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Tompkins County Legislature Meeting: 07/17/18 05:30 PM

Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building Department: Tompkins County Legislature

Ithaca, NY 14850 Category: Awards and Recognition
Functional Category:


1 Resolution to Recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day as a Holiday in

2 Tompkins County
3 WHEREAS, the members of the Tompkins County Legislature recognize that the Indigenous Peoples of the
4 land since time immemorial were caretakers of such known as the Americas, and
6 WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature recognizes the fact that we currently stand on lands where there
7 are homes and villages of the Cayuga Nation and Onondaga Nation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and
9 WHEREAS, the County values the many contributions made to our community through Indigenous Peoples’
10 knowledge, labor, technology, science, philosophy, arts, and the deep cultural contribution that has helped shape the
11 character of Tompkins County, and
13 WHEREAS, the County has committed through its diversity policy and other non-discrimination policies to
14 oppose the systematic racism towards all marginalized peoples including the Indigenous People in our region, and
16 WHEREAS, the County has for years committed to protect, respect, and fulfill the full range of inherent
17 human rights for all as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and numerous other international human
18 rights treaties, and
20 WHEREAS, Indigenous Peoples’ Day was first proposed in 1977 by a delegation of Native Nations to the
21 United Nations-sponsored International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the
22 Americas, and calls for revocation of the Doctrine of Discovery, and
24 WHEREAS, the County proposes to honor our Nations’ and more specifically, Tompkins County’s Indigenous
25 roots, history, and contributions, now therefore be it
27 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the Tompkins
28 County Legislature recognizes the second Monday in October, as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” and shall encourage the
29 celebration of this day in a manner that promotes respect, understanding, and friendship; combats prejudice and bias;
30 works to eliminate discrimination stemming from colonization; and acknowledges our history,
32 RESOLVED, further, That all Tompkins County documents and references to “Holidays,” shall include
33 Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

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