or

Use rubrics to assess another student’s work. Refer to the following as a guide but pay closer
attention to the Categories labeled “Content” and “Interest”.

Adapted from Me to We Journal, Craig & Marc Kielburger, p. 74

38 of 63
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Links (to All links point to Almost all links Most links point Less than ¾ of
content) high-quality, up point to high- to high-quality, the links point to
to-date credible quality, up to- up to-date high-quality, up
sites. date credible credible sites. to-date credible
sites. sites.

Content The site has a The site has a The purpose and The site lacks a
well stated clear clearly stated theme of the purpose or
purpose and purpose and site is somewhat theme.
theme that is theme, but may muddy or vague.
carried out have one or two
throughout the elements that do
site. not seem to be
related to it.

Layout The Web site has The Web pages The Web pages The Web pages
an exceptionally have an have a usable are cluttered
attractive and attractive and layout, but may looking or
usable layout. It usable layout. It appear busy or confusing. It is
is easy to locate is easy to locate boring. It is easy often difficult to
all important all important to locate most of locate important
elements. White elements. the important elements
space, graphic elements.
elements and/or
alignment are
used effectively
to organize

Navigation Links for Links for Links for Some links do

navigation are navigation are navigation take not take the
clearly labeled, clearly labeled, the reader reader to the
consistently allow the reader where s/he sites described.
placed, allow the to easily move expects to go, A user typically
reader to easily from a page to but some gets lost.
move from a related pages needed links
page to related (forward and seem to be
pages (forward back), and missing. A user
and back), and internal links sometimes gets
take the reader take the reader lost.
where s/he where s/he
expects to go. A expects to go. A

39 of 63
user does not user rarely
become lost. becomes lost.

Interest The author has The author has The author has The author has
made an tried to make put lots of provided only
exceptional the content of information in the minimum
attempt to make this Web site the Web site but amount of
the content of interesting to there is little information and
this Web site the people for evidence that has not
interesting to whom it is the person tried transformed the
the people for intended. to present the information to
whom it is information in make it more
intended. an interesting interesting to
way. the audience
(e.g. has only
provided a list of
links to the
content of

Below is a screenshot of GOLD Foundation. As an exercise, use the above Rubric to evaluate

40 of 63
for Content and Interest. Take note that while the Web site provides only the minimum of
information, the keyword “help” may be considered as an attempt to make the Web site
content interesting to the people for whom it is intended.

Screenshot from

41 of 63
● Advocacy is active promotion of a cause or principle
● Advocacy involves actions that lead to a selected goal
● Advocacy is one of many possible strategies, or ways to approach a problem
● Advocacy can be used as part of a community initiative, nested in with other
● Advocacy is not direct service
● Advocacy does not necessarily involve confrontation or conflict
Some examples may help clarify just what advocacy is:

● You join a group that helps build houses for the poor--that's wonderful, but it's not
advocacy (it's a service)
● You organize and agitate to get a proportion of apartments in a new development
designated as low to moderate income housing - that's advocacy
● You spend your Saturdays helping sort out goods at the recycling center - that's not
advocacy (it's a service)
● You hear that land used for the recycling center is going to be closed down and you
band together with many others to get the city to preserve this site, or find you a new
one. Some of you even think about blocking the bulldozers, if necessary - that's
Advocacy usually involves getting government, business, schools, or some other large
institution (also known as Goliath) to correct an unfair or harmful situation affecting people in
the community (also known as David, and friends). The situation may be resolved through
persuasion, by forcing Goliath to buckle under pressure, by compromise, or through political or
legal action.

42 of 63
UNIT 3: Social change can be a deeply personal experience when social tools and techniques
are done within a real, rich, and relevant context.


LESSON 8: Multimedia and ICT

GOAL: At the end of the week you will independently assess your experience along a range of
online rich content on the basis of the usability of the interface.

CHALLENGE QUESTION: As a user of a digital tool, in your opinion, what is simple yet functional
usability? Identify the cell, in the Usability Table, that matches your opinion.





Usability Table

Look at the following image to help you think about the phrase “simple yet functional”:

43 of 63
Image source:

44 of 63
45 of 63

Given the definition in the screenshot below, describe what you would combine to make your

digital content interactive.

The image below shows online features that enhance a video content. Which feature/s would
engage you? Why?

Image source:

46 of 63
Imagine clients as your audience/stakeholder.

Image Source:


47 of 63
LESSON 9: ICTs as platform for change covering the topics of:
● ICT as medium for advocacy and developmental communication
● The social power of social media
● Digital citizenship and the Filipino people

GOAL: At the end of the week , you will independently articulate how ICT tools and platforms
have changed the way people communicate, and how social change has been brought about by
the use of ICTs.

CHALLENGE QUESTION: How does it feel having your work liked by people? Is there any
difference whether or not you know those who liked your work?

Use the following visual prompt to respond to the challenge:

48 of 63

Did you know that writer, artist and designer, theorist and community builder, Howard
Rheingold is one of the driving minds behind our net-enabled, open, collaborative life? Learn
more about Howard Rheingold via this link:
Share anecdotes of how you have used ICTs to be part of a social movement, change, or cause
to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship. You may use any ICT/digital tool to share your insight.
For your output, you could write a journal or blog entry or even an online photo narrative.

49 of 63
WEEKS 13–16

LESSON 10: How to work with peers and external publics/ partners for the development of an
ICT project that advocates or mobilizes for a specific Social Change or Cause

GOAL: At the end of the 4-week period, you will collaboratively participate actively in the
creation and development of an ICT Project for Social Change relating to an issue relevant to
your professional track.

CHALLENGE QUESTION: Have you done community service? Can you combine service and
formal learning?

Read through the following references and discover how ICT can enable collaboration that
cuts across geographic and institutional borders to forge solutions and new business models.

50 of 63

51 of 63
Below is a volunteering platform “For Busy People”

Below is a sample infographic of impact that is enabled by “Skills for Change”.

52 of 63
Take a look at the image below. Between identifying a problem to crafting a solution, you will

53 of 63
notice that the tools that provide the solution do not operate in a vacuum. They evolve within
the boundaries of system’s context through to the constraints and resources.

Image Source:

After you have showcased with your teacher’s guidance, start collaborating with your group
mate Developing a common ICT Project for Social Change covering the following steps:

1. Planning and conceptualizing an ICT Project for Social Change

2. Research for ICT Projects, Audience profiling, (demographics and psychographics)
3. Designing and copywriting, i.e. writing textual content for ICT Projects
4. Developing and constructing the ICT project around an advocacy such as any of the following:
a. Anti-drug campaigns
b. Youth election volunteer mobilization

54 of 63
c. Animal welfare and rights
d. Environmental conservation and action
e. Contemporary ICT issues like cyber-bullying, copyright infringement, green
technology, and Internet addiction
Please note that there are many more causes. Some causes are more specific or relevant to
your locality.

You will need to create a group website (separate from the one from the prior lesson) as
platform to document your project online. Here’s a link to a Google Site Template that could be
useful for the purpose:


Please follow the links below which point to articles that could serve as models for advocacy:

1. Identify a local or regional cause or issue for Social Change related to your specific

55 of 63
professional tracks that can be addressed or tackled using an ICT Project for Social Change.
For your pre-work, make sure you do a search on the example advocacies discussed earlier.
2. Analyze how target users and audiences are expected to respond to the proposed ICT Project
for Social Change on the basis of content, value, and user experience.
Part of your collaborative work entails creating a survey on how participants respond to a call
to action in social networks, like Facebook.
3. Integrate rich multimedia content in design and development to best enhance the user
experience and deliver content of an ICT Project for Social Change
Ask yourself: What kind of content would encourage or motivate you to participate in a call to
4. Develop a working prototype of an ICT Project for Social Change. The prototype could take
the form of a printed infographic or even hand-drawn on a poster-sized material.

UNIT 4: Transformation produces a deeper impact when continuous evaluation is designed

within a growth mindset for the bigger community.

56 of 63
Weeks 17–18

LESSON 11: How to manage an online ICT Project for Social Change

GOAL: At the end of the 2-week period, you will independently and collaboratively co-manage
an online ICT Project for Social Change through available tools, resources, and platforms.

CHALLENGE QUESTION: After beginning to work for a period setting up and planning the
activities on the earlier lesson, have you discovered what type of a worker you are? Do you
work best alone? Or do you operate best in a group setting?

57 of 63
Image source:

With guidance from your teacher, continue with the following:
Publishing an ICT Project covering the following tasks.

1. Uploading and website management

2. Promotion, traction and traffic monitoring
3. Evaluation through user feedback/ interaction


If you use Facebook Pages, you may find the following as a useful resource
Social Media Marketing

To answer the question “Where can I see how many views my Page is getting?” read this

If you are using Google Doc or Google Sites, here are steps to generate useful data and report
on online activity on the site:

With guidance from your teacher and using the tips in this lesson, do the following:
1. Demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded, managed, and
promoted for maximum audience impact
2. Generate a technical report interpreting data analytics, e.g. Google, Facebook, or similar
traffic data on the general aspects of search visibility, reach, and virality

58 of 63

LESSON 12: How to maintain and sustain the operation of an ICT Project for Social Change

GOAL: At the end of the week, you will independently evaluate the performance of an
advocacy via an ICT Project for Social Change through available monitoring tools and evaluating
techniques such as user interviews, feedback forms, and analytics data

CHALLENGE QUESTION: How do you measure impact? Is it better done in qualitative or

quantitative terms?

The following is a photo of what appears like a furniture set that was assembled with a theme
in mind. Could you identify with the advocacy?

59 of 63
Image source:

Run a search about the Pareto Principle. Discover how the principle applies in almost every
aspect of life.

60 of 63
Image Source: Credit: Trisketched

Learn about impact via the website

Generate a report on the performance of their ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of data
gathered from available monitoring tools and evaluating techniques.


Kielburger, Craig and Mark Kielburger (2015). Me to We: Together We Change the World

LESSON 13: Reflecting on the nature of ICT and the manner by which the learning process has

61 of 63
changed your worldview.

GOALS: By the end of this final week, you will independently reflect on the ICT learning process
and how your worldview has evolved over the past semester.

CHALLENGE QUESTION: Look at the image of a night sky below. What has changed since you
started working on this module?

Image credit:

Have you started co-creating impact around you? In what area or areas? You may refer to the
list on via this link: .

62 of 63
1. Create an account on and write an article to help collaboratively build
To create an account, go to this site:
To ensure confirmation of creation of the Appropedia account, make sure you possess a
personal email address that you can access and use regularly.

2. Write a reflexive piece or output using an ICT tool, platform, or application of choice on the
learning experiences undergone during the semester. You have the option to use any of the
following forms:
● 1. Video blog
● 2. Presentation or image galler
● 3. Websit
● 4. Illustrated documen
● 5. Podcast or webcast

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