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1. What are the Elements of Nature that are interpreted in the dances?

 The elements of nature that are interpreted in the dances are land,
fire, air, and water.

2. In the legend of Maria Christina Falls, what did the woman to stop the Raja’s
unbridled lust for her?

 In the legend of Maria Christina Falls the woman jump to the ravine
in order to stop Raja’s unbridled lust and the woman become water
and falls so called Maria Christina Falls.

3. In the dance of Maranaos, what occasions did you see?

 The occasion of Maranaos that I can saw was they dancing even if
there is an occasions or no occasion.

4. What is the message of the last dance?

 The message of the last dance was all about the meaning if the
culture of the Maranaos and the unity.

5. What is the name of the performing group you have just watch?

 The name of the performing group that watched was “Integrated

Performing Arts Guild”

6. Describe what is a dance drama as presented in this production?

 The dance drama that was presented in the production means

interpreting the story in a way of dance and how to performed to
have a good production that they present.
1. Now, can you say that you are proud to be a Filipino? Why?

 Yes, there are many reasons why we should be proud of being a

Filipino and as we’ve witnesses base on the performance of
Integrated Performing Arts Guild about the Tales from Mindanao, we
can surely say that there are many culture, tradition and languages
that the Filipino has compare with other country.

2. Describe the performance as you saw it.

 The performance I saw is just unique, creative and very realistic

because they are really good in their performance and they are
really dedicated with their character and they successfully delivered
their play and indeed they are professionals in the name of theatre.

3. How did the material affect you?

 The material that are being used was very thruthful, realistic and very
convincing because as I’ve observed the materials they have used
in their play had give a big impact to the successfulness of their
performance and we should be proud as a Filipino and it is originally
made from the Philippines like those instruments that they have used.

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