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THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY October 13, 1951

the formation of a Stock Exchange

Commission has been recommend-
Stock Exchange ed of not more than three members
one of whom should be a member
Gorwala Committee Report of the proposed Forward Markets
Commission in respect of commo-
dities. Such a Commission w i l l keep

T HE Finance Minister, placed

before Parliament the Gorwala
Committee's report on regulations of
come in the way of free trading. In
order to maintain an orderly mar-
ket, the Committee has done well
Government fully informed of all
Stock Exchange matters. It is
strange that the report does not seek
Stock Exchange w h i c h included a to accept that badla or carry for- to co-ordinate its recommendations
draft b i l l . There is no possibility of ward facilities an- essential and in this respect w i t h recommenda-
introducing the b i l l in the present should be permitted. tions w h i c h may be made by the
session and it; remains to be seen While the Committee has taken a Company L a w Amendment C o m -
what the new Parliament w i l l do realistic, stand on this issue, it was mittee w h i c h is also dealing w i t h
w i t h it. Even some of the more divided on another important issue, allied subjects. In fact, under the
important points in the report are viz., the practice of leaving shares Company L a w Amendment A c t
controversial and it is not known standing in the name of t h i r d parties passed recently, a Commission has
yet whether the Government have and their circulation from hand to been set up and to advocate a sepa-
taken a decision on them. hand. Five out of the eleven mem- rate Commission for Stock Ex-
T h e Committee w h i c h was made bers of the Committee including change matters is to unnecessarily
up of Stock Exchange Presidents, the representatives of Stock Ex- defuse the w o r k and m u l t i p l y
Bankers, Accountants, Insurance- changes have insisted that no legal authorities instead of integrating the
men and representatives of Bombay bar should be placed against blank work in which there is so much in
and Central Government, has come transfers and that the practice- common.
to the conclusion that while Gov- should be allowed to continue as at It is also recommended that all
ernment recognition of Stock Ex- present because through blank trans- securities must, be cleared through a
change and approval of its by-laws fers, the market gets a stock of se' Clearing Mouse. In Bombay this is
is essential and Government should curities which can be made avail- already being done while in Cal-
have wide powers and ultimate able when required. T h e opposite cutta and Madras the need for a
authority, there should be little i n - school holds that blank transfers are Clearing House has not been felt
terference w i t h the day to day work- anti-social and have been mainly because of the1 volume of business
ing of the Stock Exchange. responsible1 for reckless speculation. is so low. T h e Committee's n o m -
By a special provision in the Act, mendations in respect of Clearing
The Committee has recommended their use should be forbidden. In House is, therefore, hardly warrant-
that there should be only one in between, a t h i r d school holds that ed because as volume of business
any given area and trading outside, no proof is available to show that goes up, in the natural course of
the ring w i l l be illegal. A t present blank transfers perform an anti- things a Clearing House is usually
different stock exchanges have dif- social function nor that they en- set. up. In respect of hours of work,
ferent listing requirements and list- courage gambling. It would be the Committee recommends longer
i n g of securities is optional because enough to l i m i t the life of blank hours while there is not enough
companies which do not conform transfers to six months by making business even during the two hours
to stock exchange requirements do the necessary provision in the bye- during which Stock Exchange
not bother to get the securities list- laws only. session takes place.
ed. In order to establish u n i f o r m - A l l the members of the Com-
ity, it is provided that Government mittee are agreed that the stamp Textiles Easier
should have powers to enforce list- duty on transfers should be sub- Wednesday, Evening.
i n g of securities and companies who stantially reduced before any other The share market is displaying
may have a grievance against any action is taken. T h e majority opi- easier tendency. Tata Deferred s
stock exchange in respect of listing nion in the Committee is opposed have dropped from Rs. 1,880 to
w i l l have a right of appeal. This to any statutory bar against blank Rs. 1,850 largely because a p r o m i -
w i l l broaden the list and all secu- transfers and would only recommend nent bull operator is reported to be
rities deal in w i l l be regularly listed change through bye-laws. liquidating his holdings. Calcutta
on any one Stock Exchange. Jobbing establishes a wide mar- market is closed on account of Puja
The report has done well in ket and the Committee has been un- Holidays. I n d i a n Irons are fluctu-
acknowledging that healthy specu- fair in advocating that the number ating around Rs. 31. A dividend of
lation is essential to the normal of jobbers should be limited by pro- Rs. 1 per share is expected though
w o r k i n g of the stock market. While hibiting authorised clerks of bro- some people believe it can be
it is easy to agree that unhealthy kers from entering the ring for deal- Re. 1-4.
speculation must be p u t down w i t h ing shares. This provision is bound Textiles are steady though doubts
a strong hand, it is difficult in prac- to be strongly resisted by the Bom- about the industry maintaining
tice to distinguish healthy from un- bay Stock Exchange and should it profits due to likely reduction in
healthy speculation. In seeking to be enforced, it would result in con- working hours are holding back i n -
eradicate gambling from the trad- siderable fall in activity and there- vestment demand.
ing, care has to be taken not to fore militate against marketability Bombay Burmas are firmer on ex-
paralyse normal operations. Ready of shares. pectation that a final dividend of
marketability of securities is the sine It has become customary to re- Rs. 20 per share will be declared
qua hon of a good stock market and commend setting up of a new Com- which w i t h the interim dividend of
nothing should be done which mission in almost every b i l l that is Rs. 10 make a total of Rs. 30 against
w o u l d disorganise the market and introduced. I n the present Bill, the market price of Rs, 550.
October 13, 1951 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY

Company Notes ference shares and on O r d i n a r y year under review our mills have
shares at Rs 12-8. been further equipped w i t h a cloth-
The New Kaiser-I-Hind mercerising machine and a six-colour
The property of the mills includ-
Spinning & Weaving p r i n t i n g plant has also been i m p o r t -
ing building, stores, stocks and stocks
Co., Ltd. ed from Japan ". A l l these are ex-
in process are insured for Rs 326.38
pected to give better results in the
W I T H the completion of 50
years of service, this textile
unit has emerged as one of the pro-
lakhs against fire risks. The profits
and working charges are insured
against similar risks for Rs 20 lakhs.
coining year.

H i n d Cycles L t d .
minent mills in the country. The T h e company has also taken a cash-
balance sheet for the year ending in-transit policy for Rs. 80 lakhs. The total number of bicycles ma-
31st M a r c h 1951 shows a net pro- nufactured by the. Company d u r i n g
T h e turnover of the Company i n - 1950 amounted to 91,850 compared
fit of Rs 23 lakhs i.e. nearly double creased during the year under re-
of that in the previous year. T h e to 55,049 in 1949. This, far exceeds
port. Compared to the previous the expectations of the T a r i f f Board
results would have been even more year, earnings from sales of cloth,
satisfactory, but for the undue inter- which put the target at 70,000. The
yarn, waste etc. rose from Rs 202.35 Company was able to maintain
ference and frequent changes in the lakhs to Rs 214.59 lakhs, while the
policy pursued by the Government. prices at the levels suggested by the'
cost of cotton, art silk yarn etc. con- T a r i f f Hoard inspite of an all-round
The scarcity of cotton and raw ma- sumed likewise increased from
terials continued during the year increase in the cost of raw materials,
Rs. 97.88 lakhs to Rs 106.45 lakhs. stores and labour charges, thanks to
under report and the prices fixed It deserves to be noted, however,
for the domestic market left a very the expansion in the scale of pro-
that the Company has been able to duction.
small margin of profit. Whatever reduce its expenses on salaries and
profit has been earned has been wages by more than Rs 4 lakhs, in It is a matter of regret that the
mainly on account of sales in the spite of higher turnover. Bicycle Industry has still to depend
export market. T h e other factor on foreign countries for steel tubes
w h i c h affected the profits of the The balance sheet reveals a drop as the requisite quality is not manu-
Company was the textile labour of Rs 15 lakhs in the Reserve F u n d factured in the country. The. Chair-
strike for over two months. from Rs 46 lakhs to Rs 31 lakhs. man of the H i n d Cycles in his an-
T h e paid-up capital has likewise i n - nual speech expressed the hope
The appropriations recommended
creased, by the same amount. T h e which all will share that " I n the
out of the profit' are as follows: A
amount was used for capitalising scheme of expansion of the steel
sum of Rs 4.15 lakhs is provided
15,000 ordinary shares of Rs 100 industry, a proper place w i l l be found
for Depreciation and Rs 5 lakhs to
each. for such industrial raw materials—
Reserve Fund. Further, Rs 7.5 lakhs
is provided for taxation and Rs 4.5 The Chairman in his speech at what are called 'Producer's Goods''
lakhs will be for payment of d i v i - the annual general meeting on 4th for feeding other industries like
dend on 5 per cent Cumulative Pre- instant revealed that " during the Bicycles, Sewing Machines, etc."

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