Getting Attention

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Getting attention

 Excuse me, …..

 May I have your attention, please?
 Excuse me. Could I just mention that …?
 Look! / listen! / watch!
 Hey, you!
 Attention, please!
 Excuse me, could I just mention that …?

Example getting attention

Andi : Attention, please! I have something to tell you, guys. Please, be quiet.
Aldi : Shh....OK my friends, pay attention to our leader. It seems that he brings bad news
for us.
Andi : I've just met the headmaster in the teachers' room. He told me about our holiday.
Feny : Really? Why are you so gloomy? Bad news?
Aldi : Be quiet Feny!
Andi : The headmaster cancelled tomorrow's holiday.
Feny : What! Are you serious?
Aldi : Oh, no. What a shocking. I don't believe it.
Andi : I'm serious. I tell you the truth.
Indah : Oh, dear. That's very disappointing.
Andi : Keep calm guys. We will have a holiday someday. Don't forget to come to the school
Attention is the process that a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the
(relative) exclusion of others. Attention is a general interest that leads people want to know
more. There are two kinds of attention expressions, namely asking for attention and showing
attention. (Perhatian adalah proses dimana seseorang konsentrasi pada beberapa fitur
lingkungan terhadap pengecualian (relatif) orang lain. Perhatian adalah kepentingan umum
yang membuat orang lain ingin tahu lebih banyak. Ada dua macam ungkapan perhatian, yaitu
maminta perhatian dan menunjukan perhatian.)

1. Showing Attention
(Menunjukan Perhatian)
- Oh, I see.
(Oh, begitu.)
- Is that all?
(Apakah itu semuanya?)
- Tell me more about it.
(Katakan padaku lebih banyak tentang itu.)
- Oh my God! What happens next?
(Oh Tuhanku! Apa terjadi selanjutnya?)
- What's next?
(Apa selanjutnya?)

2. Asking for Attention

(Meminta Perhatian)

- Attention, please! - Look!

(Mohon perhatian!) (Lihat!)
- May I have your attention, please! - Hey!
(Bolehkah saya meminta perhatianmu!) (Hey!)
- Your attention, please! - Hey, listen! I have a good news.
(Mohon perhatian!) (Hey, dengarkan. Saya mempunyai berita
- Excuse me! bagus.)
(Permisi!) - Hi, guess! I got an interesting news.
- Sorry to trouble you. (Hai, tebak. Saya mendapatkan kabar
(Maaf mengganggumu.) menarik.)
- Sorry to bother you. - Listen! I have something to tell you.
(Maaf mengganggumu.) (Dengar! Saya mempunyai sesuatu untuk
- Look, what I've got here. diceritakan kepadamu.)
(Lihat, apa yang saya dapatkan disini.)

Jika ada seseorang meminta perhatian, maka jawaban yang bisa diucapkan adalah sebagai
- Yes, please
- All right.
- Certainly.
- What's that? Tell me, please.
(Apa itu? Tolong katakan padaku.)

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