Propagation of Sound Indoors

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Propagation of Sound Indoors


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Propagation of Sound Indoors

Sound and noise in a room will reach the receiver as direct and reverberant sound.

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For a continuing sound source in a room, the sound level is the sum of direct and reverberant sound. The sound pressure for a receiver can be expressed as:

L p = Lw + 10 log( D / ( 4 π r2 ) + 4 / R) (1)


L p = received sound pressure level (dB)

L w= sound power level from source (dB)

D = directivity coefficient

R = room constant (m 2 Sabin)

π = 3.14

r = distance from source (m)

Room Constant
The room constant express an acoustic property of the room:

R = A / (1- αm)

= Σ Si αi / (1- αm) (2)


R = room constant (m 2 Sabine)

A = absorption of the room (m 2 Sabine)

αm = mean absorption coefficient of the room

S i = individual surface area in the room (m 2)

αi = absorption coefficient for individual surface in the room

Absorption Coefficient
The sound absorption coefficient indicates how much of the sound is absorbed in the actual material. The absorption coefficient can be expressed as:

α = Ia / Ii (3)


Ia = sound intensity absorbed (W/m 2)

Ii = incident sound intensity (W/m 2)

Total Room Sound Absorption

The total sound absorption in a room can be expressed as:

A = S 1 α1 + S2 α2 + .. + Sn αn = Σ S i αi (4)


A = the absorption of the room (m 2 Sabine)

S n = area of the actual surface (m 2)

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Propagation of Sound Indoors

αn = absorption coefficient of the actual surface

Mean Absorption Coefficient

The mean absorption coefficient for the room can be expressed as:

am = A / S (5)


a m = mean absorption coefficient

A = the absorption of the room (m 2 Sabine)

S = total surface in the room (m 2)

A rooms acoustic characteristics can be calculated with the formulas above, or estimated for typical rooms.

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Propagation of Sound Indoors

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