CJF Ministries®: Telephone

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CJF Ministries®

PO Box 345
San Antonio, Texas 78292-0345 “God has not forgotten the Jewish people, and neither have we.”

July 2018

Telephone Dear CJFM Friend,

(210) 226 - 0421 If you’ve been keeping up with us on our Facebook page (facebook.com/cjfministries),
you know that the past few weeks have been a busy time for us, especially in Israel.
Fax Many of our friends have been asking if the violence on the Gaza-Israel border has
(210) 226 - 2140 threatened our office in Israel. The answer is no. The Halff House is situated in a western
suburb of Jerusalem and is roughly an hour (by car) from the Gaza border. The com-
pound is surrounded by a high stone wall and the only entrance is through a big, heavy
E-mail metal gate. So, the threat at this point is negligible.
Nonetheless, we need to be praying about this tragic and dangerous situation on the Gaza
border. The Palestinians are sending hundreds of their young people to storm the gates
OrderLine and to scale the fences in an attempt to overwhelm the Israeli guards and swarm into
(800) 926 - 5397 Israel. The IDF has had no choice but to respond with force—and dozens of Palestinians
(most of them young men) have been shot and killed. Once again, this shows how the
Palestinian leadership has so little regard for the lives of the poor, desperate Palestinian
Website people. You’ll find much more about this on our Facebook page. It’s heartbreaking!
There have been a couple of bright spots in the news, however. One is that the one-
sided, ill-advised Iranian nuclear deal has been scrapped by the Trump Administration.
Bibi Netanyahu got on satellite TV a few weeks ago and exposed to the world a virtual
mountain of intelligence Mossad had accumulated—including photographs, blueprints,
and technical files from Iranian archives—showing that the mullahs have been lying all
along about not pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Very often, covert operations like
this come at great cost, including the loss of the lives of operatives. But, if Mossad lost
any people, they did not die in vain. They did all of us—Israel, the United States, and the
whole world—a great service.
The second bright spot is that the United States Embassy was moved to Jerusalem ahead
of schedule. Several previous administrations, both Republican and Democrat, from
Eisenhower to Obama, have considered doing this; but no one ever seemed to get it
done. Their advisors warned that it might spark World War III (which is malarkey, by the
way). Finally, however, the Trump Administration has done it.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We appreciate your friendship, and
your love for Israel and the Jewish people, more than you could possibly know. And,
please keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)!
Your friend and brother,

Gary Hedrick

In an unprecedented move, the Jewish Student Union at Portland State University contacted the
campus’ Christian apologetics’ chapter (Ratio Christi) to propose an interfaith dialog between a
rabbi and a Messianic Christian. Eric Chabot, CJFM representative who oversees two chapters of
Ratio Christi in Columbus, Ohio, was invited to speak on behalf of Christian beliefs, while Rabbi
Michael Z. Cahana, the senior rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel in Portland, presented the Jewish
perspective. Having a Jewish group approach Ratio Christi was definitely a first and we hope
will not be a last! Please pray that the truths Eric shared would take root and bear fruit in those
who heard. The entire March 8, 2018, event is available for viewing on YouTube at youtube.com/


Michael Campo, our Midwest representative, was conducting the
funeral service of a long-time Gentile friend—a funeral attended
primarily by other Gentiles. At the end of the service, however,
Mike was surprised when an unfamiliar Jewish man approached
him and asked if he would do the man’s own funeral someday. Mike
answered in the affirmative, later commenting, “Sometimes we
never know who God is seeking out to save.”


In Israel, a group of 40-50 young Orthodox
Jewish girls were preparing for their mandatory Israel Defense Forces
military service. As part of that preparation, they
were brought to a Messianic congregation in
Tel Aviv to learn firsthand about the Messianic
Jewish faith (something that is becoming
increasingly influential in Israeli society). One
of the congregation’s pastors presented their
beliefs and demonstrated the Jewishness of
both the Messiah and the New Testament that
speaks of Him. He also showed where Messianic
Jews differ from Rabbinic Judaism. There was
reportedly dead silence when he read Isaiah 53
to the young ladies. The girls apparently had so
many questions that their allotted time expired
before all the questions could be answered.
Praise God for this incredible opportunity to
share the Gospel and for open, receptive hearts!
All too often, Israelis hear about the beliefs of
Messianic Jews only through the filter of hostile
anti-missionary propaganda. Pray that there will
be more such opportunities to share the Gospel.
Pray also that God will confirm in these young
women the truth of what they heard, and lead
them to saving faith. May God also protect them
during their service and use them for His glory.
One day while riding the train in Israel, Pastor Najeeb, an Israeli Arab friend of our ministry,
was reading a book written in Arabic. Jewish passengers naturally assumed it to be the Quran.
Imagine their surprise when he told them the book was actually a Bible and he was reading
Chapter 31 of Jeremiah. Suddenly, iPads were closed, cell phones were turned off, and all ears
were tuned to Pastor Najeeb. “Do you know how much God loves you—the Jewish people?”
he asked them. “Do you know what wonderful plans He has for you?” And then, he proceeded
to tell them about their Messiah! They were totally disarmed to find an Arab who loves the
Jewish people, affirms their biblical right to the Land, and studies their Scriptures.
Please pray for more of these encounters. Remember also that Jewish people have given us
the Bible, but not all of them read it regularly or are familiar with its teachings. The next
incident is another indication of that.



Pastor Najeeb’s only son (also a believer in Yeshua) volunteered to serve in the IDF and
has Orthodox Jewish troops serving under him. When Najeeb visits his son on the base, he
often delivers “care packages” sent to the troops by our representative, Ruth. On one such
visit, Najeeb happened to ask the Orthodox troops if they were familiar with Psalm 121.
After receiving a negative reply, he proceeded to share with them the words of the Psalmist,
reminding them that the LORD is their helper; He is their Keeper who neither slumbers nor
sleeps, and is the One who watches over them, day and night. The troops were so moved by
his love for them and his knowledge of their Scriptures that they asked him to give them a
blessing. This Arab pastor then blessed these Orthodox Jewish soldiers in Hebrew with the
words of Numbers 6:24-26:
The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Pray for more witnessing opportunities, and for the encouragement of both Jewish and Arab
believers serving in the IDF. Pray also that their love and testimony will soften Jewish hearts
and prompt them to embrace Yeshua as their Redeemer and Messiah.

Many of you know the story of Ruth’s incredible friendship with a Palestinian (ABDM) who is from a center
of terrorism in the “West Bank.” Despite ABDM’s deep love and appreciation for Ruth, his Palestinian wife
has been less than friendly, remaining distant and aloof for almost a decade. Recently, however, she surprised
everyone by sending Ruth a beautiful, crocheted shawl—her gift to help Ruth fight off the winter chills. ABDM’s
“missus” seems to have finally been won over by Ruth’s loving care for her family in the form of food, medicine,
clothing, and even baby items. Apparently, no one else—not even their own families or fellow Palestinians—have
demonstrated such genuine love and concern for them.
Please pray that ABDM, his family, and his whole community will one day joyfully confess Yeshua as their Lord
and Savior. And pray also that unsaved Israelis will be moved by this gesture and will recognize that it is only
Israel’s Messiah who makes such peace possible. Scripture tells us that God is not willing that any (Jew, Gentile,
Arab, or Palestinian) should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

courtesy of Ruth Nessim


In another one of those “we never know who God is seeking out to
save” moments, consider this recent event at the home of our Israeli
representative, Ruth. Ruth has been an Israeli citizen for decades; but,
having been born in London, she also maintains her British citizenship
and a British passport. Not long ago, a young Israeli man contacted her,
seeking her assistance with his own application for a British passport.
He is the grandson of a deceased British couple who were friends of
Ruth’s, and early believers in the Land of Israel. Their daughter (also
a dual citizen), however, had married away from the faith, making it
very unlikely that this son had ever heard the Gospel. So, here he now
was, in the home of a family friend who also “just happened” to be a
Messianic Jewish believer.
Years before, this young man’s older brother had been killed in a
gruesome motorcycle accident. It happened before this man had even
been born, so he had never known his brother. At the time of the
accident, Ruth wrote a poem about the tragedy and had included it
in her book of poetry, Musings from Galilee. During his visit, Ruth
shared that poem with her young, passport-seeking visitor. At his request, Ruth also gave him a copy of
the book containing the poem (which coincidentally “happened” to be near at hand). Ruth did not discuss
the Gospel during this visit, but she is convinced that God led this young man to her for that purpose—in
the same way He had brought her Palestinian friend, ABDM, into her life eleven years earlier. And if this
young Israeli/Brit reads any of Ruth’s other poems, he will most certainly encounter the Gospel and learn
of Israel’s Messiah. No doubt, there will be more to this story. In the meantime, God continues to draw a
wide variety of Jews, Druze, Arabs, and even Palestinians into Ruth’s home, where she loves, counsels,
befriends, and serves them in Yeshua’s name.
by Alan Dershowitz
July 2018
An ardent defender of modern Israel, Dershowitz

invites an all-star cast of contributors to share
their feelings about the land, its history, religion,
politics, and people. There’s William Bennett,
Harold Kushner, Pat Robertson, Ed Koch, Larry
King, Stan Lee, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, and
many more.
Book (BB-125) 360 pages, $25

TO JESUS: Vol 5—Traditional
Jewish Objections
by Dr. Michael L. Brown “The Spring Feasts of the Lord”
by Dr. Gary Hedrick
Dr. Michael Brown refutes the traditional Jewish
concept that there is a binding, authoritative Gary explains that the feasts mentioned
Oral Law going back to Moses. While showing in Leviticus 23 are not only significant in
great respect for his people’s traditions, Brown themselves, but they collectively form an exciting
demonstrates that when there is a conflict between outline of God’s plan leading up to His Second
the Bible and tradition, Jews are called to follow the Coming. The CDs cover Pesach (Passover),
Bible. This study will enrich the lives of both Jewish
and Christian readers.
Shabbat (the Sabbath), Hag HaMatzot (Feast of
Unleavened Bread), Yom HaBikkurim (Day of
Paperback (BB-152) 353 pages, $19 Firstfruits), and Hag Shavu’ot (Feast of Weeks).
A series on the fall feasts is also available.
CD (GT-91CD) $18
Genealogy and Prophecy
by Rachmiel Frydland (revised 3rd ed.)
What the Rabbis Know About the Messiah presents
a revised third edition, building upon the theme of
a study in genealogy and prophecy. It cites biblical, “The Rebirth of Israel in 1948”
rabbinic, and medieval Jewish sources to weave by Dr. Gary Hedrick
a pattern that leads to Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.
It is a friendly read, and is an excellent source of Were the events of 1948 prophesied centuries
Messianic apologetics. beforehand, or was the rebirth of national Israel
Paperback (WRK) 146 pages, $12 in our generation merely an accident of history?
CD (GT-12CD) $6


by Rabbi Isidor Zwirn with Bob Owen
The fascinating story of an Orthodox rabbi’s
search for Messiah is an exciting tribute to the
faithfulness of God, who responds to anyone “Israel’s Coming Restoration”
searching for truth. by Dr. Gary Hedrick
Paperback (BB-45) 119 pages, $10
Gary teaches on that great prophecy in the “dry
bones” section of Ezekiel 37, which maps out
Israel’s end-time destiny—her restoration as a
nation. He also refutes those who say that Israel
was rejected by God.
CD (GT-35CD) $6
Other News


This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the modern state of Israel.
Celebrations took place throughout the country. Follow some of the pageantry on Mt. Herzl
at jpost.com/Israels-70th-anniversary/WATCH-LIVE-Western-Wall-ceremony-celebrates-
Israels-70th-birthday-551202, and get your hanky ready as 12,000 Israelis—from all ages
and sectors of life—sing together “Al Kol Eleh” (about all these things i.e., the good and
the bad, the honey and the bee sting, grant a blessing, dear Lord!) at jpost.com/Israel-News/
Culture/12000-Israelis-sing-Al-Kol-Eleh-549962. Amen and Amen!


Attendees at this year’s LCJE North America conference in Atlanta enjoyed a rare treat when they heard the testimony of
ninety-six-year-old Henry “Hank” Freedman. Born into an Orthodox Jewish family as Henry Miller, Hank was adopted at age
eight by his maternal grandparents (the Freedmans) after his mother died. His father, a WW1 veteran who had been gassed
in the trenches, was very ill and unable to care for him. Shortly after his bar mitzvah, however, Hank’s grandfather died, and
Hank’s relationship with Judaism began to deteriorate.
During World War II, Hank was trained in artillery but was eventually assigned to Intel and reconnaissance. In December 1944,
at the age of 22, he was sent behind German lines in the Ardennes Forest. After enduring zero degree weather and hip-high
snow, he and 25 others from his unit were captured by the Germans at the beginning of what was to become known as the
Battle of the Bulge. By the grace of God, Hank survived captivity.

R.A. Higbee

He was liberated in late March 1945 and, after undergoing hospitalization to regain his health, Hank returned home, married,
raised a family and pursued a career. After the death of his beloved wife of 51 years, Hank began regularly attending church with
his children. And it was there on one Sunday that Hank raised his hand and walked forward, accepting the invitation to receive
Jesus as his Savior. Not long thereafter, Hank was also baptized. And despite negative reactions from his Jewish siblings, Hank
Freedman has joyfully loved and served the Lord since his conversion at age 82!
So dear friends, never give up hope for the salvation of the Jewish people or for the salvation of your friends and loved ones.
Pray! Pray! Pray! Hank’s whole family and the congregation had been praying for him for years. “The effectual, fervent prayer
of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16).

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