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Entry Point Projects and Business Oppurtunities

proposed by NKEA labs

 Oil, Gas and Energy Number of EPPs 12 Business Oppurtunities 7

Entry Point Projects

 Enhanced oil recovery

 Develop small elds
 Increase exploration activities
 Unlock latent gas demand through liqueed natural gas (LNG) import
 Create a regional oil storage and trading hub
 Increase presence of major international oileld services players
 Create regional fabrication champions
 Encourage joint venture with world-class companies
 Reduce energy bill through energy efciency
 Build up solar power capacity
 Ensure best practice nuclear deployment
 Drive industrial growth in
 Sarawak with big hydro

Business Opportunities

 Increased oil and gas production abroad

 Growth driven power demand
 Growth driven transmission and distribution capacity
 Improve structure of Malaysia’s energy supply industry
 Increase volumes in primary logistics
 Increase of petrochemical output through process improvement
 Increase marketing of petroleum products
 Palm Oil Number of EPPs 8 Business Oppurtunities 4
Entry Point Projects

 Accelerate replanting
 Binding replanting policy for plantations and smallholders
 Seeds availability plan
 Improve FFB yield
 Compliance of plantations and smallholders to codes of practice
 Smallholders ranking and cooperatives
 Improve workers’ productivity
 Scale up usage of cantas
 Develop usage of diamond sharpener
 Improve collection process
 Improve oil extraction rate (OER)
 Raise national OER
 Raise palm kernel oil (PKO) and kernel crushing plant (KCP) OER
 Develop biogas facility at mills
 Develop and scale up biogas plants at palm oil mills
 Expedite oleo derivatives growth
 Expand in high value oleo derivatives (including Synergy with
 Commercialise second generation biofuels
 Commercialise biomass-to-liquid plants to start production of bio-oil
 Expedite growth of food and health based segments
 Acquire downstream food companies
 Growth programs for palm based food companies

Business Oppurtunities

 Expansion abroad
 Organic growth in yield productivity
 Basic oleochemical expansion
 Food segment growth
 biodiesel activities

 Financial Services Number of EPPs 10 Business Opportunities 6

 Tourism Number of EPPs 12 Business Oppurtunities 4
Entry Point Projects

 Duty exemption for wider range of goods

 Establish Bukit Bintang-KLCC area as a premier shopping district
 Establish three new premium outlets
 Develop an Econature Integrated Resort
 Establish Straits Riviera Cruise playground for high-end cruise + urban
redevelopment of port landing area
 Bid for more international events
 Establish dedicated entertainment zones
 Target spa & sports (golf, angling) tourism
 Establish Malaysia as a leading business tourism destination
 Establish Malaysia as the pre-eminent global biodiversity hub
 rainforest and marine discovery centres (together with parks and
 new and enhanced live biodiversity sites
 Connectivity (greater focus on medium haul connectivity to support growth)
 Hotels (ensure adequate supply with better mix, better rates)

Business Oppurtunities

 Marketing
• Achieve best in class marketing ROI
• Re-align marketing budget to priority medium-haul markets.
 Visa
• Rollout of visa facilitation services (VFS)
in India and China
 Human Capital

 Short-term solution:
• Allow foreign students pursuing hospitality or tourism related
courses to work up to 20 hours per week
 Medium-term solution:
• Identity specific schools (e.g. schools on islands and highlands) to
develop curriculum focused on career pathway in tousim.
 Long-term solution: Develop proper training for rank and file human
capital for Malaysia
 Overall tourism environment also to be improved e.g. taxi services, security, etc.

 Business Services Number of EPPs 8 Business Oppurtunities 9

Entry Point Projects

 Accelerate growth of differentiated sectors

 Grow aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services, led by MAS
Aerospace Engineering (MAE)
 Build globally-competitive outsourcers
 Position Malaysia as a world- class data centre hub
 Develop future growth segments
 Jump start a vibrant green technology industry
 Grow large ‘pure play’ engineering services
 Develop Malaysia as a global Islamic nance Knowledge Process Outsourcing hub
 Develop multi-disciplinary practice rms in construction
 Strengthen the accounting sector
 Develop Malaysia’s creative multimedia content industry

 Improving Electronics and Electrical Number of EPPs 15 Business

Oppurtunities 4

Entry Point Projects

 Mature tech fabrications (fab)

 Fab consortium formed to acquire and relocate mature tech fabs from high-
cost countries.
 Five times mature tech fabs by 2020.
 Advanced packaging brings three advanced packaging lines by 2020.
 Intergrated Circuits (IC) design firms
 Establish 50 IC design rms. Commitment by fab consortium to market
Malaysia to IC design rms.
 Substrates
 Bring two substrate manufacturers.
 Silicon producers
 Increase domestic silicon production from six kilotonne (kt) to 114kt by
2020. Establish one MNC per annum and develop two domestic silicon
players until 2020.
 Cell and wafer
 Producers become second largest producer of solar cells globally by 2020.
Increase production capacity by 10 times from 2.3 gigawatt (GW) to 23GW
in 2020.
 Modules producers
 Become a major manufacturing location for modules serving especially the
Asian market. Leverage nearby production of cells, relatively cheap
workforce and premium logistical access to the region.
 LED front-end operations
 Establish one major substrate producer and one epitaxy Two new wafer
 Packaging and equipment
 Expand LED packaging by at least 15% per year, tripling capacity by 2020
 Local SSL champions
 Grow at least ve local SSL companies into global champions in technology
and manufacturing Develop a certi cation lab for LED products
 Test and measurement
 Grow electronic measurement and bio-analytics business.Build complete
test and measurement ecosystem.
 Wireless communication
 Grow radio communication ecosystem and develop radio frequency identi
cation (RFID) applications in Malaysia.
 Automation equipment
 Promote Malaysia as a manufacturing site to leading automation equipment
 Transmission and distribution
 Build transmission and distribution cluster and set up a high voltage test
 Home electrical appliances
 Build a Malaysian consortium of electrical home appliance companies with
a strong international distribution network.

Business Oppurtunities

 Semiconductor
 Build out value chain capabilities with fabs, design and advanced
 Solar
 World’s #2 producer by 2020 (from #3 in 2011).
 LEDs
 Light up the world with Solid State Lighting (SSL).
 Industrial Electronics
 Build on test and measurement and wireless communication clusters;
expand and strengthen other industrial electronics sub-segments.

 Wholesale and Retail Number of EPPs 15 Business Oppurtunities 1

Entry Point Projects

 Hypermarkets1 /Superstore2 (Large format)

 Supermarkets
 Discounters
 Food/Drink/Tobacco specialists
 Mixed retailers /Duty free
 Health and beauty specialist
 Clothing and footwear specialist
 Home and garden specialist
 Home furnishing and housewares
 Electronics and appliance specialist
 Leisure and personal good specialist
 Convenience stores
 Forecourt retailers
 Automotive
 Food and beverage
 Vending
 Homeshopping
 Internet retailing
 Direct selling

 Education Number of EPPs 13 Business Oppurtunities 4

Entry Point Projects

 caling up early childcare and education centres

 improving early childcare and education training centres
 boosting international schools
 expanding private teacher training and increasing skills training provision
 building Islamic finance and business education discipline cluster
 building a health sciences education discipline cluster
 building an advanced engineering discipline cluster
 building an advanced science discipline cluster
 building an advanced innovation discipline cluster
 building a hospitality and tourism discipline cluster
 launching EduCity at Iskandar Malaysia
 championing Malaysia's international education brand and introducing public-
private partnerships in basic education.

 Healthcare Number of EPPs 6 Business Oppurtunities 5

 Communications Content and Infrastructure Number of EPPs 10
Business Opportunities 4

Entry Point Projects

 MY Creative Content
 Local content hub to vitalise creative sector, reduce dependence on
international connectivity, and export content
 1MY Payment
 Common standards, platforms and security protocols to bring cashless
payment to masses in Malaysia
 Connecting 1MY
 Next-generation services to provide ubiquitous connectivity and
compelling services for the Rakyat at home, in the workplace, and ‘on-the-
 E-Learning
 Integrated approach to provide access, devices, platforms and content to
benet the learning Rakyat
 E-Healthcare
 Conneting healthcare providers to each other and to their patients to
improve productivity and information management
 E-Government
 Increase accessibility, speed, and transparency of government services
through communications technology
 Broadband for All
 Establishing broadband as an essential service to Malaysians on par with
other utilities, e.g. water and electricity
 Regional Network
 Capacity increase of Malaysia’s submarine cable network to lower
international Internet protocol (IP) connectivity costs
 Extend Reach
 Acceleration and expansion of broadband coverage in non-urban areas
(e.g. to Zone 2 and Zone 3)
 Smart Network
 Differentiated pricing to provide higher quality and more affordable
service, based on Quality of service (QoS)

Business Opportunities
 Fixed Services
 Growth from xed services will come primarily from xed broadband and
data lines
 Mobile Services
 Mobile services will see subscription growth in all segments: voice, data
and broadband
 Regional Expansion
 Axiata, Maxis and Astro are aggressively pursuing regional opportunities
in large and fast growing markets such as Indonesia, India and
 Courier, Post and Broadcast Services
 The courier, post and broadcast sector will offer a broader range of
services such as commercial transaction fullment, warehousing, inventory
management, demand planning for manufacturers and assembly services

 Agriculture Number of EPPs 16 Business Oppurtunities 11

Entry Point Projects

 Premium fresh fruits and vegetables
 Supplemental full irrigation (SFI)/Country food facilities
 High value herbal products
 Commercial scale paddy farming in other irrigated areas
 Commercial scale paddy farming in MADA
 Fragrant rice
 Swiftlets nests
 Dairy clusters
 Expansion of feedlottin
 Cattle integration with oil palm
 Overseas cattle acquisition
 Seaweed mini estate
 Integrated cage farming
 Integrated Zone of aquaculture (IZAQ)
 FDI in agri biotech
 Seed industry development

Business Oppurtunities
 Mushroom project
 Ready-to-eat jackfruit
 Herbal product distributor
 Nutra from other herbs
 Foreign direct investment
 (FDI) for tropical herbs
 Food park
 Free range chicken
 Ornamental sh
 Aqua feed mill
 Export Centre
 Premium snack
 Greater Kuala Lumpur Number of EPPs 10 Business Oppurtunities
Entry Point Projects

 Revitalizing the Klang River into a heritage and commercial district

 Greening Greater KL to ensure residents enjoy sufficient green space
 Creating a comprehensive pedestrian network,
 Creating iconic places and attractions,
 Developing an efficient solid waste management ecosystem and sewerage-non river.

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