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Traditional Dance

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. discuss the different characteristics of folkdance
b. create a dance presentation using the different dance steps in folkdance
c. shows enthusiasm in performing the activity

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Traditional Dance
Lesson: Folkdance
Materials: PowerPoint, projector, laptop, CDs and DVD player
References: HOPE 3 Learning Module

III. Procedure
A. Warm-up
Perform the fundamental dance steps in folkdance in time with the music
B. Activities
(Anchored-based instruction)
Show video clips about the different examples of folkdances
C. Analysis
(Reaction Response)
Ask the students of the following questions:
1. What can you say about the video?
2. What are the different characteristics of the dance that you have witness?
3. What are the basic dance steps that you have seen in the video?
4. Can you explain the nature of their dance?
D. Abstraction
- Meaning of folk dance
Folk dances are dances developed by groups of people that reflect the traditional
life of the people of a certain country or region
- Characteristics of Folkdance
Beliefs/ tradition
Social dances
(Carousel Questions)
- Basic Dance Steps/Terms
Touch step Kumintang
Close step Lateral Position
Step swing Hayon-Hayon
Change step Reverse T-position
Waltz Bilao
E. Application
(Group Performance )
- Divide the students into 3 groups
- Create a 2 minutes dance presentation showing the different dance steps in folkdance
with the music
- Give 15 minutes to prepare
- Explain the rubrics and draw lots for the sequence of the presentation
- Performance of the Students
F. Assignment
Research about contemporary dance.

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