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Reading lesson plan

Class profile
Ss’ level: upper intermediate
Ss’ age: 17
Class size: 6 students
Topic: reading about phobias
Lesson objectives: by the end of the lesson Ss will be able to deal with two texts of
the same topic at the same time. They will be able to understand and analyze texts of
the same topic. They will be able to talk about phobias.
Equipment needed: handout with texts and exercises, pictures, blackboard, auditory
material for listening

Warm up
Activity 1 (5 minutes)
Aim: spark Ss’ interest on the topic.
Teacher shows the following pictures on the board:
- what can you tell me about these pictures?
- what do they describe? ( She tries to elicit the word “phobias” )
- Do you know any other kind of phobia?
Rationale: teacher introduces the topic by showing the pictures and tries to activate
Ss’ background knowledge. Teacher recognizes how familiar Ss are with the topic.

Pre-reading activity (12 minutes)

Aim: to activate more Ss’ knowledge on the topic. To make them guess what the texts
are about. Prepare students for the reading.

Teacher writes the title of each text on the board and says:
You are going to read two texts. On the board you can see the title of each one. I want
you to tell me everything that you can think that is related to these titles.
The teacher writes on the board their answers for each title. Then she says:
Try to guess which of the things we wrote will be dealt with in the texts.
Then she gives them the handout and says: read the texts once to see if you could
guess what the texts are about. You have 7 minutes to read the texts.
After reading she asks: which of your thoughts are in the texts?

Rationale: teacher gives a purpose for students to read the text. She activates their
knowledge and she gives them a reason to read. This exercise is good for Ss to get the
general idea.

While- reading activities (15 minutes)

Aim: Ss read the texts again, this time in more detail to understand them in depth.
Reading for specific information.
Teacher says:
Now read the text again and do the following activities
Activity 1
Circle the write answer
Text 1
1. It is implied that fear of flying
A may seriously hamper your career
B suggests psychological problems
C is largely an imagined condition

2. The clinic’s methods

A force people into admitting their fears are important
B help patients change the way they view flying
D place fearful fliers on special educational courses

1. In most cases someone who fears of insects
A fears all of them
B may fear one category
C may fear more than one category

2. The fear comes from

A your parents
B an insect that was looking at you when you were kid
C It doesn’t matter where it comes from

Activity 2
Read the statements and say if they are true or false. Justify your answers.
-The fear of flying is a rare phenomenon t/f
-Misconception about something can lead to fears t/f
-In most cases people with insect phobia are scared of all insects
-According to the second text understanding your fear is very important

Rationale: for teacher to see if they can read for skimming and also if they can
organize their reading within a specific limit of time. Comprehension answers show if
students can read between the lines and find deeper meanings.

Activity 3
Aim: to expand their vocabulary.
Find a synonym for each of the highlighted words. If you can’t find a synonym you
can use the internet and find one.

Rationale: teacher wants to see if they are able to paraphrase and if they can find the
write synonym in the specific context

Post reading activities

Activity 1 listening (10 minutes)
Aim: listen and try to understand what they hear. Recognize what is true and what is
false. Listening for specific information
You are going to hear people talking about a type of phobia. Then answer if the
following statements are true or false. Take a few minutes to look at the statements.
You are going to hear it twice. (from 0:39 up to 4.06) they listen

without seeing the video.

1. a phobia is an extreme irrational fear t/f

2. the woman suffered from claustrophobia for 15 years t/f
3. according to the woman phobia is like someone is pointing a gun on you head
4. she didn’t have any problem with her work t/f
5. she learned about CTRN on TV t/f
6. she decided to do something because she wanted to be in her daughter’s
engagement party t/f

Rationale: teacher wants Ss to integrate further skills in her lesson. It is good for
ss to hear a real testimony on the specific topic.

activity 2 speaking (10 minutes)

aim: to express their thoughts about the topic that they were introduced to.
Teacher makes some general questions:
- do you have any phobias? Or do you know someone who suffers from a
- Do you think that phobias can be cured?
Then T writes on the board these types of phobias:
Acrophobia (fear of heights)
Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes)
Cynophobia (fear of dogs)

Imagine you work in a hospital as an expert who helps people suffering from such
phobias. Each one of you will talk about a type of phobia and is going to give
some advice on how we could deal with it. You have 5 minutes to prepare your

Rationale: to see if they are able talk about the topic. To use the vocabulary that came
across to.

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