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Daryl Joel Dumdum, M.D.

Causes Objectives Activitie Materials Time Persons Objectively

of Core s Needed Frame Responsibl Verifiable
Problem e Indicator
General: Lecture Powerpoint August 26, SPMC Post- Assessment:
Increase the Games Presentation 2017 graduate Pre-test
knowledge of Flipchart 30 minutes interns (Alie) (game)
the participants Bond papers Post-test
in Brgy. 76-A on Ballpens
Acute Snacks
Infections Breakdown of
Specific: budget:
Lack of Flipchart:
knowledg Define Acute P200.00
e Acute Respiratory Snacks (food
Respirator Infections and drinks)
y P16.00 x 70
Infections State Statistical =______.00
data regarding Bond papers:
the magnitude P1.00 x 20 =
of ARI in the 20.00
Philippines and
in the world TOTAL: P-
Identify Risk
etiology, and
risk population
of ARI

Identify signs
and symptoms
of ARI

Explain the
management for
ARI including
home remedies

Cite the
importance of
consultation and
treatment and
services in the

General Objective:
1. Increase the knowledge of the participants in Brgy. 76-A on Acute Respiratory

Specific Objectives:
1. Define Acute Respiratory Infections
2. State Statistical data regarding the magnitude of ARI in the Philippines and in the
3. Identify Risk Factors, etiology, and risk population of ARI
4. Identify signs and symptoms of ARI
5. Explain the different management for ARI including home remedies
6. Cite the importance of early consultation and treatment and enumerate available
services in the community

 DEFINITION, CAUSES and RISK FACTORS of Acute Respiratory Infections
 Mechanics: Participants will be given pieces of paper and writing pens
 They will be asked to write down what they know about Acute Respiratory
Infections, its causes, and risk factors
 Then they will be asked to explain what they wrote and how were they
able to come up with such understanding.

 Health
 Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (World Health Organization

 ARI ranked number 1 in the top 10 morbidiy in the Philippines (DOH 2014) and in
the world (WHO 2013)
 It ranked number 5 in the top 10 mortality in the Philippines (DOH 2014)
 It is the number 1 killer of infants (DOH 2014)
 It is the top 1 morbity for both gender in the Philippines (DOH 2014)

◦ ARI responsible for 20% of childhood (< 5 years) deaths (in which 90% from
◦ it copmprises various types of infection of the respiratory tract inluding
influenza, epiglotitis, bronhitis, bronhiolitis, laryngopharyngitis, and
◦ Most of it are either caused by a virus or a bacteria, and may also be caused
by fungus and other microorganism

Risk Factors, Etiology, Risk Population

◦ ARI mortality highest in children-
 HIV-infected
 Under 2 year of age
 Malnourished
 Weaned early
 Poorly educated parents
 Difficult access to healthcare
◦ Risk Factors:
◦ Pollution
◦ overcrowding
◦ exposure to infected individuals
 Biological / Personal
◦ Poor Hygeine
◦ Poor Nutrition
◦ Unsanitary practices
◦ Poor health seeking behavior
◦ Etiology / Causes:
◦ Bacteria
◦ Viruses
◦ Others
Signs and Symptoms of Acute Respiratory Infections Including the Danger Signs
◦ Convulsion
◦ Difficult to Awaken or Abnormally sleepy
◦ Inability to breastfed / Abnormaly thirsty
◦ Vomiting

 Main Signs and Symptoms (IMCI, UNICEF/ WHO)

◦ Cough?
◦ Fast Breathing? {2mos to 12 mos = >50 cpm; 1year to 5 years = >40cpm}
◦ Chest Indrawing ----------- VERY SEVERE DISEASE
◦ Stridor in a calm Child---- VERY SEVERE DISEASE
◦ Wheeze? Duration?
◦ May or May not have FEVER

Management of Acute Respiratory Infections including home remedies

 If with any of the general Danger signs, proceed immediately to the nearest
 Management includes treatment of underlying cause
◦ Antibiotics for bacterial infection (needs doctor prescription)
◦ Increase nutrition
◦ increase oral fluid intake
◦ Avoid Self Medications
 Home Remedies for cough
◦ Lagundi Decoction
◦ steam inhalation for nasal congestion
Importance of Early consultation and treatment and follow up care.
 ARI is preventable and manageable. Early consultation and treatment reduces
mortality rate by as much as 90%
 vaccines are available
 followup care is essential


 Mechanics: The Participants shall be grouped into 2, Each of them will be given
materials for writing. They will discuss among themselves, ways unto how to
prevent Acute Respiratory Infection, and what are the necessary measures to
take when observing someone with the signs and symptoms

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