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This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black

People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting

eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are
an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 Because We Live Here

We Told You Rape is a Tool of War - the Richmond

Horror Explained

SBPDL doesn't
want to be right. In a
perfect world, we
would live
harmoniously with
each other - all the
various races of
mankind together -
living peaceful,
monotonous lives of
pleasure, devoid of
pain, suffering and
horror. Available now!

However, history
proves that this idea
of world peace is
but a fools' dream and one that has never been a reality on this planet, nor ever will be.

We told you that rape is a tool of war, practiced by those who view their conquered subjects as
nothing more than sexual toys. The vanquished population is powerless to fight back and can Whitey on the Moon
only watch in horror as their people are brutally subjected to the most heinous crime that man
can be party too:

"The use of rape as a tool of war is not a modern occurrence. Rape during
wartime is a well-documented phenomenon that has occurred since writers
and philosophers have recognized its existence. Gottschall notes, “historical
and anthropological evidence suggests that rape in the context of war is an
ancient human practice, and that this practice has stubbornly prevailed across a
stunningly diverse concatenation of societies and historical epochs.”

This claim, supported by APAP (2002), “In primitive warfare, women were
targeted as a means to avoid facing the enemy again by eliminating the
source of manpower for future supply,” shows the deliberate means in
which a society may suffer through the use of rape as a tool of war.
Wartime rape does not indicate solitary examples of rape by individuals
but rather a pattern “of rape by soldiers at rates that are much increased
over rates of rape that prevail in peacetime.”
Learn the truth of NASA's demise
We have discussed previously on SBPDL how rape in the United States - interracial rape - is
practiced by Black males on white women at an alarming rate in the United States (the
statistics cited below come from the FBI):

"In the United States in 2005, 37,460

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white females were sexually assaulted or
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raped by a black man, while between zero All ur rhetoric are belong to us

and ten black females were sexually The Audacious Epigone

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assaulted or raped by a white man. GOP

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What this means is that every day in the Fire Rescue
United States, over one hundred white
field negro
women are raped or sexually assaulted #SOTU2018

by a black man." Chateau Heartiste

SOTU, Brute?

First, we have Black women doing everything in their power to look like white women by
WWTDD - Latest Celebrity Gossip
spending vast amounts of money on their hair; now we have Black men committing vast and Scandal News
amounts of rape, just to be with white women. Or, could it be a form of warfare - primitive AVN Red Carpet Hotties and Crap Around
warfare - against the remnants of Pre-Obama America? the Web

Rape is a tool of war, and the more than 37,000 white women raped by Black men in 2007 Madness & Reality
alone, these numbers delineate a vicious warning to Pre-Obama America for what the future Dear Trolls: Show me proof of racism so
will portend: Richmond High School repeating itself in every part of the country, for how that I can reject it!
California goes, so goes the nation:
So, About That H&M Monkey Ad...
"Police investigating the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl have arrested five
people, a police spokesman said Wednesday.
Those Who Can See
Authorities have described the incident as a two-and-a-half-hour assault Weapons of Mass Migration: Are You a
that occurred on the Richmond High School campus, in the Richmond
community north of Oakland on San Francisco Bay."

The victim of this horrible gang raping - just another causality in war - is a white girl. Before we
go on about this story, it's vital to quote from The Wall Street Journal, as they attempt to The Real Drudge Report
downplay the Hate Fact War being waged on white people:

"The source of Bodeker's numbers is Table 42 on page 30 of this Justice

Department publication. In 2005, there were 111,490 "single offender" rapes and
sexual assaults of whites nationwide. In 33.6% of those, the "perceived race" of
the offender was black. That comes to a bit more than 37,000, consistent with Visit the best news aggregator around
Bodeker's number.

Bodeker is correct that the statistics show white-on-black sexual assaults are
vanishingly rare. The chart lists number of rapes and sexual assaults against The Fair Campaign
black victims as 36,620, and it says that the perceived offender was black in a
whopping "100.0%" of these cases and white in "0.0%" of them. That would put
the number of white-on-black sexual assaults at somewhere between zero and
18, since 19 would round up to 0.1% of the total. (Bodeker's figure of 10 seems
to have come from a footnote that actually refers to sample size, but it is in the
right range.)

It is true that blacks, who are less numerous than whites, commit a
disproportionately high share of violent crimes, including sexual assaults.
Boycott 365Black at McDonald's
To present rape as a racial problem, however, is at best an example of the
kind of disparate-impact logic that Bodeker rejects elsewhere in the film
when it is used to depict blacks as victims of racism.

Further, the stereotype of black men as sexual predators is an old and ugly
one, and this segment of Bodeker's film calls it to mind, whether or not that
was his intent. As a practical matter, a white person who wishes to challenge
the conventional wisdom on race would be well-advised to be sensitive to such
questions of history and tone.

The Wall Street Journal is a newspaper that is afraid of Hate Facts, for they show that
stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason: they are true.

The gang rape of the white girl in Richmond, California is but a precursor (oh wait, the 37,000
rapes in 2007 wasn't enough?) of the war to come in the United States.
Unhealthy Food, Unhealthy Values
Disingenuous white liberals (DWL) will forever have their head in the sand, like an ostrich, at
the grim reality every citizen - regardless of race - faces in the coming decades. The blame for
the gang raping of this girl in Richmond, California, rests solely on the soul of every DWL who
has ever breathed a breath of air on this earth.
Follower (432) Weiter
(It must be stated that this horrible gang rape in Richmond was the work of numerous
Hispanics, one Black person and potentially one white person. That doesn't disqualify SBPDL
from bringing up the point about Black men and the raping of white women, but only further
expounds upon the necessity of talking about the problem of non-white attacks on white

One writer has tried to downplay the racial angle of this story:

A 15-YEAR-OLD GIRL chugs brandy after her homecoming dance and becomes
incapacitated. She is lying semiconscious on a bench in a secluded area at
Richmond High school. All of the sudden, authorities say, the boys and men
she'd been partying with begin to rape her. As many as seven of them take Search This Blog
turns. They beat her. They jeer. They snap photos of their heinous acts with
their cell phones. As word of the attack spreads, others come to gawk. No Search
one tries to help the girl. The vicious attack goes on for a good two hours
before someone finally alerts a parent who calls the police.

There are those who have sought to inject race into the public dialogue about the Subscribe To
gang rape at Richmond High.
Yet there is no evidence that this attack had anything to do with race.
This is about young boys and men — fueled by alcohol — conducting a cowardly
assault upon a defenseless young girl. Period.

In fact, the four suspects charged so far span the racial rainbow.
Blog Archive
They are Hispanic, black and white. The victim, is white.
► 2018 (25)
The fact is, young males raping young females is not just an urban problem —
code word black and brown." ► 2017 (251)

The time to discuss race frankly and honestly in America is now and the inclusion of Hate ► 2016 (305)
Facts must be allowed in this dialogue, or we will continue to do every citizen in this nation a ► 2015 (330)
great disservice.
► 2014 (322)
No girl - regardless of race - should be afraid that she will be a victim of rape (of course some ► 2013 (413)
girls do cry wolf over rape), and any male - regardless of race - that dares to commit this
insidious crime should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. That people watched the ► 2012 (354)
gang rape transpire in Richmond and did nothing but take photos and video for future
► 2011 (412) viewings bespeaks the sordid nature of America in 2009.
► 2010 (330)
Race in America. 2009. One year ago, Mein Obama was elected the 44th President of the
▼ 2009 (226)
United States. The post-racial president has done a great job of doing absolutely nothing,
especially in th realm of race relations, where every fault of the Black community is yet another ► December (28)
example of evil white racism.
▼ November (32)
Of course, some do have a rosy view of America's future, under the watchful guise of Mein What Do You Say?
Obama: #1000. "F*** Tha Police" as just a
Despite America’s decades-long struggle to achieve racial equality and the #235. Tiger Woods Fall From
election last year of the country’s first African-American president, Grace
Americans remain hopeful but highly skeptical that race relations will
significantly improve in the near future, according to a new Gallup Poll. #123. Those Who Can See

Happy Thanksgiving... Ready for

In the survey, 56 percent said they believed that race relations would
Black Friday?
“eventually be worked out,” an almost identical result as the 55 percent
who answered that way in 1963, Gallup reported. #83. Magnificent Train Stations

“In short, despite all that has happened in the intervening decades, there is #231. Peddling Real Tickets to
scarcely more hope now than there was those many years ago that the nation’s Sporting Events
race-relations situation will be solved,” the company said. Back... to the Future
Blacks remain much more pessimistic than whites that race relations will Christopher Kernich has died
eventually improve, the survey found.
#24. Paying for Health care
Last summer, during the presidential campaign, 50 percent of African-
#48. The Reality of Adoption
Americans said things ultimately would get better, but that number has
fallen to 42 percent now." #510. 'Brothers' Being Hassled in
"Eventually be worked out." The ultimate DWL phrase, and the words of Hollow Men. It is time
for a dialogue on race. Richmond High School won't be the last gang rape in the war on Pre- The Jayson Blair Award goes to
Obama America. But we can work to ensure that this horrible crime can be recalled as the Chris Matthews
moment when Stuff Black People Don't Like began to include "ducking a real conversation #891. The Demise of the Pontiac
about race". Silverdome

If not, Whitopia's will only grow larger as white people begin to realize that the audacity of hope #301. Braving the End of the Line
can only be found among other white people and DWLs will be left to enjoy the fruits of their #553. Vigilante Movies
labor in cities similar to Richmond, California and the ethnic makeup that it enjoys.
#271. Designing Video Games
Of course, DWLs can't discuss Hate Facts, but must cover them up at all costs (just ask
Don't Try This at Home
Eastern Michigan student Lauren Dickinson... oh wait, she was raped and killed by a Black
dude, and the DWL administrators covered it up). #463. Only One Myron Rolle
#464. No Off-Field Issues in
College Football

Fort Hood Massacre... What

Richmond High Gang Rape - 10/27/09 … Happens When a Nation i...
A Teachable Moment from Lionel
#540. The Michael Oher Story
SBPDL Sees the World
#101. Losing Power in Atlanta
(Part Deux)
Starting Early Now
One Year Ago Tonight...
We Told You Rape is a Tool of War
- the Richmond H...

#376. Waiting Nearly 100 Years

for a Black Disney ...
#714. Trick or Treating
#112. Waiting Until Middle School
Friend of Richmond High gang rape victim blasts school… to Start Freak D...
#715. Barack Obama Halloween

► October (29)
► September (32)
► August (28)
► July (37)
► June (29)
► May (11)

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Four Charged in Richmond, California …

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About Me

Stuff Black People Don't Like

Showcasing only what Black people don't like,
this site will be the place to visit to learn what
Black people in the United States are against
and dislike. Contact, to
suggest things Black people don't like. We will
consider your submission for future inclusion on
our ever growing list.
View my complete profile

Posted by Stuff Black People Don't Like at 2:39 PM

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Labels: rape
#32. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Movies offer theatergoers a
12 comments: reprieve from the real world and a
glimpse into fantastical lands, the
Anonymous said...
opportunity to escape the
California is a real testament to diversity isn't it? Rich white people live in exclusive doldrums of li...
(Whitopian) communities along with our interest charging friend. These rich people
advocate for a diversity that they themselves will never endure. They sell this The Inevitable SEALs Team 6
hopeless ideology all across America (and the world) with the biggest bullhorn that Movie glorifying the Osama
exists, television. Killing: How many Blacks will be
I'm sure that this advocacy of 'equality' and 'diversity' makes them feel all warm Spot the Token Black... wait, this
and fuzzy inside. Why wouldn't it? They are helping the 'victims' of the 'horrible isn't a movie Reading today an article about
atrocities' that white men inflict upon all others. current Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick,
we had ...
Who pays for this flawed and mentally deficient ideology of theirs? Certainly, it's
not them. Their children go to an affluent whitopian school. Those who pay for it Two Black Males, ages 13 and 14,
are the ones that live in these diverse nightmares. On that day it was a 15 year old Execute a 43-year-old White
girl. Woman in Suburban Kansas City
There's not much to say. There's
Do not be fooled people. There is a war, right here in America. They sweep crimes not much to add. Rest in Peace,
against Whites under the rug (or hide the races involved). They hold any crimes Tanya A 43-year-old white woman living in a
suburb of ...
against minorities up as an example to all of the evil White man.
Nelson Mandela's Legacy: 210
Yes, there is a war and there are atrocities. It's just not the 'blue eyed devil' that
White Farmers Murdered by
commits them. Blacks (Per Year) Since 1994 in
South Africa
What is Nelson Mandela's
November 4, 2009 at 10:23 PM legacy? Genocide Watch tells us simply this :
Since 1994, more than 70000 (and
Anonymous said... counting)white South Afric...
Rape is a race issue. It's a male issue. There's a problem with the XY Poetic Justice: Leading Black
chromosome and it needs to be studied for all its violent tendencies. Lives Matter Protester Gunned
November 5, 2009 at 8:37 AM Down by Fellow Black Person in
Anonymous said... Our job, all along, has only been
to survive. Nothing more. Nothing less. The
Dave - as a So Cal resident - I concur with your post. Trump phenomenon is showing how many
people actually wa...
The same traitors who hire the illegal Mexicans don't live near them. The illegals
do the job and go back to the ghetto while the self-hating whites feel a sense of #787. CrossFit
social justice that they helped an "illegal immigrant" earn a living. They only come Crossfit is becoming the dominant fitness
here for a better life right? regimen for wealthy (and white) areas of the
country. Created at the beginning of the ...
Give me a break.
White Great-Grandmother Set on
These same illegals are not just working for minimum wage - they're all over, Fire by Five Blacks in Violent
taking jobs that now Americans will do as Californians are broke. Home Invasion in Georgia
Not from Atlanta rests some of the
The EDD is flooded with applicants daily. They can't handle the current case load more pleasant communities, filled
they have now! We have white California natives broke, out of unemployment with some of the most wonderful people you
benefits and sleeping in cars or on friend's couches. could ever hope to encounter...

Yet the self-hating limousine liberal in CA continues to betray his country and Q: Why is Iceland Free of Violent Crime? A:
knowingly hire illegals. I'm really sick of it. Why is New Orleans Replete with Violent
The hatred towards these people are palpable in California. Meg Whitman who is Why does Iceland have so little violent crime? [
running for governor said we can't practically deport 12.5 million people. Oh yes Why is violent crime so rare in Iceland? , BBC,
we can. 5-16-13] Why does New Orleans, Louisiana ...

Black Councilwoman in
Put these pukes on a military hop and bring them to their country of origin. Pull our
Philadelphia pushes to ban
troops out of these illegal unjust wars and bring them here to protect our country!
bulletproof glass (Protecting Store
November 5, 2009 at 12:15 PM Employees) because it represents
an "Indignity" to Black People
Anonymous said... Previously on SBPDL: The Most Enduring
"Rape is a race issue ... problem with the XY" Symbol of the Civil Rights Movement --
bulletproof glass Bulletproof glass is the
greatest indicat...
Yes, anonymous, it is a race issue. The chromosome you are referring to develops
the required organs necessary for a man's seed. Perhaps in ignorance you are
89-year-old White World War II
implying that we should edit human DNA to emasculate or eliminate males from veteran suffocates to death while
existence. Without males there would be no rape, right? Black nurses laugh at him
SBPDL NOTE: It's coming!
On the other hand, there is a hormone that CAN be blamed for rape and violent
Because We Live Here: The Paul
behavior. This hormone is called testosterone. All humans of both sexes have a Kersey Anthology ! Secure your signed copy
certain amount of this hormone. Certain RACES have an extremely high amount by contacting us at
of this hormone. These RACES commit rapes and other violent behavior at a
much greater level.

Thank you for bringing the genetic issue up. I almost forgot!

November 5, 2009 at 5:36 PM

Anonymous said...
Dave, if that is the case, then it would make sense as to why 95% of Blacks in
America have some sort of European admixture. :) Seems like forced
miscegenation isn't as foreign to your people as you'd care to have people think.
DNA does indeed speak for itself.
November 5, 2009 at 11:14 PM

Anonymous said...
How about mentioning the rape of white males in prison, if we are talking about
interracial rape? This is a statistic worth mentioning everytime rape of white
women is discussed.
November 6, 2009 at 12:27 PM

Anonymous said...
"95% of blacks in America have some sort of European admixture"

Are you insinuating that the White man has a greater tendency for rape than the
negroid man? I know that negroid men enjoy looking at a certain point in their past
to vindicate their behavior. I hope you aren't one of them.

Regardless, we are addressing the present here (not the past) and the statistics
directly counter any point you were trying to make. Vindicated or not, the
animalistic behavior of the negroid man does your kind a great disservice in any
attempt to join the ranks of the rest of the tribes that populate this planet we share.
Instead, it only serves as a call to arms for your 'enemies'.

On a side note, the "European admixture" you mentioned could go a long way
towards the explanation of the IQ gap between african-americans and their
counterparts in sub-saharan Africa.

November 6, 2009 at 7:35 PM

Anonymous said...
Anon @ 11:14

You're right. I looked back at the statistics and it turns out that Whites rape negros
all the time. Smooth move not pulling the old 1800's history lesson on me. You
know us weird whites, always living in the past. If we could only look to the future
perhaps we could find a way out of our Caucasoid rut.

November 7, 2009 at 9:43 PM

We hear today that a court in Italy has reduced a negros sentance for murder,on
the grounds that negroes have a genetic tendency toward violence,and as such
can not be held as responsable as could a european for the same crime.
November 8, 2009 at 2:07 AM

Anonymous said...

Please provide a citation for your claim. I don't doubt you, I just prefer to get my
'meat' from the 'bone'.

November 8, 2009 at 8:25 PM

Anonymous said...
"If we knew then what we know now, we'd have picked our OWN cotton."

-- a wise man
November 14, 2009 at 5:30 AM

Anonymous said...
for a wise man and dave, it seems as if you two do not like black people. i do not
know for sure but it seems that way. i am black and white and just to let you know,
not all black people are the same ;)
January 3, 2011 at 8:08 PM

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