Trade Surplus&deficit

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Trade Surplus&deficit

1. What is a trade deficit?

Is the US Trade Deficit a Problem? A trade deficit is when a country's imports of goods and services exceed its exports of goods and
services. In simpler words,When a country buys more from the world than it sells.
2. What are the causes behind US's trade deficit?
-US persistently spends more than it has
-US dollar has been historically strong
3. What contributes to loss of manufacturing jobs in US?
-Trade deficit.
-Information technology
4. What are the benefits of US trade deficit? (holistic)
-foreign investment brings intangible resources to US (foreign companies in US pay above
average wages, invest more in R&D and enhance productivity of US company with
-enable consumers to buy a variety of goods at lower cost-counter inflationary pressure
-stimulate trading partners so they can buy more from US in lethargic global economy.
5. What decides when the benefits of a trade deficit can outweighs harms?
IF the economy is good, then it's good, otherwise, it's more harmful than beneficial.
The trade deficit: Does it really matter?

1. Why is President Trump against trade deficit?

He thinks it as:
-a chronical drag on growth
-destroyer of jobs and wealth in US
2. What is the one drawback to trade barrier?
It may hurt US economy, reducing their access to cheap goods.

Earth Model

The $1 billion drilling mission to reach the Earth's mantle has Started

1. What is the new drilling mission trying to achieve?

To drill past the crust for the first time
2. Why the Atlantis bank is perfect for the drilling mission?
It's the thinnest regions of crust on earth
3. What have previous attempts to reach the mantle shown us?
-geological clues for continent movement
-biological evidence microbial life deeper than anyone expected
4. Does the speaker think the mission is definitely going to succeed? (qualification)
-no, it's too early to say so
Everything You Need to Know About Planet
Earth 1. At the beginning, what is the form of earth?
It a giant, dirty gas cloud
2. Do we know all about the forming process of earth?
No. The process takes 10-20 millions of years and is not well understood.
3. Where does moon come from?
Part of earth was smashed out by giant object probably as big as the Mars.
4. Where does water on earth come from?
 From inside earth
 From asteroids
 What did crust create?
6. What is the earth's magnetic field?
It's an invisible phenomenon that diverts high energy particles coming from the Sun and other sources,
allowing for a stable environment with comparatively little radiation impact on Earth.

Exosphere No atmosphere Up 10,000 kilometers meet outer space

Thermosphere Transit into space Transition to space starts

Mesosphere Coolest place -85C -85C. Coldest place

Stratosphere Ozone layers Protect us from aggressive types of light

Troposphere Where the weather is Human activities

Sea Star
Sunflower Seastar: Terrifying Predator? | National Geographic

1. What made sunflower sea star a terrifying predator?

-as big as three feet wide
-fastest animal of its bio-200 feet/hour
-sense waterborne chemical residue of dead animals
-can detach its arm and get away.
2. When a sunflower sea star detached one of its arms, what happens next?
-later regrow a new arm
-even regenerate a whole new body from the lost arm
Starfish facts: 11 facts about Sea Stars
1. Is a sea star a fish?
No. It's related to sand dollars and sea urchins
2. How many arms do sea stars commonly have?
Five armed species are the most common.
3. What is the function of striking colors on some species?
To warn off predators (act as a form of disguise, camouflage)
4. Why sea stars can eat larger preys than they can fit into their mouth?
They basically eat outside their bodies.(pry open-stomach out-digest-go back)
5. How does a sea star move?
It pumps sea water to its tube feet, and use them to move or to hold prey.
6. Do sea stars have eyes?
Yes, simple eyes to tell light and dark, no details.

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