Task Performance Instructions:: Criteria Description Points

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1. Work with your team to perform the following:

o research on the different trends that influence the following industries in the Philippines,
especially your locality:

 accommodation;
 food and beverage; and
 event.
o print/write your output following the format below:

 Short bond paper (8.5” x 11”)

 Font: Calibri
 Font Size: 11”
 Spacing: 10 pt
 Margin: 1” all sides

o include references in your output.

2. Create a PowerPoint presentation of your entire output to be presented to the class next meeting.
Make sure to include images of organizations/businesses that use each trend you identified.

3. A maximum of 15 minutes will be given for your presentation.

4. You will be graded based on the following rubric:

Criteria Description Points

Information is complete and accurate; there is a clear evidence
of research; images included are clear and understandable; 20
and there is appropriate referencing of data/information.
Visual aid is well-done, organized, and is used to make
(Printed/Written) 15
presentation more interesting and meaningful.
Output is logically organized and effective; no punctuation or
mechanical errors.
Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience and
Delivery uses clear, audible voice.
(Presentation) Speaker is able to answer questions correctly. 15
Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits. 10
Participation among members is evident in the output (also as
Teamwork 10
reflected in the evaluation form)
Total Points 100

07 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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