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ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition

Project Management
(Input, Tool & Techniques, Output)
Compiled by Abdulla PMI-ACP, SCT, CSM, PMP
Based on PMBOKGUIDE Sixth Edition |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition



Develop Formal authorization of Initiating 1. Business Documents 1. Expert judgment 1. Project charter
Project the project or phase 2. Agreements 2. Data Gathering 2. Assumptions Log
Charter 3. Enterprise environmental 3. Interpersonal and Team
Factors Skills
4. Organizational process assets 4. Meetings

Develop Document actions to Planning 1. Project charter 1. Expert judgment 1. Project management plan
Project define, prepare, 2. Outputs from other processes 2. Data Gathering
Management integrate, and 3. Enterprise environmental factors 3. Interpersonal and Team
4. Organizational process assets Skills
Plan coordinate subsidiary
4. Meetings
plans into the PMP

Direct and Execute the work Executing 1.Project management plan 1.Expert Judgement 1. Deliverables
Manage defined in the project 2.Project Documents 2.Project management 2.Work performance data
Project Work management plan to 3.Approved change requests information system 3.Issue Log
4.Enterprise environmental factors 3.Meetings 4.Change requests
achieve requirements
5.Organizational process assets 5.Project management plan
in scope statement. Updates
6.Project documents updates
7.Organizational Process Asset

Manage This is the process of Planning  Project management plan  Expert Judgement  Lessons Learned
Project using existing o All Components  Knowledge Register
Knowledge knowledge and  Project Documents Management  Project Management
creating new o Lessons learned register  Information Plan Updates
o Project Team Management o Any component
knowledge to achieve
Assignment  Interpersonal and  Organizational process
the project’s objectives Team Skills asset updates
o Resource Breakdown
and contribute to o Structure o Active
organizational learning. o Source Selection Criteria Listening
o Stakeholder Register o Facilitation
 Deliverables o Leadership
 Enterprise environmental o Networking
factors o Political |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition

 Organizational process Awareness

Monitor and Monitor and control Executing 1. Project management plan 1. Expert judgment 1.Work Performance Reports
Control the processes to meet ← Any components 2. Data Analysis 2.Change requests
Project Work the performance 2. Project Documents a. Alternative Analysis 3.Work performance reports
a. Assumption Log b. Cost Benefit Analysis 4.Project management plan
b. Basis of Estimates c. Earned Value Analysis updates
c. Cost Forecasts d. Root Cause Analysis a. Any components
d. Issue log e. Trend Analysis 5.Project documents updates
e. Lessons Learned Register f. Variance Analysis
f. Milestone list 3. Decision Making a. Cost Forecasts
g. Quality Reports 4. Meetings b. Issue Log
h. Risk Register c. Lessons Learned
i. Risk Report Register
j. Schedule Forecasts d. Risk Register
3. Work performance information e. Schedule Forecast
4. Agreement
5. Enterprise Environment Factors
6. Organizational Process Assets.
Perform Reviewing change Monitoring 1.Project management plan 1. Expert judgment 1. Approved change requests
Integrated requests, approving and a. Change Management Plan 2. Change control tools 2. Project management plan
Change change requests and Controlling b. Configuration Management 3. Data Analysis updates
Plan a. Alternative Analysis a. Any components
Control controlling changes
c. Scope Baseline b. Cost Benefit Analysis 3. Project documents updates
d. Schedule Baseline 4. Decision Making a. Change log
e. Cost Baseline a. Voting
2.Project Documents b. Autocratic Decision
a. Basis of Estimates Making
b. Requirement Traceability c. Multi criteria Decision
Matrix Analysis
c. Risk Report 5. Meeting
3.Work performance reports
4.Change requests
5.Enterprise environmental factors
6.Organizational process assets
Close Project Finalize all activities to Closing 1. Project Charter 1. Expert judgment 1.Project Document Updates
or Phase formally close the 2. Project management plan 2. Analytical techniques a. Lessons Learned Register
project or phase. a. All Components 3. Meetings 2.Final product, service, or
3. Project documents result transition |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
a. Assumption Log Organizational process assets
b. Basis of Estimates updates
c. Change Log 3.Final Report
d. Issue Log 4.Organizational Process Asset
e. Lessons Learned Register Update
f. Milestone List
g. Project Communications
h. Quality Control
i. Quality Reports
j. Requirement
k. Risk Register
l. Risk Report
4. Accepted deliverables
5. Business Documents
a. Business Case
b. Benefit Management Plan
6. Agreement
7. Procurement Documentation
8. Organizational Process Assets |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition



Plan Scope Documents how the Planning 1. Project management plan 1. Expert judgment 1.Scope management plan
Management project scope will be 2. Project charter 2. Data Analysis 2.Requirements management
defined, validated, 3. Enterprise environmental factors a. Alternative plan
4. Organizational process assets Analysis
and controlled.
3. Meetings
Collect Defining and Planning Project charter Expert judgment 1. Requirements
Requirements documenting Project management plan Data gathering documentation
stakeholders' needs to  Scope management plan  Brainstorming 2. Requirements traceability
 Requirements management  Interviews matrix
ensure project
plan  Focus groups
objectives are met.
 Stakeholder engagement  Questionnaires and
plan surveys
Project documents  Benchmarking
 Assumption log Data analysis
 Lessons learned register  Document analysis
 Stakeholder register Decision making
Business documents  Voting
 Business case  Multicriteria decision
Agreements analysis
Enterprise environmental Data representation
Organizational process assets  Affinity diagrams
 Mind mapping

Interpersonal and team skills

 Nominal group
 Observation/conversatio
 Facilitation
Context diagram
Define Scope Developing detailed Planning Project charter Expert judgment Project scope statement
description of the Project management plan Data analysis Project documents updates
project and product as  Scope management plan  Alternatives analysis  Assumption log |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
a basis for future Project documents Decision Making  Requirements
decisions.  Assumption log  Multicriteria decision documentation
 Requirements analysis  Requirements
documentation Interpersonal and team skills traceability matrix
 Risk register  Facilitation  Stakeholder register
Enterprise environmental factors Product analysis
Organizational process assets
Create WBS Subdividing major Planning Project management plan Decomposition Scope baseline
deliverables into  Scope management plan Expert judgment Project documents updates
smaller components Project documents  Assumption log
 Project scope statement  Requirements
 Requirements documentation documentation
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets 
Validate Formal acceptance of Monitoring Project management plan Inspection Accepted deliverables
Scope the completed project and  Scope management plan Decision-making - Voting Work performance information
deliverables. Controlling  Requirements management Change requests
plan Project document updates
 Scope baseline  Lessons learned
Project documents register
 Lessons learned register  Requirements
 Quality reports  Documentation
 Requirements  Requirements
documentation traceability
 Requirements traceability  matrix
 Verified deliverables
Work performance data
Control Scope Monitoring status of Monitoring Project management plan Data Analysis Work performance information
the project and and  Scope management plan  Variance analysis Change requests
product scope and Controlling  Requirements management  Trend Analysis Project management plan
Plan updates
managing changes to
 Change management plan  Scope management
scope baseline.
 Configuration management plan
Plan  Scope baseline
 Scope baseline  Schedule baseline
 Performance measurement  Cost baseline
baseline  Performance
measurement baseline |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Project documents Project documents updates
 Lessons learned register  Lessons learned
 Requirements register
documentation  Requirements
 Requirements traceability documentation
Matrix  Requirements
Work performance data traceability
Organizational process assets  matrix



Plan Documentation for Planning 1 Project charter 1. Expert judgment 1. Schedule management plan
Schedule Planning, developing, 2 Project management plan 2. Data Analysis
Management managing, executing, • Scope management plan 3. Meetings
and controlling the • Development approach
project schedule 3 Enterprise environmental
4 Organizational process assets
Define Identifying and Planning 1. Project Management Plan 1. Decomposition 1. Activity list
Activities documenting the  Schedule management 2. Rolling wave planning 2. Activity attributes
specific actions to be plan 3. Expert judgment 3. Milestone list
performed to produce  Scope baseline 4. Meeting 4. Change requests
the project 2. Enterprise environmental factors 5. Project management plan
deliverables 3. Organizational process assets updates
 Schedule baseline
 Cost baseline
Sequence Identify and Planning 1. Project management plan 1. Precedence diagramming 1. Project schedule network
Activities document the logical  Schedule management plan method (PDM) diagrams
relationships and  Scope baseline 2. Dependency determination 2. Project documents updates
dependencies 2. Project documents 3. Leads and lags  Activity attributes
 Activity attributes 4. Project Management • Activity list
 Activity list information system • Assumption log
 Assumption log  Milestone list
 Milestone list
3. Enterprise environmental
Factors |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
4. Organizational process assets
Estimate Estimate # of work Planning 1. Project Management Plan 1. Expert judgment 1. Duration estimates
Activity periods per activity • Schedule management 2. Analogous estimating 2. Basis of estimates
Durations plan 3. Parametric estimating .3 Project documents updates
• Scope Baseline 4. Three-point estimating • Activity attributes
2. Project Documents 5. Bottom-up estimating • Assumption log
• Activity attributes 6. Data analysis • Lessons learned
• Activity list • Alternatives analysis register
• Assumption log • Reserve analysis
• Lessons learned register 7. Decision-making techniques
• Milestone list 8. Meeting
• Project team assignments
• Resource breakdown
• Resource calendars
• Resource requirements
• Risk register
3. Enterprise environmental factors
4. Organizational process assets
Develop Analyze sequences, Planning 1. Project management plan 1. Schedule network analysis 1. Schedule baseline
Schedule durations, resources • Schedule management plan 2. Critical path method 2. Project schedule
and constraints to • Scope baseline 3. Resource optimization 3. Schedule data
2. Project Documents techniques 4. Project calendars
document project
• Activity attributes 4. Data analysis 5. Change requests
schedule • Activity list What-if scenario analysis 6. Project management plan
• Assumption log Simulation updates
• Basis of estimates 5. Leads and lags • Schedule management
• Duration estimates 6. Schedule compression plan
• Lessons learned register 7. Project management • Cost baseline
• Milestone list information system 7. Project documents updates
• Project schedule network 8. Agile release planning • Activity attributes
diagrams • Assumption log
• Project team assignments • Duration estimates
• Resource calendars • Lessons learned
• Resource requirements register
• Risk register • Resource requirements
3. Agreement • Risk register
4. Enterprise environmental
5. Organizational process assets |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Control Controlling changes Monitoring 1. Project management plan 1. Data Analysis 1. Work performance
Schedule and • Schedule management plan • Earned value analysis information
Controlling • Schedule baseline • Iteration burndown chart 2. Schedule forecasts
• Scope baseline • Performance reviews 3. Change requests
• Performance measurement • Trend analysis 4. Project management plan
baseline • Variance analysis updates
2. Project Documents • What-if scenario analysis • Schedule management
• Lessons learned register 2. Critical path method plan
• Project calendars 3. Project management • Schedule baseline
• Project schedule information system • Cost baseline
• Resource calendars 4. Resource optimization • Performance
• Schedule data 5. Leads and lags measurement baseline
3. Work performance data 6. Schedule compression 5. Project documents updates
4. Organizational process assets • Assumption log
• Basis of estimates
• Lessons learned
• Project schedule
• Resource calendars
• Risk register
• Schedule data


ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Plan Cost Documentation for Planning 1. Project Charter 1. Expert judgment 1. Cost management plan
Management planning, 2. Project management plan 2. Data Analysis
managing, • Schedule management plan 3. Meetings
expending, and • Risk management plan
controlling project 3. Enterprise environmental factors
costs 4. Organizational process assets
Estimate Cost Develop an Planning 1. Project management plan 1. Expert judgment 1. Cost estimates
approximation of • Cost management plan 2. Analogous estimating 2. Basis of estimates
the costs of the • Quality management plan 3. Parametric estimating 3. Project documents updates
resources to • Scope baseline 4. Bottom-up estimating  Assumption log
complete project 2. Project documents 5. Three-point estimating  Lessons learned
activities • Lessons learned register 6. Data analysis register
• Project schedule  Alternatives analysis  Risk register
• Resources requirements  Reserve analysis
• Risk register  Cost of quality
7. Project management
3. Enterprise environmental factors Information System
4. Organizational process assets 8. Decision-making
 Voting
Determine Aggregating Planning 1. Project management plan 1. Expert judgment 1. Cost baseline
Budget estimated costs to  Cost management plan 2. Cost aggregation 2. Project funding
establish an  Resource management plan 3. Data analysis requirements
authorized cost  Scope baseline  Reserve analysis 3. Project documents updates
baseline. 2. Project documents 4. Historical information review  Cost estimates
 Basis of estimates 5. Funding limit reconciliation  Project schedule
 Cost estimates 6. Financing  Risk register
 Project schedule
 Risk register
3. Business documents
 Business case
 Benefits management plan
4. Agreement
5. Enterprise environmental
6. Organizational process assets
Control Cost Monitoring status Monitoring 1. Project management plan 1. Expert judgment 1. Work performance
of the project to and  Cost management plan 2. Data analysis information
update the project Controlling  Cost baseline  Earned value analysis 2. Cost forecasts
budget and  Performance measurement  Variance analysis 3. Change requests
managing changes Baseline  Trend analysis 4. Project management plan |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
to the cost baseline 2. Project documents  Reserve analysis updates
 Lessons learned register 3. To-complete performance  Cost management plan
3. Project funding requirements index  Cost baseline
4. Work performance data 4. Project management Performance measurement
5. Organizational process assets information system baseline
5. Project documents
 Assumption log
 Basis of estimates
 Cost estimates
 Lessons learned
 Risk register


Plan Quality Identifying quality Planning 1. Project Charter 1. Expert judgment 1. Quality management plan
Management Requirements 2. Project management plan 2. Data gathering 2. Quality metrics
and/or standards  Requirements management  Benchmarking 3. Project management plan
for the project and plan  Brainstorming Updates
product and  Risk management plan  Interviews  Risk management plan
documenting how  Stakeholder engagement 3. Data analysis  Scope baseline
the project will Plan  Cost-benefit analysis 4. Project documents updates
demonstrate  Scope baseline  Cost of quality  Lessons learned
compliance. 3. Project documents 4. .Decision making register
 Assumption log  Multicriteria decision  Requirements
 Requirements Analysis traceability Matrix
documentation 5. Data representation  Risk register
 Requirements traceability  Flowcharts  Stakeholder register
matrix  Logical data model
 Risk register  Matrix diagrams
 Stakeholder register  Mind mapping
4. Enterprise environmental factors 6. Test and inspection planning
5. Organizational process assets 7. Meetings

Manage Auditing the quality Executing 1. Project management plan 1. Data gathering 1. Quality reports
Quality Requirements and  Quality management plan  Checklists 2. Test and evaluation
the results from 2. Project documents 2. Data analysis Documents |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
quality control  Lessons learned register  Alternatives analysis 3. Change requests
measurements to  Quality control  Document analysis 4. Project management plan
ensure appropriate measurements  Process analysis updates
quality standards  Quality metrics  Root cause analysis  Quality management
and operations  Risk report 3. .Decision making plan
definitions are 3. Organizational process assets  Multicriteria decision  Scope baseline
used. analysis  Schedule baseline
4. .Data representation  Cost baseline
 Affinity diagrams 5. Project documents
 Cause-and-effect diagrams updates
 Flowcharts  Issue log
 Histograms  Lessons learned
 Matrix diagrams register
 Scatter diagrams  Risk register
5. Audits
6. Design for X
7. Problem solving
8. Quality improvement
Control Monitoring and Monitoring 1. Project management plan 1. Data gathering 1. Quality control
Quality recording results of and Quality management plan  Checklists measurements
executing the Controlling 2. Project documents  Check sheets 2. Verified deliverables
quality activities to  Lessons learned register  Statistical sampling 3. Work performance
assess performance  Quality metrics  Questionnaires and information
and recommend  Test and evaluation surveys 4. Change requests
necessary changes. documents 2. Data analysis 5. Project management plan
3. Approved change requests  Performance reviews updates
4. Deliverables  Root cause analysis  Quality management
5. Work performance data 3. Inspection plan
6. Enterprise environmental factors 4. Testing/product evaluations 6. Project documents updates
7. Organizational process assets 5. Data representation  Issue log
 Cause-and-effect diagrams  Lessons learned
 Control charts register
 Histogram  Risk register
 Scatter diagrams  Test and evaluation
6. Meetings documents |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition



Plan Estimate, acquire, Planning 1. Project charter Expert judgment Resource management plan
Resource manage, and utilize 2. Project management plan Data representation Team charter
management physical and team  Quality management plan  Hierarchical charts Project documents updates
resources.  Scope baseline  Responsibility assignment  Assumption log
.3 Project documents matrix  Risk register
 Project schedule  Text-oriented formats
 Requirements Organizational theory
documentation Meetings
 Risk register
 Stakeholder register
4. Enterprise environmental
5. Organizational process assets
Estimate Estimating team Planning Project management plan Expert judgment Resource requirements
Activity resources and the  Resource management plan Bottom-up estimating Basis of estimates
Resources type and  Scope baseline Analogous estimating Resource breakdown structure
quantities of .Project documents Parametric estimating Project documents updates
material,  Activity attributes Data analysis  Activity attributes
equipment, and  Activity list  Alternatives analysis  Assumption log
supplies Project management information
 Assumption log  Lessons learned
necessary to system
 Cost estimates register
perform project
 Resource calendars Meetings
 Risk register
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets
Acquire Obtaining required Executing Project management plan Decision making Physical resource assignments
Resources project resources.  Resource management plan  Multicriteria decision Project team assignments
 Procurement management analysis Resource calendars
plan Interpersonal and team skills Change requests
 Cost baseline  Negotiation Project management plan
Project documents .Pre-assignment updates
 Project schedule .Virtual teams  Resource management
 Resource calendars plan
 Resource requirements  Cost baseline
 Stakeholder register Project documents updates |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Enterprise environmental factors  Lessons learned
Organizational process assets register
 Project schedule
 Resource breakdown
 Resource requirements
 Risk register
 Stakeholder register
Enterprise environmental
factors updates
Organizational process assets
Develop Develop individual or Executing Project management plan Colocation Team performance
Team group skills to  Resource management plan Virtual teams assessments
enhance project .Project documents Communication technology Change requests
performance.  Lessons learned register Interpersonal and team skills .Project management plan
 Project schedule  Conflict management updates
 project team assignments  Influencing  Resource management
 Resource calendars  Motivation plan
 Team charter  Negotiation Project documents updates
Enterprise environmental factors  Team building  Lessons learned
Organizational process assets Recognition and rewards register
Training  Project schedule
Individual and team assessments  Project team
Meetings assignments
 Resource calendars
 Team charter
Enterprise environmental
factors updates
Organizational process assets
Manage Track team Executing Project management plan Interpersonal and team skills Change requests
Project Team performance,  Resource management plan  Conflict management Project management plan
providing feedback, Project documents  Decision making updates
resolving issues,  Issue log  Emotional intelligence  Resource management
managing changes to  Lessons learned register  Influencing plan
optimize project  Project team assignments  Leadership  Schedule baseline
performance.  Team charter Project management information  Cost baseline
Work performance reports system Project documents updates |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Team performance assessments  Issue log
Enterprise environmental factors  Lessons learned
Organizational process assets register
 Project team
Enterprise environmental
factors updates
Control Ensuring that the Project management plan Data analysis Work performance information
Resource physical  Resource management plan  Alternatives analysis Change requests
resources Project documents  Cost-benefit analysis Project management plan
assigned and  Issue log  Performance reviews updates
allocated to the  Lessons learned register  Trend analysis  Resource management
project are  Physical resource Problem solving plan
available as  Schedule baseline
assignments Interpersonal and team skills
planned, as well
 Project schedule  Negotiation  Cost baseline
as monitoring the
 Resource breakdown  Influencing Project documents updates
planned versus
actual use of structure Project management information  Assumption log
resources, and  Resource requirements system  Issue log
performing  Risk register  Lessons learned
corrective action Work performance data register
as necessary. Agreements  Physical resource
Organizational process assets assignments
 Resource breakdown
 Risk register



Plan Developing an Planning Project charter Expert judgment Communications management

Communication appropriate Project management plan Communication requirements plan
approach and plan  Resource management analysis Project management plan |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
for project plan Communication technology updates
Communications  Stakeholder engagement Communication models  Stakeholder
based on plan Communication methods engagement plan
stakeholder’s Project documents Interpersonal and team skills Project documents updates
information needs  Requirements  Communication styles  Project schedule
and requirements, documentation assessment  Stakeholder register
and available  Stakeholder register  Political awareness
organizational Enterprise environmental factors  Cultural awareness
assets Organizational process assets .Data representation
 Stakeholder engagement
assessment matrix
Manage Process of Executing Project management plan Communication technology Project communications
Communications creating,  Resource management Communication methods Project management plan
collecting, plan Communication skills updates
distributing,  Communications  Communication competence  Communications
storing, retrieving, management plan  Feedback management plan
and the ultimate  Stakeholder engagement  Nonverbal  Stakeholder
disposition of plan  Presentations engagement plan
project .Project documents Project management information Project documents updates
information in  Change log system  Issue log
accordance with  Issue log Project reporting  Lessons learned
the  Lessons learned register Interpersonal and team skills register
communications  Quality report  Active listening  Project schedule
management plan  Risk report  Conflict management  Risk register
 Stakeholder register  Cultural awareness  Stakeholder register
Work performance reports  Meeting management Organizational process assets
Enterprise environmental factors  Networking updates
Organizational process assets  Political awareness
Monitor Monitoring and Monitoring Project management plan Expert judgment Work performance
Communications communications and  Resource management Project management information information
throughout the entire Controlling plan system Change requests
project life cycle to
ensure the information
 Communications Data analysis Project management plan
needs of the project management plan  Stakeholder engagement updates
stakeholders are met.  Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix  Communications
The key benefit of this
process plan .Interpersonal and team skills management plan
is that it ensures an .Project documents  Observation/conversation  Stakeholder
optimal information flow
 Issue log Meetings engagement plan
among all |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
communication  Lessons learned register Project documents updates
 Project communications  Issue log
Work performance data  Lessons learned
Enterprise environmental factors register
Organizational process assets  Stakeholder register


Plan Risk Determine Planning Project charter Expert judgment Risk management plan
Management approach and Project management plan Data analysis
plan risk mgt  All components  Stakeholder analysis
activities .Project documents Meetings
 Stakeholder register
.Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets
Identify Risks Determine and Planning Project management plan Expert judgment Risk register
document  Requirements management Data gathering Risk report
characteristics plan  Brainstorming Project documents updates
of potential  Schedule management plan  Checklists  Assumption log
risks  Cost management plan  Interviews  Issue log
 Quality management plan Data analysis  Lessons learned
 Resource management plan  Root cause analysis register
 Risk management plan  Assumption and constraint
 Scope baseline analysis
 Schedule baseline  SWOT analysis
 Cost baseline  Document analysis
.Project documents Interpersonal and team skills
 Assumption log Facilitation
 Cost estimates Prompt lists
 Duration estimates Meetings
 Issue log
 Lessons learned register
 Requirements
 Resource requirements
 Stakeholder register
Procurement documentation |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets
Perform Conduct Planning Project management plan Expert judgment Project documents updates
Qualitative qualitative  Risk management plan Data gathering  Assumption log
Risk Analysis analysis of risks .Project documents  Interviews  Issue log
and conditions  Assumption log Data analysis  Risk register
and prioritize  Risk register  Risk data quality  Risk report
their effects  Stakeholder register assessment
Enterprise environmental factors  Risk probability and impact
Organizational process assets assessment
 Assessment of other risk
Interpersonal and team skills
 Facilitation
Risk categorization
Data representation
 Probability and impact
 Hierarchical charts
Perform Measure Planning Project management plan Expert judgment 1. Project documents updates
Quantitative probability  Risk management plan Data gathering  Risk Report
Risk Analysis and  Scope baseline  Interviews
consequence  Schedule baseline .3 Interpersonal and team skills
s of risks and  Cost baseline • Facilitation
estimate Project documents Representations of uncertainty
implications Data analysis
 Assumption log
for project
 Basis of estimates  Simulations
 Cost estimates  Sensitivity analysis
 Cost forecasts  Decision tree analysis
 Duration estimates  Influence diagrams
 Milestone list
 Resource requirements
 Risk register
 Risk report
 Schedule forecasts
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets
Plan Risk Develop options Planning Project management plan Expert judgment Change requests |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Responses and actions to  Resource management Data gathering Project management plan
enhance plan  Interviews updates
opportunities  Risk management plan Interpersonal and team skills  Schedule management
and reduce  Cost baseline  Facilitation plan
threats to the Project documents Strategies for threats  Cost management plan
project's  Lessons learned register Strategies for opportunities  Quality management
objectives  Project schedule Contingent response strategies plan
 Project team assignments Strategies for overall project risk  Resource management
 Resource calendars Data analysis plan
 Risk register  Alternatives analysis  Procurement
 Risk report  Cost-benefit analysis management plan
 Stakeholder register Decision making  Scope baseline
Enterprise environmental factors  Multicriteria decision  Schedule baseline
Organizational process assets analysis  Cost baseline
Project documents updates
 Assumption log
 Cost forecasts
 Lessons learned
 Project schedule
 Project team
 Risk register
 Risk report
Implement Risk Implementin Planning Project management plan Expert judgment Change requests
Responses g agreed-  Risk management plan Interpersonal and team skills Project documents updates
upon risk Project documents  Influencing  Issue log
response  Lessons learned register Project management information  Lessons learned
plans.  Risk register system register
 Risk report  Project team
Organizational process assets assignments
 Risk register
 Risk report
Control Risk Monitor Monitoring Project management plan Data analysis Work performance information
residual risks, and  Risk management plan  Technical performance Change requests
identifying new Control Project documents analysis Project management plan
risks, executing  Issue log  Reserve analysis updates
risk response  Lessons learned register Audits  Any component
plans and  Risk register Meetings Project documents updates |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
evaluating their  Risk report  Assumption log
effectiveness.  Work performance data  Issue log
 Work performance reports  Lessons learned
 Risk register
 Risk report
Organizational process assets



Plan Procurement Determine Planning Project charter Expert judgment Procurement management plan
Management what, how and Business documents Data gathering Procurement strategy
when to  Business case  Market research Bid documents
procure.  Benefits management plan Data analysis Procurement statement of
Prepare Project management plan  Make-or-buy analysis work
procurement  Scope management plan Source selection analysis Source selection criteria
documents to  Quality management plan Meetings Make-or-buy decisions
support vendor  Resource management plan Independent cost estimates
selection and  Scope baseline Change requests
develop the Project documents .Project documents updates
procurement  Milestone list  Lessons learned |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
SOW.  Project team assignments register
 Requirements  Milestone list
documentation  Requirements
 Requirements traceability documentation
matrix  Requirements
 Resource requirements traceability matrix
 Risk register  Risk register
 Stakeholder register  Stakeholder register
Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets
Organizational process assets updates
Conduct Select from Executing Project management plan Expert judgment Selected sellers
Procurement potential sellers  Scope management plan Advertising Agreements
 Requirements management Bidder conferences Change requests
plan Data analysis Project management plan
 Communications  Proposal evaluation updates
management plan Interpersonal and team skills  Requirements
 Risk management plan  Negotiation management plan
 Procurement management  Quality management
plan plan
 Configuration management  Communications
plan management plan
 Cost baseline  Risk management plan
Project documents  Procurement
 Lessons learned register management plan
 Project schedule  Scope baseline
 Requirements  Schedule baseline
documentation  Cost baseline
 Risk register Project documents updates
 Stakeholder register  Lessons learned
Procurement documentation register
Seller proposals  Requirements
Enterprise environmental factors documentation
Organizational process assets  Requirements
traceability matrix
 Resource calendars
 Risk register
 Stakeholder register
Organizational process assets
update |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Control Manage seller Monitoring Project management plan Expert judgment Closed procurements
Procurement relationship, and  Requirements management Claims administration Work performance information
review seller Controlling plan Data analysis Procurement documentation
performance  Risk management plan  Performance reviews updates
and manage  Procurement management  Earned value analysis Change requests
contract related plan  Trend analysis Project management plan
changes  Change management plan Inspection updates
 Schedule baseline Audits  Risk management plan
Project documents  Procurement
 Assumption log management plan
 Lessons learned register  Schedule baseline
 Milestone list  Cost baseline
 Quality reports Project documents updates
 Requirements  Lessons learned
documentation register
 Requirements traceability  Resource requirements
matrix  Requirements
 Risk register traceability matrix
 Stakeholder register  Risk register
Agreements  Stakeholder register
Procurement documentation .Organizational process assets
Approved change requests updates
Work performance data
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets


ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition
Identify Documenting Initiating Project charter Expert judgment Stakeholder register
Stakeholders stakeholders, Business documents Data gathering Change requests
interest, power and  Business case  Questionnaires and surveys Project management plan
expectations  Benefits management  Brainstorming updates
plan Data analysis  Requirements
Project management plan  Stakeholder analysis management plan
 Communications  Document analysis  Communications
management plan Data representation management plan
 Stakeholder engagement  Stakeholder mapping/  Risk management plan
plan representation  Stakeholder
Project documents Meetings engagement plan
 Change log Project documents updates
 Issue log  Assumption log
 Requirements  Issue log
documentation  Risk register
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets
Plan Strategies to Planning Project charter Expert judgment .Stakeholder engagement plan
Stakeholder effectively Project management plan Data gathering
Management engage stakeholders  Resource management Benchmarking
throughout the plan Data analysis
project life cycle,  Communications  Assumption and constraint
based on the management plan analysis
analysis of their  Risk management plan  Root cause analysis
needs, interests, and Project documents Decision making
potential  Assumption log  Prioritization/ranking
impact on project  Change log Data representation
success  Issue log  Mind mapping
 Project schedule  Stakeholder engagement
 Risk register assessment matrix
 Stakeholder register Meetings
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets
Manage Issue Executing Project management plan Expert judgment Change requests
Stakeholder management  Communications Communication skills Project management plan
Engagement with management plan  Feedback updates
stakeholders  Risk management plan Interpersonal and team skills  Communications |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition

 Stakeholder engagement  Conflict management management plan

plan  Cultural awareness  Stakeholder
 Change management plan  Negotiation engagement plan
Project documents  Observation/conversation Project documents updates
 Change log  Political awareness  Change log
 Issue log Ground rules  Issue log
 Lessons learned register Meetings  Lessons learned
 Stakeholder register register
Enterprise environmental factors  Stakeholder register
Organizational process assets
Control Monitoring overall Monitoring Project management plan Data analysis Work performance
Stakeholder project stakeholder and  Resource management  Alternatives analysis information
Engagement relationships and Controlling plan  Root cause analysis Change requests
adjusting strategies  Communications  Stakeholder analysis Project management plan
and plans for management plan Decision making updates
engaging  Stakeholder engagement  Multicriteria decision analysis  Resource
stakeholders plan  Voting management plan
Project documents Data representation  Communications
 Issue log  Stakeholder engagement management plan
 Lessons learned register assessment matrix  Stakeholder
 Project communications Communication skills engagement plan
 Risk register  Feedback Project documents updates
 Stakeholder register  Presentations  Issue log
Work performance data Interpersonal and team skills  Lessons learned
Enterprise environmental factors  Active listening register
Organizational process assets  Cultural awareness  Risk register
 Leadership  Stakeholder register
 Networking
 Political awareness
Meetings |
ITTO Trick Sheet: Based on PMBOK  GUIDE 6th Edition

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