Admin Hours

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Jenny Holm's Hours of K-12 Administrator's License

Date Activity Competency Hours Site Notes Total Hours at:

Elementary 463.5
Middle 41
Senior High 43
ALC 21
DAO 71 639.5
Total Hours for Compentency:
A. 23
B. 28
C. 37
D. 15
E. 11
F. 91
G. 26
H. 35
I. 37.5
J. 20.5
K. 15
L. 266
M. 36.5
Total 641.5
2/20 Student re-entry meeting Judgment and Problem Analysis 1 Elementary
2/21 Honda check presentation Community Relations 1 Elementary
2/21 active threat drill Safety and Security 1 Elementary
2/21 staff meeting Human Resource Management 1 Elementary
2/22 Parent teacher conferences Communication 5 Elementary
2/23 Parent meeting behavior Communication 1 Elementary
2/23 Mr. Wright's classroom Instructional Management 2 Elementary
2/26 MTSS meeting Judgment and Problem Analysis 2 Elementary
2/26 Literacy breakfast Community Relations 2 Elementary
2/26 Family Tours Community Relations 2 Elementary
2/26 In school suspension Organizational Management 4 Elementary
2/26 TPCAC Community Relations 3 Senior High Tech Parent/Community Advidsory council
District Admin Intern
2/27 meeting Judgment and Problem Analysis 2 DAO
Walk-troughs with other
admin and asst.
2/27 superintendent Instructional Management 3 DAO
2/27 Parent teacher conferences Communication 5 Elementary
2/28 Cutural night Diversity Leadership 3 Middle
2/28 PBIS Assembly Leadership 1 Elementary
2/28 Data Teams Judgment and Problem Analysis 1 Elementary
2/18 Parent phone calls/meeting Communication 2 Elementary
2/28 bus duty 2/14-2/28 Safety and Security 3.5 Elementary 11 x 20 min. day
2/28 student discipline 2/14-2/28 Judgment and Problem Analysis 33 Elementary 11 x 120 min day
Parent communication 2/14-
2/28 2/28 Communication 11 Elementary 11 x 60 min day

teacher observations with my principal and

3/1 Teacher Walk Throughs Instructional Management 3 Elementary district Science rep
3/1 In charge of building Leadership 6 Elementary Principal out of building from 9:30-end of day
Partners in Education paperwork for district
3/2 Fill out PIE nomination Community Relations 1 DAO office
3/3 Speech meet Community Relations 6 Senior High Speech meet judge grades 9-12
Check MASA-legislative
3/4 updates Policy and Law 2 DAO dyslexia
3/5 Art show Community Relations 3 Senior High Tech art show reception
3/6 Parent meetings Communication 2 Elementary
3/6 Leadership meeting Organizational Management 1 Elementary
3/6 confer with principal Judgment and Problem Analysis 2 Elementary
3/7 MTSS Curriculum Planning and Development 2 Elementary
3/7 Talent development plan Curriculum Planning and Development 2 Elementary
3/7 Political platforms review Political Influence and Governance 2 DAO AMSD, EM, MASA, MESPA
3/8 District leadership meeting Diversity Leadership 2 DAO
3/9 Courageous conversations Diversity Leadership 7 DAO
3/19 ISD742 Audit review Policy and Law 3 DAO
3/19 MTSS meeting Curriculum Planning and Development 2 Elementary
3/20 Building leadership meeitng Leadership 1 Elementary
3/20 Learning walks with EL spec Diversity Leadership 3 Elementary
3/21 Political platforms review Political Influence and Governance 2 DAO MSBA, MSBO, SEE
3/21 Admin intern meeting Values and Ethics of Leadership 2 ALC
3/22 trauma specialist visit Judgment and Problem Analysis 3 Elementary Wendy Loberg
3/22 MCA goal setting- South Instructional Management 3 Middle
3/23 Para CAP review Human Resource Management 1 Elementary
3/23 IEP meeting Leadership 1 Elementary
3/23 ISS coverage Safety and Security 3 Elementary
3/26 Learning walks with Literacy Specialist
Judgment and Problem Analysis 2 DAO Lori Eckert
3/26 MTSS meeting Curriculum Planning and Development 2 Elementary
3/27 Learning walks with Math Specialist
Judgment and Problem Analysis 3 Elementary Brooke Williams
3/27 Discipline referrals Judgment and Problem Analysis 2 Elementary
3/28 PBIS Assembly Leadership 1 Elementary
3/28 Para 60 day eval Human Resource Management 1 Elementary
3/29 Fill in for EBD teacher Judgment and Problem Analysis 3 Elementary
3/29 meeting Officer Mastey Community Relations 1 Elementary
3/29 Bus duty 3/1-3/29 Safety and Security 5 Elementary 16 x 20 min day
3/29 Student discipline 3/1-3/29 Judgment and Problem Analysis 48 Elementary 16 x 120 min day
3/29 Parent communication 3/1-3/29
Communication 16 Elementary 16 x 60 min day

4/2 Tech All night party committeeOrganizational Management 2 Senior High

4/3 Meeting with middle school counslors
Values and Ethics of Leadership 4 Middle
4/4 staff meeting Leadership 1 Elementary
4/5 evening conferences Organizational Management 3 Middle South Jr. High
4/6 mediation between 2 paras Human Resource Management 1 Elementary
4/9 Home visit to parent Communication 1 Elementary
4/10 Classroom walk-throughs Instructional Management 2 Middle admin interns- comparison
4/11 Data teams Instructional Management 1 Elementary
4/12 meeting with trauma spec. Values and Ethics of Leadership 1 Elementary
4/12 Collaborate with North Jr. Instructional Management 3 Middle
4/13 Classroom walk-throughs Instructional Management 2 Elementary
4/13 Ttiage meeting mental health Judgment and Problem Analysis 2 Elementary
4/14 Promise Neighborhood Diversity Leadership 4 Middle
4/12 After school tiger club Instructional Management 3 Middle
4/16 Joe Perske- County commissioner
Policy and Law 2 DAO
4/24 In school suspension Judgment and Problem Analysis 3 Elementary
4/25 Data teams Organizational Management 1 Elementary
4/25 Visit commissioner MDE Political Influence and Governance 2 Elementary
4/26 AP meeting/PD Values and Ethics of Leadership 3 DAO
4/27 IEP meeting Leadership 1 Elementary
4/28 current articles Policy and Law 2 ALC
4/29 review current Policy and Law 2 ALC
4/30 MTSS Curriculum Planning and Development 1 Elementary
4/30 scheduling mtg North Jr. HighOrganizational Management 3 Middle
4/30 bus duty 4/3-4/30 Safety and Security 7.5 Elementary 22 x 20 min. day
4/30 Student discipline 4/3-4/30 Judgment and Problem Analysis 66 Elementary 22 x 120 min day
Parent communication 4/3-
4/30 4/30 Communication 22 Elementary 22 x 60 min day

5/1 student MCA support Instructional Management 2.5 Elementary

5/1 District leadership Diversity Leadership 2 DAO
5/2 student MCA support Instructional Management 2 Elementary
5/2 staff meeting Human Resource Management 1 Elementary
5/3 student MCA support Instructional Management 3 Elementary
5/4 student MCA support Instructional Management 3 Elementary
5/7 Courageous conversations Diversity Leadership 7 DAO
5/8 scheduling mtg North Jr. HighOrganizational Management 3 Middle
5/8 band/jazz supervision Safety and Security 3 Middle South Jr. High band night
5/9 Southside Community Cafe Diversity Leadership 2 Middle
5/10 para evals one on one Human Resource Management 2.5 Elementary
5/10 South Jr. High breakfast Community Relations 2 Middle
5/10 leadership meeitng Leadership 1 Elementary
5/11 para evals one on one Human Resource Management 2 Elementary
5/11 all school photo Judgment and Problem Analysis 1 Elementary
5/11 IEP meeting Leadership 1 Elementary
5/14 MTSS meeitng Curriculum Planning and Development 2 Elementary
5/14 Parent meeting Communication 1 Elementary
5/14 para evals one on one Human Resource Management 2 Elementary
5/15 phone bank Political Influence and Governance 2 DAO
5/15 Admin intern meeting Values and Ethics of Leadership 2 DAO
5/16 retirement celebration Community Relations 1 DAO
5/16 Lead class list meetings Organizational Management 4 Elementary
5/17 Lead class list meetings Organizational Management 4 Elementary
5/17 evening family picnic event Community Relations 3 Elementary
5/21 MTSS meeting Judgment and Problem Analysis 2 Elementary
5/21 Active thteat drill Safety and Security 1 Elementary
5/22 Leadership team Leadership 2 Elementary
5/22 Academic coach interviews Human Resource Management 3 DAO
5/22 IEP meeting Leadership

5/23 IEP meeitng Leadership 1

5/23 Data Teams Instructional Management 1
5/24 Collaboration with teachers Curriculum Planning and Development 2 Elementary
5/24 AP meeting and PD Instructional Management 4 DAO
5/25 Eval/reflection with asst supt Values and Ethics of Leadership 3 DAO
5/25 Meeting sped supervisor Human Resource Management 2 Elementary
5/25 PBIS Assembly Leadership 1 Elementary
5/29 parnet meeting/concerns Judgment and Problem Analysis 1 Elementary
5/29 all day elem. street dance Safety and Security 5 Elementary
5/30 staff meeting Human Resource Management 1 ALC
5/30 Meeting CPS Policy and Law 1 Elementary
5/31 Home visit- student Judgment and Problem Analysis 1 Elementary
5/31 Fifth grade graduation Community Relations 1 Elementary
5/31 bus duty 5/1-5/31 Safety and Security 7.5 Elementary 22 x 20 min. day
5/31 Student discipline 5/1-5/31 Judgment and Problem Analysis 66 Elementary 22 x 120 min day
Parent communication 5/1-
5/31 5/31 Communication 22 Elementary 22 x 60 min day
5/31 Tech Grad ceremony Organizational Management 3 Senior High supervision

6/1 wrap around meeting Judgment and Problem Analysis 2 Elementary

6/1 staff PD Leadership 2 Elementary
6/5 PBIS retreat Judgment and Problem Analysis 6 Senior High
6/6 District Leadership Leadership 3 DAO
6/6 Interviews in building Human Resource Management 3 Elementary
6/7 Spec Ed meetings Curriculum Planning and Development 2 Elementary
6/9 Door knocking Political Influence and Governance 3 DAO Volunteer- Aric Putnam for MN House
6/11 MTSS Institute Judgment and Problem Analysis 7 ALC Bloomington MN
6/12 Courageous conversations Diversity Leadership 7 DAO
6/13 MTSS Institute Judgment and Problem Analysis 7 ALC Bloomington MN
6/14 School Board meeting Policy and Law 3 DAO
6/14 Summer school 9-12 Curriculum Planning and Development 4 Senior High Summer school at McKinley
6/18 Summer school 9-12 Curriculum Planning and Development 4 Senior High McKinley
6/19 Summer school 9-12 Curriculum Planning and Development 4 Senior High McKinley
6/19 Meeting with Heather Communication 3 Middle North Jr. High
6/20 Summer school 9-12 Curriculum Planning and Development 4 Senior High McKinley
6/21 Summer school 9-12 Curriculum Planning and Development 4 Senior High McKinley

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