Engauge: 21St Century Skills

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enGauge ®

21st Century Skills



enGauge 21st Century Skills:


Helping Students Thrive

in the Digital Age
Technology changes the The Urgency
Our children live in a global, digital
way the world works. world—a world transformed by technology
As technology evolves, and human ingenuity. Given the rapid rate
of change, the vast amount of information
so must the skill sets of to be managed, and the influence of technol-
ogy on life in general, students need to
those who use it. In order apply current skill sets, as well as develop
new skill sets to cope and to thrive in this
to remain competitive changing society.

tomorrow, today’s students The federal No Child Left Behind

legislation establishes technology literacy
need to develop techniques as a core foundation for learning, calling
for academic excellence in the context of
that readily adapt to 21st century technologies.
The enGauge 21st Century Skills go a step
changes as they occur. further. Advances in the cognitive
sciences show that learning increases
enGauge leads the way significantly when students are engaged
in academic study through authentic,
in helping ensure that the real-world experiences. The enGauge 21st
Century Skills build on extensive bodies of
next generations acquire research—as well as calls from government,
business, and industry for higher levels of
successful skills for the workplace readiness—to define clearly what
21st century. students need in order to thrive in today’s
Digital Age.
Along with the Six Essential Conditions
for Effective Technology Use as described
in the enGauge framework, the enGauge 21st
Century Skills will contribute to the success
of students as individuals striving to live,
learn, and work in the Digital Age.

enGauge 21st Century Skills

Academic Achievement
Digital-Age Literacy Inventive Thinking
• •
Basic, Scientific, Economic, Adaptability, Managing

Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement

and Technological Literacies Complexity, and Self-Direction

• •
Visual and Information Literacies Curiosity, Creativity,
• and Risk Taking
Multicultural Literacy and •
Global Awareness Higher-Order Thinking and
Sound Reasoning

21st Century Learning

Effective Communication High Productivity
• •
Teaming, Collaboration, Prioritizing, Planning, and
and Interpersonal Skills Managing for Results
• •
Personal, Social, Effective Use of Real-World Tools
and Civic Responsibility •
• Ability to Produce Relevant,
Interactive Communication High-Quality Products

Academic Achievement

Digital-Age Literacy Inventive Thinking

As society changes, the skills needed Experts agree that as technology becomes
to deal with the complexities of life also more prevalent in our everyday lives,
change. Information and communication cognitive skills become increasingly
technologies literacy is defined as the ability critical. “In effect, because technology
to use “digital technology, communications makes the simple tasks easier, it places
tools, and/or networks to access, manage, a greater burden on higher-level skills”
integrate, evaluate, and create information (International ICT Literacy Panel, 2002, p. 6).
in order to function in a knowledge society” • Adaptability/Managing Complexity:
(International ICT Literacy Panel, 2002, p. 2). Can students handle multiple
• Basic Literacy: Can students demonstrate environments, goals, tasks, and inputs
language proficiency (in English) and while understanding and adhering
numeracy at levels necessary for success to organizational or technological con­
on the job and in a Digital Age society? straints of time, resources, and systems?
• Scientific Literacy: Do students have • Self-Direction: Are students able
the knowledge and understanding to set goals related to learning, plan
of scientific concepts and processes for the achievement of those goals,
required for personal decision making independently manage time and effort,
and participation in social systems? and independently assess the quality of
learning and any products that result
• Economic Literacy: Can students
from the learning experience?
identify economic issues, examine the
consequences of changes in economic • Curiosity: Do students have a desire
conditions and public policies, and to know or a spark of interest that leads
weigh costs against benefits? to inquiry?
• Technological Literacy: Do students • Creativity: Are students able to bring
know what technology is and how it something into existence that is original,
can be used efficiently and effectively whether personally (original only to the
to achieve specific goals? individual) or culturally (where the work
adds significantly to a domain of culture
• Visual Literacy: Can students interpret,
as recognized by experts)?
use, and create visual media in ways
that advance thinking, decision making, • Risk Taking: Are students willing
communication, and learning? to make mistakes, advocate unconven­
tional or unpopular positions, or tackle
• Information Literacy: Are students able
challenging problems without obvious
to evaluate, locate, synthesize, and use
solutions, such that their personal
information effectively, and accomplish
growth, integrity, or accomplishments
these functions using technology?
are enhanced?
• Multicultural Literacy: Can students
• Higher-Order Thinking and Sound
understand and appreciate similarities
Reasoning: Are students adept at
and differences between the customs,
cognitive processes of analysis,
values, and beliefs of their own culture
comparison, inference/interpretation,
and the cultures of others?
evaluation, and synthesis, as applied
• Global Awareness: Do students to a range of academic domains and
recognize and understand relationships problem-solving contexts?
among various entities across the globe?

Effective Communication High Productivity

According to the 21st Century Literacy According to the U.S. Department of
Summit (2002), “Information and Labor (1999), “We are living in a new
communications technologies are raising economy—powered by technology, fueled
the bar on the competencies needed by information, and driven by knowledge”
to succeed in the 21st century”(p. 4). Both (p. 1). Though not yet a high-stakes focus
researchers and the business community of schools, these skills often determine
agree: Effective communication skills are whether a person succeeds or fails in
essential for success in today’s knowledge- today’s workforce.
based society. • Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing
• Teaming and Collaboration: Can for Results: Do students organize to
students cooperatively interact with one efficiently achieve the goals of specific
or more individuals, working with others projects or problems?
to solve problems, create novel products, • Effective Use of Real-World Tools:
or learn and master content? Can students use real-world tools (i.e.,
• Interpersonal Skills: Are students able the hardware, software, networking,
to read and manage their own and others’ and peripheral devices used by
emotions, motivations, and behaviors information technology [IT] workers)
during social interactions or in social- in real-world ways?
interactive contexts? • Ability to Produce Relevant,
• Personal Responsibility: Do students High-Quality Products: Are students
demonstrate a depth and currency of adept at developing intellectual, informa-
knowledge about legal and ethical issues tional, or material products that serve
related to technology, combined with an authentic purposes and occur as a result
ability to apply this knowledge to achieve of their using real-world tools to solve or
balance, and enhance integrity and the communicate about real-world problems?
quality of life?
• Social and Civic Responsibility: Can
students manage technology and govern
its use in ways that promote the public
good and protect society, the environment,
and democratic ideals?
• Interactive Communication: Do
students generate meaning through
exchanges using a range of contemporary
tools, transmissions, and processes?

The enGauge 21st Century Skills were • Being Fluent With Information
developed through a process that included Technology, 1999, Committee on
literature reviews, research on emerging Information Technology Literacy,
characteristics of the Net Generation, a National Research Council. Available
review of current reports on workforce at www.nap.edu/html/beingfluent/.
trends from business and industry, analysis • Information Literacy Standards for
of nationally recognized skill sets, input Student Learning, 1998, American
from educators, data from educator Association of School Librarians
surveys, and reactions from constituent (AASL), Association of Educational
groups. Some of these sources are listed Communications Technology (AECT),
below. (For a complete list of sources and and American Library Association (ALA).
cross-matches to national skill sets, please Available at www.ala.org/aasl/
see the full publication at www.ncrel.org/ ip_nine.html.
• Technically Speaking: Why All
• National Educational Technology Americans Need to Know More About
Standards (NETS) for students, 2000, Technology, 2002. National Academy
International Society for Technology in of Engineering and National Research
Education. Available at cnets.iste.org/ Council. Available at www.nap.edu/
students/s_book.html. books/0309082625/html/.
• What Work Requires of Schools, 1991, • Preparing Students for the 21st Century,
Secretary’s Commission on Achieving 1996, American Association of School
Necessary Skills, U.S. Department of Administrators.
Labor. Available at wdr.doleta.gov/
SCANS/whatwork/whatwork.html. • Digital Transformation: A Framework
for ICT Literacy, 2002. Report by
• Standards for Technological Literacy: the International Information and
Content for the Study of Technology, Communication Technologies (ICT)
2000, International Technology Literacy Panel for the Educational
Education Association. Available at Testing Service (ETS). Available at
www.iteawww.org/TAA/PDFs/xstnd.pdf. www.ets.org/research/ictliteracy/
• 21st Century Literacy in a Convergent ictreport.pdf.
Media World, 2002, 21st Century • How People Learn: Brain, Mind,
Literacy Summit. Available at Experience, and School, 1999. Bransford,
www.21stcenturyliteracy.org/white/ J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R., Eds. Available
WhitePaperEnglish.pdf. at www.nap.edu/html/howpeople1/.

References To Access the Full

International Information and Publication and
Communication Technologies Web Resources
(ITC) Literacy Panel. (2002). Digital
transformation: A framework for ICT NCREL and the Metiri Group produced
literacy. Princeton, NJ: Educational a major publication titled enGauge 21st
Testing Service. Retrieved February 19, Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital
2003, from http://www.ets.org/ Age. This publication provides education,
research/ictliteracy/ictreport.pdf communities, business, and industry with
sound information on the 22 skills:
21st Century Literacy Summit. (2002,
March). 21st century literacy in a • A definition of each skill.
convergent media world [White paper]. • A bulleted list of student competencies
Retrieved February 19, 2003, from and characteristics related to each skill.
white/WhitePaperEnglish.pdf • Background information, resources,
examples, and research related to
U.S. Department of Labor. (1999). each skill.
Futurework: Trends and challenges for
work in the 21st century. Washington, DC: • An addendum containing a continuum
Author. Retrieved February 19, 2003, of progress for each student competency.
from http://www.dol.gov/asp/ View the publication online at
programs/history/herman/reports/ www.ncrel.org/engauge/skills/skills.htm
futurework/report.htm or order a print copy through the NCREL
Product Order Line at (800) 252-0283
or the NCREL Product Catalog at

About NCREL NCREL/Metiri Partnership

www.ncrel.org Since identifying the enGauge 21st Century
The North Central Regional Educational Skills in December 2000, NCREL and the
Laboratory (NCREL) is a nonprofit organiza- Metiri Group have continued to collect
tion dedicated to helping schools and the and synthesize the research underlying
students they serve reach their full potential. this skill set. From that extensive review,
NCREL’s service region includes Illinois, two things became clear. First, the urgency
Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, for schools to address 21st century skills
and Wisconsin. has increased dramatically because of the
tremendous influence of technology on the
economy and society. Second, most of the
About the Metiri Group skills have been significantly redefined to
www.metiri.com reflect the tools, conventions, and norms
The Metiri Group is a national consulting of the Digital Age.
firm based in Los Angeles, California. The enGauge 21st Century Skills publication
Specializing in K–20 learning technology, and related tools will be most effective
the Metiri Group works in the public and when used in the context of learning stan-
private sectors focusing on policy, strategic dards and state and local initiatives. The
planning, professional development, authors welcome opportunities to localize
research, assessment, audits, and impact the rollout and use of these resources in your
studies. The firm specializes in gauging community. Please send an e-mail message
the impact of technology in schools. describing your interest to info@ncrel.org
or info@metiri.com.
North Central Regional Technology in
Education Consortium (NCRTEC) helps
states, districts, and schools effectively
integrate technology into education by
providing high-quality professional
development, building the capacity of
leaders, and disseminatinginformation 1120 East Diehl Road, Suite 200
on critical technology issues. NCRTEC Naperville, Illinois 60563
provides professional development and Phone: (800) 356-2735
an evaluation program based on the Fax: (630) 649-6700
enGauge Six Essential Conditions and www.ncrel.org
21st Century Skills.

1801 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 426

Los Angeles, California 90067
Phone: (866) 286-7944
Fax: (310) 286-7941

Copyright © 2003 by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. All rights reserved.

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