Materials Selection Methods 2

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3. Value Analysis
• Value analysis is an organised system of techniques for identifying
and removing unnecessary costs without compromising the quality
and reliability of the product

• Its greatest potential is when used earlier in the process before design
details have been set.

• Value analysis is a team-problem solving process designed to

optimise the value of a product.

• It involves breaking a product down into its component parts and

determining the value of these design elements relative to the
importance of the functions which they provide.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


• Success of value analysis depends on understanding the relationships

between each design feature of a component and its function.

• Value is given as worth of a feature or component / cost.

• There are two types of values:

 Use values which are related to the characteristics (properties)

that accomplish a use, work or service (FUNCTION)

 Esteem values which are related to the characteristics that make

the consumer want to buy the product. This type of values include:
appearance, reliability, durability and ease of servicing or

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

• A three step approach is used in value analysis:

1. Identify the primary and secondary functions:

 Primary functions: define a performance feature that must be met.
This type of function answers the question “WHAT MUST IT (THE

 Secondary functions: define the performance features of a product

other than those that must be accomplished. This type of function
answers the question: “WHAT ELSE DOES IT DO”
 The ability to identify functions and distinguish between primary and
secondary functions is important in value analysis.

Value is placed only on primary functions

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

2. To identify the worth in dollars for each function:

• This is determined by comparing the present design for attaining

the function the function with other methods of attaining the same

3. To develop value alternatives

• This requires simple economic studies involving election between

alternative design, materials, manufacturing processes etc...
• At this stage, esteem values become important.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

• An important feature of value analysis is to identify high-cost
elements of the design and focus attention on them.

• According to Pareto’s law, about 80% of the total effect of any

group will come from only 20% of the components of that group

• Thus, about 20% of the elements of a design contribute 80% of

the costs.

• Attention should be given to this small but important part of the


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

• Value analysis usually asks the following questions:

1. How can a given function of a product be performed at minimum


2. What I the value of the contribution that each feature (part) of the
design makes to the specific function that the pert must fulfil?

• The value analysis approach seeks the answers to the following


 Can we do without the part?

 Does the part do more than is required?
 Does the part cost more than it is worth?

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

 Is there something that does the job better?
 Can a standard item be used in place of the part?
 Can an outside supplier provide the part at less cost without
affecting dependability?

• Value analysis is carried out by a team of engineers and

managers possessing different backgrounds and viewpoints.

• The final decision needs the support and approval of the top

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

4. Benefit – Cost Analysis (BCA)

• BCA compares alternative ways of meeting a specific objective. It

analyses and compares costs, benefits and uncertainties to determine
the most cost effective and beneficial means to satisfy the objective.

• This method is used when economic resources are constrained.

• Comparisons are made on the basis of Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)

BCR = (benefit − disbenifits ) / cos t

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

• BCR is an indication of the price paid for improvements. The benefits
expressed in $$$ include any improvement in material property or
performance, etc..
• Benefits include all advantages minus any disadvantages (if any)

• The cost means all costs (material, fabrication, construction, operation,

maintenance) less any savings (savings are not benefits but reduction in

• A project is considered viable when the net benefits associated with its
implementation exceed its associated costs

• This method is most commonly used by governmental agencies for

determining the desirability of public works projects.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


• A design with a BCR < 1 is not viable

• A design with BCR > 1 is acceptable.

• When using the benefit-cost analysis to select amongst many

alternatives, the best solution can be selected by applying the
principles of incremental return

 Alternatives are ranked in terms of cost

 Alternatives with minimum cost is taken as the initial reference
 N.1 is compared with the next higher cost alternatives (N.2)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


• This is done by computing the incremental benefit (∆B) and

incremental cost (∆C)

 If ∆B/∆C < 1, then N.1 is better than N.2. In this case, N.2 is
rejected and N.1 is compared with the next higher cost N.2.

 If ∆B/∆C > 1, then N.1 is rejected and N.3 becomes the current
best solution. N.3 is compared with the next higher cost N.4

 If ∆B/∆C < 1, N.3 is the best choice.

• This procedure is repeated until all alternatives have been rejected in

favour of one which is considered to be the most desirable.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

5. Failure Analysis

• The service behaviour of a material is controlled by:

 Its properties
 Stress system acting (type of loading)
 Service conditions (environment)

• Components fail in service when:

 Material selected was not correct
 Service conditions are more severe than those anticipated by the
 Defects during manufacturing

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


• Anticipating the different ways in which a product or component could

fail is an important factor that should be considered when selecting a
material for a given application

• An important source of engineering experience for the design engineer

is the information on how a component failed after is has been placed
in service

• When a component has failed, the root cause of failure is found and the
fundamental reasons are obtained: this is called “Failure Analysis”

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


 It is found that the sources of failures of materials and

components may be classified into one or a combination of the

 Deficiencies in design
 Deficiencies in materials selection
 Defects in the material (porosity, inclusions,…)
 Defects in fabrication and processing
 Defects during assembly (welding defects, soldering, …)
 Improper service conditions

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


5.1. Deficiencies in Design:

 Effect of stress concentration (notches, sharp corners, …)

 Insufficient deign criteria:

Inadequate knowledge of service loads and environment,
Impossible to make reliable stress calculations

 Over-designed part: a large safety factor is used or

 Under-designed part: lead to premature failure

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


5.2. Deficiencies in Material Selection:

 Poor match between service conditions and selection criteria

 Inadequate data on materials
 Too much emphasis given to cot and not enough to material
 Materials must be selected based on possible failure
mechanisms, types of loading and stress, and environmental
conditions (temperature, corrosion, oxidation …)

 Table 2 is a guide to the criteria or properties of materials

needed for the selection of materials based on the failure
mechanism and the environmental conditions.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


5.3. Defects in Material Properly Selected:

 The need to inspect and evaluate materials for defects is


 A common problem in material selection is to assume that

materials of the same class or type have the same properties.

 However, defects in materials do exist, as a result of:

 Fabrication and processing

 Service (application)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


• Such defects include:

 inclusions, porosity: resulting from casting, solidification

 lamination, laps and seams: may arise during metal forming
 defects arising during welding (the fusion zone is similar to
small casting), cracking may occur in the HAZ after welding.
 Improper handling during fabrication or assembly may cause
surface defects such as scratches, indentations,
 During service of materials, fatigue cracks, corrosion pits may
 or coarsening of particles may occur due to higher temperature

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


• Thus, the designer should apply concurrent or simultaneous

engineering principles. Which means:

• Materials are selected based on the

 Loads and stress they must carry
 Mode of loading
 Quality (free from inclusions, scratches..),
 Processing & Fabrication,
 Service conditions of the material.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005


• When there is more than one material meets all the minimum
requirements, a decision must be made to select the final candidate.

• Selection of optimum combination of materials and processes is the

most important requisite for the development and manufacture of
competitive products.

• Materials selection is a continuous process in order to make new

materials and processes (even after the component is in production).
These present possibilities for:
 Cost reduction
 Improved performance

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ali Ourdjini, UTM – 2005

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