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Dear Dani,

I’d like to inform you. The axamination will be held soon, starting from
24th Apil. Calculators and dictionaries are not allowed. Lateness is not
tolerated. The first day is Indonesian. It will last for four days. Don’t
forget to bring your examination card. Take care yourself.

Your elder sister

4. Why did Shinta write the message to Dani?
a. Shinta and Dani are best sibling
b. Dani needs some information
c. Dani forgets to bring his examination card.
d. Shinta adn Dani will have examination
5. After reading the text, we can say that.....
a. Dani should study English for the first day
b. Dani doesn’t need any information
c. Dani must bring his examination card during the test
d. Dani should come late to join the examination

Dear Rina

Congratulation on your succses in the final examination. Your

achievement proves that you are the best in your school. Keep up the
good work!



49. Why did Rangga congratulate Rina?

a. Rina will take the examination
b. Rina still has to take the examination
c. Rina has passed the examinatian
d. Rina Should prepare for the axamination
50. “Your achievement proves that you are the best in your school.”
The underlined word means.....
a. Development
b. Assessment
c. Succes
d. Process

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