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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 106 (2018) 834–839

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Development and characterization of cassava starch films

incorporated with blueberry pomace
Cláudia Leites Luchese a , Tania Garrido b , Jordana Corralo Spada a , Isabel Cristina Tessaro a ,
Koro de la Caba b,∗
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2777, Anexo I Campus Saúde, ZC: 90035-007,
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
BIOMAT Research Group, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa, Plaza de Europa 1, 20018 Donostia-San
Sebastián, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work is focused on the development of renewable and biodegradable films by the valorisation of
Received 27 May 2017 wastes from food processing industries, with the aim of contributing to the development of more sustain-
Received in revised form 11 July 2017 able films. In this context, different contents of blueberry pomace (BP) were incorporated into cassava
Accepted 13 August 2017
starch (CS) film forming solutions and the functional properties of the films prepared by solution casting
Available online 18 August 2017
were investigated, specifically, thermal, optical and physicochemical properties. BP-incorporated films
showed good barrier properties against light, indicating their beneficial effect to prevent food deterio-
ration caused by UV radiation when these films are used for food packaging applications. These results
Cassava starch
Blueberry pomace
were related to the presence of aromatic compounds in BP, which can absorb light at wavelengths below
Film 300 nm. Furthermore, all films maintained their structural integrity after immersion in water (24 h) and
UV barrier the maximum swelling displayed was lower than 300%. Additionally, the release of active compounds
Swelling from BP into food simulants (after 10 days) showed higher migration into the acetic acid medium in
Migration comparison with the ethanol medium. Therefore, the incorporation of BP into CS film forming solution
resulted in the improvement of film performance, suggesting the potential application of these films as
active packaging.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sava starch (CS) can be considered of great potential due to its
odourless, tasteless, colourless, non-toxic and biodegradable char-
Currently, approximately 40% of food packaging is manufac- acteristics [14,15]. Furthermore, starch can be used as carrier of
tured by using plastic materials [1]. In this regard, concerns related antioxidants and antimicrobials to develop active packaging [16].
to improper disposal, non-biodegradability and recycling difficulty This active compounds could be released into food or the surround-
of these materials have attracted increasing attention in order to ing environment in the package (e.g. head space) so as to extend
avoid serious environmental problems, particularly because they food shelf life and, thus, improve food quality and safety [17].
are used as one-time use packaging materials [2–4]. Besides, there In this context, Brazil is the world’s third largest fruit producer
has been an increasing consumers’ awareness concerning their with an annual productivity of over 43 Mt, of which about 47%
health, food nutritional value and food safety [5,6]. To overcome were consumed fresh and 53% were processed [18], increasing sig-
these issues, biopolymers from renewable sources are considered nificantly the generation of agro-industrial waste. In particular,
as an attractive alternative since they are abundant, inexpensive, blueberry juice processing wastes, including skins and seeds, are
environmentally friendly and biodegradable [7–10]. usually discarded, but they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibres, and
Among them, starch is considered as one of the most promising phenolic compounds, such as anthocyanins, antioxidant substances
materials because of its low cost, abundance, variety of botanical that can help preventing degenerative diseases [19,20]. Moreover,
sources, good film-forming properties [11–13]. In particular, cas- anthocyanins are compounds with the ability to change colour
when subjected to different pH values and this change could be cor-
related with the pH changes in some food products [21,22]. Hence,
∗ Corresponding author.
the incorporation of blueberry pomace (BP) into filmogenic formu-
E-mail address: (K. de la Caba).
lations can be an interesting alternative to produce biodegradable,
0141-8130/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.L. Luchese et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 106 (2018) 834–839 835

active and intelligent food packaging, adding value to this waste Japan) in the range of 200–800 nm. The samples transparency was
through the development of environmentally friendly products as calculated as Eq. (1):
well as contributing to minimize waste generation.
The objective of this work was to develop and characterize Transparency =
cassava starch films with blueberry pomace for their use as food
packaging. For this, different contents of blueberry pomace were where A600 is the absorption at 600 nm and x is the film thickness.
incorporated into the starch film formulations in order to evaluate Higher values of transparency indicate lower transparency of films
the effect of BP addition in the film performance; in particular, ther- [24].
mal and optical properties, as well as physicochemical behaviour
concerning swelling and release of phenolic compounds. 2.6. Colour measurements

Colour parameters (L*, a*, b*) were determined using a CR-400

2. Materials and methods Konica Minolta Chroma-Meter (Multi-Gloss 268 Plus). Films were
placed on the surface of a white standard plate (calibration plate
2.1. Materials values: L* = 97.39, a* = 0.03, and b* = 1.77). Colour parameters were
measured using the CIELAB colour scale: L* = 0 (black) to L* = 100
Native cassava starch (moisture content of 14.8 ± 0.05%) (white), − a* (greenness) to + a* (redness), and − b* (blueness) to
acquired in Natal Public Market (Natal, Brazil) was used to prepare +b* (yellowness) and colour difference (AE*) was calculated as Eq.
film forming solutions. Sorbitol obtained from Panreac Química (2):
SA (Barcelona, Spain) was used as plasticizer. All chemicals were  2  2  2
used as received without further purification. Blueberries (Vac- E ∗ = ∗
Lcontrol ∗
− Lsample + a∗control − a∗sample + b∗control − b∗sample (2)
cinium corymbosum L.), provided by Italbraz Ltda (Vacaria, Brazil),
were bleached for 3 min with water vapour in an autoclave where CS0BP sample was considered as control. Ten measurements
(Phoenix Luferco) and afterward, cooled with water according to were taken for each sample.
the methodology of Rossi et al. [23]. After producing juice, the
pomace was separated for filtration, freeze-dried, milled and sieved 2.7. Gloss measurements
(100 mesh) to obtain the BP in powder form.
The gloss was measured at 60◦ incidence angle according to
the ASTM D523-14 using a CR-400 Konica Minolta Chroma-Meter
2.2. Film preparation
(Multi Gloss 268 Plus). Measurements were taken ten times for each
Film forming solutions were prepared by mixing 4 g of cas-
sava starch (CS), sorbitol (30 wt% based on CS) and blueberry
pomace (4, 8 and 12 wt% based on CS) in 125 mL of distilled water. 2.8. Swelling measurements
First, solutions were hydrated for 5 min under continuous stir-
ring and subsequently, they were heated in an oil bath at 90 ◦ C Swelling was gravimetrically measured according to ASTM
for 40 min under stirring. Then, solutions were casted into Petri D570-98 using three specimens of each film formulation. Films
dishes (0.2 g cm−2 ) and left for drying at ambient conditions. The were weighed (Wo ) and immersed in distilled water. Samples were
obtained films were easily removed from Petri dishes and condi- removed at fixed times (each 1 h in the first 10 h of analysis and
tioned at 25 ◦ C and 55% relative humidity for 48 h before testing. after 24 h), wiped with paper and reweighed (Wt ). The percentage
Films were designated as CS0BP, CS4BP, CS8BP, and CS12BP as a of swelling was calculated as Eq. (3):
function of BP content. Film thickness was measured to the near- (Wt − Wo )
est 0.001 mm with a QuantuMike Mitutoyo hand-held digimatic Swelling (%) = x100 (3)
micrometer (Neurtek, Spain). The values obtained for each sample
The experimental points were fitted using an exponential regres-
at five different locations were averaged.

2.3. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 2.9. Migration assays

DSC measurements were performed using a Mettler Toledo Migration assays were also performed according to EU
DSC822 (Mettler Toledo S.A.E., Barcelona, Spain). The samples 2016/1416. Ethanol (96 %) and 3 % acetic acid (v/v) were selected
(approximately 3.5 mg) were hermetically encapsulated in alu- as food simulant solutions for fatty and aqueous foods, respectively
minium capsules to prevent mass loss during heating from −50 to [25]. Total immersion migration tests were performed as follows: a
250 ◦ C at a rate of 10 ◦ C/min under nitrogen conditions (10 mL/min). 6 cm2 piece of each sample and 10 mL of the simulant were placed
in a glass vial. Then, samples (film and simulant) were introduced in
a thermostatic oven, set at 20 ◦ C, for 10 days. Immediately after the
2.4. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA)
exposure of films to simulants, samples were removed and UV–vis
measurements were performed for the simulant solutions. Samples
TGA was performed in a Mettler Toledo TGA SDTA 851 (Mettler
in triplicate were investigated for each film formulation and each
Toledo S.A.E., Barcelona, Spain). The assays were running from 30 ◦ C
up to 800 ◦ C at a heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min under nitrogen atmo-
sphere (10 mL/min) in order to avoid thermo-oxidative reactions.
2.10. Statistical analysis

2.5. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the sig-
nificance of differences among the samples. The analysis was
The light-barrier properties of the films were determined by performed with a Statistic computer program (STATISTIC 8.0, Stat-
using an UV–vis spectrophotometer Jasco (Model V-630, Tokyo, soft Inc., Tulsa, USA) and Tukey’s multiple range test was used for
836 C.L. Luchese et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 106 (2018) 834–839

Fig. 1. DSC thermograms of cassava starch (CS) films with different contents of Fig. 2. TGA results as derivative curves for cassava starch (CS) films with different
blueberry pomace (BP). contents of blueberry pomace (BP).

multiple comparisons. Differences were statistically significant at

the p < 0.05 level.

3. Results and discussion

At macroscopic scale, all films were homogenous, transparent,

odourless and easy to handle. BP addition significantly affected
(p < 0.05) film thickness, which ranged from 91.3 to 124.3 ␮m mean
values, as shown in Table 1.

3.1. Thermal properties

DSC measurements were carried out and thermograms are dis-

played in Fig. 1. As stated by Alvani et al. [26], enthalpy values (H)
can be regarded as an indicator of the loss molecular order due
to the disruption of hydrogen bonds. This was confirmed by the
H values determined for cassava starch films: 35.3, 30.5, 29.1,
and 25.3 J/g for CS0BP, CS4BP, CS8BP, and CS12BP, respectively. In
addition to enthalpy values, the maximum temperature of the DSC Fig. 3. UV–vis absorbance curves of the cassava starch (CS) films with different
contents of blueberry pomace (BP).
peaks was also analyzed. For cassava starch film, the peak presented
the maximum temperature at 80 ◦ C, while this peak shifted to
higher temperatures, up to 96 ◦ C, for the films prepared with blue- 3.2. Optical properties
berry pomace. These results indicated that an increased amount of
thermal energy is needed to dissociate interactions among compo- UV-vis absorption was measured at the wavelength of
nents in composite films compared to cassava starch films without 200–800 nm and the results are displayed in Fig. 3. It can be
blueberry pomace. Similar trend was observed for other biopoly- observed that there was a considerable difference between cassava
mers, such as gelatin, when compounds rich in polyphenols, such starch films with and without blueberry pomace. However, there
as seaweed extracts, were incorporated into film forming solu- was no significant variation in the spectra of cassava starch films
tions [27,28]. This behaviour is related to the changes promoted regardless of blueberry pomace content. The addition of blueberry
in inter- and intra-molecular interactions by the incorporation of pomace caused high absorption below 300 nm, indicating that films
compounds rich in polyphenols into biopolymeric matrices. with blueberry pomace were able to protect against UV light, pre-
Concerning thermal degradation of the films, DTGA curves are venting the deterioration of food due to UV radiation. Moreover, the
shown in Fig. 2, where two weight loss stages are displayed. As can addition of blueberry pomace promoted the formation of a shoul-
be observed, there was a slight weight loss close to 100 ◦ C, which der at 280 nm due to the presence of aromatic compounds in the
can be attributed to the moisture content of the samples. This first pomace [6,34]. It is important to highlight that the UV light bar-
stage is associated with the loss of free and bound water in the film. rier values presented in this work for cassava starch films prepared
After that, the samples exhibited a high thermal stability, maintain- with blueberry pomace were higher than those found for synthetic
ing their mass almost unaltered up to 150 ◦ C (weight retention > 85 polymers, such as oriented polypropylene (OPP) and low density
%). The weight loss due to the thermal decomposition of cassava polyethylene (LDPE) [3].
starch at 307 ◦ C was the main phase [29,30], and remained con- However, the addition of blueberry pomace reduced the film
stant for all the formulations under study. Similar results have been transparency, as also shown by other authors when adding blue-
found in recent research works on cassava starch films [31–33]. berry pomace in biopolymeric film forming solutions [35,36], due
C.L. Luchese et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 106 (2018) 834–839 837

Table 1
Optical properties of cassava starch (CS) films with different contents of blueberry waste (BW).

Film Thickness (␮m) Transparency (A600 /mm) L* a* b* E* Gloss60◦ (◦ )

CS0BP 91.3 ± 10.C

9.2 96.7 ± 0.1A
0.05 ± 0.03 D
2.3 ± 0.C
– 18.6 ± 0.7 A
CS4BP 115.0 ± 4.8 B 3.5 85.8 ± 0.5 B 6.6 ± 0. C 2.5 ± 0.1 B 12.6 ±0.6 C 15.5 ± 0.8 B
CS8BP 122.6 ± 10.9 AB 6.0 71.6 ± 0. C 18.1 ± 0.6 B 2.6 ± 0.1 B 30.9 ± 0.7 B 9.6 ± 0. C
CS12BP 124.3 ± 8.6 A 5.8 61.1 ± 0.5 D 26.7 ±0.4 A 5.4 ± 0.1 A 44.6 ± 0.6 A 6.9 ± 0.3 D
Mean ± standard deviation followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly (p > 0.05) different through the Tukey’s multiple range test.

Fig. 4. (a) Visual aspect of cassava starch (CS) films with different contents of blueberry pomace (BP) after 24 h of immersion in water and (b) swelling behaviour of cassava
starch (CS) films with different contents of blueberry pomace (BP). Symbols represent experimental data, while lines correspond to the exponential fit.

Fig. 5. Visual aspect of the cassava starch (CS) films with blueberry pomace (BP) as a function of BP after 10 days of immersion in simulants: (a) acetic acid (3%) and (b)
ethanol (96%) and UV absorbance curves of the simulant solutions after extracting cassava starch (CS) films with different contents of blueberry pomace (BP) in (c) acetic
acid and (d) ethanol.
838 C.L. Luchese et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 106 (2018) 834–839

to the fact that anthocyanin-derived pigments present in blueberry base causes blue coloration [39]. UV absorbance curves of the sim-
pomace are involved in the absorption at this wavelength [37]. ulant solutions after immersion of all the films in acetic acid and
Transparency values are shown in Table 1, where colour parameters ethanol are displayed in Fig. 5c and 5d, respectively. As can be seen
have been also displayed. It is known that blueberry pomace can in Fig. 5, there was an increase of the release of aromatic compounds
provide a characteristic reddish colour [37]. This fact was confirmed (␭ = 280 nm) into both food simulants when the content of blue-
by the values of the a* parameter displayed in Table 1. berry pomace increased; however, the release of blueberry pomace
According to the results presented in Table 1, the addition of was greater into acetic acid. Furthermore, when acetic acid was
blueberry pomace film forming formulations promoted a decrease used as simulant, there was also an increase in the absorbance at
in L* parameter and an increase in a*, b*, and E* values. More- 525 nm due to the presence of anthocyanins in blueberry pomace.
over, the greater the amount of blueberry pomace added, the
greater its influence on the colour. As expected, control sample
4. Conclusions
(CS0BP) presented coloration closer to yellow, whereas the films
with blueberry pomace showed reddish colour tonality due to
The thermal, optical and physicochemical properties of cassava
those anthocyanin-derived pigments present in blueberry, which
starch films incorporated with blueberry pomace from juice pro-
also caused the decrease in transparency, as previously shown by
cessing were investigated. The results highlight the potential of
UV–vis spectroscopy.
cassava starch and blueberry pomace to prepare renewable and
The addition of blueberry pomace promoted a decrease in gloss
biodegradable products to promote a sustainable production of
values. It is known that the lower the gloss value, the higher the
food packaging. The films with blueberry pomace were found to
surface roughness [16]. Therefore, the incorporation of blueberry
be UV resistant due to the presence of aromatic compounds in
pomace powder in film formulations promoted an increase in the
the blueberry pomace and, thus, able to prevent food deteriora-
surface roughness. Additionally, it is important to remark that
tion caused by UV radiation, extending food shelf-life. Furthermore,
roughness is required when intending to print or heat-seal the film
migration assays showed the release of active compounds into the
in order to improve the adhesion of inks onto the film surface or
acetic acid medium, indicating the feasibility of these films as food
the adhesion between surfaces, respectively.
packaging for aqueous foods.
3.3. Physicochemical properties
Swelling tests were carried out and it is worth noting that all
samples maintained their structural integrity after 1440 min (24 h) The authors acknowledge the financial support received from
of immersion in water, as can be seen in Fig. 4a. In addition, swelling CAPES (Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal para o
kinetics was determined, as shown in Fig. 4b. In the first hour, the Ensino Superior), CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
swelling range for all films varied between 157 and 177%. As can be Científico e Tecnológico) and FAPERGS (Fundação de Amparo
seen in Fig. 4b, swelling values increased up to 300 min (5 h); after à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). In partic-
that time, swelling values remained constant, being lower than 300 ular thanks to the CAPES CSF-PVE’s Project, process number:
% in all cases. Similar values have been reported for starch films 88881.068177/2014-01. BIOMAT thanks the University of the
in the literature [38]. After curve fitting, the calculated regression Basque Country UPV/EHU (PPG17/018). Tania Garrido thanks
values were higher than 0.9 (R2 > 0.9). The values for the films with Euskara Errektoreordetza (UPV/EHU) for her fellowship. Thanks
blueberry pomace were slightly higher than those for the film with- also Advanced Research Facilities (SGIker) from the UPV/EHU.
out blueberry, indicating that blueberry pomace affected the water
uptake capacity of the films, probably due to the fibre present in
blueberry pomace.
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