Skrip Nursing English 1 Kelas

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A teenager came to the hospital with his parents.

Patients complain about about one glass of blood

vomiting and pain in the pit of the stomach. After being examined by a doctor, the patient is diagnosed
with gastritis and recommended for hospitalization.

Nurse: Good afternoon, can I help you?

Patient's mother: Yes, my son was vomited blood an hour ago.

Nurse: Okay, the patient will be checked first by an emergency doctor. His parents please wait.

Mother Patient: Okay nurse.

A few moments later.

Doctor: is this Amin zam zami’s parents?

Patient's father: Yes doctor, I'm his father.

Doctor: So this is the examination result, your son has an acute or common gastritis called gastritis. I
recommend your son to stay in hospital for several days until the patient is cured.

Patient's father: Okay then…

Doctor: Then Mr.--- and mrs. --- please take care of his administration at the reception.

Patient's mother: Okay I'll take care of it.

Patients were brought from the ER room to the patchouli room that is special room for hospitalization.
The nurse came to examine the patient.

Nurse : Good Afternoon Mr. I need to fill in a medical report about your health status.

Patient : Sure

Nurse : Your complete name?

Patient : Muhammad Amin Zam Zami.

Nurse : What is your complete address and when your birthday?

Patient : Jl. Mawar No. 109. I was born on September 3, 2001

Nurse : What makes you come to hospital?

Patient : I have a pain in my epigastric and vomiting blood.

Nurse : How long have you been feel it?

Patient : It just this morning.

Nurse : How many times have you vomited? And how much?

Patient : Once. About one glass

Nurse : Did you take any medicine for your …….?

Patient : No, I didn’t

Nurse : Do you know the cause of………?

Patient : I don’t know.

Nurse : Oke, I will assess your vital sign. First, I want to check your body themperature.
Excuse me, Mr. I want to put thermometer in your left armpit.

Patient : Sure

Nurse : While waiting the thermometer, I will check your blood pressure and your pulse in your
right hand.

Patient : Of course

Nurse : Oke, excuse me Mr Amin, I want to take out thermometer

Patient : Yes

Nurse : Don’t worry Mr. Amin, I believe your will better soon.

Patient : Thank you, ………

Nurse : Your welcome, well thank you Mr. Amin for your cooperation. See you.

Patient : See you.

After a few days in hospital. Patient is allowed to go home by doctor because he’s already cured.

Nurse: Good morning mr. amin Today you can go home. You are declared cured by a doctor.

Patient : Realy ? I’m glad to hear that, thank you nurse.

Nurse : Your welcome.ssss

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