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Lucena East IV Elementary School

Israel A. Del Mundo

July 16, 2018
Classify materials/waste according to properties.
Follows instructions respectively.
Listen to others with respect.
The learner should be able to …..

Demonstrate proper disposal of waste according to

the properties of its materials

II. CONTENT Properties:

* Properties used to group and store materials.
* Importance of interpreting product labels.
* Proper disposal of waste.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide in Science 4 - pp. 85 - 90

2. Learner’s Materials Learner’s Material in Science 4 - pp.

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials picture of fireworks, dynamite, gasoline, ethanol, insecticides, pesticides,
from Learning Resource acids found in batteries, floor wax, disinfectant,
(LR)portal nail polish, furniture polish, air freshener, paint, varnish, bleach, rubbing
alcohol, paint thinner
B. Other Learning Resource Learning Guide in Science and Health 4
A. Reviewing previous lesson Watch this video from you tube “Mix-Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Song by
or presenting the new lesson
Patty Shukla”.

( Reflective – 2 minutes )
The teacher will prepare pictures of materials/waste according to properties.
B. Establishing a purpose for
Pictures prepared by the teacher.
the lesson
The teacher will present the picture to the pupils and ask questions of which
among the pictures posted are Explosive Waste, Flammable Waste, Toxic
Waste, and Corrosive Waste. Points will be given to those who can answer
it. Then the pupils will post the picture on the board corresponding to the
answer. The pupils will read the words posted once again.

( Reflective – 3 minutes )

Today, we’re going to discuss the materials/waste according to properties.

C. Presenting
Again, look at the following pictures on the board. What can you say about
examples/Instances of the
new lesson the pictures? What among the picture is an explosive waste? Flammable
waste? Toxic waste? Corrosive Waste? Can you name some more waste or
materials that fall under the category?

(Reflective – 5 minutes)
Group Activity ( 15 minutes)
D. Discussing new concepts
The pupils will be grouped according to their talents and interests.
and practicing new skills # 1

Strand 3.2
Group 1 – Singing of a song about materials/waste according to properties –
explosive, flammable, toxic and corrosive wastes.
Group 2 – Dramatization of what will happen if we will not careful in using
and disposing these waste materials.

Group 3 – Drawing a place with full of explosive, flammable, toxic and

corrosive wastes. What will it will be like?

Group 4 – Making a short poem of this materials/waste according to


(Collaborative , Integrative , Inquiry Based)

1. Let each group representative/rapporteur presents their output.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills # 2
2. Ask them to explain the procedure that they underwent.

(Collaborative – 5 minutes)
Let the pupils realize the importance of identifying materials/waste according
F. Developing mastery
to properties.
(leads to Formative
Assessment )
(Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)
A. Prepare the necessary materials needed for the activity.
G. Finding practical application
1. Prepare the following working stations inside the classroom.
of concepts and skills in
daily living Station 1 – Explosive Waste
Station 2 – Flammable Waste
Station 3 – Toxic Waste
Station 4 – Corrosive Waste

2. Place the waste materials which are commonly found in every

B.1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Assign each group to the following stations.
3. Provide each group with the LM.
4. Ask them to work on Lesson 9: LM Activity 1 – “How Do I Classify
Waste According to Properties?”
5. Go around and check the pupils in their work. Answer pupils’ query if
6. Remind the pupils that they will be presenting their output after 10 minutes.

(Collaborative, Reflective, Integrative– 5 minutes)

A. Ask the pupils to present their output and the answer to the guide
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What are the examples of explosive waste materials?
(fireworks, dynamite)
3. What are the examples of flammable waste materials? (gasoline, ethanol)
4. What are the examples of toxic waste materials? (insecticides, pesticide)
5. What are the examples of corrosive waste materials?
(acids found in batteries.)
6. What did you learn in this activity?
• Explosive – substances that may explode.
• Flammable – substances that catch fire readily and burn in the air.
• Toxic – substances that are poisonous to people and other
organisms, can cause severe headache when swallowed,
inhaled or comes contact with skin.
• Corrosive – substances that may destroy living tissues as well as
some equipment.

1. Proper segregation of materials should be observed. Do not mix decaying

materials with non-decaying materials.
2. The sharp objects should be placed in a cardboard box and close or tape
the box and mark it as trash.
3. Never touch waste materials with your hand. Use adequate equipment in
sorting waste materials to avoid puncture from sharp objects.
4. Recycle non-decaying waste materials such as plastic bottles. They can be
made into decorations and pots.
5. Generate income by selling old newspapers, cardboard, cartolinas, manila
papers and bond papers and other waste materials that are not recyclables.
6. Re-use plastic bags.

Recycle – to make something new from something that has been used
Example: plastic bottles of 1.5 soft drinks can be made into flower
vase or
pots, juice wrappers or candy wrappers can be made into

Sample illustration on recycling plastic bottles:

What are you going to do with the old newspapers at home?
(I’m going to sell them. The income out of selling old newspapers will
be spent for my school projects.)

(Reflective , Integrative – 5 minutes)

Direction: Classify the materials in the box under the correct column.
I. Evaluating learning
floor wax disinfectant
nail polish furniture polish
air freshener paint
varnish bleach
rubbing alcohol paint thinner

Poisonous Flammable

(Inquiry – 5 minutes)
Compare two materials of the same kind but of different brands. Note the
J. Additional activities for
difference of the details in the label. If you are the buyer, which among the
application or remediation
two materials will you consider buying? Why? Discuss this the following day
with your seatmate.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Lucena East IV Elementary School
Israel A. Del Mundo
July 17, 2018
Enumerate safety precautions in disposing waste materials according to its
Displays cooperation/competence while doing the activity.
Know the safety rules and practice them.
The learner should be able to …..

Demonstrate proper disposal of waste

according to the properties of its materials

II. CONTENT Properties:

* Properties used to group and store materials.
* Importance of interpreting product labels.
* Proper disposal of waste.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide in Science 4 - pp. 90 - 97

2. Learner’s Materials Learner’s Material in Science 4 - pp.

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials worn out rubber slippers, vegetable/fruit peelings, used t-shirts, plastic bags,
from Learning Resource old toys made of wood, disposable diapers,
(LR)portal old toys made of plastic, candy wrappers, plastic bottle of water, soft drinks
cans, balloons, broken pieces of glasses, empty boxes of medicines,
disposable syringe, leaves, juice wrappers, empty bottles of dextrose and
B. Other Learning Resource Learning Guide in Science and Health 4
A. Reviewing previous lesson Watch again this video from you tube “Mix-Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
or presenting the new lesson
Song by Patty Shukla”.

( Reflective – 2 minutes )
a. Show the class the empty packages of candies, biscuits, medicines and
B. Establishing a purpose for
empty cans of milk, sardines and empty bottle tubes of shampoo and
the lesson
b. Call two pupils to sort the materials that you have shown them.
c. Which of these materials are still useful to us? Which of these harmful to
d. How are you going to dispose these waste materials?

( Reflective – 3 minutes )

C. Presenting
1. There are waste materials around us that can cause harm to our health.
examples/Instances of the
new lesson We need to take necessary precautions in disposing these wastes.
2. Our activity today will help us know the safety measures in disposing
waste materials.

(Reflective – 5 minutes)
Charade Game
D. Discussing new concepts
The pupils will be group in five (5) equal groups according to their talents.
and practicing new skills # 1
Each member will play a vital role in this charade. Whatever is assigned to
Strand 3.2
them they will act out as if they are those, Example, a chair they will act out
as a chair. They will portray it so as to what is asked of them.

Group 1 – Hospital

Group 2 – Household

Group 3 – Market

Group 4 – Mall

Group 5 – Grocery

(Collaborative , Integrative , Inquiry Based – 15 minutes)

1. Let each group representative/rapporteur presents their output.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills # 2
2. Ask them to explain the procedure that they underwent.

(Collaborative – 5 minutes)
Let the pupils realize the importance of having safety precautions in
F. Developing mastery
disposing waste materials.
(leads to Formative
Assessment )
(Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)
A. Advance Preparation (to be done a day before the science class)
G. Finding practical application
1. Prepare the necessary materials needed for the activity.
of concepts and skills in
daily living 2. Prepare the following working stations inside the classroom.
Station 1 – Hospital
Station 2 – Household
Station 3 – Market
Station 4 – Mall
Station 5 – Grocery
3. Place the waste materials which are commonly found in every station.
B. 1. Group the pupils into five.
2. Assign each group to the following stations.

Station 1 –Hospital
Station 2 – Household
Station 3 – Market

Station 4 – Mall

Station 5 – Grocery

3. Provide each group with the LM.

4. Ask them to work on Lesson 9: LM Activity 2 – “What Are the Safety
Precautions in Disposing Waste Materials?”
5. Remind the pupils to take necessary precaution in handling the materials.
6. Go around and check the pupils in their work. Answer pupils’ query if
7. Remind the pupils that they will be presenting their output after 5

(Collaborative , Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)

H. Making generalizations and

A. Ask the pupils to present their output and the answer to the guide
abstractions about the lesson
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What are the waste materials commonly found in the hospital?
(disposable syringe, used gauze pads, cotton balls, etc.)
3. What are the waste materials commonly found in the market?
(vegetable/fruit peelings, fish scales, etc.) How are they disposed?
4. What are the waste materials commonly found in households? (used
clothing, detergents, wrapper) How did you dispose them?
5. How do you dispose the waste materials in your home? (We segregate
the waste materials according to their properties.)
6. What did you use in disposing waste materials? (gloves, masks)
7. Why did you use those gadgets in disposing materials? (to avoid being
punctured by sharp materials…)
8. What are the safety precautions that you must observe in disposing waste
materials? (segregate materials…)
9. What did you learn in this activity?
1. Waste materials should be properly disposed of.
2. There are many waste materials found in the home,
classrooms, and hospital/laboratories.
Below are classifications of waste materials:
Home Offices Classrooms Hospital
-tubes/bottles of -packing -empty boxes -disposable
shampoo and materials -cardboard syringe
conditioner -empty cartridge -broken pieces of -razor
-leftover food -empty boxes glass -gloves
(fish, meat, rice) -blades -old newspaper -needles
-plastic -cutter
-soft drinks

Simple Precautions
By taking some simple precautions, expensive inconvenience can be

A. Manage the Disposal of Waste

 Clean up on a regular basis.
 Don't allow rubbish to build up around your premises.
 Do not obstruct fire exits with rubbish; it may be YOU who
needs to escape via that route.

B. Collection of Waste
 Make arrangements with the waste disposal companies to
collect and dispose of your waste before the commencement of
holiday periods.

C. Frequency of Collection
 Monitor the frequency of collections. Are they sufficient or
does waste produced exceed the capacity of the bins/skips
provided? If it does, don't order more bins/skips; arrange for
more frequent collections.
 Are they sufficient or does waste produced, exceed the
capacity of the bins/skips provided?
 If it does, don't order more bins/skips; arrange for more
frequent collection.

D. Storage of Waste
 Keep temptation out of sight.
 Choose where you locate your bin/skip.
 Use containers made of non-combustible material.
 Where possible restrict access to where waste is stored.
 Try not to encourage people to come onto your property.
 Ensure the rubbish containers are never overfilled and are
securely shut.
 Install security devices such as cameras, lighting or alarms in
storage areas.
 Install security devices such as cameras, lighting or alarms in
storage areas.
 DO NOT site them close to your buildings and have a
minimum of 3 meters between skips.
 Metal bins don't add to the fire as they don't burn and the
rubber lid distorts and sometimes seals the top of the bin thus
the fire is starved of oxygen.
 Where possible, restrict access to where waste is stored. Try
not to encourage people to come onto your property. Keep
temptation out of sight.
 Companies with large volumes of waste paper and cardboard
packaging should consider using a compactor instead of a
vulnerable open skip.
 Why not consider joining with other retailers or occupiers to
jointly implement these measures.

(Reflective , Integrative – 5 minutes)

Direction: Enumerate some safety precautions in disposing waste materials
I. Evaluating learning
according to its properties.
A. Manage the Disposal of Waste C. Frequency of Collection
1. 3.
B. Collection of Waste D. Storage of Waste
2. 4.
(Inquiry – 5 minutes)
Go to Lucena City Public Market near our place. Interview the market
J. Additional activities for
administrator on how they dispose their waste materials. Report your findings
application or remediation
in class the next day.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Lucena East IV Elementary School
Israel A. Del Mundo
July 18, 2018
Describe solids according to their characteristics/properties: hardness,
I. OBJECTIVES brittleness, strength and malleability.
Cooperates in group activities.
Follow safety measures in performing an activity.

The learner should be able to …..

Describe changes in solid materials when they

are bent, pressed, hammered, or cut.

Changes that Materials Undergo

II. CONTENT  Changes that are useful.
 Changes that are harmful.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide in Science 4 - pp. 102 – 106
2. Learner’s Materials pages Learner’s Material in Science 4 - pp.
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Video presentations , LCD Projector, Laptop, piece of wood, copper wire,
Learning Resource candle/match, plastic, water, fabric, stone, clay, tongs, hammer, art paper,
(LR)portal pens.
B. Other Learning Learning Guide in Science and Health 4
A. Reviewing previous Energizer
lesson or presenting the
new lesson 2nd Grade Matter Song – You Tube
What can you say about matter? Mass?
(Matter is anything is anything that occupies space and has mass. Mass is
the amount of matter, a thing or material has.)

(Reflective 5min.)
(Show picture of a kitchen)
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson
What things are found in a kitchen?
Here are some materials used for cooking. Can you tell what they are

made of?
(Reflective 5min.)
Take one material from the gathered materials (i.e. chopping board).
C. Presenting
Ask: What are they made of?
examples/Instances of
the new lesson Present a video presentation “States of Matter for Kids
(Focus only on solid materials)”
Ask: What do you think are the characteristics of solid materials?
Let’s find out in our activity.

(Reflective 5min.)
The pupils will be group according to their abilities and gender. Each group
D. Discussing new
will perform different activities. ( 15 minutes)
concepts and practicing
new skills # 1 Group 1 – ( Fast Learners )
The pupils will test the solid materials for its hardness, brittleness,
Strand 3.1 strength and malleability by demonstration of appropriate tests, like
hammering, pulling, firing, etc.
( Collaborative , Constructive)

Group 2 – ( Group of Boys and Girls – Average Group)

The pupils will draw/cut pictures of 5 solid materials found inside the
school premises. They will paste it in manila paper/cartolina and write their

( Collaborative , Constructive)
Group 3 – ( Group of Girls and Girls – Average Group )
The pupils will create a rap, about the characteristics/properties of
solid materials. Present your output.

( Collaborative , Constructive)
Group 4 – (Struggling Learners)
The pupils will have a field trip inside the school premises. Collect 5
solid materials found in your way. Paste it in an illustration board.

(Collaborative , Integrative , Inquiry Based – 10 minutes)

1. Let each group representative/rapporteur presents their output.
E. Discussing new
2. Ask them to explain the procedure that they underwent.
concepts and practicing
new skills # 2 (Collaborative – 5 minutes)
F. Developing mastery How do you describe solid according to its properties?
(leads to Formative
(Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)
Assessment )
Describe the characteristics/properties of solid materials?
G. Making generalizations
There are different kinds of solid matter and each has its own properties. Some ar
and abstractions about
the lesson like steel. Some are brittle like the hard clay, some are malleable like gold, and so
are strong like wood and iron. Others are not, some like plastics.
Wood comes in different kinds. There are soft and hard wood. Soft wood breaks e
heavy weights. It does not break easily.
Metals do not melt easily. They take much heat before they melt. They are mallea
making cooking utensils.
Plastic is malleable, too. There are different kinds of plastics. When they cool and
Some plastics when heated melt easily and others are heat resistant to a certain de
Clay is soft and can easily be molded into pots and pans. When it is dried and hea
Fabrics come in different forms. Some are thick and hard and some are soft. Som
some are not.
Malleability means capable of being extended, shaped or
Brittleness means easily broken.

(Reflective – 5minutes)

The teacher will divide the class into four groups.

H. Finding practical
The group of pupils who love to sing will be grouped together. Those who
application of concepts
and skills in daily living love to make poems (tula) will join together as well as the pupils who love to
Strand 3.2 draw. Likewise, actors / actresses of the class will perform their short skit that
shows preservation of the oldest trees in our environment.

(Collaborative , Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)

Direction: Write T if the statement is true for the description of a solid
I. Evaluating learning
material and F if it doesn’t describe a solid material correctly.
______ 1. Wood and metal have similar properties.
---------- 2. Copper is soft.
---------- 3. Copper wire is malleable.
--------- 4. Wood is also malleable.
---------- 5. Wood is brittle.

J. Additional activities for Collect 5 solids found in your community. Write its characteristics/properties.
application or


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
Lucena East IV Elementary School
Israel A. Del Mundo
July 19, 2018
Demonstrate that solid materials change in shape, size, volume or phase.
I. OBJECTIVES Shows the ability to demonstrate that solid materials change in shape, size,
volume or phase.
Perform an activity about solid materials.

The learner should be able to …..

Describe changes in solid materials when they

are bent, pressed, hammered, or cut.

Changes that Materials Undergo

II. CONTENT  Changes that are useful.
 Changes that are harmful.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide in Science 4 - pp. 107 – 110
2. Learner’s Materials pages Learner’s Material in Science 4 - pp.
3. Textbook pages Growing with Science and Health 3 TM p.122-124
Science and Health3 p. 133
4. Additional Materials from Video presentations , LCD Projector, Laptop, piece of wood/tree, steel,
Learning Resource candle/match, plastic, cotton fabric, cotton, clay, tongs, hammer
B. Other Learning Learning Guide in Science and Health 4
A. Reviewing previous 1. Energizer
lesson or presenting the
Science Song – You Tube
new lesson
2. Review
Tell something about solid materials.
(Reflective 5min.)
Song: “Physical Changes – You Tube” Video Presentation
B. Establishing a purpose
“States of Matter (Solids, Liquids, and Gases)
for the lesson
The Chemistry Journey/The Fuse School – You Tube”
Ask: What was the video all about?

(Reflective 5min.)
(Show samples of solid materials.)
C. Presenting
What did it say about solid materials? How about its properties?
examples/Instances of
the new lesson Do you want to learn more about properties of solid materials?
(Reflective – 5min.)

The pupils will be group according to their abilities and gender. Each group
D. Discussing new
will perform different activities. ( 15 minutes)
concepts and practicing
new skills # 1 Group 1 – ( Fast Learners )
The pupils will demonstrate that solid materials will change in shape,
size, volume or phase.
Strand 3.1
( Collaborative , Constructive)
Group 2 – ( Group of Boys and Girls – Average Group)
The pupils will compose a song about the changes in solid materials.

Present your output to the class.

( Collaborative , Constructive)

Group 3 – ( Group of Girls and Girls – Average Group )

The pupils will draw a coconut tree. Around it, draw materials made
from coconut tree.

( Collaborative , Constructive)

Group 4 – (Struggling Learners)

The pupils will write short paragraph about the physical properties of solid
(Collaborative , Integrative , Inquiry Based)
1. Let each group representative/rapporteur presents their output.
E. Discussing new
2. Ask them to explain the procedure that they underwent.
concepts and practicing
new skills # 2
(Collaborative – 5 minutes)
F. Developing mastery Describe the properties of:
(leads to Formative
Metals that make them suitable for the manufacture of cooking
Assessment )
Clay that make it suitable for making pots used for cooking.
Fabrics that make them suitable for clothing.
Plastic that makes it suitable for use in many products.
Wood the make it suitable for making furniture.
(Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)
What can you say about the shape, size, volume or phase of solid materials?
G. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson Solid matter has its own properties. Solid may be hard, brittle, strong, or malleabl
support loads. Their atoms are packed so closely that they cannot move freely. Th
them definite shape and volume. Though they keep their shape, still they can be b
There are many nonliving things in our environment. We need them in order to li
continue to be useful to us. If we do not use them properly, they can become harm

(Reflective – 5 min.)
The teacher will divide the class into four groups.
H. Finding practical
The group of pupils who love to sing will be grouped together. Those who
application of concepts
and skills in daily living love to make poems (tula) will join together as well as the pupils who love to
draw. Likewise, actors / actresses of the class will perform their short skit that
Strand 3.2
demonstrates that solid materials may change its shape, size, volume or phase.

(Collaborative , Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)

Direction: Demonstrate that the solid materials may change in shape, size,
I. Evaluating learning
volume or phase.
Strand 3.1 The pupils will be divided into four (4) groups according to their gender and
Group 1 – Using a paper cut big and small heart shape.
Group 2 – Using clay, mold any shape with different sizes, volume or phases.
Group 3 - Use a paper in making different shapes with different volume and
sizes. (Average – Boys & Girls)
Group 4 – Use clay in molding any shape of their choice with different sizes,
volume or phases. (Average – Boys & Girls)
(Integrative, Constructivist, Collaborative – 10 minutes)
J. Additional activities for List down 10 examples of different solid materials and write the properties of
application or


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
Lucena East IV Elementary School
Israel A. Del Mundo
July 20, 2018
Identify some ways of changing solid materials such as size, shape, texture,
Cooperates in group activities (displays teamwork)
Show willingness in discussions and group activities.

The learner should be able to …..

Describe changes in solid materials when they

are bent, pressed, hammered, or cut.

Changes that Materials Undergo

II. CONTENT  Changes that are useful.
 Changes that are harmful.
A. References
G. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide in Science 4 - pp. 110 – 116
H. Learner’s Materials Learner’s Material in Science 4 - pp.
I. Textbook pages
J. Additional Materials Video presentations , LCD Projector, Laptop, piece of wood/tree, steel,
from Learning Resource candle/match, plastic, cotton fabric, cotton, clay, tongs, hammer
Other Learning Resource Learning Guide in Science and Health 4
A. Reviewing previous 1. Energizer
lesson or presenting the
Just Dance Kids: Beautiful Life - YouTube
new lesson
2. Review
What do you see inside this room?

Can you name them?

How can you classify these materials?

Are these solid materials the same or different from one another?

(Reflective 5min.)
Present a video “3C Materials Song You Tube”.
B. Establishing a purpose
Name the solid materials mentioned in the video.
for the lesson
Say: In what way do they differ from one another?
Write your answers on the circles of the diagram below.

Use the information derived from the graphic organizer to emphasize the
idea/concept that solid materials have different characteristics/properties
such as size, shape, colour, texture, weight, etc.

(Reflective 5min.)
Take one solid material from the gathered materials inside the classroom (i.e.
C. Presenting
a piece of paper).
examples/Instances of
the new lesson Do you think we can do something to change the characteristics/properties of
this paper? What can we do?
(Cut the paper, crumple the paper, fold the paper, tear the paper, etc…)
For today’s lesson, you will think of some ways by which you could change
the solid materials, and then observe the change that happened in each

(Reflective – 5min.)
The pupils will be group according to their abilities and gender. Each group
D. Discussing new
will perform different activities. ( 15 minutes)
concepts and practicing
new skills # 1 Group 1 – ( Fast Learners )
With the given solid materials, the pupils will show ways by which you could cha
Strand 3.1 shape, texture, etc.
( Collaborative , Constructive)

Group 2 – ( Group of Boys and Girls – Average Group)

The pupils will compose a song on which you can change the physical
properties of solid materials.
Present your output to the class.
( Collaborative , Constructive)
Group 3 – ( Group of Girls and Girls – Average Group )
The pupils will write a news report about the different ways of
changing solid materials.
( Collaborative , Constructive)

Group 4 – (Struggling Learners)

The pupils will make a poster which shows ways of changing solid
(Collaborative , Integrative , Inquiry Based)
1. Let each group representative/rapporteur presents their output.
E. Discussing new concepts
2. Ask them to explain the procedure that they underwent.
and practicing new skills
#2 (Collaborative – 5 minutes)
F. Developing mastery 1. What are some ways of changing solid materials?
(leads to Formative
2. What changes may happen to solid materials when change in temperature
Assessment )
is applied?
3. How do these changes occur?

(Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)

Name some ways of changing solid materials?
G. Making generalizations
Solid materials can be changed through many ways:
and abstractions about the
lesson by cutting, tearing, folding, twisting, bending, stretching, pressing, coloring,
crumpling, melting, and others. Such action/s may change the material/s
size, shape, texture, color, and other characteristics/properties.
(Reflective – 5 min.)
The teacher will divide the class into four groups.
H. Finding practical
The group of pupils who love to sing will be grouped together. Those who
application of concepts
and skills in daily living love to make poems (tula) will join together as well as the pupils who love to
draw. Likewise, actors / actresses of the class will perform their short skit that
Strand 3.2
shows best actions/ways of changing solid materials.
(Collaborative , Reflective , Integrative– 5 minutes)
Underline the best actions/ways of changing the solid materials below.
I. Evaluating learning

1. Plastic ruler
(stretching, coloring crumpling,
2. cardboard
(melting, pressing, coloring,

3. rubber band
(tearing, pressing, coloring,

4. bond paper
(stretching, pressing, twisting,

5. T-shirt
(bending, pressing, crumpling

(Reflective – 5 minutes)

J. Additional activities for

List down 10 examples of different solid materials and write the things you’re
application or
remediation going to do to change them.


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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