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Passage 1

Nearly five years before (ago), and with the help by (of) our father, my sister and I planted
some cherry tomatoes in our back garden. Since then--for all these year (years)--we had (have)
been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As result (As a result), the plants are
growing somewhere (everywhere). The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste (tasty). There
are so much (many) that we often share them with our neighbors. Although we allow tomato
plants to grow in the same place year after year, but (\ or yet) we have never had any disease or
insect attack problems. We are growing wonderfully (wonderful) tomatoes at no cost!

Passage 2

In modern times, people suffer from various health problem (problems). So it is important to
develop a healthy lifestyle to prevent from (\) disease. The following is (are) some tips for you:

First of all, we should walk or ride a bike instead of drive (driving) cars so that we can take
more physically (physical) exercise. Second, we’d better take part in all kinds of outdoor activities
rather than watch TV or play computer games for a long time, which does great harm to your (our)
health. Besides, we should reject junk food and soft drinks. Having a balanced diet provides us
with enough nutrients or (and) makes us energetic. More importantly, we should take (take a)
positive attitude towards life, that (which) can help us to face challenges bravely.

In conclusion, whether you lived (live) a healthy life depends mainly on your attitude.

Passage 1

My grandfather is very kind to me. He loved (loves) me very much. I am the apple of his eye,
and (but) when it comes to my study, he is very strict and will never let me be lazy. Every day he
spends more than one hour examine (examining) my homework. With his help, I have been doing
well my studies (in my studies).

M y grandfather is also warm-hearted to people whom (who/that) are his neighbors or

complete strangers and is always ready to help them. One day, the (a) girl, one of his neighbor
(neighbors), injured her leg carelessly. M y grandfather took the girl to the hospital immediate
(immediately) and paid the fees with her (his) own savings.

Passage 2

With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping online. It had (has)
become a fashion in our daily life. Some of we (us) students also join the group.

Shopping online has many advantages. Just by a click of the mouse, you can buy how (what)
you’re interested in with (without) going outdoors. You can avoid get (getting) tired and being
trapped in the crowded people and cars and save time. When shopping online, you can choose
from many variety (varieties) of goods, whose prices are generally lower.

Every coin has two sides. Its disadvantages are obvious, too. On the one hand, it’s very easy
for you to buy goods differently (different) from the pictures you see on the Internet. On the other
hand, shopping online cause (causes) people to buy goods that are not badly needed. That’s waste
(a waste) of money. Those are all things we should remember while shopping online.

Passage 1 Dear Jack,

Thanks for your kind help while (during) my stay in Britain. With your help, I have made
great progresses (progress) in my English study.

How is Mr. Richard? I want to know something about her (his) life. I tried to get in touch
with him, and (but) unfortunately, I don’t have his address and can’t contact with (\) him. Do you
have his e-mail or telephone number?

Would you like (like to) visit Beijing during the summer holidays? You see, Beijing is a very
good tourist city, that (which) is well-known for the cultures and places of interesting (interest). I
can show you around the city. I am sure you will stay happy (happily) and learnt (learn) a lot.

Yours, Li Hua

Passage 2

A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity between (among) children.
Take Mary for example. Mary used to being (be) a healthy girl. But over a year ago, she got into
the habit of eating a lot of junk food and snacks. Besides, he (she) spent a lot of time lying on the
sofa, watching TV, and doing (did) little exercise. As a result, she put up (on) so much weight that
she found it difficulty (difficult) to climb the stairs. So Mary decided to change the healthy
(unhealthy) lifestyle. She began to have a balancing (balanced), healthy diet. She also took part in
various sports activity (activities) such as swimming, skating, running and playing the (\)
basketball. Months later, Mary became as fit as before.

Passage 1 Dear Tom,

I’m going to enjoy the (a) tour in Thailand during my winter holidays together with my
family. The good news are (is) that I have booked the air tickets to Thailand successful
(successfully). But against all expectations, when I visit (visited) the Thailand Train Ticket trying
to book the train tickets, a notice caught my attention, it (which) said that all the tickets had been
fully booked from January 20 to February 28. However (Therefore), now I am writing to you
asking for help. I wonder that (\) whether you are kind enough to tell me how we can rent a
vehicle in Thailand on (for) the purpose of ensuring s self-driving travel. Surely, I’ll appreciate
(appreciate it) very much if you can be our guide.

Looking forward to receive (receiving) your early reply.

Yours, Li Hua

Passage 2

Last Friday, I had (had an) interview with Professor Zhang about “How to Improve Our Oral
English”. According to Professor Zhang, reading English aloud help (helps) us improve our oral
ability. In addition, it can benefit us in develop (developing) our language skills, such like (as)
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This is why (because) reading aloud is the basis of
memory. And it can make the sound, form and meaning of much (many) English words
strengthened and consolidated.

Therefore, Professor Zhang suggested that for thirty minutes and (or) an hour in the morning
you (we) should read English words, passages, and poems, recite famous English sayings and
mottos and even sing English songs. He also recommends (recommended) that we should hold
English evenings, English song competition, and English drama performance (performances).

Passage 1

To release the pressure of study and get some relaxation, our class played (played a)
basketball match with Class 1 this afternoon. The match was (\) turned out to be tough, excited
(exciting) and friendly as well. Player (players) from both classes were trying hard to win with
their fellow students cheered (cheering) them up at the top of their voices. It was really a close
match. Our class had a narrowly (narrow) victory by 56:53 at last. I don’t think we had better
players in our team, and (but) I do believe it was the team work we paid special attention to which
(that) helped us win. They (we) deserved the victory! It doesn’t matter which class won. What
really count (counts) is the enjoyment the match itself brought us.

Passage 2

Everyone has a dream. We are on the way to achieve (achieving) it whether the way is
smooth or tough. As Senior (As a Senior) 3 student, I have the same dream as my classmates that I
can be admitted to an ideal university. In the past three year (years), I have done everything I can
to equip myself with that (what) I have learnt from my teachers. Not only had (have) I enjoyed the
pleasure of study but also I have got closer to my dream. Anxiety and pressure did discourage
from (\) me at times and (but) with the encouragement of my teachers and classmates, I think I’ll
make it.

I’m sure that there has (is) still a long way to go to achieve my dream. No matter what (how)
challenging it is, I will make it come true. As the proverb said (says), “Where there’s a will,
there’s a way.”

Passage 1

Dear Jack,

I’m sorry to hear that you failed in the last final exam, but which (what) worries me most is
that you are in low spirit (spirits) when facing failure.

As senior three students, we all had (have) taken examination of different types and
experienced failure as well as success. It (There) is no doubt that we should take positive attitudes
towards our setbacks. We should spare no effort to analyzing (analyze) the cause of failure, which
can help us escape repeating the similar mistakes. Only when we figure out why we fail can we
make a (\) progress in our study. As for your anxiety, I think doing some sports can do good for
(to) you. It can give you some time to be refreshing (refreshed) in not only the body but also the
mind so that we (you) can go on with your learning energetically and efficiently.

I hope all of the above can help you a lot. Let’s work hardly (hard) together and turn our
dream into reality.

Passage 2

Today is Sunday. I was very happy because (because of) a special experience.

On my way home from school, I find (found) a little dog on the roadside. It was so lovely and
poor that I liked it immediate (immediately). But it was a little dirty and it seemed that it can’t see
something (anything). I took it home. Besides (However), my mother didn’t like it. She asked me
to give a (the) dog to someone else. At that time, got (getting) an idea, Dad said, “You can send it
to your grandma. She always like (likes) animals.” I was very happy. My father and I took the
little dog to my grandma’s. She was so surprising (surprised) to see the little poor dog. And she
gave to us a promise that she would look after it well. I was very happy because I saved a little

Passage 1

Many of us feel somehow nervously (nervous) whenever we are taking an important exam.
Nervousness not only does harm to students’ health but disturb (disturbs) their studies. So it’s
necessary for our (us) students to learn to relax. I think it’s very important to have a right attitude
for (towards/to) exams. Exams are only a means of checking how (what) we have learned.
Therefore, there is no need to worry too many (much) about the results of the exams. Before an
exam, make (making) a scientific study plan and keep a peaceful mind must (can) help to reduce
the pressure from the exam. We can also relax ourselves by doing sports and listening to music.
Besides, enough sleep and balanced (a balanced) diet will work as well.

Follow my advice and so (\) you will enjoy your school life.

Passage 2

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m Lin Tao. I have learned from the newspaper that your compamy is looking for
receptionist (a receptionist/receptionists). I’m very interesting (interested) in the job and I’d like to
apply to (for) the position. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I had (have) just graduated
from high school and taken the College Entrance Examination. I want to find out (\) a part-time
job in the summer vacation. I’m 18 year (years) old and have a good command of English,
especial (especially) in terms of speaking and listening, In fact, I once won first prize in an
English speech competition hold (held) in our school. Besides, I’m quite easy-going but (and/so)
I’m very popular among my classmates. I sincerely hope you can give us (me) a chance. I’m
looking forward to your early reply.

Yours, Lin Tao

Passage 1

Dear Dave,

I’m very glad to receive your letter ask (asking) for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.
Here are (is) my advice. Firstly, as a foreigner, you need to go and join the (a) Chinese learning
activity group. And the most important thing is to remember as much (many) Chinese books as
possibly (possible).Besides, if you really want to improve your listening ability, you’d better to (\)
read Chinese books, listen to the tapes and radio programs with (in) Chinese. You can watch the
Chinese TV programs as well. Last but not least, you can make some Chinese friends. Your
friends can teach you a lot (a lot of) Chinese songs and introduce some Chinese festival (festivals)
to you , too.

I wish we will (would) have a good time. I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours, Zhang Hua

Passage 2

My grandma lives in the countryside. She had never been to the cities before. She is growing
old and weak and I persuade (persuaded) her to come to visit me in the city. Before (After)
picking her up at the train station, I stopped a taxi and seated herself (her) in the passenger side for
more city views. After she got into the taxi, the driver gentle (gently) reminded her to fasten the
seat belt. But Grandma didn’t do as telling (told). She took a look at (the) seat belt and then turned
to the driver. What she said made the taxi driver bursting (burst) into laughter. Here is (are) the
following words. There is no need to tie me up. I won’t go somewhere (anywhere) before I pay
you. Although it’s in the countryside that I always live, but I know the rules.

Passage 1

This morning, my friend Tim and I planned to go to the People’s Park to enjoy us (ourselves).
It wasn’t long before we arrived at the gate of the park by taxi. On see (seeing) the green trees and
blooming flowers, Tim couldn’t wait to take picture (a picture/pictures). It was at that moment
when (that) we found his camera was gone. He searched all over his backpack but just couldn’t
find it. Suddenly it occurs (occurred) to me that he might have left it in the taxi. With anxiety and
hope, we found the invoice of the taxi, on which a phone number was printed, so I immediate
(immediately) got in touch with the taxi company. Half a (an) hour later, the driver returned back
(\) with the camera and you could imagine the broad smile spreading across Tim’s face. Both of us
were grateful for that (what) the driver had done, and Tim, in particular, insisted (insisted on)
taking a photo with him.

Passage 2

Trying to come to (to a) decision completely of (on) your own can be risky. Some decisions
are do important that they should not be made without talking to the (\) others first. There are
several advantages of consulting people you trust. For one thing, they can give you valuable
advice but (and) they may point out some things you may have overlooked. For another, friends
may stop you from making big mistakes. When consult (consulting) others about important
decisions, you should keep two things in mind. The first one is figuring out whom we (you)
respect enough to trust their judge (judgement). The second thing to consider is what to do if you
disagree to (with) this person. Maybe getting a third or fourth opinion was (is) the best option. In
short, making any big decision lonely (alone) can lead to some problems. Talking to friends or
family members first is always a good idea.

Passage 1

As a senior three student, I often imagine that (what) I will be doing in the future. Talk
(Talking) of my dream job, I expect to be an English teacher for the following reasons.

First, I’m energetic (an energetic), outgoing girl with great patience. That’s what makes a
qualified teacher, in my opinion. Besides, I am crazy about the English language, but (and) I am
doing quite well. Above of (\)all, teachers are generally respected and well-paid. With two
vacation (vacations) each year, I may enjoy more relaxing time. As a responsible girl, I hope to
take up a job which is very benefit (beneficial) to society. Being a good teacher affect (affects)
more students and will make them shoulder our (their) responsibilities and contribute to our

In short, I’ll work more (even/much) harder to become a popular English teacher.

Passage 2

How time flies! Three years passed in a blink. Looked (Looking) back, I have gone through
either the joy of success or the pains of failure. Teachers are friendly to us in life and always strict
in (with) us. Classmates and friend (friends) help me so much. With the help I’ve made a (\) great
progress. But I’m a careful (careless) boy. And I always make mistakes that can be avoided.
Senior middle school life is a new beginning and it gave (gives) me a chance to overcome my
shortcomings. As it is said, “This (It) is not our abilities that show how (what) we truly are, but it
is our choice.” The two-month holiday will also provide me with the freedom and I make up my
mind (to) do better in the future. But (And) I believe I can do it.

Passage 1

As we all know, everyone have (has) a dream. I have dreamed of being a doctor since I
entered into (\) the primary school. Nowadays with modern life go (going) rapidly, many people
suffer from different kind (kinds) of diseases, both mentally and physically. As a result, doctors
are in great need at home and abroad. My dream is to become successful (a successful) doctor,
helping to save people’s lives. Although to be a good doctor was (is) very difficult, I will do
whatever I can to keep everyone health (healthy). To make many dream come true, I have told me
(myself) over and over again that I’ll concentrate more on studies. After all, only by working
hardly (hard) can one succeed.

Passage 2

There are too many cars in our town now. For (As) a result, there are lots of traffic jams, and
the air which we will (\) breathe is terrible. Our town is very old but (and) all the streets are quite
narrow, so there is no room for bus lanes, which mean (means) that buses always get stuck in the
traffic jams, too. However (Besides), lots of accidents with cyclists often happen because of
crowded street (streets). But I think there is a simple solution of (to) these problems. The
government should close city (the city) center to all traffic except buses and bikes, and build very
larger (large) car parks outside the town. Car drivers can take a bus into the city center and arrive
at work or the shops relaxing (relaxed) and in a good mood.

Passage 1

Mr. Li is one of my beloved teachers He taught us physics when we were in Senior 1. He was
old, and (but) he still treated each lesson carefully. He made his classes alive (lively) and
interesting. Mr. Li made good preparation (preparations) for his lessons and was strict with us, too.
Whenever we make (made) mistakes in our homework, we would be asked to correct it (them). I
used to being (be) poor in physics. Mr. Li, concerning (concerned) a lot about this, often helped
me with my lessons very patient (patiently). Thanks to his help and hard work, I made a (\) good
progress and caught up (with) the class. As a retired teacher, he’s still working for the educational

Passage 2

The king of the jungle was getting ready to go to war and called all the other animal
(animals). But his ministers asked him dismiss(to dismiss) the donkey and the rabbit, because of
(\) one was too stupid and the other was too easily scared. “Not at all,” refuses (refused) the king.
“The donkey has the (a) voice which is even more resounding than I (mine). He can be the
trumpeter.” “The rabbit, being so quickly (quick), will be invaluable for carry (carrying)
messages,” added the king. To win a war you mustn’t (must) know how to get the better (best) out
of everyone.

Passage 1

When it comes to the TV, there will be different word (words) in different people’s minds.
Some people think that watch (watching) TV is a good way to relax. Finally, we can broaden our
horizons or (and) know more about the world by watching latest (the latest) news and reports.
Secondly, watching TV is a good way to kill our spare time. Finally, we can predict that (what)
many happen in the future and be prepared.

Therefore (However), every coin has its two sides. There is (are) also disadvantages of
watching TV. Not only do (does) it do harm to our eyesight, but it also has a bad affect (effect) on
our studies and everyday life. Definitely, TV plays a big role in our life. We should treat to (\) it in
a right way.

Passage 2 Dear Mike,

I’d be happy to tell you something about a (the) cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. It is
Huang Jian’s late (latest) cartoon. Huang is a much (very) famous cartoon maker in China. The
cartoon tells us stories about what (how) some young and brave sheep fight against the wolves.
The stories are of great interesting (interest). The sheep and the wolves are very funny. We
children, us (our) parents and even our grandparents like to watch (watch it). The sheep have a lot
of fan (fans) both in China and in (\) overseas. If you are looking for entertainment staying (stay)
at home and watch it. Don’t miss it.

Yours, Li Hua

Passage 1 Dear Tony,

I’m very glad to hear from you. In your letter you asked what (how) you could make friends
in your new country. Here are the following suggestion (suggestions).

There are lots of things you can do. To begin (begin with), you can ride your bike in your
neighborhood and try to find some kids. While (When) you find some, you can go up and talk to
them. You should also let both of your parents to (\) know that you want to make friends where
there are lots of kids. Instead (Moreover/Besides), you could try joining an art class or a sports
club. Last, but not least, you can try making friends by go (going) outing to take part in activities
and going to church on Sundays.

In conclusion, try to be active wherever you are, and (but) just be yourself and don’t try so
hardly (hard). And more importantly, you should remember that it took (takes) time and patience.
I wish you would find a best friend soon!

Yours, Li Hua

Passage 2

As we all know, smoking do (does) great harm to human beings. More and more people
have come to realize what (how) serious this problem is. And (But) some people still continue to
smoke. Why? Because some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of a (\) great fun
and others think that when smoking they can refresh them (themselves).

It is common (commonly) acknowledged that smoking can lead (lead to) a lot of illness. The
most serious illness causing (caused) by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile, smoking is a waste
of money. Beside (Besides), careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

In order to keep health (healthy), we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop
smoking at once.

Passage 1

At that time, I was working part-time for my whole after-school life. The job was at the (a)
grocery store where I was made (made to) work long hard hours for very little pay. But that little
money I earned could provide some supplies with (for) me at school. One day when (\) a person
stopped me while I was packing groceries. He said “thank you”, to that(which) I replied “no
problem”, and then I was about to going (go) back to work. Therefore (However), the stranger
wouldn’t let me off; he looked me straight in the eye, and says (said) in sincerity, “No, really,
thank you!” That moment I felt moving (moved) by his simple words. He was showing her (his)
respect for my service.

Passage 2

One year ago, I had a special English lesson hold (held) at the railway station. It was quite
different from the regular English classes we were familiar to (with), for we had no textbooks, no
blackboard or (and) no fixed seats.

Gathering at the entrance of the station, we (we were) told to collect as many English words
and sentences as possible here (there). Curious and excited, we walked around the station and
looked everywhere, search (searching) for any information in English. Whenever an English word
comes (came) into sight, the class would burst into the (\) cheers as if we had discovered a new
world. With the Chinese translation and vividly (vivid) pictures, we could figure out its meaning
with ease.

Now, this unforgettable lesson still encourages me to be an active learner where (wherever) I

Passage 1

On my way (way to) school, I leave my home, walk down my street, cross at the crossing and
wait for the bus. This process provides a (\) plenty of opportunities to act in a civilized way. For
instance, I walk with (in) an orderly manner along the sidewalk and I do not throw any trash onto
the ground. These are good manner (manners) no matter where I’m walking. Then, when I got (get)
to the crossing, I wait until the traffic light has changed after (before) I cross the street. I should
observe the traffic rules. When waited (waiting) for the bus, I do not cut anyone else in line. On
the bus, I take a seat politely but (and) do not bother any another (other) passengers. Civilization
clear (clearly) starts from me. I am proud to follow the famous motto of Gandhi: ” Be the change
you want to see in the world.”

Passage 2

Once, there was a mother who was always baking cakes with (for) her children. One day she
prepared a cake with too (so) much love that when she took it out of the oven, even her spoilt
children (children’s) mouths watered.

“Dear mother,” her greedy and patient (impatient) children begged her. “Hurry up and give
me (us) a slice.”

“Wait until it cools down but (and) you can eat it all,” replied the mother.

But when the cake heard the fate that was in the (\) store for it, it was terrifying (terrified).
The cake jumped out (out of) the dish, rolled off like a wheel, out of the door and then
disappearing (disappeared) down the road.

Passage 1

I will share a truly (true) story with you that happened a couple of days ago. One of my
classmate (classmates) bought a bag of snacks from a food store. A few roommates were then
invited to enjoy snacks (the snacks).

Luckily (Unluckily), all of them got poisoned and had stomachaches with our (their) faces
pale. They are (were) quickly sent to a nearby hospital. Doctors examined them but (and) gave
them some medicine. They were out of danger soon before (after) taking the medicine. This
accident should make us to (\) realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I strong (strongly)
suggest that the whole society pay more attention to food safety.

Passage 2

I threw my magazines into a waste basket and decide (decided) to join in Malaysian life.
Then everything came alive. I stared at everything as if I were looking at it the first time (for the
first time). The day passed fast. I looked at my watch but (and) was surprised that it was 3 pm.
Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth. I looked at the people all around me. They all looked
beautifully (beautiful). When my uncle arrived at (\)with a smile, I threw my arm (arms) around
him to give him a warm hug. I had never done this ago (before). He seemed surprising (surprised)
and the n his weather-beaten face warmed up with the (a) huge smile. We walked arm in arm to
her (his) car.

Passage 1

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m glad to learn that you want a little (few) part-time English reporters. I’m quite interested
in the position as it can improve my English and other ability (abilities).

I am a senior two student from Xinhua Middle School. I think I’m fit (fit for) the job. As a
student, I’ve read a lot and have many (much) knowledge in many fields. I’m fond of English and
do good (well) in speaking and writing. I have won several prizes in all kinds of contests but (and)
I enjoy working with others. Above the (\) all, I once worked as a reporter for my school
broadcasting station. However (Therefore), I’m sure I can do the job well if I got (get) the position.

I’m looking forward to receive (receiving) your reply as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

Passage 2

A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interested (interesting)
for the students.

When I first learned English, I was extreme (extremely) lucky to have a teacher who aroused
my great interest in learning the new language. He (She) was very patient and smiled a lot. She
was such (so) friendly that she never criticized us. As (Even) if someone made a mistake, she
would say “Never mind” and then corrected (correct) it. All of us loved and respected her. Beside
(Besides) we achieved high grades and gained great interest in the (\) English.

For (In) a word, a good teacher-student relationship can be mentally beneficial. The students
gain knowledge eagerly, the (and the) teacher gains satisfaction from the job.
第 10 练

Passage 1

One day, I saw a poster which reads (read) that a speech contest with the topic ”honesty”
would be held at the lecture hall the next Saturday morning.

With my parents’ encourage (encouragement), I joined in the contest. At first I felt at loss (at
a loss) about my speech draft. After referred (referring) to some magazines, I got down to my draft.
Having tailored it for several time (times), I practiced my speech at home every day. My parents
were more than pleased to see us (me) so devoted.

Then came the day for my speech. A few (little or \) bit nervous as I was, I managed to
deliver my speech fluently. I’ve learned a lot from the contest. Confidence comes hand to (in)
hand with adequate preparations. Well prepared, I can do everything successful (successfully).

Passage 2

Beijing has lots of famous tourist attractions. Every year many tourist (tourists)come here to
enjoy its beautiful scenery and rich culture. But several years ago, visitors behave (behaved) badly.
Some talked loudly in public and threw litter everywhere. Some picked flowers, cutting (cut)
down trees and hurt animals. And even better (worse), some painted on the walls and smoked in
the woods.

Luckily, things has (have) changed. Rubbish is always put into dustbins. People are friendly
at( towards/ to) animals. Nobody smokes in the woods. All these changes make us happily (happy).
As student (As a student), I think we should know it’s our duty to protect the environment. Let’s
to (\)change our behavior when we travel.

Passage 1 Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had recently about if (whether) our
parents should accompany us when we are at the school.

We have different opinion (opinions) on this matter. About 70% of us think our parents
should not accompany us. If we depend on our parents for something (everything), it is likely that
we will lack the ability to take care of ourselves when we grew (grow) up. Besides, our parents
have to make a lot (a lot of) sacrifice, which affects their normally (normal) work and life.

However, others (other) 30% of my classmates think it is worthwhile for our parents to
accompany us because we can have more time to work on our lessons. More importantly, we can
eat better food because our parents can cook to (for) us.

Personally, there is no need for our parents to accompany us. It is time that we
(should)learnt/learned to do things on our own.

Yours, Li Hua

Passage 2

Recently, Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman with (of) 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At
customs, he took a few minute (minutes) to look for his passport. “You had (have) been to France
before, sir ?” the customs officer asked joking (jokingly). Mr. Whiting admitted to (\) that he had
been to France previously.”Then you should know enough to have my (your) passport ready.”
The American said,” The last time I was here, I didn’t have to show them (it).” Impossible.
Americans always have to show passports on arrival in France!” The American gave the
Frenchman long (a long) hard look. Then he quietly explained, “Well, when I came in 1944 to
help liberating ( liberate)this country, I couldn’t find some(any)Frenchmen to show it to.”
第 11 练

Passage 1

Tina and I had been good friend ( friends) for years. We often did things together, so (but)
one day Tina didn’t talk to me and just sat by herself. I don’t (didn’t)know what was writing. I
thought about what I had done and said recent (recently). Was Tina upset because I had done well
(better) in the history test than her? No, she was happy that I did well in school. I decided (decided
to) find out what was the matter. I walked over to there (where)Tina was sitting. “Tina,” I said
softly, “is anything wrong?” He (She) answered sadly, “Yes, my cat died on last night.” I finally
knew the reason what (why) she didn’t talk to me and comforted her.

Passage 2

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our English Corner. This corner was set up three years before (ago). Every
Sunday morning, students from different schools and some foreigners often took (take) part in it.
Gather (Gathering) around here, we practice spoken English by talking about everything we are
interested (interested in). We also exchange my (our) experience in English study. We all have a
good time here. Thousands of people have been here when (since) it was set up.

We think that they have learned a lot by taking part in activity (activities) here. It is a really
(real) supplement to our English class and it is welcomed by students, their parents and teachers.
They all think it is or helpful (help). If you want to know much (more) about the corner, you may
talk to the students here.

Passage 1

I’m a junior high school student. In my spare time, I like shopping. There has (is) a
supermarket in my town. Lots of things are being sold there. So I often went (go) there with my
mother buy (to buy) school things, food and drinks.

Of course, sometimes I want to buy something expensive. That (What) I want most is an
MP4 player, but I mustn’t (can’t)afford on now. I’ m going to work for the (an) English club
during this summer holiday or (and) make some money for it. We teenagers should not always ask
our parents for money.

As for shopping online, I like it, because things there are more (much) cheaper. And I don’t
need to walk to the shops, which helps me save for (\) time. No matter where to shop, I enjoy it
because it’s really relaxed (relaxing).

Passage 2

Nowadays, food waste is becoming seriously (serious) in China. To show their hospitality in
interpersonal communication, some customers ordered (order) far more than what is enough,
cause (causing) much food to be untouched and thrown away.

What is even more unbearable lie (lies) in the fact that banquets at public expenses cost the
reputation of our government as well as a huge number (amount/quantity) of money. The money
could have actually been spent helping those which (who) are in need. Consequently, such waste
really makes people be disappointed and depressed.

To our delighted (delight), as a nationwide campaign against waste at the dining table has
(been) launched,” Clear the Plates” is gaining more acceptance and support. Therefore, the
nation’s “Clear the Plates” is most likely to become a (the) mainstream idea of hospitality through
everyone’s efforts.
第 12 练

Passage 1

I love camping. It is my favoritest (favorate) way to spend the summer vacation. Last year,
my families (family) and I went camping in the countryside. It was one of the excited (exciting)
experiences I have (had) never had. We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day. We cooked
over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully (wonderful). For a whole week, I saw lovely
mountain views or (and) breathed fresh air. At night, I heard the gentle wind blowing in the trees,
and I feel (felt) so peaceful. It doesn’t cost many (much) to camp. What I believe it’s the best way
to get close (close to) nature and enjoy its beauty.

Passage 2

Live (Living) a low-carbon life is getting popular as people are becoming concerning
(concerned) about the environment. In my daily life, I try to live a low-carbon life like (as) follows.
First of all, I go to school by a (\) bike instead of bus or car. Secondly, I have formed the habit of
turning off the lights and other electrical equipment after (before) I go out. Beside (Besides), I try
to reuse old things. For example, I never throw away old newspapers. I use it (them) to clean the
window glass. Last but not least, I try to get people around me involved (involved in) a low-
carbon life. I believe as long as everyone does anything (something)to live a low-carbon life,
there will be great improvements in our environment.

Passage 1

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your congratulation (congratulations) on my being admitted to Brown


I’ll arrive in America at (on) April 19th, and I’m wondering that (\) whether you can help find
an apartment for me. Preferable (Preferably), the location is near the campus, which makes
possible (makes it possible) for me to go to the university by bike within thirty minutes. What’s
more, I would like one apartment well furnished, spacious but (and) bright, with a kitchen
attaching (attached). If possible, I can cook myself. It will be better if the host can speak fluent
English. Please letting (let) me know as soon as you find the (a) suitable one. Besides, if it is
convenient for you, would you please pick me up when I got (get) to the station?

Yours, Li Ping

Passage 2

Alice Walker makes living (makes a living) by writing. And her poems, short stories and
novels has (have) won many prizes for her. She was born in Eatonton, Georgia. She went to public
schools there, and then to college in Atlanta before come (coming) to New York to attend another
college, in (from) which she graduated in 1966. For a time she lives (lived) in Jackson, Mississippi,
with her lawyer husband and little daughter. Once again (\) she met with Langston Hughes, the (a)
great American poet. She promised that she would write a book for children someday. She was 22
years old that year. He was kindly (kind) and gave her a lot of books. His kind help gave her lots
of courage but (and) she was very thankful to her (him). So far, Alice Walker has written a
number of books and become famous.
第 13 练

Passage 1

Three years ago I was admitted to an ordinary school. Disappointing (Disappointed) as I felt
at the poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and considerately (consisderate).
What’s more, I was very fond in (of) the friendly atmosphere in class. I was determined to make
best (make the best) of it. I worked hard and get (got) along well with my teachers and classmates.
Whenever I had difficulties, they were always ready to helping (help) me out. Soon, I became on
of the top student (students) in my class, which made me to (\) become confident and motivated.

What I experienced in high school tell (tells) me that it is not what you are given but how you
make use of it which (that) determine who you are.

Passage 2

Dear Tom,

I’m Li Hua, a student of Rongguang Middle School. I learned quite by chance what (that)
you needed a book to improve your Chinese. I happen to have it (one), which I think might help

The book, entitled New Practical Chinese, is intending (intended) for beginners at your level.
Not only (not only does) it include the basic conversations in our daily life, but it is also the (a)
window through which you can get to know Chinese culture and customs. Edited by three
language experts, it is wide (widely) used by many foreign learner (learners).

If it is convenient for you, let’s meet at the entrance to Jiangnan Park at 3 p.m. on(\) this
Sunday. If so (not), try to find other (another) time that is suitable for both of us.

Yours, Li Hua

Passage 1

I have a bicycle that came to me as (as a) birthday present from my mum and dad when I was
12. It cost about 1,200 yuan, that (which) was half of my father’s monthly salary. The bicycle was
made in Shanghai and it’s (its) color is red, my favorite. Which (what) is important is that my
bicycle plays an important part on (in) my school life. It also represent (represents) the deep love
from my parents. But (so) I ride it to school every day. I have made up my mind to work hardly
(hard) so that I can repay them in the future. I will buy a car to drive them to (\) wherever they
want when I grow up because the car is faster and very (more) convenient than the bike, especially
when it rains.

Passage 2

Nowadays more and more people would rather to (\) look for a job on the Internet than in the
newspapers or in the job market. There are many reasons for my (their) preference, one of that is
that (which) a job hunter can find job conveniently. He needn’t bother to get recommendations
from relative (relatives) or friends, or registration at an employment exchange. Besides, job hunter
can get a job simple (simply) browsing among the advertisements online and sending resumes by
e-mail. Finally, the success rate is very high. But (And) even if one fails to find a job, it can spare
him the embarrassment of refused (being refused).

As for me, I believed that as (with) the increased popularity of the internet, this new way
would (will) win favor among more and more jobless people and laid-off workers. It’s due to its
convenience, efficient (efficiency) and high success rate.
第 14 练

Passage 1

The general purpose of music is (is to) put people at ease. However, music is much (more)
the sound. It is a way of thinking. When you listen to music, sing, or to play an instrument, you
are also becoming better thinkers. You can learn English for (from) songs too. While listen
(listening) to an English song, you are learning English grammar and vocabulary. Try to use it
(them) in your everyday English conversations when it is suit (suitable). In a word, music play
(plays) so important a role that life is a journey through a desert with (without) music. Try many
different style (styles) of music and enjoy them.

Passage 2

Last Monday, we were having our Chinese lesson while (when) the teacher suddenly slipped
and fell. We were both (all) worried about her. One of the boy (boys) carried her on his back. With
the help of some others, to the hospital immediately. It turned out that her right leg was broken but
(and) she had to stay in the hospital. The following day, we went to visit him (her) with flowers
and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapping (wrapped) in bandages, we felt sorry for
her and hoped that she will (would) recover soon. This Thursday, she had (\) returned to the class
in a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all deep (deeply) moved and proud of having such
(such a) responsible teacher.

Passage 1

The small river in my hometown has been serious (seriously) polluted in recent years. Day
and night large quantities of waste water is (are)being poured into it from factories nearby. The
pollution is so serious that there aren’t any fish or plants live (living) in it any more. Of course, the
water cannot be drunk by domestic animals or human beings, too (either). Many villagers have to
carry fresh water from faraway places to drink, that (which) makes their life more difficult.

I think everything (something) must be done to stop water pollution. The government should
take effective measure (measures) to shut down the chemical factories. Beside (Besides), the
villagers must work together (together to) clear up the river as soon as possible. It is hoped for that
the water will become clear in the near future.

Passage 2

I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. What (As) we all know, a good
learning environment is of greatly (great) importance if we want to study English well. Classed
teaching (taught) in English provide students for (with) a better environment. When English is the
only language in class, students will have more opportunities to practice listening and speaking.
However, there were (are) problems with this method. Sometimes we may find (find it) difficult to
follow the teacher and some slow learners may even give up learn (learning) English. In spite of
these difficulties, but (\) I believe practice makes perfect. With enough practice, us (we) students
can overcome the difficulties and benefit from English classes in the long run.
第 15 练

Passage 1

Dear manager,

I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised positions (position) as a

secretary of English. Here I would like to introduce me (myself) briefly.

I am a 25-year-old young man (who\that) graduating from the Foreign Languages

Department of Jilin University. I have been a (an) English guide for two years after graduation.
As a result, my oral English is pretty well (good). I have great interest (interest in) the job. I had
(have) much confidence in myself. If I am given to (\) the job, I can assure you I will do my best
to do it well. I’d like to meet you at your convenient (convenience) to discuss the possibility of
working in your company. An early reply to my application will be high (highly) appreciated.

Yours respectfully,

Wang Yong

Passage 2

I feel it is (a pity) pity that you didn’t (don’t) want to take part in the speech contest. In my
view, the speech contest can benefit from (\) you indifferent ways. Firstly, it makes you look for
more informations (information) about your favorite scientists on the internet or in the library, and
learning (learn)more about them. Secondly, it is a challenge to prepare for a speech contest. You
not only have to write a good article, and (but) also have to perform them (it) properly. What’s
more, after the contest, you can find yourself with some newly (new) good friends, or even a
prize. I suggest you consider participating in the contest, that (which) will really do good to you. If
you change your mind , please let me know as soon as possible.

Passage 1

Dear President,

Next year I will go to study at the university, but I don’t know what (how) to adapt myself to
university life. I hear many a freshman are (is) at a loss what to do when they entered (enter) the
university. They can’t take care (take care of)themselves in their everyday life, felt (feeling) lonely
and homesick. Clothes, money or mobile phones are sometime (sometimes) gone. And because of
different climates and food, they often feel uncomfortabley(uncomfortable). Some even rent
rooms outside the campus. Could you tell them (me) how to deal with these problem (problems)
so that I will be able to be prepared for university life in the future? And I will definitely be in a (\)
gratitude for your kind advice and help.

Yours, Li Hua

Passage 2

It was a fine day today and I will never forget this one (\) special day. I was chosen to be (be
a) member of the football team of Grade 3 and sent to take part in the school the football match. I
was excited, believed (believing) I would earn the most scores. But in the first round I hurt my leg
and I have (had) to give up. I was sadly (sad) to be a loser. My best friend Tom came up to me and
said, “Even before (after) your leg was hurt, you were great! You still played for a few minute
(minutes). You are the real winner.” I couldn’t believe my ears. For me the one scoring the most is
the winner. But Tom said, “The one who try (tries) his best is the real winner. On (With) the
determination, we will change the result sooner or later.” I am deep (deeply) impressed by Tom’s
words. I want to say “thank you” to him.

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