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In SPSS Training we discussed following points.

 Banner point for single condition use directly “frequency”.

 Banner point with more than one condition we can use “if”, “select if” and “select” cases.

1. How to check banner with different condition using:

a. if
b. Select if
c. Select cases
(a) If:
If (condition).
Fre quota.

Compute Var_Flag=0.

Ex: if (Dage = 1 and Dage = 3) Var_Flag=1.

Fre Var_Flag .

(b) Select if:

Sel if(Condition).
Fre quota.
Ex: Temp.
Sel if(Dage = 1).
Fre Quota.

Note: When using “Select if” always use “Temp” , otherwise it will save the changes in the file.

(c) Select Cases:

(i) Select “Select cases” from data->Select Cases.
(ii) Now Select “if condition is satisfied”.
(iii) Now give the condition you want.

2. How to use various functions like range, any, negation in conditions.

(a) Range:
Range (question,start_range,end_range).
Ex: Range (Dage, 1, 4)
Note: If using multiple ranges from a question then:
Ex: Range (Dage, 1, 4, 5, 8)
In this, first Range is from 1 to 4 and second range is from 5 to 8. Also you can use ranges like 1,4,8,8
where 1,4 and 8 the only valid codes.

(b) Any:
Here range should be from lower to higher.
Eg:- Any(QS10,1,4,7,10,12)

(c) Negation:
Just use “~” for negation.

Fre quota
3. How to create a table using crosstabs and custom table.

For crosstabs use following Step.

1. Select crosstabs from Analyze->Descriptive Statistics->Crosstabs.

2. Drag the variable in rows and columns which you want.

For custom tables use following Step.

1. Select crosstabs from Analyze->Tables->Custom Tables.

2. Drag the variable in rows and columns which you want.

4. Suppose if we want some specific variables in SPSS, so we can do this using Keep function.

Save outfile=”Location\file_name.sav”.
/Keep =

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