IFR Flight Briefing

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Operational Flight

Plan & Briefing

For IFR Flight

Departure: EOBT:
Arrival: EIBT:

Aircraft / Reg:

Number of passengers:


Maxime Konareff – 2014 1

Before flight Briefing

 Destination(s)
 Aircraft suitable with flight

 Aircraft :
 Aircraft logbook
 Flight manual
 Certificate of airworthiness
 Registration certificate
 Insurance
 Weight and balance card
 Aircraft Station License
 Pilot :
 Identity card / Passport
 Licences et médical
 Pilot logbook

 Fronts chart
 TEMSI chart
 WINTEM chart
 METAR & TAF: Minimums for flight? Becoming?

NOTAMs at destination and alternates.

Fuel sheet
 Commercial
 General aviation

Mass & balance

 At take off
 At landing

 Commercial or General aviation ?


For each LEG, give:

 Departure airport details ATC/AFIS/auto-info, airspace, runway in use

 Expected type of departure
 Route details and remarks
 Flight level and important altitudes (MEA, MSA…)
 Flight time
 Expected type of departure and approach
 Arrival airport details ATC/AFIS, auto-info, airspace, runway in use

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 Fronts chart:
 Temsi:
 Wintem:
 METAR/TAF – Minimums:

Departure ICAO: Wind: Rwy : SID: Note : RVR ≥ 400m for non LVP
Take-off Visi/RVR Visi/RVR EOBT
Minimums Ceiling ≤ Ceiling Weather
Approach available at departure:
Landing Visi/RVR If at EOBT, Departure Visi/RVR < required Visi/RVR
Minimums DH/MDH and/or Ceiling < DH/MDH : Take off Altn is required

Takeoff Altn ICAO: ETA: Wind: Rwy : Approach:

Landing Visi/RVR Visi/RVR ETA+/- 1h
Minimums DH/MDH
≤ Ceiling Weather

Destination ICAO: ETA: Wind: Rwy : Approach:

Landing Visi/RVR Visi/RVR ETA+/- 1h
Minimums DH/MDH
≤ Ceiling Weather

Alternate 1 ICAO: ETA: Wind: Rwy : Approach:

Approach available / Minimums used for preparation
 CAT II&III : Use CAT I minimums - RVR only
 CAT I : Use Classic approach minimums – RVR & ceiling
 Classic approach : Classic approach minimums - RVR+1000m & ceiling +200ft
 Visual approach : Use visual approach minimums ceiling – Ceiling only
Landing Visi/RVR Visi/RVR ETA+/- 1h
Minimums DH/MDH
≤ Ceiling Weather

Alternate 2 ICAO: ETA : Wind : Rwy : Approach:

Approach available / Minimums used for preparation
 CAT II&III : Use CAT I minimums - RVR only
 CAT I : Use Classic approach minimums – RVR & ceiling
 Classic approach : Classic approach minimums - RVR+1000m & ceiling +200ft
 Visual approach : Use visual approach minimums ceiling – Ceiling only
Landing Visi/RVR Visi/RVR ETA+/- 1h
Minimums DH/MDH
≤ Celing Weather

Note : During monopilot operations, Landing RVR must be ≥ 800m.

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Fuel and Weight & Balance
Taxi Fuel flow: CLB Fuel Flow:  Taxi fuel : Includes APU fuel
CRZ Fuel Flow: DES Fuel flow: if necessary
Flight level: ……….. Time Quantity (Units : ………… )  Trip fuel : include SID, Trip,
STAR and procedure
Taxi fuel  Contingency fuel : 5 Min
Trip Fuel Hold or 5% of trip fuel (The
higher value)
Contingency Fuel  Alternate fuel : Trip and
Alternate fuel Procedure
 Final reserve fuel : 45 min on
Final reserve fuel piston engine (no altitude
Additional fuel specified) or 30 min at
1500ft AAL for turbine
Extra Fuel  Additional fuel : 15 min Hold
at 1500ft AAL if no alternate
FUEL ON BOARD available when required

Weight Arm Lever (Unit…….)

Dry Operating/Empty
Zero Fuel Weight MZFW:
Ramp Weight MRW:
Taxi fuel
Take-Off Weight MTOW:
Trip Fuel
Landing Weight MLW:
Alternate Fuel
LDG Weight at Altn MLW:


Refer to the flight manual for

precise fuel and Weight & Balance
planning especially for balancing.

Maxime Konareff -2014 4


Note: This page must be used only with a JAR23 Class B aircraft.

 Slopes for multi-engine aircraft :

Take off N Engines: …... % ≥ 4% Take off N-1 Engines: …... % ≥ 0.75%
Go Around N Engines: …... % ≥ 2.5% Go Around N-1 Engines: …... % ≥ 0.75%

 Speeds
V1: ……........... VR: ……........... V2: ……........... VYSE: ……........... VAPP: ……...........

 Take-off and Landing distances

Note: If necessary, additional correction must be applied to calculated distances.
Consider maximum 50% of headwind component and minimum 150% of tailwind component.

Departure Runway Wind

Take-off calculated Dist TORA ÷ 1.25 TORA

Departure (if clearway available – use smaller corrected available distance)
Take-off calculated Dist TORA

Take-off calculated Dist TODA ÷ 1.15 TODA

Take-off calculated Dist ASDA ÷ 1.30 ASDA

Take-off alternate Runway Wind

Landing Calculated Dist LDA x 0.7 LDA

Destination Runway Wind
Landing Calculated Dist LDA x 0.7 LDA

Alternate 1 Runway Wind
Landing Calculated Dist LDA x 0.7 LDA

Alternate 2 Runway Wind
Landing Calculated Dist LDA x 0.7 LDA

Corrections for Take-off available distance: Corrections for calculated landing distance:

Slope … % - 5% per +1% slope Slope … % Add 5% per 1% slope

Grass runway ÷ 1.20 Grass Runway X 1.15
Wet grass runway ÷ 1.30 Wet Runway X 1.15

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In flight Briefing

 Who is the pilot flying?
 Runway in use
 Wind direction and velocity
 Take off config (Power, Flaps, Speeds)
 Clerance
 Security :

… is the pilot flying, Take off runway …. the wind is from the …. for …. Kts
In case of an engine failure before rotation: Throttle back, max braking, call ATC
In case of an engine failure after rotation and enough RWY remaining, throttle back, full flaps
and call AC
In case of an engine failure after rotation and not enough RWY remaining
 One engine :
- Minor engine failure …. Downwind RWY…
- Major engine failure, fly straight ahead max 30° at each side of the axis at … kts
 Multi engine:
- Below 2000ft : Full Power, Control the aircraft, Speed blue line, Identify the dead engine,
verify, feather then Emergency checklist
- Above 2000ft: Try to “restart” (check magnetos, fuel pump, fuel tanks) then same procedure.

 Note Take-off time for in-flight fuel calculation

Cruise check
 Power
 Engine instrument
 Fuel check & balancing

Arrival (RAMNS)
Who is the pilot flying?

 Weather (check Arrival and alternate ATIS or contact corresponding frequency)

 Fuel check & balancing
Prepare the cockpit then follow the RAMNS checklist:

 Route:
- Procedure entry
- Procedure tracks
 Altitude:
- Procedure altitude
- Distance DME of beginning of descent
- Navaid (NDB,Locator, VOR) altitude check
- Minimums (DA, MDA)
 Missed approach point & missed approach (distance, time)
 Navaids:
- Identify all the navaids needed during approach
- Continuous listening if NDB approach
 Speeds:
- Ground speed on final
- Vertical speed on final

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