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Kiss Songs and poetry from the


By Maisha White
This work is dedicated to:

My babies, the center of my joy.

To Daddy, my first love.

To Pharoe--as promised. I finally did it!

And to Terrance, my G. O. D *smile*. So much of this was

inspired by you, I thought it only fitting that your name
should go here.

To all of you, from the bottom of

my heart, thank you for
providing me so much love,
inspiration, and hope.
The Place Of Healing

Triple black space surrounds my soul

I am being recreated, finally being made whole
All the broken pieces found
All the hopes dashed to the ground
Now restored
The tears that I've shed made soft the earth
Watered the seeds for my new birth
I am in the place of healing now
Leave me be
I need no man standing over me
I am in the triple black
And I will not return
Until the fire comes to burn
All that is not needed
Until the fire comes to burn
What weighs down my soul
Until the new skin is formed
And I am made whole
I am in the triple black space of re-creation
And I will not return
Until I am made new
My G. O. D.

The essence of beauty, a G. O. D you are
I see your sun sign shine through
The strength to hold the world on your shoulders
And wisdom to create
What you will around you
My G. O. D. you're an awesome brother
Your voice. echos in my heart,
Your words' vibrations shake me to the core
And always leave me wanting more
As I shiver beneath your touch
You kiss my lips and I see
Worlds created in your eyes
Feel the earth quake between my thighs
Your seed flow hot like lava
From the top of your mountain
I hear your voice commanding
My G. O. D. will I obey
Spend nights in longing, waiting
To hear you say
What I can do to be near you
Once more.
I was warned of him from times ancient
The son of perdition
The man of sin
Who would enter my holiest of temples
The abomination that makes desolate
He would bring.

Still I worshipped unguarded

In the temple of my own self
Lovingly caressed my graven images
Sang songs from the Soul of I
Reveled in my knowledge of sacred mysteries
That were mine alone to share or to keep.

Sometimes I let him commune with me

We broke bread before the alter
Shared from one cup the wine of laughter
I told him my secrets, though not all
That he might partake in the worship
Of my Sacred Self, but
Never unveiled in full.

Greedily, he wanted more

Demanded entrance when
I would that he should stand outside
I realized my mistake too late
For though he had not known the full
Of my sacred secret he
Knew where it was hidden.
With unrestrained force he
Knocked down my door
Laid waste the sacred altar
Tore the veil that hid my secret
Entered by force into my mystery
Broke my idols, the precious
Graven images to my Sacred Self
And installed himself God, Most High.

This was the abomination that makes desolate

Of which I had been warned
Never again would I worship at my temple
For now it was his and his alone
The veil now was gone,
The mystery he stole away.

In my despair I cried out

And Spirit heard me
Drove out the Man of Sin
From my temple
Spirit rose up within me and I fought
Fought to save my desecrated altar
Fought the smashing of my idols
Drove out the Man of Sin
And his memory.

Lovingly, I repaired the torn veil

Hid, once more, my mystery
Vowed to spirit I’d guard it
More carefully
Pieced together what remained of my graven images
Repaired my altar to my Sacred Self
My Invisible Pain

You don’t see that I’m hurting

Not because you can’t but
Because you refuse
You look into my eyes
And pretend they are
Not calling you
Refuse to hear the voice
Of my tears
Refuse, you refuse
To see into my soul
My invisible pain, you say
Is mine alone to bear.

If my pain were ink

And I could write with it my story
Would the words scream
Like a woman in travail
And as you hear them
Would the tears from my heart
Fall down your face
Like snow thawing down
The side of a mountain?

My invisible pain, you say

Is mine alone to bear….
My Lion

Beautiful, passionate eyes

Stare down at me
I am overshadowed
Being consumed
In your fire

A giant among dwarves

You are my
Mighty, righteous lion
Coming to my defense
When I’m persecuted
Men retreat when
You come near

Yet, when you stroke

Me gently with your
Tongue I
Can barely control
The trembling of my body
And I wonder
Why others fear you

I see your face in the sun

And in the rain
I feel your tears
Your love I feel surround me
As I swim the river deep
The gentle ripples rock me
Like your arms
When I fall asleep
In your embrace.
Time to Pray

My dreams they crumble

Upon my head like
The columns Samson
Toppled over

Falling apart all around me

My life, my love
My head spins out of

I hear in my head
My grandmother’s voice
She’s whispering to me
“Baby, it’s time to pray.”

From the depths of

My aching soul
I call out to God
And I think I hear

I think I hear him

From the abyss I’d

Fallen into I
Reach up, stretch forth
My hands and I

I feel him pulling me up

I Wanted To Be…

I wanted so badly to be your world

Just like you were my sun
I revolved around you with high hopes
Only to find that I was just a moon
A cold place, trying so hard to
Absorb some light and warmth

I vainly sought to be
So much more to you than I was
I wanted to be your star
Like you were my sky
Then I realized I was nothing

Nothing to you at all

Insignificant like a speck of dust
On a sandy beach
One of many revolving
Around you like
Meteors around the earth revolving
Around the sun

I wanted to be the reason you laughed

The source of your joy
So much more than I ever was to you
I wanted to be
So much more….
John Quincy Tipton

Don’t that sound like a politician’s name

She asked through the tears

I nodded my head yes

Didn’t know what else to say

So powerful was the grief in her eyes

I wanted to hug her, wanted to cry

If I never done nothin right in my life

If I don’t never do nothin else right
I did that

I nodded my head yes

Didn’t know what else to say

John Quincy Tipton woulda been somethin

Woulda been somethin else
That valedictorian that
The floods took away from me

I nodded my head yes

Didn’t know what to say

How could I get inside her pain

Reach inside her grief
What words could assuage
The loss of your only son
I gave him a politician’s name
She said between sobs
That boy woulda been somethin
Somethin else, I tell you
I didn’t pay to send him to school
For him to be a nothin, you know

I nodded my head yes

Didn’t know what else to say

Katrina, that’s who took away

My son, my only son
John Quincy Tipton drowned
Seventeen years old, woulda been
Somethin if he’d lived, you know
You’da known that name

I nodded my head yes

Didn’t know what else to say

With what words could I comfort

A mother’s anguish
She lost her only son
Carried away with the flood.
Soul Kiss

Quivering beneath your touch

I looked into your eyes and
You kissed my soul

Never before had such pleasure

Met pain
Brother could drive a girl insane
Thrusting in and out like that

Shaking to my very core

I told you I love you and
You kissed my soul

My mind was in a whirlwind

I saw
Worlds created again and again
As your body merged with mine

Soul kiss
Is how I describe this bliss
This thing that I felt
No other lover
Could ever compare

How did you make love to my body

And somehow kiss my soul?
I Stopped Fighting

I saw the darkness

Coming to envelop
My being

I ran to the light

It overcame me
I stopped running

And I fought
Wouldn’t let the tears
Start flowing

And I fought
Wouldn’t let my heart
Feel the hurting

I saw the darkness

Overtaking my heart
I stopped fighting

I stopped fighting
And let the darkness
Overtake my being

I stopped fighting
And let the darkness
Begin its teaching

I stopped fighting
And let the darkness
Start re-creating
I stopped fighting
And found
That the darkness
Was, in truth
The source of my inner light.
These Are the Words of My

My daughter, you do not have to look for me

The soul of I that never dies
Lives in you

I have no beginning, and you have no end

Eternal is the soul of I
How then could I
Stop being?

My daughter, you do not have to look for me

For I am in you, and you are
In my spirit

I carry you in my heart from times long past

When the soul of I was called Ausar
And you were Heru

I have no beginning, and you have no end

Eternal is the soul of I
As long as you are,
I will never stop being
He Has Said

Just as animals beget after their own kind

Gods produce gods with intelligent minds
And yet men die like dogs on the streets
Cut down in youth for the birds to eat
Why if he said that ‘ye are gods’
Do you think it blasphemy to call you such?

We are the children of the Most High God

Think it not odd
That I should call you by your name
To call you other would be a shame
He told you who you are, now you must aspire
To be the God you are before you expire.

I can hear his voice say, ‘Rise Up!

People put away the cup
Of unrighteous new grape wine
Pick up the living water while there is time
I hear his voice say, “Rise Up!
Put away iniquity
My children, my love
Return to me.”
He has said that we’re children of the Most High
And yet daily we die
Unknowing, unaware of who we are
In the midst of abundant food we starve
Perishing for lack of knowledge
Even as more of our children go to college
Who can save us from this death
Who can give us knowledge, is there
One left
Who has not died?

And he has said that ye are gods….

Soul Cries Out
I’m standing in church
Tears falling wetting my robe
From the depths of my soul I
Cry out:

I need Thee, Oh I need Thee!

But it’s not to a distant,

Invisible deity that I call
It is to you my love that I
Cry out:

Every hour, I need Thee

Wondering why it seems

You do not hear me
My body quakes and voice
Cries out louder:

I need Thee, Oh I need Thee!

And yet you stand

Afar off, away from me
I stretch forth my arms

And you move, ever further

As though you do not hear
As my soul cries out
I Am That Sister
That sister who'll pray for you when
Everyone else has forgotten
Who'll love you more when you're feeling unworthy
Who'll spend every waking moment
Thinking of ways to please you
I'm that sister, you know the one
The one you can go to when everyone else
Walks away.
The one whose arms you find
When you just need a place
To rest your weary head
Yeah, that sister
Who you never appreciate
Until one day I decide
I don't want to be that sister
Maybe I have needs that are not being met
Maybe I want to rest my head sometimes
On shoulders broader than my own
Maybe I hurt in places that
No one else can find but you
Maybe this sister needs healing too
I am that sister
Always there for you
There won't come a time when
When I change my mind
Though the thought might
For one fleeting moment
Occur to me.
You Are

You are
the lyrics to the song in my heart
the voice that resonates in my soul
you are.
when i think of love, i remember
you holding me near
when i think of love, i remember
your voice whispering in my ear
when i think of love, i remember
only you.
can't imagine
life without
my breath, my soul, my thoughts
you are
the realization of my unspoken dreams.
Freeform Love Song
Deeply felt
Every touch, every kiss
Love is bliss
On my lips
Your name, your frame
Beautiful to me you are
My thoughts, refuse, to
be contained
By words when I
when my
when I mind on you
It be strange
Strange thoughts want to
Be where you are
Knowing, inside knowing
The impossible distance
I soul would have to
Knowing the rivers drown
Knowing I die inside
Longing for you still.
Homeless Heart’s Home

One day, after work, I went with a co-worker to an art

In a park in downtown ATL
There I saw paintings, but they didn't move me,
Nothing the artists did spoke to me at all
I felt as empty as when I got off the train
Figured it was a waste of my time
I shoulda gone home, I said, rolling my eyes but then...

Girl, do you hear that?

My friend said, Hear what?
Hear that. Let's go.
A drum beat moved me
A drum beat drew my soul
I had to go and see what was going on
We ran as quickly as our feet would go
Ran to the sound that drew my soul
She trusted me, though she could not hear it.

There he was
Sitting in the moonlight
All alone playing drums
Calling me forth
And for the first time
In a long time
I danced
For the first time
In a long time
I had found my rhythm
My girlfriend thought I was
Losing my mind
She didn't realize I had
Found it right there
She watched me dance in
In the moonlight
And amidst the drums
And the clinking of people's change
Who had stopped to look
I found my rhythm
It was slow
It was fast
It was whatever the drums said.

It was getting late

And my girlfriend had to go home
I was already home,
But I had to go to my house
You know
Then I said good bye
To my drummer man
And said I'd be back
Again tomorrow.

I returned the next night

Sure enough, he was there
And where else would he be
He had no house to call home
No bed, save the bench behind him
To lay his beautiful head
Nothing to call his own
Save ragged clothes and
A set of drums
We laughed we talked
He played I danced
And in the drum beats
I found my rhythm
In the drum beats
I sang a song
And in his eyes
I found my home

We spent Saturday together

Sunday church we spent in
Each other's arms
I found God in his eyes
I found the highest high
In his heart and I
Made mansions in my heart
For him.

I didn't ever want to leave

When the sun went down
He played and I danced
And the people stopped
To see us make love
In the music
The people stared
At us and my soul was naked
And for the first time unashamed.

Then one day

I swear I was trying to get to him
But I got distracted
By a fine young brother
With skin black as the night
And teeth white as a cloud
He flashed a smile
And I guess I forgot
Where I was going
I went with him that day
And the next
And the day after that
I remembered that
My lover drummer man
Was waiting for me under a tree

I ran to him
He'd been waiting for me
Two days or three
Lost track of the time
I did
I said I was sorry
And he looked into my eyes
And deep into my soul
And realized
That I had been untrue
It broke his heart
And broke mine too.

Never did hear the drum beat

Never danced in the moonlight
My heart was homeless once more
Never saw my drummer man again
And there I lost my rhythm.
Drops of Sunshine Flood The
Soul Of I

Drops of sunshine flood my soul

I'm carried away on the winds of change

I'm caught up in the whirlwind

Spinning out of control

Awake to find joy unspeakable

Awake to hear laughter

I'm drowning in drops of sunshine

I'm swimming in the love light

I love light

I emerge from the night, hesitantly

Wonder when the shadows will

Reach out and grab me

I am living in the light

I am living in love

I am dying, slowly
I am not knowing

Drops of sunshine flood my soul

Deceitfully making me optimistic

I'm floating above the cares of the world

Gravity is pulling me down

Drops of sunshine carrying me

To the ground

Drops of sunshine

Betray me

The reality is

I'm being consumed by the darkness

Drops of sunshine flood my soul

My heart flies free

I'm out of control

My love seeks me

And I flee
And I find myself in darkness

Drops of sunshine flood my soul

I find myself in a springtime daydream

Things are not what they seem

I awake to reality, it's bleak and I scream

They take me away

I get carried away

I'm sedated and back to the daydream

Hope I can stay

Drops of sunshine flood my soul

I'm being consumed by the darkness.

Shine Forth

Evening finds me deep in the valley

Enveloped in the darkness
I sing and my voice
Becomes the light
I am my voice
I Am light
And the darkness
Comprehended it not.

Word wrapped in flesh I am

Love is light personified
I Am love and love is all
God is Love and Love is all
I Am God and God is Love
And Love is all
I Am All

I am meditating in the depths of the valley

Allowing spirit winds to pass
Over around through me
I breathe in life
Life breathes in me
Breath becomes a vehicle
Transports me ever upward

Elevated above all troubles

My voice shines forth
I then stand still and know
That I Am
The essence of beauty
The essence of life
Light personified and
I am good.

I sit at the foot of the Holy Mountain

Drink cleansing water from the
River flowing down
I am the river
I am the mountain
I am love and love is all
I Am All.

Shining forth in the realization

That I Am Divine
I light my own pathway to walk through
Knowing that I have all that I need
Because I AM All that I need.

And the darkness

Comprehended it not.
My Soul’s Deep Longing

I approach my love slowly

But there is no fear in my hesitation
For I know that his kisses
Will be my soul's salvation
I wonder am I worthy,
Even to be loved by this one
But my fears are assuaged
When he bids me come

He eclipses the light

His smile blocks the moon
I feel him deep inside me
And I fear that soon
I will die in his arms
Become nothing in his embrace
Suddenly comes the thought
That perhaps his face
Will be the last thing I see.

I am breathless, I am shaking
Inwardly I am burning
With each deep thrust he
Fulfills my body's yearninig
for love to call my own
A smile that is all mine
My desire will be the end of me
I feel my body merge with time
He shudders gently and releases
Liquid sunshine, thick and hot
Fills me with his energy
I feel awakened where once I was not
I know not whose voice
Said I love you first
My body was still reeling
From his liquid sunburst.

Still shaking, I try to stand

I feel his love running down my legs
He takes my hand, bids me once more
Come closer, he begs
I cannot believe what has already been
And now he wants to fill me up
And again
And once again
I swear my desire for him
Will be my end.

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