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INTERNET: The internet (or, also, the internet) is a decentralized set of interconnected communication networks that

use the TCP / IP family of protocols, which guarantees that the heterogeneous physical networks that compose it form a
unique logical network of worldwide scope. Its origins go back to 1969, when the first computer connection, known as
ARPANET, was established between three universities in California (United States).

The use of the Internet grew rapidly in the Western Hemisphere since the mid-1990s, and since the end of the decade in
the rest of the world. In the 20 years since 1995, the use of the Internet has multiplied by 100. , covering one third of the
world's population in 2015.8 9 Most communication industries, including telephony, radio, television, and traditional
newspapers are being transformed or redefined by the Internet, allowing the birth of new services such as email]
(email), internet telephony, Internet television, digital music, and digital video. The publishing industries of newspapers,
books and other print media are adapting to the technology of websites, or are being converted into blogs, web feeds or
online news aggregators. The Internet has also allowed
or accelerated new forms of personal interaction
through instant messaging, Internet forums, and social
networks such as Facebook. E-commerce has grown
exponentially for both large chains as well as for small
and medium enterprises or new entrepreneurs, since it
allows serving larger markets and selling products and
services completely online. Business-to-business
relationships and online financial services on the
Internet have affected the supply chains of entire

BOOKS: A book is a work printed, handwritten or painted on a series of sheets of paper, parchment, vellum or other
material, joined on one side (ie, bound) and protected with covers, also called covers. A book can be about any topic.

Normally, a book is printed on large sheets of paper, where 8 pages are placed on each side. Each of these large sheets is
folded into a 16-page signature. The signatures are ordered and sewn by the spine. Then this spine is rounded and a
cloth mesh is attached to secure the parts. Finally the pages are smoothed on three sides with a guillotine and the spine
stuck to a cardboard lid. All this work is done in series, including binding.

In the event that the sheets are not smoothed by a cutting process, we speak of an intonuous book.

The most modern printers can print 16, 32 and even 64 pages per side of large sheets, then, as mentioned above, they
are cut and folded. Many times the text of the work does not cover the last pages, which causes some books to have
empty pages at the end of it, although they are often covered with propaganda from the publisher about texts by the
same author or even others from his workforce .

At the end of 1971, what we now call a digital or electronic book

began to develop. Michael Hart was the promoter of the Project
Gutenberg, (which consisted in the creation of a digital library totally
free), where we could find works by authors such as Shakespeare, Poe
and Dante among others, all works of public domain. In 1981 there
was a major breakthrough, as the first electronic book went on sale
JOURNALS: The personal diary (or daily life) is a subgenre of the biography and specifically of the autobiography.
It is a text that, in a fragmentary way and with the date record, is usually used for an internal and private reading of the
person who made it. The blank books that contain it are also called daily.

If it is an intimate diary, meditations or recent past events that affect the author are written, sometimes resulting in
deep explorations of the mind. It can also be considered as a place to express or vent feelings.

Some personal diaries have been popularized as testimonial accounts of the era in which the writer wrote, such as the
case of the famous Diary of Anne Frank.

Imaginary personal diaries constitute, sometimes mixed with the epistolary genre, the structure of some famous novels
such as Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley,
and Dracula, by Bram Stoker. The intimate diary has also been
incorporated as a narrative strategy, by which the reader can see
what happens in the mind of the autodiegetic narrator. An example
of this is Nikolai Gogol's novel, Diary of a Madman. A diary can be
used to record future appointments or other planned activities, in
which case it is called agenda or diary and has a non-literary
pragmatic character usually related to the workplace or everyday

MAGAZINE: A magazine, magacín or magazín is a publication, public or private, of periodic edition. Unlike the
newspapers or newspapers, mainly oriented to transmit news, the magazines offer a more exhaustive treatment of the
events or topics they develop, which can be news or entertainment, be it faranduleous, cinematographic, scientific,
artistic, etc. They are usually printed on paper of better quality, with more careful binding and more space for graphic
documentation. Depending on the topic on which the magazine is focused, it will bring contents that are supposed to be
of general interest to the public of these publications.One can consider as antecedent of the magazine the appearance
of periodic publications in the form of almanacs, that were not only informative but also incorporated in their pages a
variety of material that was considered of the interest of the readers.

One of the first was the German publication Erbauliche Monaths-Unterredungen (Edificantes Monthly Discussions),
which appeared between the years 1663 and 1668. Soon others were emerging with certain periodicity in countries such
as France, England and Italy. As early as the 1670s, some magazines of light content or entertainment were made known
to the public. The Mercure Galant, published in 1672
- and later changed its name to Mercure de France -
was one of the best known. For his part, Joseph
Addison and Richard Steele created in Britain the
magazine The Tatler (1709-1711), edited three times
a week.As the consumption of magazines specialized
and diversified, its publication was consolidated as a
more profitable activity than newspapers, although
both come from a similar origin.
NEWSPAPER, or newspaper, is a document that presents in chronological or thematic order a certain number of
information and comments on events that have occurred or are foreseeable during a given period (usually a day or a
succession of days, hence the name of the newspaper) . By extension, a newspaper also designates a publication
(printed) that groups and presents a number of articles about the events and the news of the day

At the origin, a diary was understood as a record of the most important events or events in a person's life (intimate
diary), or a registry of incidents and novelties (logbook or logbook; 2 for example, the one opportunely written by
Christopher Columbus on his first trip to America3). And one of the most representative and ancient examples is the
Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris (Diary of a bourgeois of Paris), 4 at the time led by a Parisian between 1405 and 1431,
and then continued by another until 1449.

The first newspapers of news (written) were also presented in

chronological form, but soon evolved into a more synthetic and practical,
classifying the events by topics and rubrics.

Precisely this improved form of presentation and ordering is that the

concept of newspaper arose in its more modern meaning, as a support on
paper containing information and data corresponding to a certain period,
and thus replacing the terms gazette and newsletter in a part of the

BROAD MEDIA : With the mean of communication a reference is made to the instrument or content form by which
the communicational or communication process is carried out. Usually the term is used to refer to the mass media
(MCM, mass media or mass media); however, other means of communication, such as the telephone, are not massive
but interpersonal ...

The media are instruments in constant evolution. Very probably the first way to communicate between humans was the
signs and signals used in prehistory, whose reflection in material culture are the different manifestations of prehistoric
art. The appearance of writing is taken as a milestone in the beginning of history. From that moment, the economic and
social changes were promoting the birth and development of different means of communication, from those linked to
writing and its mechanization (printing -16th century) to audiovisual media linked to the era of electricity (first half of
the 20th century) and the revolution in information technology and telecommunications (scientific-technical revolution
or third industrial revolution -from the second half of the 20th century-), each of them essential for the different phases
of the so-called globalization process . Its little plurality
must be taken into account.

The main purpose of the media is, precisely, to

communicate objectively, but according to their type of
ideology they can specialize in: informing, educating,
transmitting, entertaining, forming opinion, teaching,
controlling, etc.

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