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Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol.

, 12 [S1] E164–E173 (2015)


Inkjet-Printed Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors for Tunable

Microwave Applications
Andreas Friederich and Christian Kohler
Institute for Applied Materials (IAM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344,
Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Institute for Microwave Engineering and Photonics (IMP), Technische Universit€a t Darmstadt, Merckstraße 25, 64283,
Darmstadt, Germany

Mohammad Nikfalazar, Alex Wiens, and Rolf Jakoby

Institute for Microwave Engineering and Photonics (IMP), Technische Universit€a t Darmstadt, Merckstraße 25, 64283,
Darmstadt, Germany

Werner Bauer and Joachim R. Binder*

Institute for Applied Materials (IAM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344,
Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

A Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3–ZnO–B2O3 composite ink was prepared and used for the manufacturing of fully inkjet-printed metal-
insulator-metal varactors. The dielectric thick films were co-fired with printed silver electrodes at 850°C and show a fine grained
microstructure. The films have a relative permittivity of er = 129 and a dielectric loss of tan d = 0.043 at f = 3 GHz. Printed
varactors with different dielectric film thickness were prepared. The characterization of the printed structures and 3D electromag-
netic simulations of the layout reveal the strong influence of electrode inductance and fringing effects on the properties of the
components. The printed varactors reach tunabilities between 14.4% and 16.4% by applying a tuning field of 5 V/lm. To dem-
onstrate the capability of the inkjet printing process for the preparation of tunable microwave devices, a fully inkjet-printed phase
shifter was fabricated. It is based on seven pairs of the printed varactors and reaches a phase shift of 180° and a figure of merit
of 19°/dB at 3.4 GHz.

Introduction nas.3–6 Currently, most attention is given to the solid

solution BaxSr1-xTiO3 (BST). This is due to the fact that
Currently, there is a large interest in using inkjet the material shows low dielectric loss and a considerable
printing for the manufacturing of low-cost electronic field dependency of permittivity (i.e., tunability).
components. In particular, the high flexibility of the pro- There are only a few publications that deal with ink-
cess gives significant advantages over conventional manu- jet printing of tunable dielectrics and none of them
facturing processes. The main feature of the inkjet reports a characterization above 1 GHz or the prepara-
printing process is that it is contact- and maskless. tion of fully inkjet-printed microwave devices. Ding
Hence, it allows a preparation directly from a digital et al.7 studied the rheology and gelation behavior of col-
model. Furthermore, the simultaneous use of multiple loidal solutions (sols) for inkjet printing of BST. Kayda-
printheads allows a fast production of graded compo- nova et al.8,9 printed a BST sol and achieved a tunability
nents and multilayer structures.1,2 Due to the flexibility, of 30% at E = 9 V/lm in the ceramic thin films at
it is beneficial to use the inkjet printing process for a f = 1 GHz. Sakai et al.10–12 printed BST and BST–
future microwave device preparation. MgTiO3 composite suspensions and characterized the
Ferroelectric ceramics are promising candidates for thick films up to 10 MHz.
passive tunable devices such as phase shifters, tunable- There are several publications which report the suc-
matching networks, tunable filters, and tunable anten- cessful preparation of fully printed passive tunable micro-
wave devices.13–18 However, all of them use a screen
© 2014 The American Ceramic Society
printing process for the device preparation. Yeo et al.13,14 Inkjet Printed Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors E165

and Hu et al.15,16 present phase shifters with high-tem- " #1=3

perature sintered dielectric films (>1250°C) and subse- 4
dT ¼ d0 sin h ð1Þ
quently printed silver electrodes. This method allows an ð1  cos hÞ2 ð2 þ cos hÞ
optimal thermal treatment of the dielectric thick films.
However, the low resolution of the printing process leads With the condition of Stringer and Derby (wmin = dT),
to large gap sizes in the postprocessed coplanar capaci- the achievable line width can be calculated using the
tances, which weakens the tuning field strength. In contact angle of the ink on the substrate and the in-flight
contrast to this, Palukuru et al.17,18 developed a drop diameter.
Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3–Li2O composition for a sintering tem- Neglecting fringing field effects, the capacitance of a
perature of 900°C and demonstrate the preparation of parallel-plate capacitor can be calculated with the vac-
several co-fired metal-insulator-metal phase shifters. uum permittivity e0 = 8.85 9 1012 F/m,21 the relative
This article deals with the preparation of fully ink- permittivity er, the overlapping area A, and the thickness
jet-printed metal-insulator-metal capacitors for tunable of the dielectric layer h according to:
microwave devices. Therefore, a low-temperature co-fire- A
able Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3–ZnO–B2O3 composition is used, Cideal ¼ e0 er ð2Þ
which is based on recent investigations of Kohler et al.19
A BST–ZnO–B2O3 composite ink was prepared and In case of two rectangular overlapping printed elec-
used for printing of dielectric layers. A commercially trodes, the area is given by the line width w according to
available nanoparticle silver ink was used for the elec- A = w2. Assuming a given relative permittivity er, the
trode preparation. With these inks, multilayer capaci- minimum capacitance can be adjusted by the thickness
tances with different dielectric layer thickness were of the dielectric layer h.
prepared and characterized with respect to their topogra- Figure 1 shows sketches and equivalent circuits of a
phy, microstructure, and microwave properties. photolithographically structured varactor used for the
Eventually, a fully inkjet-printed phase shifter was material characterization (a), the fully inkjet-printed var-
prepared. It successfully demonstrates the capability of actors (b), and a unit cell of the fully inkjet-printed
the inkjet printing process for a future tunable micro- phase shifter (c). The photolithographically structured
wave device preparation. varactor consists of an Au-metallized Al2O3 substrate, a
printed BST-ZnO-B2O3 line, and an electroplated Au
top electrode. Due to the high-quality electrodes, the
Inkjet-Printed Capacitance Design varactor is suitable to determine the properties of the
dielectric films. The fully printed varactor in Fig. 1b
Conventional microwave devices on tunable dielec- consists of two parallel bottom electrodes with 350 lm
tric thick films make use of postprocessed photo-litho- distance (center to center). The electrodes are partly cov-
graphic electrodes. This processing allows the preparation ered with a BST-ZnO-B2O3 line. The top electrode is
of very uniform and narrow electrodes and a resolution printed perpendicular to the bottom electrodes, which
that is usually less than 10 lm can be achieved.3 How- leads to a series connection of two capacitances. This
ever, due to the high cost of this process, the preparation approach is used to obtain a small capacitance of the var-
of fully printed devices is desirable for cost sensitive actor as well as to avoid printing the top electrode over
applications. When thinking of inkjet-printed electrodes, the edge of the printed dielectric. Edges usually lead to
one must keep in mind that the resolution of the inkjet inhomogeneities due to the different wetting behavior on
printing process is considerably lower than a photolitho- the substrate and the dielectric film. The unit cell of the
graphic structuring, which gives limitations regarding the printed phase shifter, shown in Fig. 1c, consists of a
minimum achievable capacitance. wave guide, which is periodically loaded by a series of
The width of an inkjet-printed line is determined by two varactors.
the drop spacing and the interaction of the liquid with
the substrate. Stringer and Derby20 showed that the min-
imum achievable line width wmin of an inkjet-printed Experimental Procedure
line is equal to the diameter dT of a single droplet on
the substrate. With the geometric condition that the vol- A Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 powder was synthesized through a
ume of the flying drop with diameter d0 equals the vol- modified sol-gel process, as described by Zhou et al.22
ume of the sessile drop with diameter dT and contact The powder preparation can be divided into the follow-
angle h, one can easily derive the equation: ing process steps: dissolution of the reagents, initiation
E170 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Friederich, et al. Vol. 12, No. S1, 2015

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Measured capacitance (a) and quality factor (b) of the fully inkjet-printed metal-insulator-metal varactors with different thickness
of the dielectric layer. The dashed line indicates the quality factor of the dielectric Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3–ZnO–B2O3 layer.

coefficient of determination was R2 > 0.99 in all cases capacitance values Csim with the theoretical values Cideal
(2 9 9 regressions), which verifies the suitability of the (calculated according to Eq. 2) reveals the effect of
model. The inductance was calculated from Eq. (5) and fringing fields in the printed components. While the
gives values of L = (0.40  0.03) nH for 1 layer of effect of the fringing fields on capacitance is already
BST–ZnO–B2O3 and L = (0.36  0.01) nH for two 16 % for one layer of BST–ZnO–B2O3, it reaches
layers. For an ideal conductor with length l and thickness 28% for three layers.
t  w, the inductance can be estimated according to Figure 7b shows the quality factor Q of the printed
Terman30 with the equation: structures. All samples undergo a decreasing quality fac-
  tor with increasing frequency. This is caused by the
2l w
L  0:2l ln þ 0:5 þ 0:2235 nH/mm ð6Þ increasing dissipation factor of the dielectric as well as
w l the decreasing skin depth in the conductor films. All
For an electrode length of l = 0.8 mm, this estima- samples exhibit a nearly identical behavior and values
tion leads to an inductance of L  0.5 nH, which is in between Q = 35 and 37 at f = 0.5 GHz. The compari-
reasonable agreement with the measure values. son with the quality factor of the dielectric film
A 3D electromagnetic simulation (CST Microwave QBST = (tan d)1 reveals that the conductor loss is negli-
Studio, CST, Germany) was carried out, to determine gible at low frequencies. However, for f > 0.5 GHz, a
the effect of fringing fields on the capacitance of the deviation is observed. This is caused by the increasing
printed varactors. For the simulation, the geometric loss of the printed electrodes with higher frequency. For
model from Figure 1b was used and the overall capaci- f > 1.5 GHz, an additional minor deviation between the
tance of the varactors was calculated. Table II shows printed varactors is observed, which is also due to reso-
the parameters and results of the simulation. The nance effects in the samples with low thickness of the
simulated capacitances (Csim = 1.30–4.15 pF) are in dielectric layer.
reasonable agreement with the measured ones Figure 8 shows the tunability of the printed varac-
(Cmeas = 1.5–4.2 pF). The comparison of the simulated tors at f = 0.5 GHz. The tuning field strength E was

Table II. Results of the 3D Electromagnetic Simulation of the Metal-Insulator-Metal Varactors

Simulation parameters* Simulation results

hBST/lm w/lm er Csim/pF Cideal/pF† FE/%‡

1 layer of BST–ZnO–B2O3 2.9 134 130 4.15 3.56 16
2 layers of BST–ZnO–B2O3 5.6 136 130 2.26 1.90 19
3 layers of BST–ZnO–B2O3 9.0 126 130 1.30 1.02 28
*Geometric parameters: 1 mm length and 350 lm distance (center–center) of the bottom lines, 200 lm excess length of the electrodes at the overlap,
2 lm electrode thickness and a frequency of f = 0.5 GHz.

Ideal capacitance without fringing effects. Calculated according to Eq. (2) as a series connection of two capacitors with A = w2.

Fringing effect, calculated after FE = (Csim  Cideal)/Cideal. Inkjet Printed Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors E167

v = 40 mm/s were chosen to achieve a drop spacing of was determined to be d50 = 200 nm. Table I summa-
p = 80 lm. The varactor electrodes were prepared by rizes the measured properties of the dielectric ink and
printing four layers of silver each. This number of layers the conductive silver ink. The medium particle diameter
was chosen as a compromise between adequate thickness of both inks is below 1% of the nozzle diameter used for
of the electrodes (hAg = 2 lm) to reach a high conduc- inkjet printing, which was suitable to prevent clogging
tivity and sufficiently narrow electrodes to reach small during printing. The Ohnesorge number Oh was calcu-
capacitances. For the waveguides of the presented phase lated after Equation (3). For both inks, the values are
shifter, eight layers of silver were printed to reach an within the limits for a stable drop ejection, that is,
electrode thickness of about 4 lm. 0.1 < Oh < 1. The printability was confirmed experi-
After drying, the specimens were sintered for 1 h at mentally by successfully printing both inks in different
850°C in a tube furnace with heating rates and cooling experiments over a period of several days.
rates of 5 K/min. The BST–ZnO–B2O3 ink was printed on 1 lm
The printed structures were characterized by chro- Au-metallized Al2O3-substrates and sintered for 1 h at
matic white light interferometry (MicroProf, Fries 850°C. Figure 2c shows the microstructure of the sintered
Research & Technology, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany). thick film. Image analysis of the micrograph gives a mean
The electrical properties of the printed capacitances and grain size of d50 = 0.14 lm. This is a bit below the mea-
the phase shifter were determined using a vector network sured diameter of the particles in the initial ink
analyzer (37397C; Anritsu, Kanagawa, Japan). The mea- (d50 = 0.20 lm). This deviation is believed to be caused
surements were taken in a frequency range f = 0.1– by overestimating the particle size in the inks due to
10 GHz at different tuning voltages in a range of agglomerated particles as well as by underestimating the
U = 0–200 V. grain size due to overlapping grains. After sintering, 2.8-
lm thick Au-electrodes were lithographically patterned on
top of the thick films. This conventional structuring allows
Results and Discussion the preparation of capacitors with high geometrical accu-
racy and high-quality electrodes. The obtained metal-insu-
The inks were characterized with respect to their vis- lator-metal capacitor was used to determine the relative
cosity, surface tension, density, and particle size. Fig- permittivity and the dielectric loss of the material.
ure 2a shows a micrograph of the BST–ZnO–B2O3 ink. Figure 3a shows the relative permittivity and the
The measured particle size distribution of the ink is dielectric loss of the BST–ZnO–B2O3 thick films in
depicted in Fig. 2b. The mean particle size of the ink the frequency range of f = 0.1–10 GHz. The relative

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrograph (a) and cumulative particle size distribution (b) of the Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3–ZnO–B2O3 ink and micro-
graph of a thick film, sintered at 850°C (c).

Table I. Properties of the Printing Inks

d50/nm g/mPas q/(g/cm3) c/(mN/m) h/° Oh d0/lm
BST–ZnO–B2O3 ink 200 34.0 1.08 23.9 9 0.67 80
Ag ink <50 15.5 1.28 18.9 21 0.38 60
E168 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Friederich, et al. Vol. 12, No. S1, 2015

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Relative permittivity and dielectric loss of the Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3–ZnO–B2O3 thick films over frequency (a) and tunability over tuning
field strength (b).

permittivity is nearly frequency independent in the stud- was calculated with the width (400 lm) and length
ied interval. The measured values at f = 3 GHz are (8 mm) of the lines. Figure 4 shows the microstructure
er = 129  3. This is considerably lower than the rela- and the sheet resistance R& of the printed electrodes.
tive permittivity of bulk Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO325 at room tem- For a thickness of hAg  0.8–1.5 lm, the silver films
perature and is due to the high porosity and the small undergo a complete separation due to the immense sin-
grain size of the printed films.24,26 Previous investiga- tering activity at 850°C. The films are not conductive in
tions showed that a lower porosity can be achieved by this case. For two printed layers (hAg  1.6–2 lm), the
using a mixture of coarse and fine grained powders27 or sheet resistance is in the range of R& = 50–65 mΩ/&.
a higher amount of sintering additive.19 The dielectric In this case, the films show a mostly closed network with
loss of the material increases with frequency. This behav- some separated areas. The increased path length and the
ior is known for tunable dielectric ceramics.4,22,26,27 At isolated areas lead to the comparable low conductance,
f = 3 GHz, the BST–ZnO–B2O3 thick films show a which corresponds to a specific conductivity of about
dielectric loss of tan d = 0.043  0.004. At 10 GHz, r  9 9 106 S/m. For three and more printed layers
the dielectric loss is increased to tan d = 0.073  0.007, (hAg > 2.4 lm), the sheet resistance further decreases
which is comparable to undoped screen-printed thick with increasing electrode thickness. This is in good
films, sintered at 1150–1200°C.26 Previous investigations agreement with the micrographs which show some pores,
have shown that the dielectric loss of BST thick films at but no separated areas in this case. The specific conduc-
microwave frequencies are mainly affected by impurities tance of the lines is r  35 9 106 S/m, which is
of the material, whereas the microstructure of the films about 56% of the conductivity of bulk silver (r 
plays a less significant role.6,22,26 Figure 3b shows the 63 9 106 S/m at 20°C21) and therefore comparably
tunability of the films at different frequencies. In the high for printed films.
investigated range, the films show a frequency-indepen-
dent behavior, which is in good agreement with previous
investigations on BST thick films28 and thin films.5,29
By applying a tuning voltage of U = 200 V, a tuning
field of E = 87 V/lm is reached without breakdown.
This leads to an extraordinary high tunability of the
films, which is s = 75.3%. Furthermore, a tuning field
strength of E = 10 V/lm and a tunability of s = 22.8%
is reached by applying only 23 V tuning voltage.
Silver electrodes were printed and characterized with
respect to their morphology and conductivity. A layout
with 400 lm wide lines was printed and sintered at
850°C. The line thickness was varied by printing 1–5
layers, which results in a thickness between 0.8 and
4 lm. The microstructure was investigated by SEM.
Four-wire sensing was used to determine the electric Fig. 4. Sheet resistance over electrode thickness of printed silver
resistance of the printed lines. The sheet conductance electrodes, sintered at 850°C. Inkjet Printed Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors E169

(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Topography (a) and microscopic image (b) of a fully inkjet-printed metal-insulator-metal varactor.

Fully printed varactors were prepared by printing

two bottom electrodes with the silver ink, partly covering
them with a printed BST–ZnO–B2O3 line and subse-
quently printing a top silver electrode. The thickness of
the dielectric layer was varied by printing 1–3 layers. Fig-
ure 5 shows the topography (a) and a microscopic image
(b) of a printed varactor with three layers of BST–ZnO–
Calculating the minimum achievable line width for
the electrodes after Eq. (1) with the drop diameter
d0 = 60 lm and the contact angle h = 21° gives a value
of wmin = 140 lm. The achieved line width in the
printing experiments is even a bit smaller
(w = 130 lm). This is caused by the drying at an ele- Fig. 6. SEM cross-section of a fully inkjet-printed metal-insula-
vated temperature, which prevents the drops from tor-metal varactor.
spreading to their equilibrium condition due to fast
evaporation of the solvent. The thickness of the dielectric
layer was determined by evaluating line profiles of each between Cmeas = 1.5 pF (3 layers of BST–ZnO–B2O3,
specimen type (9 per type). For 1-layer BST, the film hBST = 9.0 lm) and 4.1 pF (1 layer of BST–ZnO–
thickness was hBST = (2.9  0.1) lm. For 2 and 3 lay- B2O3, hBST = 2.9 lm). For hBST = 2.9 lm, the mea-
ers, it was increased to hBST = (5.6  0.1) lm and sured capacity shows a strong increase with higher
hBST = (9.0  0.3) lm, respectively. The thickness of frequency due to resonance effects. Assuming an ideal
the silver electrodes was about 2 lm in all cases (4 second-order low-pass filter with capacitance C0 and res-
printed layers each). onance frequency f0, the measured capacitance Cmeas(f)
Figure 6 shows the cross-section of a printed varac- should follow the equation:
tor. The micrograph shows a homogeneous film topogra- C0
phy of the printed dielectric with a thickness of about Cmeas ðf Þ ¼ ð4Þ
1  ðf =f0 Þ2
hBST = 9 lm. Compared to the BST film, the top and
bottom electrode are less uniform. This is believed to be For the resonance frequency yields further with the
due to the small initial particle size and the immense sin- inductance L:
tering activity of the silver at 850°C. At the moment, 1
there is no commercially available inkjet silver ink at the f0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð5Þ
2p LC0
market which is optimized for a temperature treatment
above 300°C. It is believed that a higher electrode qual- A regression of the measurement data for 1 layer of
ity can be achieved by the use of a silver–palladium ink BST–ZnO–B2O3 (hBST = 2.9 lm) gives a capacitance
or with a larger initial particle size. value of C0 = (4.0  0.6) pF and a resonance frequency
Figure 7a shows the measured capacitance of the test of f0 = (4.0  0.4) GHz. For two layers of BST–ZnO–
structures with different thickness of the dielectric layer B2O3 (hBST = 5.6 lm), the calculated values are
hBST. At f = 0.5 GHz, the structures show a capacitance C0 = (2.4  0.2) pF and f0 = (5.4  0.3) GHz. The
E170 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Friederich, et al. Vol. 12, No. S1, 2015

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Measured capacitance (a) and quality factor (b) of the fully inkjet-printed metal-insulator-metal varactors with different thickness
of the dielectric layer. The dashed line indicates the quality factor of the dielectric Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3–ZnO–B2O3 layer.

coefficient of determination was R2 > 0.99 in all cases capacitance values Csim with the theoretical values Cideal
(2 9 9 regressions), which verifies the suitability of the (calculated according to Eq. 2) reveals the effect of
model. The inductance was calculated from Eq. (5) and fringing fields in the printed components. While the
gives values of L = (0.40  0.03) nH for 1 layer of effect of the fringing fields on capacitance is already
BST–ZnO–B2O3 and L = (0.36  0.01) nH for two 16 % for one layer of BST–ZnO–B2O3, it reaches
layers. For an ideal conductor with length l and thickness 28% for three layers.
t  w, the inductance can be estimated according to Figure 7b shows the quality factor Q of the printed
Terman30 with the equation: structures. All samples undergo a decreasing quality fac-
  tor with increasing frequency. This is caused by the
2l w
L  0:2l ln þ 0:5 þ 0:2235 nH/mm ð6Þ increasing dissipation factor of the dielectric as well as
w l the decreasing skin depth in the conductor films. All
For an electrode length of l = 0.8 mm, this estima- samples exhibit a nearly identical behavior and values
tion leads to an inductance of L  0.5 nH, which is in between Q = 35 and 37 at f = 0.5 GHz. The compari-
reasonable agreement with the measure values. son with the quality factor of the dielectric film
A 3D electromagnetic simulation (CST Microwave QBST = (tan d)1 reveals that the conductor loss is negli-
Studio, CST, Germany) was carried out, to determine gible at low frequencies. However, for f > 0.5 GHz, a
the effect of fringing fields on the capacitance of the deviation is observed. This is caused by the increasing
printed varactors. For the simulation, the geometric loss of the printed electrodes with higher frequency. For
model from Figure 1b was used and the overall capaci- f > 1.5 GHz, an additional minor deviation between the
tance of the varactors was calculated. Table II shows printed varactors is observed, which is also due to reso-
the parameters and results of the simulation. The nance effects in the samples with low thickness of the
simulated capacitances (Csim = 1.30–4.15 pF) are in dielectric layer.
reasonable agreement with the measured ones Figure 8 shows the tunability of the printed varac-
(Cmeas = 1.5–4.2 pF). The comparison of the simulated tors at f = 0.5 GHz. The tuning field strength E was

Table II. Results of the 3D Electromagnetic Simulation of the Metal-Insulator-Metal Varactors

Simulation parameters* Simulation results

hBST/lm w/lm er Csim/pF Cideal/pF† FE/%‡

1 layer of BST–ZnO–B2O3 2.9 134 130 4.15 3.56 16
2 layers of BST–ZnO–B2O3 5.6 136 130 2.26 1.90 19
3 layers of BST–ZnO–B2O3 9.0 126 130 1.30 1.02 28
*Geometric parameters: 1 mm length and 350 lm distance (center–center) of the bottom lines, 200 lm excess length of the electrodes at the overlap,
2 lm electrode thickness and a frequency of f = 0.5 GHz.

Ideal capacitance without fringing effects. Calculated according to Eq. (2) as a series connection of two capacitors with A = w2.

Fringing effect, calculated after FE = (Csim  Cideal)/Cideal. Inkjet Printed Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors E171

well as the capacitance, quality factor, and tunability of

the varactors. Tuning of the varactors is performed by
applying a bias voltage U between the two electrodes.
The phase shift Δu is defined by the difference of the
phase of the transmitted signal ∠S21 in the tuned and
untuned state:
Du ¼ \S21 ðU Þ  \S21 ð0Þ ð8Þ
To express the quality of a phase shifter, the figure
of merit FoM is defined as the ratio of the achieved
phase shift Δumax to the maximal insertion loss ILmax at
a certain frequency:
Fig. 8. Tunability of the fully inkjet-printed metal-insulator- Dumax
FoM ¼ ð9Þ
metal varactors at f = 0.5 GHz. ILmax
calculated by the applied bias voltage U with the thick- The fully printed phase shifter was prepared in the
ness of the dielectric layer hBST according to same way as the printed varactors and was also sintered
for 1 h at 850°C. To minimize the resistance of the
E ¼ ð7Þ transmission lines, the electrodes were printed with a
2hBST thickness of hAg = 4.4 lm (8 layers of silver). Based on
The measurements were carried out with the results reported above, the thickness of the dielectric
Umax = 50 V for the samples with hBST = 2.9 lm and layer was chosen to be hBST = 11 lm to achieve a capac-
Umax = 100 V for the samples with higher thickness of itance value of about 1.2 pF in the untuned state for
the dielectric layer. All three sample types show a similar each pair of varactors.
behavior with a very high linearity. At E = 5 V/lm, the Figure 10 shows the phase shift (a) and the figure of
measured tunability values are between s = 14.4 % and merit (b) of the fully inkjet-printed phase shifter. In the
16.4 %. Table III summarizes the properties of the var- frequency range of f = 2.7–3.4 GHz, the phase shifter
actors at f = 0.5 GHz. For E = 9 V/lm, a tunability up reaches a maximal phase shift of Du = 90–180°, while
to s = 30.0% was measured. the figure of merit is between FoM = 19°/dB and 21°/
A fully printed loaded-line phase shifter for an oper- dB. The phase shift further increases up to f = 3.7 GHz.
ation in the S-Band (2–4 GHz) was designed with the However, due to an increase of the insertion loss, the
printed varactors. Figure 9 shows the topography and a FoM strongly decreases above 3.4 GHz. This is due to
microscopic image of the printed phase shifter. The the Bragg frequency of the phase shifter, which acts as a
device consists of a slot-line waveguide, which is loaded cut-off frequency. It is determined by the inductance
periodically by seven pairs of varactors with a spacing of length of the waveguides and the capacitance of the var-
5.1 mm. The working principle of the phase shifter is as actors per unit cell.
follows: A signal travelling through one of the wave- Altogether, the phase shifter successfully demon-
guides is affected by the impedance of the transmission strates the capability of the inkjet printing process for
line. A tuning of the varactors can be used to change the the preparation of fully printed tunable microwave
propagation constant of the waveguide, which results in devices. Compared to already published screen-printed
a phase shift of the transmitted signal. devices, the phase shifter shows a comparable figure of
The performance of the device is determined by the merit (FoM = 6.3–21°/dB, f = 2.5–3.0 GHz15–18). The
resistance and inductance of the transmission lines as achieved phase shift, however, is considerably larger than

Table III. Properties of the Fully Inkjet-Printed Metal-Insulator-Metal Varactors at f = 0.5 GHz
hBST/lm Cmeas/pF Q s/%*
1 layer of BST–ZnO–B2O3 2.9  0.1 4.1  0.6 35.5  0.9 15.9  0.9
2 layers of BST–ZnO–B2O3 5.6  0.1 2.5  0.2 36.8  0.5 16.4  0.9
3 layers of BST–ZnO–B2O3 9.0  0.3 1.5  0.1 38.6  0.8 14.4  0.7
E = 5 V/lm.
E172 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Friederich, et al. Vol. 12, No. S1, 2015

Fig. 9. Topography and microscopic image of the fully inkjet-printed phase shifter.

(a) (b)

Fig. 10. Phase shift (a) and figure of merit (b) of the fully inkjet-printed phase shifter for different bias voltages. The highlighted frequency
range marks the operating interval where a maximal phase shift between 90° and 180° is reached.

in the reported publications (Du = 4.5–63°15–18). This magnetic simulation of the varactors shows a reasonable
is believed to be due to the lower film thickness of the accordance of the calculated capacitances with the mea-
inkjet-printed layers, which allows a larger tuning of the sured ones (7–20% deviation). The simulation further
varactors at similar biasing voltages. reveals the strong influence of the fringing field effect on
the capacitance of the printed structures. Depending on
the thickness of the dielectric layer, the effect leads to
Conclusions capacitance values that are between 16% and 28%
higher than expected by using the formula of an ideal
A Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3–ZnO–B2O3 composite ink was parallel-plate capacitor. The printed varactors reach tuna-
prepared and used for the manufacturing of fully inkjet- bilities up to 30% by applying a tuning field of
printed metal-insulator-metal varactors. Sintering at E = 9 V/lm. To demonstrate the capability of the ink-
850°C leads to a highly porous, fine grained dielectric jet printing process for tunable microwave devices, a
film with a permittivity of er = 129 and a dielectric loss fully inkjet-printed phase shifter was developed. It is
of tan d = 0.043 at f = 3 GHz. The printed varactors based on seven pairs of the printed varactors and reaches
show a capacitance which is influenced by resonance a phase shift of Du = 90–180° with a figure of merit
effects for frequencies above 1 GHz due to the large FoM = 19–21°/dB in the frequency range of f = 2.7–
inductance of the printed electrodes. The 3D electro- 3.4 GHz. Inkjet Printed Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors E173

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