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Name: Ar. Silvinus Clisson Pragash M.arch(landscape)

Designation: Assisstant Professor
Experience : 7 Years ( 3 years practical and 4 years of academic experience)

Academic roles carried out since Jan 2017

1. Jan- May 2017. During the first semester (even semester 2017) of my tenure
in Measi Academy of Architecture I was assigned to teach the following
 Building Construction I for 2nd semester.
 Building Services III & History of Architecture VI for 6th semester.
 Landscape and Ecology Elective for 10th semester
 Achieved 100% result in Building Construction I.
 As part of the teaching methodology I made sure that students
understand the importance of the subject and lead through example by
preparing hand drawn reference for the student. The students were
made to draw the details in grid note book which was checked for
errors, inputs and corrections were given to each student individually.
This type of individual attention ensured the 100% result
 I also achieved more than 95% result in Landscape and ecology
 Because of my industry experience I was not only able to teach
Building service as a theory subject but also helped students of my
class to incorporate various service details for HVAC and fire fighting in
their design studio (office design).
 During this semester I successfully guided 4 B.Arch. students and 1
M.Arch student to complete their final thesis project. I was able to help
one (Srinidhi Srinivasan) among the four B.Arch. students to secure an
S grade in her thesis, standing one among the top students of her
 I was deputed as the coordinator for Final thesis submission for one of
the three sections. As coordinator I was assigned to collect the final
submission and ensure the submission is as per prescribed format and
it was also required to document the submissions done. I also had to
ensure that these submissions are returned back to the assigned
studio after the final viva voce and ensure some submission such as
CD’s and reports are deposited in library to be archived.
2. July – Nov 2017 – During 2nd semester of my tenure I was assigned the
following subject,
 Architectural design – II for 3rd Semester
 History of Architecture – V for 5th Semester
 Building Materials – III for 3rd Semester

Architectural Design – II

 I prepared the schedule and design brief for both the design problems
(Nursery School and Food court @ Chepet Eco park ) which was approved by
the design chair and our director.
 I was able to achieve 100% result in Architectural Design. This result was
possible because of the constant monitoring and assessment of the students
work. The assessment was also documented so that there is continuous and
structured progress.
 I also organised a site visit to Chepet Eco Park as part of the studio activity.
 I had organised a talk by Ar.Pramod Balakrishnan on how to approach the
design of a nursery school who visited our college accepting the invitation of
our design chair late Ar.Bharath.

History of Architecture – V

 I achieved 95% result in this theory subject, Students were made to

understand the reason behind studying this subject and how it could improve
their architectural acumen. The students were made to maintain a class
sketchbook used to sketch various building examples, Students were also
given some building examples to be analysed and presented in form of sheet
in the class.

Example of students work

Building Materials – III

 I achieved 95% result in this theory subject too. Students were made to
understand various characteristics of building materials through videos
showing their manufacturing and application. Students were also given
assignment to collect detail of vendors who supply these materials and also
acquire brochures from them to understand the range of materials available in
the market.

Also guided one M.Arch student (Parameshwari) to successfully complete her

dissertation in Biomimcry in architecture

3. Dec 2017 – Till date (current semester)- This semester I was assigned the
following subjects

 Architectural design – III for 4th semester.

 Building construction and materials – 1 for 2nd semester.
 I am currently guiding 5 students in their thesis (3 B.Arch students and 2
M.Arch students)

Architectural Design – III

 This semester required the students to study a rural settlement. I organised

and planned a rural trip to Palathurai village near Coimbatore for the students
of the 4th semester A section.
 Coordinated with travel agent in planning the itinerary, accommodation and
travel arrangements for 41 students and accompanied them to the village for
primary data collection. This trip was successful which concluded without any
 Guided this design studio ensuring all the data collected transpires into
drawings and sheets.

Administrative roles carried out since Jan 2017

 Was part of the disciplinary committee for the inauguration of the auditorium
 Was part of the stage decoration committee for the graduation day and also
organised the valedictory photo-shoot for the graduation day
 Currently part of Magazine and Newsletter committee.
 Deputed as examiner as part of central evaluation in Anna University
 Prepared Question Paper key for 3 paper deputed by Anna University through
our institution.

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