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OF GIANT PRAWN (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, de Man) 16S rDNA



Wahid Hasyimi (1), Iesje Lukistyowati (2) dan Dessy Yoswaty (2)


Probiotics is a bacterial product that is very beneficial for both the fish and the
growth of the fish for the body’s defenses attack harmful bacteria to fish. The aim of the
study is to determine the types od candidate probiotic bacteria from digestive tract of giant
prawn from Teratak Buluh Pekanbaru, Riau. This research was conducted at the Laboatory of
Microbiology and Biotechnology of Fishery Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
University of Riau, Pekanbaru to isolate candidate probiotic bacteria to get a candidate
probiotic bacteria and molecular examination consisting of purification gel , electrophorensis
and DNA sequencing performed at the Institute for Biotechnology Serpong, Tangerang
Banten. The method used is a survey method that uses physical and biochemical testing and
molecular identification. The results showed that eleven isolates of bacterial species
approached from a bacterial isolates with 99% degree of homology with the species Bacillus
sp. BUD4 train and 10 isolates of other bacterial genus Bacillus only approached because the
degree of homology below 97%.

Keywords : Probiotics, Bacteria, Giant Prawn, and Bacillus

1). Student of Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of Riau Univesity
2). Lecture of Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of Riau Univesity

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