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CHAPTER 29 / Nursing Care of Clients with Coronary Heart Disease 817


BEFORE THE PROCEDURE 15 minutes for first hour, every 30 minutes for the next hour,
• Assess the client’s and family’s knowledge and understanding then hourly for 4 hours or until discharge. The data provide
of the procedure. Provide additional information as needed. vital information about the client’s status and potential compli-
Explain that the client will be awake during the procedure, cations such as bleeding, hematoma, or thrombus formation.
which takes 1 to 2 hours to complete. A sensation of warmth • Maintain bed rest as ordered, usually for 6 hours if the femoral
(a “hot flash”) and a metallic taste may occur as the dye is in- artery is used, or 2 to 3 hours if the brachial site is used. The
jected. A rapid pulse or a few “skipped beats,” also are com- head of the bed may be raised to 30 degrees. Bed rest reduces
mon and expected during the procedure. A good understand- movement of and pressure in the affected artery, reducing the
ing of the procedure and expected sensations reduces anxiety risk of bleeding or hematoma.
and improves cooperation during the procedure. • Keep a pressure dressing, sandbag, or ice pack in place over
• Provide routine preoperative care as ordered (see Chapter 7). the arterial access site. Check frequently for bleeding (if the
Although the client remains awake, sedation may be given. access site is in the groin, check for bleeding under the but-
Signed consent is required, and preprocedure fasting may be tocks). Arteries are high-pressure systems. The risk for significant
ordered. bleeding after an invasive procedure is high.
• Administer ordered cardiac medications with a small sip of • Instruct to avoid flexing or hyperextending the affected ex-
water unless contraindicated. Regularly ordered medications tremity for 12 to 24 hours. Minimizing movement of the af-
are continued to prevent cardiac compromise or dysrhythmias fected joint allows the artery to effectively seal and promotes
during the procedure. blood flow, reducing the risk of bleeding, hematoma, or throm-
• Assess for hypersensitivity to iodine, radiologic contrast me- bus formation.
dia, or seafood. An iodine-based radiologic contrast dye is typi- • Unless contraindicated, encourage liberal fluid intake. An in-
cally used for an angiogram. Iodine or seafood allergy increases creased fluid intake promotes excretion of the contrast medium,
the risk for anaphylaxis and requires an alternative dye or spe- reducing the risk of toxicity (particularly to the kidneys).
cial precautions. • Promptly report diminished peripheral pulses, formation of a
• Record baseline assessment data, including vital signs, new hematoma or enlargement of an existing one, severe
height, and weight. Mark the locations of peripheral pulses; pain at the insertion site or in the affected extremity, chest
document their equality and amplitude. The data provide a pain, or dyspnea. While the risk of complications is low, myocar-
baseline for evaluating changes after the procedure. dial infarction or insertion site complications may occur. These
• Instruct to void prior to going to the cardiac catheterization necessitate prompt intervention.
laboratory, to promote comfort. • Provide instructions about dressing changes, follow-up ap-
pointments, and potential complications prior to discharge.
• Assess vital signs, catheterization site for bleeding or
hematoma, peripheral pulses, and neurovascular status every

the initial treatment of angina. They are used cautiously in clients Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization
with dysrhythmias, heart failure, or hypotension. Percutaneous coronary revascularization (PCR) are procedure
The nursing implications of antianginal medications are used to restore blood flow to the ischemic myocardium in
summarized on p. 000. clients with CHD. Approximately 600,000 PCR procedures
are done annually in the United States. PCR is used to treat
Aspirin clients with:
The client with angina, particularly unstable angina, is at risk
for myocardial infarction because of significant narrowing of • Moderately severe, chronic stable angina unrelieved by med-
the coronary arteries. Low-dose aspirin (80 to 325 mg/day) is ical therapy.
often prescribed to reduce the risk of platelet aggregation and • Mild angina but objective evidence of coronary ischemia.
thrombus formation. • Unstable angina.
• Acute myocardial infarction (Braunwald et al., 2001).
Revascularization Procedures PCR procedures are similar to the procedure used for coro-
Several procedures may be used to restore blood flow and nary angiography. A catheter introduced into the arterial circula-
oxygen to ischemic tissue. Nonsurgical techniques include tion is guided into the opening of the narrowed coronary artery.
transluminal coronary angioplasty, laser angioplasty, coro- A flexible guidewire is inserted through the catheter lumen into
nary atherectomy, and intracoronary stents. Coronary artery the affected vessel. The guidewire is then used to thread an an-
bypass grafting (CABG) is a surgical procedure that may be gioplasty balloon, arterial stent, or other therapeutic device into
used. the narrowed segment of the artery. The procedure is performed

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