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Intro to Digital Media

Digital Media Department, Harper Woods High School

Course Syllabus
Course Title: ​Introduction to Digital Media
Teacher:​ Tanika Rucker
Room:​ A201
Prep Period:​ 5th Hour
Telephone: ​313-245-3000, ext. 53078

Course Description​: ​Digital Media​ ​is defined as digitized content that can be
transmitted over the Internet or computer networks. This can include text, audio, video,
and graphics.​ ​The digital media classroom is designed to function as a working
production environment. Therefore, students will learn the discipline of utilizing teams to
produce original works efficiently to meet deadlines. Students will be introduced to use
of digital videos, digital photography, digital audio, digital publications, digital graphics.
In addition, students will learn to think critically while using digital tools to strategically
combine visuals and audio to tell an influential story. This course will also introduce
students to various jobs in the Multimedia industry.

Course Objectives:
A core objective will be for students to develop and produce their original creative
concepts using media to influence audiences. Individual students will successfully
develop, manage, and produce professional multimedia works that will be displayed
publicly. Students will develop proficiency using a variety of presentation software in
addition to professional multimedia production programs.

Course Book:​ Digital Media Concepts & Applications by May & Lake

Project Based Learning:

This course follows the Project Based Learning model, which is composed of instruction
time and project time. Students will focus on acquiring skills through hands on
applications during real world situations. Due to the nature of project-based learning,
time spent on each topic and projects will change regularly depending on student and
class proficiency levels, and the nature and scope of the various types of media
production projects taking place on an ongoing basis.

Grading Procedure: ​ Below is the grading scale used for this class. Assignments will
fall into one of six categories; Do Now, Exit Ticket, Discussions, Class Assignments,
Projects, Quizzes/Tests. Each assignment will have a designated point value attached to it
with the final student grade being a direct reflection/percentage of the total possible
points and % based on catagory.
Janurary 2018
Intro to Digital Media
A 100% - 93% C 76% - 73%
A- 92% - 90% C- 72% - 70%
B+ 89% - 87% D+ 69% - 67%
B 86% - 83% D 66% - 63%
B- 82% - 80% D- 62% - 60%
C+ 79% - 77% E 59% and below

Final semester grades will be based on the following:

Do Now 10%
Exit Tickets 5%
Discussions 10%
Quizes/Final 15%
Assignments 20%
Projects 40%

Attendance: ​Regular punctual attendance is vital to the success of any student. This
class adheres to the official attendance policy of Harper Woods Schools. Daily ​Do Now
& Exit​ assignments ​cannot be made up​ when a student is present, a grade of 0 will be
given for these assignments when not completed in time instructed. Absent student,
however, will be excused from ​Do Now & Exit​ assignments ONLY. All other
assignments can be made up during an absence. It is the student's responsibility to get and
complete ​all​ missing assignments.

Sub Work:​ Is not an option! Sub work can only be completed on the day it is assigned.

Classroom Expectations: ​We expect each student to demonstrate a positive attitude and
positive behavior. Students must adhere to the Harper Woods School’s Code of Conduct.
Refusal to comply will result in disciplinary actions. Expectations include the following:

1. Always respect your fellow students, teachers, administrators, and guests.

2. Respect the lab equipment and classroom environment.
3. Come to class every day prepared with writing utensil and ​in dress code.
4. Stay focused on the task and complete assignments on time
5. Students are responsible for seeking make-up work and turning it in during the
allotted time ​(1 week after absence)​. Any work accepted after this time will
recieve ½ credit.
6. Collaborate, ask questions, teach others and learn.
7. During appropriate listening times, ALL SOUND must remain in headphones.

Janurary 2018
Intro to Digital Media

PLEASE NOTE: You are welcome to call the teacher during school hours at ​(313)
245-3000, extension 53078 ​or visit the school to check on your child’s progress.
(Please check in at the main office to announce upon your arrival before visiting the
classroom.) We are happy to have your child in our school and encourage you to be
an active Harper Woods High School parent. We look forward to working with you
to provide a quality education for your child!

Return Agreement Below (100pts)


Directions:​ After reading and discussing the course syllabus, please sign and date
this agreement page (Students and Parent/Guardian). The student will ​return this
page only​ to me. The syllabus should be kept at home and referred to as needed.


I have read and understand the course syllabus and agree to abide by the policies,
rules and regulations therein.

__________________________________ ______________
Print Student Name Date

__________________________________ ______________
Student’s Signature Date


I have read and understand the course syllabus, discussed it with my child, and agree
to assist him/her to abide by the rules and regulations therein.

__________________________________ ______________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date

_____________________________________________ ___________________
Email Phone Number

Janurary 2018
Intro to Digital Media

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