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The 26th Annual

- l'Iew~rry Library



April 19-21, 1979

The NewberryLlbr.ry
60 W. Walton Street. Chlcago,lL

A conferenCe sponsored by The Newberry Ubrary

.. . and the National Endowment for the Humanities

The citations following have been contributed by speakers

in the 26th annual Newberry Renaissance COnference. This list
does not pretend to be comprehensive, but is i ntended rathe r t o
indicate basic modern secondary aources which might be usefu l
for anyone pursuing further study of rhetoric during the
European Renais sance.
A double asterisk ( •• ) is used to ~rk titlea which
speakers have nllllled three or more timea. (Each speaker
independently was asked to s ubmit ten tit l es . ) The lis t is
alphabetized by author , rega r dless of whether the item i s a
book, monograph, or journal article .
The apeakers s ub.ttting titles sre:
Ponald Abbot Aron Kibedi-Varga Phil ip Rollinson
Culseppe Billanovich PaulO. Kriste lle r Helmut Schanze
Hugh Davidson Dominic: LaRuaso Richard J. Shoec:k
J oachim Dyck John Monfasani Thomas Sloane
Harc Fumarol i James J . Murphy Charles Trinkau,
Alex Cordon John W. O' M.alley John O. Ward
Winifred Horner Heinrich Plett

J SIlJeS J. Hurphy
Conference Chairman
Apel, Ka ~ l Otto. Die Idee d e~ Sp ~ach e in d e~ T~adltion des
Rumanialllus von Dante bis Vico . Bonn: 1963, 2. ,
du~ ch gesehen Aufl. 1975 . (Archiv fur Begrif fsgeschichte .
Bd .8 . )

BaldYin, Charles S. Renaissance Liters ry Theory and Pr actice.

Ne .... Yo rk : 1939, r ept. 1959.

Banker , J . R. "Tlu!; ars dictaainis and r he t o rical textboo ks at

the Bolognese iii\[versity i n the fourteenth century."
Medievalia et Humanis tica, N.S.5 (1914), 153-168.

Barner, Wil fried. Barockrhetor ik . Untersuchungen zu ihren

gesch i chtlichen Grundlagen. Tubingen; 1970.

Baron, H. The Crisis of the Early Italian Renais sance Civic

Humanis. an d Repub lican Libe rty in an Age of Classi c i s.
and Tyr anny . 2 vo l s. Pr i nceton: Princeton Univer sity
Pr ess, 1955. (Revised to one volUllle, 1966)
Note: With a f ocus on th e his t oriogr aphi c approach
to humaniatic literature , Baron brings to light the
c rucial r ole played by rhe tori c in the socio-political
dev el opments of the peri od . Als o of help a r e the
sequel s to this s tudy . (DAL)

Beck, Hans-Ceorg. "/\nUk Beredsamkett und byzantinische

Kallilogia. " Antike und Abendland, XV (1969), 91- 101.

---------- Kirche und Theo l ogische Literature 1m byzantin-

ischen Reich . Handb uch de r Al t e rtumsYissenschaft ,
zwolfte Abteilung, z....eiter Teil, e r ster Band . Mun ich:
C.H. Beck , 1959.
No te: Especially useful for hOlnilettcs. (JH)

sene, Cha rl es. trasme et Saint Ausus tin. Geneva: Oroz, 1969.
Not e: es p. pp. 312--1026 on t he De ina Chris t iana
and t he Ecclesiastes (Jot H)

Bert a lot, L. Studien zum i t a U en ischen und deutschen

Humanislllum. 2 vols. Roma : Edizi on i di Storia e
Letteratura , 1975 .

Billanovich, C. "11 Petr a r ca e i r etort latini lIino r 1."

Italia mediaeva l!! e umanistica, V (1962), 103-164.

---------- "L ' inse gnamento della grallllllatica e de lla
r etorica nelle universlta italiane t ra Petrarca e
Gua r in o ."
Ed. J.

Bleznick, D.W.
(1959) ,

BUhlig , Georg. "Untersuchungen z um rhetorischen Sprachge-

brauch d e r Byzantiner mit besonde rer BeruckSlch tigung
der SchrHten des Mi chael Pse llos. " Dlss. Muni c h 1956 .

Bolgar, R.R., ed . Classical Influe nces on European Cultu r e .

A.D. 1.500-1100. Camb r idge University Press, 1976.

Borinski , Karl . Die Antike in Poetik und Kunsttheorie.

2 Bde. Leipzig: 19 1 4.

Boyle, Marjorie O' Rourke. Erasmus on Language and Method

in Th eo l ogy. Toronto: University o f To r on t o Pr ess,
19 77 •
Note: An important analysis of the rh e t o r ical basis
of Erasmus ' theology of the l ogos. (CT)

Breen, Quirinus. Christianity a nd H~anism, Studies in the

History of Ideas. Grand Rap i ds : Wi lliam B. Eerdmans,
Note: Contains th e Barbaro/Pico/Me1anchthon debate
and Calvin and rh etoriC art i cle. See als o his
Nizolius a rtic les and edition. (CT)

- -------- " Three ' Renaissance Humanists on the Relation of

Philosophy and llhetoriC." Chr istiani t y and Humanism.
Grand Rapids: 1968, pp. 1-68.

Burge r . Heinz Otto. Renaissance, Humanismus, Reformation:

De u t sche Literatur 1m europUischen Kontext . Bad
HOGIburg: Gehlen, 1969.

BuissOD, Fe rd. Le Repertoire. des Ouvnge s Pedagosiques Du

XVie Siecle. Paris: Mus'e Pedagogique , Fasc. l , 1886 .

Car!lpo reale, Salvatore . "Lo renzo Valla tra Medi oe vo e

Rina sci1lle nto: Encomion s . ThOlrlae (1457). " Mefllo rie
Domenicane, N.S.7 (1976), 11- 94.
Note: esp. pp. 28-62. The most detailed study of
Valla's panegyric from rh eto rical viewpoint. (JO ' M)

---------- Lo r enzo Valla, u.&nesimo e teol ogia. Florence:

lstituto naziona!e di studi s u I Rinascimento, 1972 .

Caplan, Harr y, and Hen .. y H. King. "Latin T.. a cta t es on
P..eaching: A Book-List (noo ff.)." The Ha r va ..d
Theological Review, 42 (194 9) , 185-206.
Note: Most comp l ete l ist of 16th-centur y t ..eatises .
(J O'M)

Casto .. , G.. ahame. PliHade Poetics. CllIlIbdd ge: Camb .. i d ge

University P ..ess , 1964.

ChaIDbe rlin , John S. lnc ..ease and Mult i ply : Arts-of-Ob-

coune Procedure in t he p .. each 1ng of Donne. Chapel
Hi ll: University of North C...o lina Press , 1976.
Note: laI:pact o f Au gustine, E.. asmus , and c lassical
["evival on preach i ng. (JO'M)

Clark, IkInald L. Joh n Milton at St . Paul ' s School: A Study

of Ancient Rheto .. ic in English Renaissance Educ ation .
New Yo .. k: Columbia Unive"sity P ..ess , 1948.


Constab l e, Ciles. Letters and Let t e r - Co llectiona .

Turnhout: 1976.

Cozenza , Mario E.ilio. Biographical an d Bibliographical

Dictionary o f the Italian Humanists and of the World of
Classical Scholarship in I uly , 1300-1800. 2nd Rev.
Ed . 6 vol a. Boston : G.K. Hall , 1962-67 .

Cu ne , William G. " English Rhetorics of the Sixteenth

Cen t ury." In The Pr ovince of Rhe t oric. Ed. J .
Schwartz and J . A. Rycenga. New York: Ronald Preas ,
1965 .

Wit and Rhetoric i n the Ren a issance. New Yo r k:


Cr escini, Angelo.
c inquecento.

Cr oll , Morris W. Ed. J . Hal<

Patric k, R.O. R.J. Schoeck.
Prince ton: Prince to<> Unive r s i ty Press , 1966.

Curt iua, Ernst Robert. Eur o~lsche Lite r atur und latein -
iaches Mittelalter. Bern: Fr a ncke, 1948.

Dockhom, Klaus . Macht und Wirkung der Rhetorik. Bad
Homburg: Geh len, 1968.

Oy c k, Joachi m. Athen und Jerusalem. Bibel tmd Poesie in

der Tr adition ih rer argumen t a t iven Verknil pf un s .
Mun c hen: Bec k, 1977.

.!he t o ri sche Tradition. """,~"~,~.,<~h~.~,".~,~~""k~'~'"'~O~'51~k,-~~d~
Bad Homburg: Zurich, 1969.

Eisenstein . Elizabeth L. The Printing Pr eas As An Age nt of

~. Communication s and cultural tran s ( o~ tion s in
early-l'llode m Europe. 2 vola . New Yo rk: Cambridge
Unive rsity Press, 1919.

Fischer , Ludwig. Cebundenc Rede . Dldhtung und Rhetorik in

der litera ri sdhen Theorie d es Barock i n Deutschland.
TUbingcn: Nieme yer, 1968.

Flynn , Lawre n ce , S.J. "The Dc Arte Rheto ri ca of Cyp r ian

Soarez , S.J." Quarterly Journal of Speech, 42 (1956),

- -------- "Sources and Influence of Soarez' De Arte

Rh etor i ca. " Quar terly J ourna l o f Speech , 43 (1951) ,
257- 265 .

Ita liana . Vola.

Fontanini, C"O"~¥.~TI
I-ll. V 1153.
Note: With noU s by Appstolo Zeno, thi s early
ef f o r t at a c rit ical analysis o f Italian Eloquence
presents a beginning reference po int for wo r ks in
Cr ammsr, Rhetori C, Poetry , and Dr ama among othera.

France , Pete r. RhetoriC and Tn,lth · in France, Deacartes

to Dlder o t. Oxford: Oxford Unive r sity Press , 1912.
Note: esp. bibliographica l easay , pp. 265-271 (ALG)

Fumaroli, Marc. "Genese de l' epis tolographie c lass ique:

rheto rique hUlllanl s te de la. lettre, de Pettrarque s
J uste Llpse ," Revue d ' His t o ire Litteraire de la Frsnce,
18 (1918), 886-905.

Gallardo, BartolelllC Jose. !-:naayo de una bibl10teca

espanola de lib r os r aros y c uruosos, 4 vols. Madrid:
M. Rivadeneyra. 1863- 89 .

••GalletU, A. L' Eloquenza (DaIle Orig ini a l XVI Secolo).

Milan: Casa Editrice Vall a rd l. 1938.
Note: A pioneer effor t o fferin g a view of p ra c tical
and theo reti cal works on s acred and profane
eloquence in Italy frOID clOO-1600 . (DAL)

Ga rin, E. Italian HlIIDanislll. Trans. Peter Hun2:. New York:

------ -- --, P. Rossi , and C. Vasoli . Testi ~anistici su

la Retorica. Roma: Fratelli Bocca Edit o ri, 1953.
Note : A concentrated effort to provide SOllie
c ritical app rai s al of certain publ iahed and
unpublished works of selected Renaissance
rhetoricians. (DAL)

Gerl , H.B. Rhetorik ala Philosophie . Munich: 1974.

Gilbert, Neal. Renaissance Concepts of Method. New York:

Colwnbia University Press, 1960.
Note: On role of rhetoric 1n lllethodology debates of
sixteenth century .

Gordon , Alex L. Ronssrd et la RiI"torique. Tr avaux

d'llumanisJlle et Renaissance, I l l . Geneva: Oro2:, 1970.

Cray, Hanna H. "Renaiaaance lI=antslll: the Pu r suit of

Eloquence." 1n Renaissance Essays (rOIl. the Journal of
the History of Ideas. Ed. P. O. kriste,ller and P.P.
Wiener. New Yor k: Harper, 1968, pp. 199-216.

Creen, Otis H. "On the Attitude toward the Vulgo in the

Spanish SiSlo de Oro." Studies 1n the Renaissance,
4 (1957), 190-200.

---------- "Se aClcalaron los auditores: An Aspect of t he

Spanish Literary Baroque . " Hispanic Review, ~2 (1959) ,

---------- Spain and the Western Tradition . 4 vo1s.

Madison: University of Wisconsin Press , 1963- 66.

--Hardison, O.B. The Enduring MonUlllent. Olapel Hill: Th.
University oC North Carolina Press, 1962.

Hathaway, Baxter. The Age of Criticism: The L"te Renaissance

in tta1y. Haca: 1962 ; rpt. Westport , Conn.: Greenwood
Press, 1972.
__________ Marvels and Commonplaces: Renaissance Literary
Critich;lI.. New York: Random House , 1968.

Heath, Ter r e n ce. "Logical Or _ar, Grillllmati cal Logic, and

HUlJI.lnism in Three Cenaan Universities." Studies tn the
Rena i ssance, 16 (1971), 9-64.

Hildebrand-GUnthe r. Renate . Antike Rheto ri k deutsche Theo r ie
~. Jahrhundert. Marburg: 1906 . (Marburger
Beitrage zur Geraanistik , Bd . 13)

**Hawell. Wi1hur S. Logic and Rhetoric in England , 1500-1 700.

Hew Yor k: Russell and Russell , 1960.

Ja ffe , Samue l O. Ni c. Pybinus. We i s baden: 19 74.

Jardine , Lisa. Francis Bacon: Discovery and the Art of
Discourse. Cambridge , England : 1974.

**Joseph, Si ster Miriam. Shakespeare', Use of the Arts of

Language. New Yor k : 1947 .

Kennedy, George. The Art of Persuasion in Greece. Princeton

University Press, 1963.

---------- The Art of Perauasion in the Roman World ( 300

B.C.-A . D. 300). Princeton Univeraity Press, 1972.

Kennedy, Wi l liam J . Rhetorical

Literature. Yale, 1978.

Kibedi-Varga, A. Rhetorique et Li tterat ure. Pari s : Didier,

1970 .

Knowlson, James. Univer aal Language Schemes in England a nd

FrSllce, l6~1800. Toronto , 1915.

Kristeller , PaulOskar . "An Unknown HUlnSni st Sermon on

St . Stephen by GuillaUClle Ficheto " In Mela ngea Eug~ne
Tisserant, VI, Studi e Test i, No. 236. Va tican City:
Bibliotheca Apostolica Vatican., 1964, pp . 459-97.
No t e: Edition, with indication of fi gures of thouaht
and diction. (JO'M)

Rena i ssSllce Thought . New York: 1961 and 1965.

---------- St udies in Renaissance Thought and Letters.

Rome: 1956; rept. 1967.

- --------- Iter Ita l ic~ . TVa vol a. Leiden : E.J. Brill,

1963-67.- -
Note: A prodigious ef fort whi ch offera a lis t of
uncata l ogued medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in
Italian and other librar iea. Vol umeI, Italy:
Agrigento to Novara; Volume II, Ital y: Orvieto t o
Volterra; Vatican City. (JOW)
_____ __ ___ • "Un An dictaminis dl Giovanni del Virgi l io."
Italla medloeval e e umanis tic&, IV (1961), 181- 200.

Krumbacher, Karl. Geschichte der byzantinischen Letteratur
(Handbuch der Alterumswissenschaft, neunte Abteilung) .
2nd ed . 2 vols . Munich: 1897.
No t e: Old , but still indispensible. (JM)

Kustas, George . " Function and Evolution of Byzantine

Rhetoric. " Viator , I (1970) , 55-73.

---------- Studies in Byzantine Rhetoric. Thessaloniki:

Patriarchal Institute for Patristic Studies, 1973.

Lange, Hans-Joachim . Aemulatio veterum siye de optimo

genere dicend i. Die Entstehung des aarockstils im 16.
Jahrhundert durch eine Geschmacksverschiebung in
Richtung der Stile des manieristischen Type. Bern,
Frankfurt: 1974.

laRusso, Domini c. "Rhetorical Education: I taly 1300-1450.

Western Speech, IV (l960). 213-219.

Lausberg , H. Handbuch' der literarischen Rhetorik . 2 vols.

Mlinchen: Hueber, 1960 .

Lechner , Joan Marte. Renaissance Concepts of the Common-

pl aces. New York: 1962.

Leeman , A.D. Orationis ratio, the stylistic t heories and

practice of the Roman orators , historians and
phil osophers . Amsterdam : A.M. Hackert, 1963 .

Lida De Malkiel, Maria Rosa. La tradicion clasica de Esparia

Esplugues de Llobregat. Barcelona: 1975.

Lyons, Bridget Gellert . Voices of Melancholy: Studies in

Literary Treatments of Melancholy in Renaissance
England. New Yor k : Barnes and Noble, 1971 .

Marri , Antonio . La precept iva retorica espanola en el Siglo

de Oro. Bi blloteca remanica hispanica . 1: Tradados y
monografias . 12. Madrid: Editorial Gredos , 1972.

McKeon, Richard. "Creativity and the Commonplace."

Philosophy and Rhetor i c, 6 (1973), 199-210 .

----___ __ _ " The Methods of Rheto r ic and Philosophy:

Invention and Judgment." The Classical Tradition:
Literary and Historical Studies in Honor of Harry
Caplan. Ed. Luitpold Wallach. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press , 1966, pp. 365-373.
- _________ "The Transformations of the Liberal Ar ts in the
Renaissance . " Developments in the Early Renai,sance.
Ed . Bernard Levi . Albany: State Unive r sity of New York
Preas, 1972, pp. 158-223 (incl. 16 pp. bibliography).

------ ---- "The Uaea of Rhetoric in a Technological Age:
Architectonic Productive Arts ." The Prospect of
Rhetotic. Ed. Lloyd F. Bitzer and Edwin Black. Report
of the National Development Project s ponsored by t he
Speech Communication Association. Engl ewood Cliffs,
N.J.: Prenti ce-Hall , 1971 , pp. 44-6) . Report of the
Discussion Group "WUCspresd--The Final Session , "
pp. 182-185.

McManamon, John M. "The Ideal Renaissance Pope: Funeral

Oratory fro. the Papal Court /1447- l52lJ ." ArchlVU11
Hiatoriae Pontificiae , 14 (1976) , 9-70.
Note: Comparison of th ~ tic and clasai cal eul og i es.

- --------- "Renaissance Preaching: Theory and Pr actice: A

Holy Thursday Sermon of Aurelio Brandol in1." Viator, 10
(19 79) , 000.-000.
Note: Critical edition plus study of f i gurea of
thought and diction. (JO ' M)

McNally, J.R. "Rector.!!.l2!2. Populi: I ta lian Humanists a nd

the Relat ionship between Rhetoric and Logic." Modern
Philol ogy, 67 (1969 ) , 168-76.

Melanchthon, Philipp . HOII lletische Schriften. Ed. Paul

Drews and Ferdinand Cohra , Supplementa Melanchthoniana
5/2 . Leipzig: H. Heinaius , 1929.
Note: Commentary, as well as publication of works
omi tted in Opera omn ia. (JO'H)

Menendez y Pelayo, ~:;:'. ''':;~;.,~i-'l est.hicas

~ Eapana . 2 vol!! .
Inves tigaci ones Cientlficss , 1974 .

Hichel, Alain. Rhetort que et philoaophie chez Ciceron,

eaaai sur les f ondemen t s philosophiques de llart de
persuader . Paria: 1960 .

**Honfasani, John. George of Trebisond: A Biography and a

Study of His Rhetoric and Logic . Leiden: Brill, 1976.

Morhof , Daniel C. Polyhistor , in ues tOlll08 . 2 vo15 .

Lubecae , Bockmann, 1978.

MUll er , Wolfgang G. Die polltische Rede bei Shakespea r e .

TUbingen: G. Narr, 1979.

Murphy , James J. "Caxton ' a '1\10 Choices : 'Hodern ' and

'Hed ieva l Rhetort c tn Trsveraagni' s Nova rhetorics
and the AnonylllOus Court of Sapience. " Hedievalt. et
Humani sti ca, N. S.) (1972) , 241-255 .

Newton-de Molina, David. "Reflections on Literary Criticism
and Rhetoric." Durham Univer.81ty Journal. 65 (N.S. 34)
1972, pp. 1-40.

Norden, Eduard. Die Antike kunstprosa von VI Jabrundert von

Chris . bis in die Zeit der Renaissance. 2 vols. Leipzig:
Teubner, 1898.

O' Mal l ey, John W. Praise and Blame in Renaissance Rome:

Rhetoric. Doctrine . and Reform in the Sacred Oratory of
the Papal Court. c.145O-152l. Durham, N. Carolina:
Duke University Press , 1979.
Note: Study of revival of genus demonstrativum and
ita impact on preaching. (JO'H)
lmportant study of epideictic rhetoric in
Renaissance curial preaching. (en

---------- "Preaching for the Popes." The Pursuit of

Happiness. Ed. C. Trinkaus and H. Oberman. Leyden:

Ong, Walter J. "Ramistic Rhetoric." Tho Province of

Rhe t oric. Ed. Schwartz, J. and J.A. Rycenga. New York:
Ronald Press, 1965, pp. 56-65.

Ramus, Method and the Decay of Dialogue.

Cambridge, Mass.: 1958.

---------- "Tudor Writings on Rhetoric, Poetic, and

Literary Theory." Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology .
Ithaca: Cornell, 1971. pp . 48-103.

Padley, G.A. Grammatical Theory in Western Europe 1500-

1100: the Latin Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1976.
Note: More than 30 of the authors discussed also
wrote works on rhetoric. (JJM)

**Patterson, Annabel H. Hermogenes and the Renaissance: Seven

Ideas of Style. Princeton University Press, 1970 .

Plett, Heinrich F. Rhetori k der Affekte: Englische

Wirkungsasthetik im Zeitalter der Renaissance.
Studien zur englischen Philologie, N.S., 18. Tilbingen;
Niemeyer, 1975.

Textwissenschaft und Textana1yse: Semiotik,

Linguistik, Rhetorik. Heidelberg: Quel le & Meyer, 1975;
2nd ed. 1919.
Note: Rhetorical analyses of texts by Spenser,
Shakespeare, Herbert, Donne, etc. (HFP)

Rico Verdu. Jose . La retarica espanol a de loa ai&loa XVI y
~. Madrid: Conaejo Superior de Investigaciones
Cient ificas. 1973.

Sabbadini. R. Le scoperte dei codlcl latinl e gtecl ne'

secoll XIV e XV. 2nd. ed. Firenze: Sansoni, 1967 .

Storia e critica di teati l atin!. 2nd ed.

Padova: Edittlce Anteno r e, 1911.

Santini , ~lio . Fitenze e i auoi Ora tori nel Quattrocento.

Milan: 1922.

-------- -- "La proteatatio de iustitia." RinaaciHnto 10 ,

(1959), H-I06 .

Scaglione, Aldo. The Classica l Theory of Coapositlon from

ita origin t o the present, an his torical survey . Chapel
Hill: The University of North Carolina Press , 1972.

"''''Schanze, Helmut. Rhetorik . Beitrilge zu ihrer Geachich te in

Deutschland va. 16.-20. Jahrhundert. Fr ankfurt am Hain:
Athenlum Fischer Taschenbu chverlag, 19 74 .

Schnell, UWe. Die hooiletiache Theorle Philipp Helanchthons.

Arbeiten zur Geachichte und Theolog1e des Luthertums.
Bd. 20., 1968.

Schoeck, R.J. "On Rhetoric in 14th Century Oxford . "

Mediaeval Studies, ~xx (1968), 214-25.
Note: Important for underatandi ng the full story of
the teaching of rhetori c in 14th (and 15th and 16tb)
century Oxford. (RJS)

--------- "Rhetoric and Lav in 16th Century England."

Studies in Philology, L (1953), llG-27 .
Note: Important for the r elationship between
rhetoric and lay. (RJS)

"'*Sei gel, Jerrold E. Rhetoric and Phi 10aophy in Renaissance

Humanism. Princeton, 1968.
--_______ "The Teaching of Argytopulos and th e rhetoric of
t he first Humanists ." Action and Conviction in £.arly
Modern Eur ope. Ed. T.K. Rabb. Princeton . 1969,
pp. 237- 260.

Society ~ History 1n the Renaissance . Report on the

Renaissance Conference at t he Folger Shakespeare Library.
April 23-4, 1960. ~ashington: Folger Shskespesre
Library, 1960.
Note: Esssys by Syme. Hattingly, Gilmore and others
are bolstered by commentary from Bennett, ~iley,
Nelsyn Hslle r "t~ti to name a fey New fie14s t~d
new oaks a old e ds, persons ana concepts tBXLf'

Solana , Marcial. Historia de la filosoHa espan ola. 3 vols.
Hadrid: Real Academis de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y
Naturales, 1941.

Sonnino, Lee Ann . A Handbook to Sixteenth Century Rheto~lc.

London: Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1968.

Steadman, John H. The Lamb and the Elephant: Ideal I mitation

and th e Context of Renaissance Allegory. San Harino,
Calif.: Huntington Library, 1974.

Stolt, 8irgit. St udien zu Luthers Fre1heitstraktat mit

besonderer Rucksicht suf das Verhaltnis der lateinischen
und deutschen Fassung zueinander und die Stilmittel der
Rhetorik. Stockholm, 1969.

Wortkampf. FrUhneuhochdeutsche Beispiel e

rhetorischen Praxis. Frankfurt am Main, 1974. '"<
~~ Strueve r, Nancy S. The Language of History in the Renais-
sance: Rhetoric and Historical Consciousness in
Fl oren t i ne Humanism. Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1970.

Review of J.E. Seigel. Rhetoric and Philosophy

in Renaissance HUIIlaniam. w History and Theory, 11
(1972), 64-74.

Tayl or, J. "The Epitome H.argaritae Eloquentiae of

Laurentius Gulielmus de Saona ." Proceedings of th e
Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (Literary and
Historical Section), 14 pt. 4, (1971), 99-187.

Trimpi, Wealey. "The Quality of Fiction: The Rhetorical

Transmission of Literary Theory." Traditio, Vol. XXX
(1974). New York: Fordham University Press , 1974.
Note; On the impact of the rhetorical tradition
on the development of literary theory. (CT)

Trinkaus, Charles. "A Humanist ' s Image of Humanism; the

Inaugural Orations of 8artolommeo della Fonte . " Studies
in the Renaissance, VII (1960). New York: The
Renaissance Society of America, 1960.
Note: My study of academic or ations. (CT)

Tuve, Rosemond . Elizabethan snd Metaphysical Imagery.

Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1947 .

---------- "A Critical Survey of Scholarship in the Field

of English Li terature of the Renaissance." Studies in
Philology. 40 (1943), 204-55.
Note: Albeit concerned with the " state of the art"
in English Literature , Tuve includes a marvelous
critical appraisal of most major (and seminal)

Note (cont'd): studies on Renaissance social, poli-
tical, educational and rhetorical developments. This
i8 a must for anyone interested in the Renaissance
regardless of any special focus. (DAL)

Unger, Hans-Heinrich. Die Beziehungen zwischen Musik und

Rhetorik 1m 16. IS. Jahrhundert . WUrzburg: Triltsch,
1941; rept. Hildesheim: alms, 1969.

Ullman, B.L. Studies in ehe Iealian Renaissance. Roms:

Edizioni di Seoria e Leteeraeura. 2nd ed. 1973.

**Vasoli, Cesaee. La dialettica e la eetorica dell' Umanesilllo:

"Inven:.;ione" e "Metoda" nella cu1tura del KV e XVI
~. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1965.

**Vickers, Brian. Claasical Rhetoric in English Poetry.

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