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CP T symmetric universe

Latham Boyle1 , Kieran Finn1,2 and Neil Turok1

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 2Y5
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK M13 9PL
(Dated: March 2018)
We propose that the state of the universe does not spontaneously violate CP T . Instead, the
universe before the Big Bang is the CP T reflection of the universe after the bang. Phrased another
way, the universe before the bang and the universe after the bang may be re-interpreted as a
universe/anti-universe pair, created from nothing. CP T selects a unique vacuum state for the QFT
on such a spacetime, which leads to a new perspective on the cosmological baryon asymmetry, and
a new explanation for the observed dark matter abundance. In particular, if we assume that the
arXiv:1803.08928v1 [hep-ph] 23 Mar 2018

matter fields in the universe are described by the standard model of particle physics (including
right-handed neutrinos), we predict that one of the heavy neutrinos is stable, and that its density
automatically matches the observed dark matter density if its mass is 4.8 × 108 GeV. Among other
predictions, we have: (i) that the three light neutrinos are majorana; (ii) that the lightest of these
is exactly massless; and (iii) that there are no primordial long-wavelength gravitational waves. We
mention connections to the strong CP problem and the arrow of time.

Introduction. Observations reveal that, seconds af- features of the universe, and point out some correspond-
ter the Big Bang, the universe was described by a ing predictions that will be tested in the coming years.
spatially-flat radiation-dominated FRW metric (plus tiny Spacetime (Background and Perturbations). In
gaussian, adiabatic, purely-growing-mode scalar pertur- this paper we work at the level of QFT on curved space.
bations described by a nearly-scale-invariant power spec- Before turning to the state of the QFT, in this section
trum; and, so far, no primordial vector or tensor per- we first consider what (C)P T says about the spacetime
turbations) [1]. This is a clue about the origin of the itself at a purely classical level [6]. Thus we treat the
universe, but what is it trying to tell us? The conven- metric and the radiation fluid using general relativity:
tional view is that, in order to explain these simple initial The line element may be written in standard ADM
conditions, one should imagine that the radiation domi- form: ds2 = −N 2 dτ 2 + hij (dxi + N i dτ )(dxj + N j dτ ). To
nated era we see was preceded by an earlier hypothetical describe our universe (a flat FRW spacetime plus small
epoch of accelerated expansion called inflation. scalar, vector and tensor perturbations), we use “comov-
In this letter (and a longer companion paper [2]) we ing gauge” so that: the xi = constant threads are nor-
take a different view. Ignoring perturbations for the mo- mal to the τ = constant slices (N i = 0); and the threads
ment, the metric we see in our past is gµν = a2 (τ )ηµν follow the stress-energy flow so that (for scalar perturba-
where ηµν is the flat Minkowski metric, and the scale fac- tions) the momentum density T0i also vanishes. Then we
tor is just proportial to the conformal time τ : a(τ ) ∝ τ . If can write the lapse as N = a[1+φ], and the square root of
1/2 (0) (1) (2)
we take this metric seriously, it means that the Big Bang the matrix hij as hij = a[(1 + R)δij + γij + γij + γij ],
was a very special type of singularity, due purely to the where a = a(τ ) is the background scale factor, R is the
conformal factor in front of the metric (which is otherwise “comoving curvature perturbation,” φ is another scalar
just the Minkowski metric) [3–5]. In other words, just as perturbation related to R by the Einstein equation, and
the black hole horizon in the Schwarzschild metric is a we have split the traceless perturbation γij into its scalar,
mere “coordinate singularity” (which can be removed by (0) (1) (2)
vector and tensor parts: γij , γij , γij [7, 8].
a coordinate transformation), the Big Bang singularity is
Next, to treat spinors and CP T , just as we must switch
a mere “Weyl singularity” (which can be removed by a
from the wave operator  to its “square root” (the Dirac
Weyl transformation – i.e. by a new choice for the local
operator D / ), we must switch from the line element ds2
choice of unit length – see [2]).
to its “square root” (the tetrad ea ). Thus, we rewrite ds2
If one takes this striking clue about the early universe in the form ds2 = ηab ea eb , where ηab = diag{−1, 1, 1, 1}
seriously, and follows the solution a(τ ) ∝ τ through the is the Minkowski metric and the tetrad one forms ea =
bang (just as one follows the black hole solution through eaµ dxµ are e0 = N dτ and ei = hij dxj . The spacetime is
the horizon), one finds that the FRW background with (C)P T symmetric in the sense that the tetrad geometry
a(τ ) suddenly exhibits a new isometry: time reversal according to an observer who moves forward along the
symmetry τ → −τ . It thus becomes possible to adopt the xi = constant thread is identical to the tetrad geometry
natural hypothesis that, contrary to naive appearances, according to an observer who moves backward along the
the state of our universe does not spontaneously violate thread and reverses the spatial one forms ei → −ei . Or,
CP T . In this letter, we explore this hypothesis, explain equivalently, the tetrad at a certain time τ after the bang
how it provides novel explanations for certain observed is precisely the reverse of the tetrad at the corresponding

moment before the bang along the same thread: matter/anti-matter asymmetry on one side of the bang
is the opposite of the asymmetry on the other side [2].
eaµ (τ, x) = −eaµ (−τ, x). (1) The CP T Invariant Vacuum. Now we turn from
the spacetime itself to the state of the QFT living on it.
Let us unpack the implications of this simple constraint:
In Minkowski spacetime, there is a unique vacuum that
i) Background geometry: Eq. (1) implies that the scale
respects the Minkowski isometries (more precisely, space-
factor is odd, a(−τ ) = −a(τ ), with a ∝ τ near the bang
time translations, Lorentz transformations, and CP T ).
(as in the radiation era).
But in a more general curved spacetime, the choice of
If this picture is correct, cosmological models in which
vacuum becomes ambiguous: different observers will nat-
a(τ ) undergoes a non-singular bounce at a minimum scale
urally define different, inequivalent vacua, so that the
factor amin > 0 are misguided.
zero particle state according to one observer will contain
ii) Scalar perturbations: In fourier space, neglecting
particles according to a different observer [11]. In par-
anisotropic stress, R satisfies R′′ +2(z ′/z)R′ +c2s k 2 R = 0,
ticular, in an ordinary FRW spacetime, the isometries
where c2s = δp/δρ is the sound speed, k is the comoving
(spatial translations, spatial rotations, and parity) are
wavenumber, z 2 ≡ a2 ǫ and ǫ = (a′ /a)′ /(a′ /a)2 − 1. Near
not enough to determine a preferred vacuum, and comov-
the bang, where a ∝ τ and c2s = 1/3, the general solu-
ing observers at different epochs will disagree. But, as we
tion is R(k, τ ) = τ −1 [A(k) sin(cs kτ ) + B(k) cos(cs kτ )].
explain in this section, if the FRW background also has
The condition (1) then sets B(k) = 0, eliminating the
an isometry under time-reversal τ → −τ , then there is
mode that is singular at the bang, and selecting the well-
a preferred vacuum that respects the full isometry group
behaved mode that approaches a constant as τ → 0.
(including CP T ).
This is precisely the boundary condition responsible
Consider a spinor Ψ with mass m > 0 on a flat FRW
for producing the famous oscillations seen in the CMB
background ds2 = a2 (τ )[−dτ 2 + dx2 ]. Its Lagrangian is
power spectrum, with the correct phases. This observed
phenomenon, usually attributed to inflation, is alterna- √
L = −g[iΨ̄eµa γ a ∇µ Ψ − mΨ̄Ψ] (2a)
tively explained by a symmetry argument.
= iψ̄∂
/ ψ − µψ̄ψ. (2b)
Also note that density pertubations grow as we get
further from the bang in either direction, and hence the On the first line, we have the usual curved space Dirac
thermodynamic arrow of time points away from the bang operator [11]; in comoving/conformal coordinates, the
in both directions (to the future and past). tetrad is eµa = (1/a)δaµ , and γ a are the 4 × 4 Dirac gamma
iii) Vector perturbations: Neglecting anisotropic stress, matrices. On the second line of (2), we have introduced
the gauge-invariant vector metric perturbation σg satis- the Weyl invariant spinor field ψ = ψ(τ, x) and its effec-
fies σg′ + 2(a′ /a)σg = 0 [7], so σg (k, τ ) = C(k)/τ 2 near tive mass µ = µ(τ ):
the bang. In our chosen gauge, σg ∝ γij ′ , so Eq. (1) im-
ψ ≡ a3/2 Ψ µ ≡ am, (3)
plies that σg (and hence the primordial vorticity, which
is tied to σg by the 0i Einstein equation) vanishes, again and ∂/ ≡ γ µ ∂µ is the flat-space Dirac operator, where the
in agreement with observations. partial derivatives ∂µ are with respect to the comoving
iv) Tensor perturbations: neglecting anisotropic stress, coordinates {τ, x}. The resulting equation of motion is
(2) (2) (2) (2)
γij satisfies γij ′′ + 2(a′ /a)γij ′ + k 2 γij = 0 so that
(2) (i∂
/ − µ)ψ = 0. (4)
γij (k, τ ) = τ −1 [Aij (k) sin(kτ ) + Bij (k) cos(kτ )]. Now
(1) sets Bij (k) = 0, eliminating the mode that is singular Note that, since a(τ ) is an odd function of τ , so is µ(τ ).
at the bang and selecting the mode that is well-behaved. To quantize, we expand ψ(x) in a basis of solutions of
Note that, for each type of perturbation – scalar, vec- Eq. (4), ψ(p, h, x) and ψ c (p, h, x):
tor and tensor – the condition (1) “protects” the geome- XZ d3 p
try near the bang by precisely eliminating the dangerous [a(p, h)ψ(p, h, x) + b† (p, h)ψ c (p, h, x)].
singular modes that would cause the breakdown of lin- (2π)3/2
ear perturbation theory and destroy the smooth (Weyl) (5)
character of the singularity. Here ψ(p, h, x) ∝ eipx is the solution with momentum
v) U Ū pair: Eq. (1) implies eaµ (0, x) = 0. If we p, helicity h, and “positive frequency”; ψ c (p, h, x) ≡
combine this fact with our previous observations (about −iγ 2 ψ ∗ (p, h, x) is the charge-conjugate (“negative fre-
the arrow of time and the smoothness of the bang), quency”) solution; and a(p, h) and b(p, h) are parti-
and recall the Stueckelberg interpretation of an anti- cle and anti-particle annihilation operators, which sat-
particle as a particle running backward in time [9, 10], it isfy the usual fermionic anti-commutation relations:
becomes natural to reinterpret our CP T -invariant uni- {a(p, h), a† (p′ , h′ )} = {b(p, h), b† (p′ , h′ )} = δ(p − p′ )δh,h′ ,
verse as a universe/anti-universe pair (U Ū ), emerging all other anti-commutators vanishing.
from nothing! This interpretation continues to be useful But in a general curved spacetime, there is no canoni-
when spinors and anti-particles enter the story: e.g. the cal choice for which solutions have “positive frequency,”

and observers in different regions will make inequivalent that respect the full de Sitter isometry group (the “α
choices: e.g. in FRW the positive frequency solutions ψ− vacua” |0α i), and a preferred vacuum within this class
and ψ+ chosen by observers in the far past (−) or far (the “Bunch-Davies vacuum”). In the rest of this pa-
future (+) exhibit positive frequency behavior in these per, we assume the universe is in this preferred CP T -
two limits, respectively: invariant vacuum state (the halfway vacuum |00 i) and
Z τ consider some of the consequences.
ψ± (p, h, x) ∼ exp[−i ω(p, τ ′ )dτ ′ ] as τ → ±∞, (6) Neutrino Dark Matter. Now we consider the stan-
dard model of particle physics (including a right-handed
where ω = p2 + µ2 > 0. The “−” solutions may be neutrino in each generation) coupled to Einstein gravity.
re-expressed in the “+” basis as follows: We take the most general renormalizable action for these
fields on a curved spacetime, with gravity treated classi-
ψ− (p, h, x) = α(p)ψ+ (p, h, x) + β(p)ψ+ (−p, h, x). (7) cally: see Section 4.1 in [2]. There is only one possible
dark matter candidate in this model – one particle that
We may adjust the phases of ψ+ and ψ− so that α(p) = hasn’t yet been detected and can have a lifetime longer
cos λ(p), β(p) = i sin λ(p), and λ(−p) = −λ(p) is real. than the age of the universe – namely, one of the right-
The “−” observer’s annihilation operators (a− , b− ) are handed neutrinos, νR,1 . The assertion that this particle is
then related to the “+” observer’s annihilation operators exactly stable implies that the standard model couplings
(a+ , b+ ) by the Bogoliubov transformation respect the Z2 symmetry νR,1 → −νR,1 .

a+ (+p, h)
cos λ(p) i sin λ(p) a− (+p, h)
 In the same limit that this particle becomes stable, it
= . (8) also becomes decoupled from all of the other particles in
b†+ (−p, h) i sin λ(p) cosλ(p) b†− (−p, h)
the standard model, and so might seem to become a poor
The observer in the far past (resp. far future) defines dark matter candidate since it is not produced by ther-
the vacuum to be the state |0− i (resp. |0+ i) that is mal processes in the early universe. But, in our picture,
annihilated by all the operators a− and b− (resp. a+ and these particles have a predictable non-zero cosmic abun-
b+ ): a± |0± i = b± |0± i = 0. If λ(p) is non-vanishing (as dance, according to late-time comoving observers like us,
it is in the real universe), these two vacua |0− i and |0+ i just because the universe is in the CP T -invariant vacuum
are inequivalent. And since they are exchanged by CP T , |00 i, which differs from our late-time vacuum |0+ i. If the
neither is invariant under CP T . stable neutrino’s mass has a certain value, it automati-
As shown in [2], the CP T -invariant vacuum is ob- cally has the abundance, coldness and darkness needed
tained by instead taking the positive frequency solutions to match observations. This yields a strikingly simple al-
ψ(p, h, x) in Eq. (5) to be a set of solutions ψ0 that are ternative explanation for the dark matter, different from
halfway between ψ− and ψ+ : previous neutrino dark-matter models based on thermal
or resonant production mechanisms [12–16].
ψ0 (p, h, x) = α± (p)ψ± (p, h, x)+β± (p)ψ± (−p, h, x), (9a) To see this explicitly, note that near the bang – i.e.
ψ− (p, h, x)+ψ+ (p, h, x) during the radiation era, above the electroweak phase
= , (9b)
2 cos[λ(p)/2] transition, when a(τ ) ∝ τ and the Higgs vev is zero – the
dark matter neutrino has equation of motion:
where α± (p) = cos[λ(p)/2] and β± (p) = ±i sin[λ(p)/2].
The annihilation operators (a0 , b0 ) associated to these (i∂
/ − µ)N1 = 0 (µ = γτ ) (11)
solutions are similarly halfway between the (a− , b− ) and
(a+ , b+ ) operators: where N1 = a3/2 (νR,1 +νR,1c
) is the Weyl-invariant Majo-
 " # rana spinor corresponding to νR,1 , γ is a constant given
cos λ(p) i sin λ(p)
a± (+p, h) 2 2
a0 (+p, h) by γ = (M1 /µ̂)(2ρ1 )1/2 , M1 is the dark matter mass,
= .
b†± (−p, h) i sin λ(p)
2 cos λ(p)
b†0 (−p, h) µ̂ = (4πG/3)−1/2 ≈ 6 × 1018 GeV, and ρ1 = a4 ρ (the
(10) radiation density times a4 ) is a constant. As shown
The corresponding “halfway” vacuum is defined to be the in [2], one can solve this equation exactly in terms of
state |00 i that is annihilated by all the operators (a0 , b0 ); parabolic cylinder functions and show that the coefficient
and it is, indeed, CP T invariant: CP T |00 i = |00 i. β(p) = i sin[λ(p)] in (7) is
In fact, in Ref. [2], we show that there are a continu-
ous family of vacua that respect the full isometry group |β(p)| = exp(−πp2 /2γ). (12)
of the FRW background including CP T (the “η vacua”
|0η i); and we show that within this family the “halfway” The corresponding coefficient β+ (p) = i sin[λ(p)/2] in
vacuum constructed above is the preferred vacuum which Eq. (9) is easily determined and so one can compute the
minimizes the Hamiltonian in the asymptotic “+/−” re- comoving number density of dark matter neutrinos (or
gions. This is closely analogous to the situation in de Sit- equivalently, the number density when the scale factor
ter space, where there are a continuous family of vacua was unity) according to late-time observers like us, as-

suming the universe is in the CP T -invariant state: new physics is required below this scale. With the mea-
sured central values of the Higgs and top quark masses,
XZ d3 p the Higgs quartic self-coupling λ runs to negative values
ndm = |β+ (p)|2 = (γ/π)3/2 I (13)
(2π)3 at an energy scale below the Planck mass [24, 25]; how-
ever a recent analysis suggests that a strictly positive
where I ≈ 0.01276. If we combine this with the fact that, λ all the way is only disfavored at the 1.5 or 2 σ level
after the decay of the two unstable heavy neutrinos (N2 [26]. Even if the Higgs effective potential runs negative
and N3 ) the ratio of the dark matter number density to at large vev, finite temperature corrections are sufficient
the radiation entropy density was conserved over cosmic to stabilise the Higgs at zero vev in the very early uni-
history, and we assume only the 106.75 effective degrees verse. There would only be an instability (to a negative-
of freedom of the standard model [17], we can compute Higgs-potential bulk phase) at late cosmological times,
the dark matter density today, and find that it matches far to our future. We find it intriguing that the most
the observed dark matter density if economical possibility, of no new physics, may be viable
[27], and even explain the dark matter. Even if future
M1 = 4.8 × 108 GeV. (14) observations force us to add new fields, the basic idea in-
troduced here, of following cosmology through the bang
In [2], we show that this dark matter candidate also auto- and imposing CP T symmetry, may yet remain fruitful.
matically has three other properties that currently agree iv) We have seen that stability of the dark matter neu-
with experiment: (i) it is adiabatic in the sense that trino νR,1 implies that the Lagrangian has a symmetry
the dark matter and radiation perturbations, δρdm and under νR,1 → −νR,1 . This symmetry suffers from no
δρrad , satisfy (δρdm (x))/ρdm ) = (3/4)(δρrad(x))/ρrad ; anomalies – not even gravitational anomalies [28]. It is
(ii) it is ultra cold; and (iii) it is ultra weakly interacting well known that in the standard model, the lepton rep-
(so weakly interacting that it unfortunately seems hope- resentations {lL , νR , eR } echo the quark representations
less to see it in a direct detection experiment). {qL , uR , dR }. (This observation is the basis for Pati-
Other Predictions. This scenario makes a number Salam grand unification [29], in which the leptons are a
of other predictions – here we mention several (see [2] fourth color.) The parallel symmetry in the quark sector,
for more detail). (i) The three light neutrino mass eigen- uR,1 → −uR,1 , is interesting for other reasons. Naively,
states are Majorana particles (which will be tested by it forces the bare mass of the up quark to zero which,
future neutrinoless double β-decay searches [18]), and in turn, solves the strong CP problem [30]. Unlike the
one of them is exactly massless (which will be tested by symmetry we are using, this Z2 symmetry is anomalous
future cosmological constraints on the sum of the light due to the strong interactions; however, if it holds at any
neutrino masses [19]). (ii) So far we have focused on energy, and in particular, at a very high energy scale, this
the stable right-handed neutrino, but the other two (un- may be sufficient to solve the strong CP problem [31]. A
stable) right-handed neutrinos are also produced in the deeper understanding of these symmetries will likely re-
early universe and can explain the observed matter/anti- quire new insights into the origin of the three generations
matter asymmetry by the thermal leptogenesis mecha- in the standard model.
nism [20, 21]. (iii) We predict that there are no primor-
Acknowledgements. We thank Claudio Bunster,
dial long-wavelength gravitational waves (which follows,
Job Feldbrugge, Angelika Fertig, Steffen Gielen, Jaume
in our scenario, from the fact that, since the gravita-
Gomis, David B. Kaplan, Ue-Li Pen, Laura Sberna and
tional waves are massless, and ultra-weakly interacting,
Edward Witten for discussions. Research at Perime-
the corresponding “+” and “−” vacua agree).
ter Institute is supported by the Government of Canada
Discussion. Let us end with a few remarks:
through Innovation, Science and Economic Development,
i) Here we have assumed a flat FRW background. In
Canada and by the Province of Ontario through the Min-
a forthcoming paper, we propose a new explanation for
istry of Research, Innovation and Science.
how this background arises [22].
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