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Properties and Modification Methods for Vegetable Fibers

for Natural Fiber Composites


'Institut f u r Werkstofftechnik, University Kassel, Kassel, Germany; 21nstituteof Polymer Materials, TU Riga, Riga, Latvia

Studies on structure and properties of natural vegetable fibers (NVF) show that composites
made of NVF combine good mechanical properties with a low specific mass. The high level
of moisture absorption by the fiber, its poor wettability, as well as the insufficient adhesion
between untreated fibers and the polymer matrix lead to debonding with age. To build
composites with high mechanical properties, therefore, a surface modification of the fibers
is necessary. The existing physical and chemical NVF modification methods-e.g., plasma
treatment or graft copolymerization-which are used for the development of NVF-polymer
composite properties is discussed. It is shown that modified cellulose fiber-polymer inter-
action mechanisms are complex and specific to every definite system. By using an coupling
agent, like silanes or stearin acid, the Young's modulus and the tensile strength increases,
dependent on the resin, until 50%. Simultaneously, the moisture absorption of the com-
posites decreases for about 60%. With other surface modifications, similar results are ob-
tained. 0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc

I NTRO DUCT10N from the plant stems or leafs,' the quality of the
plants location, and on the pre~onditioning.~.~
Fiber-reinforced plastics are structural composites, Depending on their origin, vegetable fibers can
in which a polymer matrix is combined with fibers, be grouped into seed, bast, leaf, or fruit qualities.
fabric cuttings, or filling webs. In conventional com- Bast and leaf qualities are so-called hard fibers ( e.g.,
posites, the fibers are made of glass, aramid, or car- flax, jute, and ramie) 1,5-7 and are the most used ones.
bon. The advantage of fiber-reinforced plastics re- In practically all cases, cellulose is the main com-
sults from their structure. The controlled structure ponent of vegetable fibers (Table I ) .
The elementary unit of a cellulose macromolecule
in which the fibers are lying in the polymer matrix
(Fig. 1) is anhydro-&glucose, which contains three
increases the strength and the stiffness of the com-
alcohol hydroxyls ( - OH ) . These hydroxyls form
posite. At present, natural vegetable fibers (NVF)
hydrogen bonds inside the macromolecule itself (in-
are used in composites, where high strength and
tramolecular ) and between other cellulose macro-
stiffness are not of first priority. NVF reduce the
molecules (intermolecular) as well as with hydroxyl
mass of the composite, because they have a low den-
groups from the air. Therefore, all vegetable fibers
sity. Their production is economical, with low re-
are of a hydrophil nature; their moisture content
quirements on equipment, and they can easily be
reaches 8-12.6% (Table I ) .
An important characteristic of vegetable fibers is
Conventional fibers (glass, aramid, carbon, etc.)
their degree of polymerization (DP). The cellulose mol-
can be produced with a definite range of properties.
ecules of each fiber differ in their DP and, consequently,
The characteristic properties of NVF vary consid- the fiber is a complex mixture of polymer homolog
erably. This depends on whether the fibers are taken (C&1005)n.Bast fibers commonly show the highest DP
among all the NVF (approximately 10,000).6
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 59, 1329-1336 (1996)
The fibrils of the cellulose macromolecules form
0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0021-8995/96/081329-08 spirals along the fiber axis.8 The strength and stiff-


Table I Chemical Composition and Structure Parameters of Vegetable Fibers

Allied Substances
(Wt %) Moisture
Cellulose Cell Length Spiral Angle Content
Fiber (Wt %) (mm) (Ded Hemi-cellulose Pectins Lignin Wax (Wt %) Refs.

Jute 61.0 2.3 8.0 20.4 0.2 13.0 0.5 12.6 8,9
Flax 71.0 20.0 10.0 18.6 2.3 2.2 1.7 10.0 8, 9
Hemp 74.4 23.0 6.2 17.9 0.9 3.7 0.8 10.8 8, 9
Ramie 68.6 154.0 7.5 13.1 1.9 0.6 0.3 8.0 8, 10
Sisal 78.0 2.2 20.0 10.0 - 8.0 2.0 11.0 8, 11
Coir 43.0 0.8 45.0 0.3 4.0 45.0 - 8.0 8, 11

ness of hemp, ramie, and jute correlates with the between polymer matrix and fiber leads in time to
angle between the axis and the fibril of the fiber. deb~nding.',~ Without effective wetting of the fiber,
The smaller this angle is, the higher are the me- strong interfacial adhesion cannot exist. The lack
chanical properties (Table 11). The cellulose of NVF of interfacial interactions leads to internal strains,"
contains different natural substances (Table 1).The porosity, and environmental degradation.21,22 The
most important of them are lignin and several waxes. wettability of the fiber depends on the viscosity of
The distinct cells of hard NVF are bonded together the polymer and the surface tension of both mate-
by lignin (or lignin/hemicellulose) , acting as a ce- rials. The surface tension of the polymer must be as
menting material.15 The lignin content of the bast low as possible,23at least l o ~ e r ' than
~ , ~the
~ surface
fibers influences its structure,6 its and tension of the fiber. There are different methods of
morphology." The waxy substances of vegetable fi- modification to change the surface energy of the
bers can be eliminated by extraction with organic fiber25and the polymer. The fibers' minimum value
solvents. They are the cause of the fiber's wettability of surface tension must be 43 din/cm in the case of
and adhesion characteristic^.'^*'^ epoxide (EP) and 35 din/cm in the case of unsat-
Comparative values of cellulose and conventional urated polyester ( U P ) resins.24
reinforcing fibers (Table 11) show the high attraction Therefore, the modification of the fiber or/and
for composites made of ramie, flax, and jute fibers. the polymer matrix is a key area of research at pres-
Their density values make it possible to produce ent to obtain optimum fiber matrix properties.
composites which combine good mechanical prop-
erties with a low specific mass.



The properties of composites depend on those of the Reinforcing fibers can be modified by physical and
individual components and on their interfacial chemical methods. Physical methods, such as
compatibility. The adhesion between fiber and ma- stretching, calendering,26,27 therm~treatment,~ and
trix is obtained by the mechanical anchoring of the the production of hybrid yarns28,29do not change
fiber ends into the matrix. Polymers for which the the chemical composition of the fibers. Physical
chemical bonding with reinforcements made of cel- treatments change structural and surface properties
lulose is known are methylolfunctional polymers, of the fiber and thereby influence the mechanical
such as phenol-formaldehyde resins.lg Methylol bondings in the matrix.
groups react with the hydroxyl groups of the cellu- Electric discharge (corona, cold plasma) is an-
lose to form stable ether linkages. So, a high com- other way of physical treatment. Corona treatment
patibility in the system cellulose and polymer is is one of the most interesting techniques for surface
achieved. Unfortunately, this is the only example of oxidation activation. This process changes the sur-
a high compatible cellulose-polymer compound. In face energy of the cellulose fibers,25and in the case
other cases, the absorption of moisture by untreated of wood, surface activation increases the amount of
fibers, poor wettability, and insufficient adhesion aldehyde groups.30

Figure 1 Macromolecules of cellulose.12

The same effects are reached by cold plasma acteristic~,’*’~,~~

which are important in the com-
treatment. Depending on the type and nature of the posing process.
used gases, a variety of surface modifications can be
achieved. Surface crosslinkings could be introduced,
surface energy could be increased or decreased, and
reactive free radicalsz5 and groups3’ could be pro- CHEMICAL METHODS OF MODIFICATION
duced. FOR NVF
Electrical discharge methods are known3’ to be
very effective for “nonactive” polymer substrates Strongly polarized cellulose fibersz3 inherently are
such as polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropyl- little compatible with hydrophobic
ene. They are successfully used for cellulose fiber When two materials are incompatible, it is often
modification to decrease the melt viscosity of cel- possible to bring about compatibility by introducing
lulose-polyethylene composites33 and to improve a third material that has properties intermediate
mechanical properties of cellulose-polypropylene between those of the other two. There are several
c0mposites.2~ mechanisms l9 of coupling in materials:
An old method of cellulose fiber modification is
m e r c e r i z a t i ~ n ~ ” ~it’has
~ ~ *been
~ ~ ,widely
~ ~ ; used on
Weak boundary layers-coupling agents elim-
cotton textiles. Mercerization is an alkali treatment
inate weak boundary layers.
of cellulose fibers; it depends on the type and con-
centration of the alkalic solution, its temperature, Deformable layers-coupling agents produce a
time of treatment, tension of the material, as well tough, flexible layer.
as on the additive^.'^.^^ A t present, there is a ten- Restrained layers-coupling agents develop a
dency to use mercerization for NVF as well. Optimal highly crosslinked interphase region with a
conditions of mercerization ensure the improvement modulus intermediate between that of the sub-
of the tensile proper tie^'^'^*'^^^^ and absorption char- strate and the polymer.

Table I1 Comparative Values of Cellulose and with Conventional Reinforcing Fibers

Density Elongation to Break Tensile Strength Young’s Modulus Cost

Fiber (g/cm3) (%) (MW (GPa) ($/kg1 Refs.

Jute 1.45 1.5 550 13 0.3 1, 8

Flax 1.50 2.4 1100 100 - 1,8
Hemp - 1.6 690 - - 8
Ramie 1.50 1.2 870 128 - 8, 13
Sisal 1.45 2.0 640 15 0.36 1, 8
Coir 1.15 15.0 140 5 0.25 1, 8
E-glass 2.50 2.5 2000-3500 70 3.25 14
S-glass 2.50 2.8 4570 86 - 1, 14
Aramid (normal type) 1.40 3.3-3.7 3000-3 150 63-67 - 14
Carbon (high tensile strength) 1.70 1.4-1.8 4000 230-240 > 16 14

The development of a definitive theory for the

mechanism of bonding by coupling agents in com-
posites is a complex problem. The main chemical
bonding theory alone is not sufficient. So, consid-
eration of other concepts appears to be necessary,
N- H N -H N-H which include the morphology of the interphase, the
acid-base reactions at the interface, surface energy,
and the wetting phenomena.

The Change of Surface Tension

The surface energy of fibers is closely related to the
-cn - C H -~ CH - cuZ - CH - C H -~ hydrophility of the fiber.23Some investigations are

- -

Figure 2 Hypothetical chemical structure of the cel-

concerned with methods to decrease hydrophility.
The modification of wood cellulose fibers with stearic
acid3’ hydrophobizes those fibers and improves their
lulose-PMPPIC-PS interface area.36 dispersion in polypropylene. As can be observed in
jute-reinforced unsaturated polyester resin compos-
ites, treatment with polyvinylacetate increases the
Wettability-coupling agents improve the wet- mechanical properties” and water repellence.
ting between polymer and substrate (critical Silane coupling agents may contribute hydro-
surface tension factor). philic properties to the interface, especially when
Chemical bonding-coupling agents form co- amino-functional silanes, such as epoxies and ure-
valent bonds with both materials. thanes silanes, are used as primers for reactive poly-
Acid-base effect-coupling agents alter the mers. The primer may supply much more amine
acidity of the substrate surface. functionality than can possibly react with the resin

Table 111 Characteristics of Representative Commercial Silane Coupling Agents

Critical Surface
Tension of Glass
OSi-Specialties with Silane Applied Polymers
Organofunctional Germany GmbH Treatment (Abbreviations According
Group Chemical Structure Product (dynekm) ASTM 1600)

Vinyl CH,=CHSi (OCH,), A-171 25.0 UP

Vinyl CH,=CHSi (OC,H,), A-I51 30.0 UP, PE, PP, DAP,

Chloropropyl CICH,CH,CH,Si iOCH,,), A-143 40.5 EP

EPOXY CH2CHCH,0(CH&3i (OCH,), A-187 38.5-42.5 EP, PA, PC, PF,
I A-174 28.0 UP, PE, PP, DAP,
Methacrylate CHz=C-COO(CH,),Si (OCH&

Primary amine
Cationic styryl
A-1120 33.5

All polymers
Phenyl 40.0 PS, addition to amine

Mercapto A-189 41.0 EP, PUR, SBR,


ASIOR'I fabrics with polymer matrices compatible with the

polymer. For this purpose, polymer s o l u t i ~ n sor~ ~ , ~ ~
dispersions4' of low viscosity are used. For a number
of interesting polymers, the lack of solvents limits
the use of the method of i m p r e g n a t i ~ nWhen
. ~ ~ cel-
lulose fibers are impregnated with a butylbenzyl
phthalate plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC)
dispersion, excellent partitions can be achieved. In
polystyrene (PS), this significantly lowers the vis-
cosity of the compound and the plasticator and re-
or on OH sults in a co-solvent action for both PS and PVC.40

Chemical Coupling
An important chemical modification method is the
no - 8 - 0 -
chemical coupling method. This method improves
a a 0 the interfacial adhesion. The fiber surface is treated
H H H H H H with a compound that forms a bridge of chemical
bonds between the fiber and matrix.

BOND FORMATION S'BSTAATE Graft Copolymerization

'A R An effective method of NVF chemical modification
na - sI - Q - RgI -0- lg - OH is graft copolymerization.8p'2 This reaction is initi-
I 4... H ated by free radicals of the cellulose molecule. The
H -. 0 cellulose is treated with an aqueous solution with
selected ions and is exposed to a high-energy radia-
Figure 3 Scheme of the alkoxysilanes bond formation tion. Then, the cellulose molecule cracks and radi-
with hydroxyl groups containing the surface.lg cals are formed. Afterward, the radical sites of the
cellulose are treated with a suitable solution (com-
at the interphase. Those amines which could not patible with the polymer matrix), e.g., vinyl mono-
react are hydrophilic and therefore responsible for mer, l2 acrylonitrile,' methyl methacrylate, 41 and
the poor water resistance of the bonds. An effective p o l y ~ t y r e n e .The
~ ~ resulting copolymer possess
way to use hydrophilic silanes is to blend them with properties characteristic of both fibrous cellulose and
hydrophobic silanes such as phenyltrimethoxysilane. grafted polymer.
Mixed siloxane primers also have an improved ther- For example, the treatment of cellulose fibers with
mal stability, which is typical for aromatic sili- hot polypropylene-maleic anhydride ( MAH-PP )
cones." copolymers provides covalent bonds across the in-
terface.20The mechanism of reaction can be divided
into two steps:
Impregnation of Fibers
A better combination of fiber and polymer is Activation of the copolymer by heating ( t
achieved by an i m p r e g n a t i ~ nof~ ~the reinforcing = 17OoC) (before fiber treatment):

0 CHAIf1 0

-c -c
110 -t - c- c
+ 0

'I I
HZ i
II H I 11 H I

Esterification of cellulose:

After this treatment, the surface energy of the fibers Treatment with Isocyanates
is increased to a level much closer t o the surface
energy of the matrix. Thus, a better wettability and The mechanical propert,ies of composites reinforced
a higher interfacial adhesion is obtained. T h e PP with wood fibers and PVC or PS as the resin can be
chain permits segmental crystallization and cohesive improved by a n isocyanate treatment of those cel-
coupling between the modified fiber and the PP ma- lulose fiber^^^,^^ or the polymer matrix.43Polymeth-
trix." T h e graft copolymerization method is effec- ylene-polyphenyl-isocianate(PMPPIC ) in the pure
tive, but complex. state or in solution in the plasticizer can be used.
PMPPIC is chemically linked to the cellulose matrix
Treatment with Compounds Which Contain through strong covalent bonds:
Methylol Groups
Chemical compounds which contain methylol groups R-N=C=O + H-0-Cell
( - C H 2 0 H ) form stable, covalent bonds with cel-
lulose fibers. Those compounds are well known and 0
widely used in textile chemistry: -R-HN- 11 -0-Cell
Cell - OH + HOCH2N
= R + Cell - 0 - CH2N = R + H2O Both PMPPIC and PS contain benzene rings and
their delocalized x electrons provide strong inter-
Hydrogen bonds with cellulose can be formed in this actions, so that there is a n adhesion between
reaction as well: PMPPIC and PS (Fig. 2 ) . Comparing both methods,
treatment with silanes or treatment with isocyan-
ates, it is obvious that the isocyanatic treatment is
Cell -OH + HOCH,N=R --+
more effective than is the treatment with silane.
Equal results are obtained when PMPPIC is used
for the modification of the fibers or the polymer

T h e treatment of cellulose with methylolmelamine

compounds before forming celIulose unsaturated Triazine Coupling Agents
polyester ( U P ) composites decreases the water in-
take and increases the wet strength of reinforced Triazine derivatives form covalent bonds with cel-
plasti~.~~,~' lulose fibers schematically:

lanes undergo hydrolysis, condensation (catalysts

for alkoxysilane hydrolysis are usually catalysts for
condensation), and the bond-formation stage, under
base- as well as under acid-catalyzed mechanisms.
In addition to these reactions of silanols with hy-
droxyls of the fiber surface, the formation of poly-
siloxane structures also can take place.
Analogous to glass fibers, silanes are used as cou-
pling agents for natural fiber-polymer composites.
For example, the treatment of wood fibers with
product A- 175 improves woods dimensional stabil-
it^.^^ In contrast, a decrease of mechanical properties
was observed for coir-UP composites after a fiber
modification with dichloromethylvinylsilane.46 The
treatment of mercerized sisal fiber with aminosilane
1100 (Ref. 16) before forming sisal-epoxy compos-
ites markedly improves the moisture resistance of
the composite. These examples show that theories
The reduction of the water absorbtion of cellulose used for the silane treatment of NVF are not perfect
fibers and their composites treated with triazine de- and are contradictory; therefore, further studies are
rivates is explained by 7*44 necessary.

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