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Ten Minute

Master No142

Sawtooth, square and triangle waveshapes are fundamental to contemporary
music production, but what exactly are they? Mark Cousins makes waves.

ou need only to domain plot) or as a frequency- rather less complex sound of a to offer in the way of musical
glance at a typical domain plot, in which sound is flute will contain relatively few interest than other waveforms –
subtractive synth to broken down into its spectral harmonics. Immediately, therefore, indeed, even in the acoustic world,
realise that properties. In a DAW, for example, we can see that both the number many of the ‘purest’ sounds will
waveshapes form the you’ll use a time-domain plot (or and density of the harmonics usually contain a few additional
building blocks of sound creation, waveform view) to edit audio, while directly correlates to the relative harmonic components to keep the
whether it’s a sawtooth, square, an FFT frequency-domain plot richness and timbre of the sound ear entertained. In synthesis, the
triangle or pulse waveform or even might accompany an EQ plug-in. and shape of the waveform. sine wave comes in handy for
a simple sine wave. But what are Spectral analysis breaks down Looked at more closely, the additive synthesis applications,
the factors that make a sawtooth a sound into a series of harmonic harmonics of a typical waveform where multiple sine waves are
wave, for example, so radically overtones or partials, with the can be seen as series of pure stacked to replicate the various
different from a sine wave? Not unique combination and tones, each based on a partials in the harmonic series.
surprisingly, a closer investigation
of the theory behind waveshapes
offers some remarkable insights
The sawtooth wave is a popular starting
into both the process of synthesis
and, more importantly, into the point for creating a range of sounds.
nature of sound itself.
arrangement of these harmonics multiplication of the fundamental On the opposite side of the
In harmony forming the timbre – or waveshape pitch of the note – the harmonic spectral coin, though, we have the
A waveshape can be visualised in – of the note in question. The bright series, in other words. The sound familiar buzz of the sawtooth
two ways: as a plot of the timbre of a trumpet, for example, of a string plucked at 50Hz, for wave. Harmonically, the sawtooth
compression and rarefaction of air will contain multiple harmonics example, will contain harmonics at consists of a dense collection of
molecules as sound travels stretching into the upper extremes 100Hz (the second harmonic), both odd- and even-numbered
through air (also known as a time- of the sound spectrum, while the 150Hz (the third), 200Hz (the fourth) harmonics, with an amplitude that
and so on. The root note – also is inversely proportional to the
known as the fundamental or first fundamental harmonic (the
harmonic – will be the loudest of harmonics get quieter as you
this series of harmonics, with the move up the harmonic series).
remaining harmonics sounding at In traditional music, many
reduced amplitude. sounds that we associate with
It’s also interesting to note that richness – strings or brass, for
the harmonics are often broadly example – often have a waveshape
divided into two groups based on that’s similar to a sawtooth wave,
their mathematical relationship: although rarely with as many of the
odd harmonics, based on odd higher-order harmonics. In
multiplications of the fundamental subtractive synthesis, the sawtooth
(the third, fifth and seventh partials, wave is a popular starting point for
for example) and even harmonics, creating a range of sounds, which
based on even multiplications. can then be low-pass filtered to
produce a less bright but
Sine on increasingly warmer timbre.
The simplest waveform is one
that’s devoid of any harmonics at Square root
all – the sine wave. Given this As you’d expect, there’s a much
Many waveforms bear similarities to acoustic sounds. This is an FFT plot of a filtered square
harmonic simplicity, it could be wider spectrum of sounds in the
wave compared against that of a clarinet. Both share odd-ordered harmonics.
said that a pure sine wave has less musical palette than simply ‘pure’

54 December 2008 MusicTech MAGAZINE

Ten Minute Master
No142 Waveshapes


Compression Rarefaction

A time-domain plot charts the compression and refraction of air molecules as sound
travels through air, giving a visual description of a waveshape.

or ‘rich’ timbres. The square wave, The pulse wave, however, is an

for example, makes use only of altogether more complicated
odd harmonics, although again, at beast. On a subtractive
an amplitude that’s inversely synthesizer, the process of
proportional to its position in the adapting the duty cycle of a square
harmonic series. As a result, the wave creates a pulse wave. For
square wave sounds hollower than example, a 50% duty cycle –
an equivalent sawtooth. keeping the ‘on’ and ‘off’
In the acoustic world, the most components equal – creates a
comparable sound to the square square wave. By reducing the duty
wave is the clarinet, which, not cycle so that the ‘on’ state is active
surprisingly, has a bias towards longer than the ‘off’ state – the
odd-ordered harmonics. It’s also square wave turns into a pulse
interesting to note that the process wave. As a result, the sound starts

What’s interesting is how our

appreciation of music is so
inextricably linked to maths.
of waveform distortion (clipping) to become thin and nasal (much
often ‘squares off’ the top of a like an oboe) rather than open and
waveform, producing both a hollow. As the duty cycle is
waveshape progressively closer to reduced further, this nasal quality
that of a square wave and, becomes even more pronounced.
correspondingly, a greater number Taking the auditory qualities of Spectral analysis reveals the unique sonic fingerprint of different waveforms. Notice the
of odd-ordered harmonics. As an the pulse wave, it’s interesting to differences in odd and even harmonics that define the sounds they produce.
experiment, try running a square relate them to what happens in the
wave through a heavily resonant harmonic series. By reducing the of those harmonics and so on. ■ Low-pass filter
filter. You should be able to sweep duty cycle, we effectively see Indeed, our ear almost seems to A low-pass filter attenuates high
frequencies and lets low frequencies
through it and easily pick out the gradual amounts of even-ordered seek out and crave these
‘pass’ through. Square, sawtooth or
distinctly spaced harmonics. harmonics being added back into relationships as part of what we pulse waves have lots of high-order
the equation. Rather than exhibiting appreciate as music. MTM harmonics, so a low-pass filter is
On the pulse a gentle roll-off as you move up the often essential to soften the output.

Tech Terms
Two further variations on the harmonic series, however, the
square wave include the triangle
and pulse waveshapes. The
amplitude seems to vary from one
harmonic to the next.
■ Clipping
triangle again has the distinctive Clipping is a form of distortion ■ For more information on
whereby the waveshape’s upper combining harmonics, see:
series of odd-ordered harmonics, Maths and music
section is aggressively sliced off. A
although in this case, at a far lower What’s interesting about all these softer, saturation-like distortion tends features/additive-synthesis
amplitude than that of the square waveshapes is how our to gently skew the waveform. ■ For a detailed look at the
wave. As a result, the triangle appreciation of music is so ■ FFT harmonic series, visit:
wave loses some of the open and inextricably linked to maths. Put FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is
hollow qualities of the square simply, sonority or musicality is a mathematical process used features/harmonics
to deconstruct a signal into its ■ Information on waveshapes
wave, and has an output that’s formed by neat mathematical
constituent frequencies. You’re most can be found at: www.csounds.
much closer to the relative purity relationships: odd harmonics, even likely to encounter FFT analysis as part com/ezine/spectra
of the sine wave. harmonics, the relative amplitudes of an audio-editing application. MusicTech MAGAZINE December 2008 55

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