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Induction Program Script

Jasmine: Protocol: Before we begin, let me remind you to turn your cell phones
to silent mode and be courteous by refraining from talking aloud. During the
other parts of the program, I encourage you to express your pleasure by
applauding or clapping.

Jakie: The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the
determination that whatever we do, we have applied the best of ourselves to
the task at hand.

Jasmine: Today is indeed a remarkable day because we will be witnessing the

inauguration of this multi-purpose hall/gymnasium.

Jakie: National Anthem: To spiritually and formally start the program, let us all
rise for the immense reverence of our faith to God and for the manifestation of

May I now call on stage Ms. Liza N. Talaue to lead us into prayer and Ms.
Maricel E. Siazon for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem.

Jasmine: Acknowledgement of the Guests: We are very lucky indeed that with
us today to grace and to witness our occasion are the dignitaries in our
provincial government headed by our Governor, Honorable Manuel N.
Mamba, and of course also with us today are our very conscientious and
respectable public servants – reflecting the heart and soul of an ideal servant

Jakie: Welcome Address1: And now to give us the welcome address (in behalf
of our humble barangay) , may I call on our very assiduous and compassionate
Barangay Captain, Hon. Macario C. Castillo, Jr.

Thank you very much, sir!

Jasmine: Welcome Address2: At this juncture, may I call on our very dynamic
and spirited Municipal Mayor, Hon. Jennalyn P. Carag to welcome us in this

Jakie: Thank you very much mayor for that astounding welcome remarks. This
time, I would like to request the highly competent and motivated select
students for an intermission number.

Thank you very much.

Cooperation among parents, support from the barangay officials and

unwavering service from equally excellent personnel and teaching staff make
an institution a better and a conducive place. This makes GNHS NE a unique
school because of these values etched in the heart of all the stakeholders.

Jasmine: At this point, may we present to you the supportive Brgy.

Officials, active PTA Officers, and equally excellent Teaching Staff and
Personnel of GNHS Nangalisan Extension.
a. Barangay Officials
b. PTA Officers
c. Teaching Staff and Personnel

Intermission Number

Jakie: May we listen to the rousing message of our very own Board Member of
the 3rd District of Cagayan, ladies and gentlemen, Hon. Rodrigo C. De Asis.

Thank you very much sir.

Jasmine: In this light, may we listen to a stirring message of Hon. Leila P. Areola,
Ph.D., CESO IV, Schools Division Superintendent of the Division of Cagayan.

Thank you very much, madam. That was undeniably remarkable.

Intermission Number

Jakie: Ceremonial Turn-over. This time we will now have the Ceremonial Turn-
over. May I call on our project engineer - Engr. Domingo Lagundi to deliver his
invigorating message.

Thank you very much sir!

Jasmine: May we now have our very own Teacher-in-Charge of GNHSNE, Maria
B. Bonifacio, for her noteworthy words of acceptance.

Thank you madam!

Jakie: Today’s event is indeed remarkable because we have someone here

who really finds time to be with us despite his tight schedule. We are so blessed
to have him today. He is a man with philanthropic attitude and dedicated to
public service, ladies and gentlemen, let us give an echoing applause to our
Governor, Hon. Manuel “Manny” N. Mamba.

Dakkel nga panagyaman kanyam Governor. Thank you very much for your
unparalleled support to all our endeavors.

Awarding of Plaque of Appreciation

Jasmine: Thank you, Sir. Let us give ourselves a resounding round of applause.
Thank you very much, everybody! These has been your emcees, Mr. Jakie B.
Ubina and Mrs. Jasmin B. Tangonan (both), reminding you that according to
Vincent Thomas Lombardi, “The achievements of an organization are the results
of the combined effort of each individual or member”.

Jakie: So, we have to work together to achieve our common mission, which is,
“By this year, GNHS-NE will finally be Nangalisan National High School - a
learning institution that produces students who are high performing in both
academic and non-academic skills, morally upright and imbued with a deep
commitment for excellence.”

Both: Again, thank you and enjoy the rest of the day!

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