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A Target of Internet Crime

Tells His Story

By: G. Ange' © 04/10/2009
(All rights Reserved)


THIS ALL BEGAN when we were targeted by a Company in
Philadelphia who wanted our property to "Brand" their Company.
They felt that they needed our domain name to do that. At the
time that we were first contacted by Gap PA in an “unsolicited
email” on October 17, 2003 that property was fully legally owned
and registered in my name and my companies name. And
because of that company and an internet host who was seduced
$$$$ into selling something that both of them knew very well
that he did not own. Because of that seduction the Co-
Defendant ISP host embezzled our property and then signed it
over to that Philadelphia company.

That one theft, started the dominos falling that lead to stolen
email to and from our investors... Which lead / to our discovery
about the first theft... Which then lead to us being targeted by a
second theft... For three other Domains All our web sites and
all email. Which lead to the intentional destruction of our $50
million dollar first round funding investment of WIN-Tv by our
Now six years later...with continuing on-going yearly re-
registering of our corporate property; a crime called (Cyber
Squatting) Federal laws are still being violated by the same
people still in 2009... Taking what first started with a US Federal crime
called (interstate wire fraud). Up to a global level; Since the following
second thefts committed on December 7th 2003 and additional acts have
continued thru to 2009 were all committed while Anthony Templer (Co-
Defendant) was living in Berlin Germany, those acts now graduated those
Federal crimes to an international crime called International Wire Fraud &
Cyber Squatting.

I have experienced Internet Crime "first hand" and

watched as my businesses and my Life were both ruined
by internet theft and Corporate Crime.
When we first discovered the theft on December 7, 2003, We
started out hoping for "quick justice" first from the local police...
(Hey, we just got robbed!!!) But, we were told by our local
authorities to go to the FBI because "They (the local authorities)
didn't have the budget to go after this type of crime." We then
went to the FBI what we heard from them was "Hey the FBI has
this terrorist thing going on... and we can't promise you any
‘quick action” at this moment... but, please do file the
complaint!" Which we did... And now we have the official FBI
Case: ICCC # I05071411389175 and plus...our own FBI
webpage so that we can add new information to our case file.
We do add and update information to our case file as we get it.
Currently, we are still waiting for the FBI to do something... As
we sit here now six years later and watch as crimes are still
being broken repeated every year with the re-registering of our
stolen corporate property as these ongoing thefts continue. We
are still waiting for the Federal laws to be enforced.

In 2004 we were also told by the FBI to file a lawsuit against the
parties that committed the theft, which we did. So because of
that now "the thieves" are now called... "the defendants" (So we
learned... If we couldn't get immediate justice for free from our
local Police or from the FBI... Then we could pay for our Justice in
court!) No wonder our courts are so overloaded. The police and
local governing authorities had the power and jurisdiction in the
beginning to step in and enforce the law, because theft is still
theft and in the beginning it was easy to sort out who was
committing crime and who were the victims of crime.

In Europe the internet laws are strictly enforced violators are

arrested on the spot and thrown in jail.. But, when it comes to
internet, here in the USA the police pass the buck on to the
courts. So as a direct result, “no one gets punished as a
criminal" and that gives people committing crime and those
with thoughts of committing internet-theft the green light
knowing that no one will enforce the current laws. Which results
in more victims.... and internet-crime gets worse.

We were the victims here! All we have been trying to do is get

some justice... what we all are promised as citizens of the United
States in our constitution.

I have rationalized what happened as if it as was an "Auto Theft".

Late one night... the thieves take your car from your driveway
and you discover that theft the next morning.. You call the police
show them the pink slip to the car and point at the thief's as they
drive by waving at you... And... the police don't do anything and
tell you to go file a lawsuit? Your Lawyer talks to the thieves
lawyer and demands your car back! The thieves lawyer says that
they like your car so much they and don't want to give it back!
So Buzz off! The thieves then hire Huge Law firm and then drive
your car around for six years like it was theirs and like they didn't
steal it. But, the truth is... it is stolen...its crazy!

Any lawyer will tell you if you can't win on the merits or facts of
the case... Then out spend them and win on by attrition or by a
technicality. That's the slick game being played here. It is a legal
dance the dance steps aren't easy to learn and the dance lessons
are very expensive and the strategy is simple for the defendants
keep us dancing and try to run out the clock and destroy our
Finances!!! All this just to make sure that they brand their
company and destroy my company to keep my web domain
name. Turning "Branding Your Company" into a New Low point in
business ethics. But that’s exactly what’s going on here.

It is one thing being hit by a disaster like a Hurricane or

Earthquake because, after it's gone you can reconstruct and try
to put your life back together. But what has happened here is
different. Back in 2003 the theft began… Today, as I write this
that theft has never stopped!! The burglars are still in my house
and they still have my property six years later! And what has
been going on for the last six years is that the burglars are just
trying to complete that theft by subverting our legal system with
their big law firms and fighting a war of dollars trying to “buy
their version of Justice, to complete the theft.”

IN A SURPRISE TWIST: Our Trial Judge was quickly switched

from The Honorable Barbara Miller to: Judge John M. True III.
were Denied our Constitutional Right to equal justice under the
" I was ordered by Judge True to represent our corporate case in
trial." " I told Judge True NO! That I couldn't do that because I
am not an attorney and I wasn't qualified and that we already
had an Attorney." Judge True III replied: [quote] "That if I SAID
THAT YOU would have to represent yourself - Then... that's
exactly what you will have to do!... So, Deal With It-!!!!" .
[end quote].

By doing that, Judge John M. True III, (1) First denied us our
Constitutional Right to “Legal Counsel” and then without our legal
counsel present (2) Judge John M. True, dismissed all damages
against the defendants. (3) Judge John M. True III after six years
and $100,000.00 in legal fees of our search for justice, Judge
John M. True III denied our Constitutional Right to trial for the
crimes committed against us. Judge John M. True III then (4)
dismissed all charges against the defendants and dismissed our
case. Based on a fabricated claim of missing corporate
“Assignments of claims” that were never missing at all.
~ \\\ ~
In our wisdom: If we claim to be a nation built of Law. Then we
must be also to be wise enough to realize that all laws can and
will be twisted and subverted by money paid to lobbyists and
high priced law firms allowing large corporations and some
people to get away with murder, and even theft.

The founding fathers based our Constitution on a platform of

“ONE EQUAL and FAIR JUSTICE that was a given Constitutional
Right of birth that applied for every Citizen, regardless of social
status or corporate identity, either plutocracy or poverty.

"Justice denied for one... is Justice denied for all.”

Martin Luther King Jr.: written from within the Birmingham City Jail.

~~ J
cee ~~
Justice is a right of every citizen... it is not an option. A Judge is an
employee like any other employee of the county or of the state and is
given paid a wage to provide a service for which he is entrusted to
provide. A Judge is neither a God nor a King. He has a prime
responsibility to see that all citizens are administered a fair and equal
Justice under the law; as written in our constitution. His schedule,
the courts schedule, personal ego and granted power of discretionary
judgment are all secondary to the supreme act of overseeing that
every citizen receive their constitutional rights and equal justice under
the law.
~ G ANGE’/©2009 ~
(All Rights Reserved)

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

We are all judged by our actions... and how we choose to

touch the people and life in world around all of us.

Gerard Ange’
Gérard Angé
President CEO,
G.A.P. International Inc. &
World Indigenous Network Corporation
(Both California Corporations)
Palo Alto, California 94306
Voice: (415) 717-8302
fax: (415) 962-4113




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